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7-4611 for North Texas* Greatest Want Ail Medium

Sunday, April 20, 1958

$tp Halloa iflumUtg 3C*ma

Part 3 7

YourAutomobile Marks How High YouRate in theAmerican Standard! "You Auto Buy Now" Suggests the Time Is Right to Get a Better One! j
Auto Repairing and AUTOMOBILES . , B Tainting Trocla, Bodies, Trailer* B-2


Anto Repairing and Painting

Auto Repairing and B-4 Painting


, D er o <luxe,, mote! unils. awlmmlna pon! !J"'. ' 1 < l f l l ("unge, Net profit over Ss.OOO yearly, Down payment ol I50.1WO wilt Handle. __ . _ ALSO, FTHErROOP HOTEL B-Story brlrk. 100 r'wimi, excellent 1n rf)me,.r!u *S00 momhly from 12 o'Uce mWO Down symf'nri&fiOor'AL ON, 227 N.W. 3rd. OWxhoma City,

Partners, Managers

PARTNER-Kor InjlltuUon teamnng naturally and o.-snr.;ca}}y CTOMTI foods In resident ana public riming rram rneali.

C-4 Miscellaneous Opportunities NORGE



c-: Opportunities

f m MOTORS S|ddW EXCHANGED 143 UB0R Ford. Chevrolet. Do.da, Plyntexith and Mercury: Other,mokei and modali eqwally ot low!

Don't Read This Ad
Unliss you an looking for a Rial Bargain

Peril and Leber Cenielert


SANDS ENTERPRISES Hotels, Motels, Cafes C-2 TA3-7T21 REALTOR3 DA7-7(lia WANTED ASSOCIATES~Twenty thousand UNUSUAL OFFERINGS dollarst ibuysl lfall interest and nld, silver active Part In c u s m m l lo concentrate


Own a n unaitended coln-ccerated Soeei Queen Laundry. We finance vM of the eoulprntnt and furnish ihe know-lKnv. An excellent Investment lor ladies or gentlemen, fle employees reeded. Call or wrlle.-

ores. PLATORO AHASOLO 3. toncepclorl Del Pro, Zarateras, Mexico.

Oldest Laundry Equipment

JCB M A C K B W . Can w f " 9 9 **eper. N M k niesel M t l H i ipwd ovfT f a r transmiii Inn with highway Mack fcogle rry good 10;0fl*2$ lr Rudd Frlred a l

?8,000 ?7,000

* " 5 5 Uleeper. M t r k nienel enriRA, 8-speea overgrar traami*tnn wllh Mack puh*r axle.|_ IvjOflxZJ t i c s MI Budd wheels. rrlrf* a l

7 C C MACK B73L8T, Weeper 3 D rib. Joo-H.r, Dt*ari engine, Mark triplet traiwmlsalon, double rrdurtlon rear axle. Nrtray dra axle. M;00xj$ C < | * A A A U r n , row miii-Mf. . . . T A X y U v v 7 E C INTERNATIONAL Tab ~ 3 D ovf* sleeper, 178 Diesel enrtne. B-speed Roadraage tiaminisloa, 10:00x20 tires en Rudd wheels,

1 2



j p r MACK R<1T ennvesu 3 3 tlnnal eah. Mafk Diesel engine, B-speed With 1-xrajr Brounlipe, double reduction ?far axle. These trucks have been t h m m h oar hop and enmpletrly repaired a n d cheeked eat, New paint. *rr toed 18:00x2$ ttrea on spoke- wheels WW wheelbase, Priced a t


_1CM 3*t 8th direct pimhff at

WHITIS S 0 . Jileeper r a b ever, 280* ennlr.e, with t-ipcefi i l l ' , turn If, 10:00*20 tire* on



W0 imoil aertJea ef evr buys la used tretk t r i o r t . In end leek ever IMP fnvti* Yea'll like wkat yon t e e .

___EC f O B P engine Very low " " 3 D mileageMM direct wllh l-tpeed a x l e . . . , , , , . . . '.1* Iatera'1 K-5 Prired f " I C f * '41 lntera'l K-1 tram

Tfcti* sod am* Nry.

