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Skill 5 : Past Participle

✓ Past participle adalah bentuk Verb 3 tanpa didahului tobe atau bentuk
perfect tense (has/have/had).
✓ Sama seperti present participle sebelumnya, past participle bukanlah verb,
melainkan kata sifat, namun dalam bentuk verb 3.
✓ Past participle menjadi kata verb sebenarnya bila di dahului oleh tobe atau
bentuk perfect tense (has/have/had).
✓ Verb 3 ada dua jenis: regular verbs dan irregular verbs.
✓ Regular verbs bisa diketahui dengan melihat akhiran kata yang memiliki -
ed. Misal, decide - decided, plant - planted.
✓ Irregular verbs sulit untuk diketahui karena bentuk verb 1, 2, dan 3 berbeda.
Perlu dihafal agar bisa berhati-hati dengan bentuk irregular verbs. Misal,
buy - bought, know - known.

Perhatikan dua Fungsi Past Participle dibawah ini.

1. Berfungsi sebagai verb.

Past Participle berfungsi sebagai verb ketika verb 3 dalam kalimat di dahului
oleh to be atau bentuk perfect tense. Dlama kondisi ini, akan terjadi bentuk
passive form dimana tobe + verb 3 atau bentuk perfect tense dimana
has/have/had + verb 3.

Contoh Past Participles yang berfungsi sebagai verb:

1) The family has purchased a television
Dalam kalimat ini, the family adalah subject dan has purchased merupakan
verb. Kata 'purchased' berfungsi sebagai verb sebenarnya karena
didahului bentuk perfect tense, yaitu has.

2) The poem was written by Paul.

Dalam kalimat ini, the poem adalah subject dan was written merupakan
verb. Kata 'written' berfungsi sebagai verb sebenarnya karena didahului
tobe, yaitu was.

1. Berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat).

Past Participle berfungsi sebagai adjective ketika verb 3 dalam kalimat tidak di
dahului oleh to be atau bentuk perfect tense.

Contoh Past Participles yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat:

1) The television purchased yesterday was expensive.
Dalam kalimat ini, the television merupakan subject. Kemudian, perlu berhati-
hati dalam menentukan apakah kata purchased merupakan verb sebenarnya
atau adjective.
Ingat, verb 2 dari kata purchase adalah purchased sama dengan bentuk
ketiganya. Kalau kata yang dimaksud adalah verb 2, maka tidak perlu didahului
tobe atau perfect tense.

Cara termudah adalah dengan melihat apakah ada kata kerja lain dikalimat
ini. Ada tobe 'was' yang bisa berfungsi sebagai pengganti verb. Ini berarti
kalimat ini sudah memiliki subject dan verb.
Berarti kata purchased adalah past participle yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat
tanpa didahului oleh tobe atau perfect tense.

2) The poem written by Paul appeared in the magazine.

Dalam kalimat ini, the poem adalah subject. Kata written disini merupakan
bentuk ketiga dari write. Tanpa didahului tobe dan perfect tense, kata written
bisa dipastikan berfungsi sebagai past participle. Kata appeared merupakan
bentuk kedua dari appear yang berfungsi sebagai verb.

Kalimat ini memiliki subject 'the poem', verb 'appeared', dan past participle
a. Contoh soal:
The packages .... mailed at the post office will arrive Monday

(A) have
(B) were
(C) them
(D) just
Kata 'The packages' adalah subject. Kata 'mailed' merupakan past participle
karena ada verb sebenarnya 'will arrive'. Artinya, kalimat ini sudah lengkap,
memiliki subject dan verb. Pilihan yang ada subject dan verb bukan pilihan
yang benar, seperti di (A) dan (B). Pilihan (C) them adalah object.

Jawaban yang benar adalah (D) just, sebagai pelengkap saja.

Kerjakan Exercise 5 dibawah ini.

Exercise 5

• Petunjuk: Tentukan Subject, Verb dan Past Participle didalam kalimat-

kalimat dibawah ini. Untuk Past Participle tentukan juga apakah berfungsi
sebagai Verb atau Adjective dalam kalimat. Kemudian, tentukan apakah
kalimat tersebut secara Grammar: Benar (B) atau Salah (S).


1. The money was offered by the client was not accepted.

2. The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled.
3. The chapters were taught by the professor this morning will be on next
week’s exam.
4. The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at a low temperature for
many hours.
5. The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign
6. Those suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police.
7. The pizza is served in this restaurant is the tastiest in the country.
8. The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several
9. All the tenants were invited to the Independence Day barbeque at the
apartment complex.
10. Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your accounts by
the next day.
Exercise (Skills 1 – 5)

Petunjuk: Tentukan Subject dan Verb didalam kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini.

Kemudian, tentukan apakah kalimat tersebut secara Grammar: Benar (B) atau Salah

1. For three weeks at the beginning of the semester students with fewer than the
maximum number of units can add additional courses.
2. On her lunch hour went to a nearby department store to purchase a wedding gift.
3. The fir trees were grown for the holiday season were harvested in November.
4. In the grove the overripe oranges were falling on the ground.
5. The papers being delivered at 4:00 will contain the announcement of the
president’s resignation.
6. A specialty shop with various blends from around the world in the shopping mall.
7. The portraits exhibited in the Houston Museum last month are now on display in
8. With a sudden jerk of his hand threw the ball across the field to one of the other
9. Construction of the housing development it will be underway by the first of the
10. Those applicants returning their completed forms at the earliest date have the
highest priority.

TOEFL Exercise (Skills 1 -5)

Petunjuk: Lingkari atau silang jawaban yang benar dari pertanyaan -pertanyaan
dibawah ini dengan benar. Semua soal meliputi skills 1 sampai 5 secara acak. Ini tipe
soal TOEFL yang sebenarnya.
1. The North Plate River ……. from Wyoming into Nebraska.
(A) It flowed
(B) Flows
(C) Flowing
(D) With flowing water
2. ………. Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning “first people.”
(A) The city of
(B) Located in
(C) It is in
(D) The tour included
3. A pride of lions ………. up to forty lions, including one to three males, several
females, and cubs.
(A) can contain
(B) it contains
(C) contain
4. ………. tea plant are small and white.
(A) The
(B) On the
(C) Having flowers the (D)The flowers of the
5. The tetracyclines, ………….antibiotics, are used to treat infections.
(A) are a family of
(B) being a family
(C) a family of
(D) their family is
6. Any possible academic assistance from taking stimulants ….. marginal at best.
(A) it is
(B) there is
(C) is
(D) as
7. Henry Adams, born in Boston, …….famous as a historian and novelist.
(A) became
(B) and became
(C) he was
(D) and he became
8. The major cause ……. the pull of the Moon on the Earth.
(A) the ocean tides are
(B) of ocean tides is
(C) of the tides in the ocean
(D)the oceans’ tides
9. Still a novelty in the late nineteenth century, …….. limited to the rich.
(A) was
(B) was photography
(C) it was photography
(D)photography was
10. A computerized map of the freeways using information gathered by sensors
embedded in the pavement ……. on a local cable channel during rush hours.
(A) airs
(B) airing
(C) air
(D)to air

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