Small Dawn Poymaati l a i y Tamil


Uattd Truck Dopt. 362 S. Industrial Rl1*5454


1809 S. LAMAR RI214II
Q C C fORD f-ISO. Air brakes, X 3 3 3 new short hlnrk, I I I l a t a engine. 4 New $00x10 tire*. Cleanest truck In town. J A E C W B D F-8. Air brakes JLVDO enalitfi A l condition. N y . Ion 1000x20 u r n . 4 A C C CHEVROLET M M , Air J i 3 3 D brakr, lfls H P V-8 rn< alnf, 900x20 t l r r t . I Ojlwaw * T ! O X A r i H-18J, A 3 3 D Vacuum hrak<> 5-nrd trannmllon, 2-Kprrd rut axle, BD-.luS cuhlr lnrh fnlw, | A C C INTFRVATIONALR-TM, * 3 3 3 Vacuum hrakee, 8-eperd transmJiulMi, aoox20 tirM. 1 Q E 1 INTERNATIONAL L-110. d b 3 3 J L AIR RRAKES, I - a p ^ d rrar a\i, 000x24 tlrfX. BARGAIN" . ,


Mount thet lar*e dump rndy en one of th*e trurkuutav leaal More r a j loadWill handle 8-yard boilT. 11 M MHITR M Wr.2 with Tuhr Axlr. I-Spofd rear axk* i)fl'4 and bftt^r tlrex. Low of $1,090 end up 11M RMP Model r u i h r r Al 1IMS PODGE Puxher Axle >, Kit wllh t2,2M> wllh H.tOd


MM 1NTKRNATTONALR-208 with Funher Axle , , , . . | 2 . 7 W I

All Makei and Mod e h , , . White'*, GMC'i, Haek'a Inlernatlonal'i and D I M F I Tandem




Two Locations 171f 7J0& S. LAMAR HIKES ILVD, Rl 2-3413 fL 7-1339

3-MC truck..Sell body separata or. both. IBM GMC Plrkun. $115, 3'VDav guarnniee, Archie Martin, HORN-WILLIAMS. Plea*ant Grwe. EX1-8M5,

Automobiles for Sale



18\ft TnUNDERRIKD. Power sterrln*. power brakes, elrrtrir windows, 4-way seat. Tan ran save several tiiwdred dollar* u, Hits one, Small dnwn payment wi handle a t hank rat* financing.


1887 THI'NDKRRIRD Nun-gold and Ivory. Radle, heater, whltewall tires. J^ivr mileage, Small Himn payment a t bank rate financing.



I - i f PR I

1857 $ORD Cestem 300 2-Door. ThusdarIlr4 i M t l a l enalas. Radle, keeter, srtfrNf. I l , 4 f 5 . Ill Htfio 2S0S live Oak TA l - l ! 4

1358 Four-passenger, full power and fae(nry air. Immediate delivery. Also new 1058 Fords. $149.50 cah or eoultv down. 5.1'1 5" month Ca I.OARVgJL RI1-3W4.. 1008 FORD fhundShlrd, hrardnew, Corr.e i e e It. Archie Martin, HORN-WILLUMS, Pleasant Grove. EX1-3143. 3937 FORD T.iunrtrTblrd: 30-riav ruaran, tee. Archie Martin, HORN-WILLIAMS, Pleasant Grove. EX1-3145. VtUXhail KCW 160B VAUXHALL 4-door sen as. fully nl. .$3,1B8. 1J Delivered in Dajla*.



Harris Located ,nn large plot of land In a down- s e m r, , t<w,n suburb. 2n minules frnin rini*.-ntnwni "" " - " '^i Ike new, W.250; Harris Olf-i Model SSC wllh dial Indnatwsnot a Investment. Phont or wTUe (or drcuiar. : '"'-"" ' ^ nowromwil,,,, L T W _ j ^ ^ 3 y r s > 0 | d i h k e n e w , n o m p m n i . | W | l h , M t | ) ( | X tiachmer.t. everything goes. Owner 1 , , sacrifice 1 l<... Can dellvrr wants B50.IXX1, with *fn.0rrrash'and"'ir).^S 0 r fafd iDrlce, Il4.5u0. Anovsj prices load-' WE OFFER lartory huiit-ln coin-me, d 10-Day 4,000-Mlle Cteraatea $000 Ambsssador Row '. SSG. (Will jmt amrch clothes, years on balance. WE WANT Oe'FER, , 1 - Available because our Plant tcred NORGE commercial dryers,so that Mode you may sleep rights.) u Uefid;HolV wllh small clown naymerl. Owner anxious ANY I6r)n4 ioWn WK OtTER VIKING SUPERIOR waler lo sell. Call FAN, RI7-1654. EMR-S972. 4>eren1ed laeer r 1111, heaterswe of America's oldest manuCAR MO.. HKLDNER INCLUDES \ w r l t t plat, rod 2932MAIN ~ - R ! 7-8964 of indirect Fired, FINAL CLEARANCE-Surplua equipment; facturers designed especially Commercial Healers l o r coin Ketarit, (vllnd.r Klrod. 3 years old. $3,400, 10x15 Kluge. i i , r ^ ; i a . * FIE TQW-IN * <w e I I 1 keaed, LAI0R AMD $750; Michie verUcaL V26, I2,7un; 33-liwh laundries. Imela b e a r la a Challenge pow'er cutter, $!). hsnd t>te: l i k i d Enimil Waa RECAl'SE OF OUR GOOD PAST EXSlesm heat, elevator. Fireproof hulMlnf. striD material, 30c lb : several fonts, good />eat( aew fei< Every room with, beta, carpels. S * PERIENCE WITH OL'R f t d S r a n L E M AUTO MINTIN0 , M 0 ! elc THESE PARTS ( k e h e a d e l l , CiieraRteed C o d l i i d Meter* S34.1S rentalg, 4 dayg week. Dining room, coffee rRAlr vnkmv^FTU.T* ' WB A R F F A B I . K ' T O OFFER "THEBEST Mole' I motor tiai'up, ad Treaimlleit> NOW KLUGES: 10x13 late model 6 WHERE ood buy, _ 1.000 cash handles.. . . . . . GRASP PRAIRIE TEXAN, roller, 1905; I n v a a T i v r ; TERMS AVAILABLE ANY-lhnust ,., 3pportuniaes de2-Yeer O.oroa5S Years' aervlrn aervire w e Chsjidler and price 1750; .Davidsons, I AS 10", DOWN. PAYMENTS .AS LOW other ; money-maKlng INTEREST RATE Ch AND. scribed! 3-1 Siatej . .^ealtoi Fria Plckao and Dillviry loCAJ'LEY,..Realtors, 7316 Second Ave., I7o0. and $1,250; 3 new series 124181 THREE YEARS TO PAY. WORLD'S LARGEST! Write tee Bedy Werk. 'EXt-3676, E snappers. $300. 2 10x15 snappers. $2001 [STROUT REALTY, P.O. Box 91S (US;, I We Carry Our Owe N t r t i l Satliflea* C t i t e m e r i Oa odel-C Interlyw-s, as.tVm: j FOR SECURITY'S SAKE-Befor you Springfield. Mo. and $2501 Meter Ovtrkovl Lett Year modei-8 Llnnlype, . build or buy, write "r phone NASH OSBORN C O . . . .SALEGolnalumber yard, dotrg [FOR huslnoM. Ideal location, Private ra: On S parallel highways, gteady profitable TONSING. WAlnut 8-4379, F n r t Worth >od II 3410 N. Betkley III M2S< inrome. Consider clear real estate or LINOTYPE. Model 15 In" top condition. $15.(Hiu down. Owner H t t will clear Outside galley, universal knife, new iher- 3321 Grand Ave,. Phone HA1-383S. HA8-6B52 fWf- ow overhead. Loraled eight miles AUTOMATIC tlve.nSiieij $1,000 month. JMlmt motel, plus Income mnstat. Excellent atratghi machine or Associate distributor of Sam Zenll, Inc., B New Verrells Dam Lake. Bullrl COMPLETE TUNE-UP 1 I Wade'e standard Transmission Mi on property and nice home. $10.0(10 down, TRANSMISSIONS Three STANDARDINSTALLED . . , $38 with clear real e l a t e . R. R. McCAULEY, Ideal for Job ihnp.HAROL, magsz.nes. Can National Dlstrlbutics nf Norge self-service I" ' be bought right. hRADHERRY, Laundry washer* and dryers. l,,i.. OVERHAULED Fuclud'et Lobar, Porta OVKKDKIVE I ranimiiilca IetlaXed *' Realtors, 7316 Second Ave., E.X1-3676 1116, s. Sneed SL, Tyler, Texas, Fhone Mil, and new farm hone J'-an bill g4jrg DUrtilENTlAI, |SR EXR-738S. All Clvtthet LY4-9U1S m effect. Other interest forces mnvta New Fcetery leiennaeadea' Incliati ! 3 f o r t Worth A T . . _ RI7-U87 All Seel) sell. Inventory stock; sell cr least tatildFOR SALE-Bargalnl Model V-39 Mlehle Aotomatle Transmisstoa. Installed $78 All Rubbtr* and land. ASout !20,f<X) to handle. vertical press. Good condition. Eoulpped All Labor m r e WKKCKER S E R V I C E All Gflsk.r* wiih dry soray and gas burner, two UNSELL LUMBER^ CO,. Cavin. Tejas, PllfS chases, two sets roller cnrei. Price $2,250 PHILCO-BENDK COIN LAUNlJRllB rivld Ckeaqed and Taata East Texas. Shows excellent and profit' on our floor. HAUGHTON PUBLISHING 814 F t . Worth Axe. Earn double proln. See advanusa ol.our fThercMflily sole relume, Nice living Quarters. Con- CO., 3116 Commerce St, RI7-25*3. N w Paints Now Parti (Cleened d_regula exclusive double-ioaa and regular kud 'GUARANTEED reDullt aulomarJc trans- sider clear real estate, with 20.(KIO cash washers in same store B o ' h tu tumWeri mlsslong Free piclrup^DAV 4 NIGHT. MUST MOVE. $250 gels Babcock cylin LEY, America's Fastest Growing Adimted fr Preclilea H w Candamar a ' ejid_agllators. Factory Dlstrlbufor. ,505 W Commerce. RI7-81963676, der press. . 7 column; to. .be. Junked tf 2818 E, Main s i , C SL," Grand"Pralrla Non-Royalty Chain JOHx.NIE'S guaranteed automatic transAN4-1H68 CA4-2124 S t TIMIN. a other surplus equipment DONALD BRYPert erwte ate mission. Free WTecker service: 17} up. Rated No, 1 small huslncis. (eattirlna ANT,_ Rohenhcrg iTexas) Herald, malls, shakes, floats, sundaes, Broil164T Fort Worth Avenue, RJ8-2517, OUARANTflO Adjait C.ra. FOR SALE-Unopponed. profitable Texas l-ayl. a-burgers and America's newest sendue to R-2a On major highway. 1$ Unite masonry, weekly News. owner* illness. Box 114-D, sation. RROASTED FOODS. A proven Excellent outdoor sign soace for l e a v . Dallas year-round business, Exclusive, fran- Facing N. Central Expressway a n a ^ e a r l plus olflce and living quarters, swimming rani. A MONEY-MAKER. Conn'.der FOR SALE-Well-equlpped weekly news- chise. Locations available, We teach St. Expressway. For Inlormatlon. 1222 you the entire operation. Minimum S i d e for duplex or Dallas, home. Call paper, exclusive In North Central Texas Paciric Ave. o r . call Bernard Beano, SCIINTIPIC Investment JS.imO. rs. Conlre, TA1-S31B. RI7.1654. nights, LA6-6225. ^ ^ county at,_Write Box J08-C. Dallas New WHIEL LANE A McI.ATN HOME and IncomeModern alr-cotidlTAYLOR FREEZER DLSTHtTUTORS NIW KINGPINS AND IUSHINSS ALISNMINT tloncd <-heclroom home. Established child SFARTAN & AIRSTREAM Regional DAIRY MART Headquarters nursery. Sell or trade far rent property. PACK MONT WHIILS 1519 Hi-Line Dr.. Pallas, RI26r*l Write P.O. Box 6fi3i. Dallas. Tex**. .HOTEL NEWTON, NEOSHO, MO. room. TA1-2333. New snd UidLarge end Smitt LUIIICATI FRONT END ! WH2-S092 Non-resident owner wnu!d sell valuable PROSPEROUS Gulf CoastFine prlntery. TANK CLEANING, crude-oil sale* com SCIINTIPIC WHIEL AH6NMINT VA Down7 Ysirj to P s y - 5 % hotel property located OZARK PLAYpany. Refinery and oil-natherlng system. Optn Evenings and Sundays GROUNDS. New North American AviaContinuous sales. Located Oklahoma, Box tion Rocket Plant near. Writer . TEXAS TRAILERCOACH. I N C . FOR SALE-230 Msla ca 1. lirure 7M. Gainesville Texas. H05-543.; TEXAS BANK CHARSMT SfJtVlCff DR. J. EARL BAILEY 15o each, run pi. will trlanile 29". 1 SERVICE STATION For SaleInduitrial im Hti Wertk Ciinf, WH M44* 3220 Enterprise Blvd.. Lake Charfes. La. for 42 triangle 67. News. Sjjvgttoii area. Other business interest. Will sell SESlLJMHl eoulpmcnL 1129 N. Induitflal FOR SALE OR TRADE-Trnde equliy of Open Since D e c . 33, 1957 RI2-70O9. $3,100 for furniture or I5f>0, on 41' Ander20 NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHERS DAIRY JIART-Ideal family business, son. Northern made trailer 2 Hedroums, Located at 6K4 Semnd Ave. 140-Ft. front4 LARGE Ht'ERSCH DRYERS excellent location. Season lust, opening. living room fully carpeted, .wall oven. age, polenllai u.snfi per month, Income, $8.iino Handles c r will trade for .young 8 clothes closets. 1 linen, closet, larae living ouarters. J2n,fl Loan available, CHAMBER of CommerceHave a com WKVGALLON MUNDS BOILER hath. Perfect condition, barrel! stand, Will trade fir equity or tnkc> $5.nro down. plete newspaper, and printing plant. Would Low Syear least;. 5-yenr option with cattle. Box 301. Sulphur Sorings. Texas. Will handle with 1258 per Jacks and Ruiane ^oofl water hea.ier, Call Lake June Rcaltv. EJO-4in. - Jacks ar.d Ruiane coil waicr heater, sive town want- rnonin._ s e e _ a j t3PI.6. Beeman, then call CLEANING STATION for sale. Good es.lonth. See a 50 living ouarlers, 115A noM (f ilil Box RRICK MOTEL consisting of IS units, V1R. CROWELL, TAfl-4141. Berkley CA4-3683? DRUG and LIQUOR STORE. "Bargain" Texas, Selling at Justified price, will take for quick Bale. Price includes atock and 'ery slight damage, J2.650 Cash. na ln_trade. Lonf Long business will net the owner $410 a monlh. fixtures. IS.UHO. TA3-49S^, LA6-8826. l>.5 MAGNOLIA-Alr-condlUoned. J5.5M revenue bearing property in trade. BENestablished inrome. \ rome. VVrtle FRANK. 20'x9S'. MODERN itudw, growing West Texas COMMERCE at INDUSTRIAL, Lot 15. NETT CO.. 1.41 Leggelt. Drive. Abilene. y low rent, good lease community. Small down payment Box RI8-3371. . and good business location Free parking 1004 Posl. Texas^ "' KATHERLNE'S RESTAURANT. 118 W. space. This Is a wonderful opportunity Jeflerson. 7'4'Ton air cwdltlcner. all for you, the price l* $9,750 which Includes COIN-OPERATED laundries, unattended. fixtures and equipment. Sacrificing lor a complete stock and fixtures, good Financing. JOHNSON. 6930 WesUake, D*l< quick Kale. WH3-I661. Eve, FR1-6680, las DA7-5150. will, eic, Trade wllh owner LEASEEquiDocd 3-oDeralor East Dtllaa W, A, .IORDAN Palestine, Texas residential beauty shop, Ji month. 223 N. .NEW AND USED automobile air condiHaskell. TA4-9311. ,, >KK CHEVROLET $ Q Q K tioners, $150 and uo. Call TAI-Sa4i). ONE HALF Interest In prolltable-sTOwinf FROSTY AIR CO., 2621 On!-ton w a j 4.TH Stake... * w buFlness. Want active associate. See us for the host values available todsv Per year on moderate Investment Own at H. WILLIAMS, 515 Sears St. Dallas AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONERS in well-located mnlels. courts and hotels. Speed Queen unattended crlnopcrated' KRICIKINO. A H A . , CLARDY t \ A. LARSON CO.. REALTORS washatena We lurr.ish all the know-how 1 PATENTEDSmall t o d and, equipment, Cost plus lf)% Terms. KMM73L , 1334 Fide lly Union Life R:rig, RI2-IWS and 80<". financing on,complete plant Sell all >r half Ktjrest. Box 603 ArMOTOR HOTEL AND MOTELS plus speedy delivery Installation and lmnton. Texas, CR5-3017. ) E | WHITE W.32 Tracian tilth We specialize In motels, in or out of Dal. service Call Mr McCuIIough OT Mr, TimIsALE-Clcsnlng plant. $2,000 dowj las. Several good motels available now, ** VV1I3.7521 or,.Kill-2910. or write to 200 nance..balance. $20 Weekly. - -T ' OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN H L A..G..REAL. ESTATE. W, .leffersun. Dallas, Texas. EMH50J. tnntmhilon USED TRUCKS BARBERSHOP FOR S A L E - S , Chalri good equipment. Reasonable. TAt-BBTr. i OPEN >:3 TUX NO RISK DEALER OPPORTUNITY J'55 Chevrolet 1-Ton, I-Speed, Franchise dealership available for low Now In operation. Price, $,5.000$3.noo priced, fast selling, reducing eoulpment rash will handle. F o r aiipolnlment, '87 CheTrolel J-Toa Traetnr. rnlty < C | FORD l l f I sold direct to ihe consumer thrnush newsRlVtWi equipped, V-8, l a c t a m brakes, paper Innulnes. Retails Irom $8.68, BIG LEASE AND FURNLSHINGS-20-ROOM PROFITS! Try I his no risk deal with $t,4M.|l, hotel; top wraUrn downtown Dallas. Very less than $100 investment Ideal fr direct profitable. $3.iV>0 down. R. R. MrCAUI'ST Chevrolet l ^ . I o a . B t a k e companies. LEV, ReaJtois. Oil Second Ave. EX1-2878. .write, wire or call todiy for free hookrOUR CLEAN USED CAR r XS.;:JK*,. RENHILL PRODUCTS Co. lei, giving sou complete Information about hnij, fteal nlre. SSI Bergen Si. owning and operailng a White'* AuthorlECDfiDGE ll-FI. StakB. Y-8 56 Chev. 1-lon aiake $1,118. SnWNfOWN RARRECUF.-SURRQt'ND- ized Dealer Sicre. OR TRUCK Newark 12. N..L Bargain. ED BY MANY large office buildings, an[lna, 2 i i n d '49 Chevrolet Stake $298, 900 down EM3-1529', Heavy profitable v l u m e . 15om Down Choose vour location new. Many towns 50 Chef. Vi-tan pickup $448. R. R, JWcCAULEY. Realtor*. .318 Second available in Texas, Oklshoma. Louisiana. Repair garage, parking slallon in conaxla H I M I H U M I M I I I ) Ave. EX1-367B, KN8-73B8. S3 Chevrolet 4-Tna Plekup. $418. Mississippi, New Mexico .and Colorado. ,junciion. Downtown, located 1 block from R N E CA>'E S E A T S - M HIGHWAY, ,m- i H S " your opportunity to become the 1 Sheraton Hold, hottest spot this side of , 6$ Chevrolet ' S - T O B Flekap. $446. tersectlon near Dallas. $LS0t) Weekly owner of a hard-line department store. 1 heaven. Plenty cf business, 250 cars per 81 Chevrolet Pickup, $448. KI o*s._ *n_oulstanding J>uy, $5,000 dowa jelling niany nationally known JW)OUta day In this area, Just take a lrn*e-(HiVBOUT COMPANY , _ R. R. McCAULEY. Hea mm for the home and automobile. Over 240 even-thing ready to to, RIM654, Ask lor ft.t Chev. Vi-Ton Plrkiip, $48. M*'flti:i - I iK0li.f:i VVH7 1 TO B U Y BUSINESSES T316 Second Ave., EX1-S676. EXS-7365 Istores are row in operation Vour Invest- MR. BENNO. '88 Chevrolet Hedan Delivery, Real ArPAREL AND SHOE STORES hoOMSAND APARTMENfS-13ROONiS , .l m e n t U l m a 1 1 ' DOUGHNUTS, good profitable business. LADIES'--MEN'P-CHILDREN S nlee, $9M. fii>-t, Hohart mlvtr. RO-dozrn combina10 n a ^ ^ ' l s f f ^ r o ^ l V a ' l u a - n l e ^ . ^ ^ T . k . advanlaat of thla opportunity today] tion proofing box and working table. FURNITl RE-HARDWARlv'81 Cherrolet Plehep. $385. McCAULEY^ Realtors. 7316 Second Ave. Anett'i lt-x:* fryer, glazer; PlasJc-Lux CROCERll-S-PAiNT-LttMBER ' EX1-S878. EX9-73S5. %'Wt, scales, bowls, howl irurk. screens, '61 Mudehaker Tlekup. ETydraulle e t c . complete doughnuj eoulpment. Like BRICK 2-story hotel building downtown tail gate. brand new Cadillac to Model A Ford new. See to appreciate. 3350 Fall* Dr., : 3910 Call Field Rd. 81 Chevrolet Plrkap, $398. after a weekdays. R I M I 2 I If IV* nice. We a r econveniently located: Wichiu!1 Falls. Comnlelpl.v furnished. BO'S, 1101 N. I n f a t l r l a l of. Republic Banki G E S 9 F J ! L fe,*fl '6t Chevrolet 4-Ton riektip. $416. Wichita Falls, Texas Write delallrd information, which wi||<bt BulWIng an5 k Vn 'tllMO tfir" """"I 'V^i S ^ ^ ^ J f i B W FL2-SOS3 68 Chevrolet i-Ton P l r k a p . $316. kept in striclest cnnfirience... ' j O l H l 'cLAR^^'LHe^k,,TA4OTl|ftflE S "" HYMAN CC1IIEN SACRIFICE SALE '83 Ford V.6 l^-Toa e n s A An opportunlly lo operate an tee cream and hamburger tlrlve-ln as ymir own for fiTin_.7efferson Tower. Dallas... WHB-fjl Established lunrbeonetle and sea food; A chassis, S696. ONE j ear, I^callon* available ir, Hen- W B r.7.;,., .-TI.-I-T^T,:nr^: years under .same owner, In heart of CASH" F O I l G O O D C A R S dorsnn. tonirvlew and.._Bouie A Can GUARANTL.E ynu a . fair '63 Ford 2-Tna rah * downtown Dallas. Reilrlng. Call RI2-2O02 2S0S Live Oak LIE FI160 TAM1S4 RM8.9i r UTIIB AnFXT 3ii4rl Vale Price" l i t your business, then ilouldeie for appointment. ehasuls, I . M B . a m i , l DRIVE-IN raie; . '88 Ford i/i.Ton Pickup. $848. JizP~~.... - , . . . . . . I Mde all "net" profits with you. Satisfied Ings. lots of good A R A n R R / x\i j customers i-eccmmendatioris. '83 Fnrd Caurler. New paint. t \ U r i R D t >A iR f v ArIt lnN . . x I I l C n r i | B ( , t u , are pur fbesl (mmcrtiaie actbn MRy or huslness) Ions; lease, cneno Frlred $395. 6734 S. Peckley. DR4-9'.mi, Large 2-story frame 4-unit apartment n d ACME SALES CO. builriing, Has over U.nnO worth of lumber p o. Pox 3201. Waco, Texas. PL2-802f. '63 1/odge '-s-Ton Pickup. New 027. SACRIFICING BAR-Has ki'rhenl $1,000 down or. good car. HARFLDS PLACE, . Charrnlnt. $138. 5201 F , Grand. Day*, DAT-7936, after I N.C.. Letter* lyprd,, answered, for9 8 Clean U s e d Trucks '47 Dndga 1-Ton, dump hody. $498. TA30137. warded, telephone answering icrvice. . OM cor* for icrop. HA 1.7970 '48 Inlernaflinal va* body, $295. servallon* end flppomiments made, No t o Chooaa From. $IO.non poWN-17-Unll. like new. mason, 3International Metro Walk-Ins., WANTED Lats model d e a n automo- ry motel. Excellent 3-bedrnom living quar ERCUL CORRESPOND biles. Highest rash price*. Opal I flfi t Saatfoy ters. sir-condltionod. Real deal now. m '89 models. $898 Each. PROGRESSIVE, WELL-ESTARLISHED '.''' r w l m F ^ e. t ^~' B. W. WILSON Auto Co.. 2521 Ross. AN2-07TS or Box 23-T, Iia'.las News, OAK CLIFF CLEANING PLANT. WON-l W I L L P A Y C A S H '63 * t u d e b a k e f Vi-Ton r i r k u p . FOR LIMITED Tlme-Out-cf-town deal- SMALL downtown cafe, good nujlncs* DERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNQ L , MMLIzZZ M ^ M T M U . I I MM* r t $795. er will pay. over market price for car* area. Must sacrifice due to health. Cou MAN, *".T n s i i s v Mttwv DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP. and ladir* , shops, eic. l Also your 6ciosexjutj f! W " ^ l J ^ f i ^ S H k S S ! unv needed. TA1-2143, Me r a n handle. 1609 Jarkson. WH1-0161. 53 CMC t-Ton. C. A C. $195. . - v - . l , L ^ n a V ^ ^ ; - , V - V T r b r T \nti tu">\u$ goods, MORRIS L E V I N E . VIS Aern Mayflower Transit Company WANTEDLate model 1955. loss or 1957 RESTAURANT for sale by esltte. LongA ar.W FRANCHISES .NOW.AVAILARI.f,{commerce St. Rfg-aiO Nights feM3Tl7. '63 Chevrolet i-Ton Tlekup, $445. representative will show you tinw you Jpep. by Individual, M. Warner, phone esiahlished dn^sTKown location, hotel dlsm other choice cities For free brochure WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR P U N T S can increase your tncome through '67 Chevrolet 1-Ton Stake, AN2-M2.1. irlrt, KM1-W6J. giving comniele details about IM contract operation a* lona-diitance id 6Pi,...i>'fK'_ *tore-*urplus-Kir, we tvUl terestlng and nn.fitabie business dual wheels, $1,183, iKES, MODELS. .LEASE cafe; everything, furnished, doing furniture mover, . lu LIQUIDATE on commission for you. After a P.M. ran | hetier than Jloo day. U j M will handle. Many Others to Choo* From Santa I H WE1SZ 400 s. Lamar. R11-SW WANrED-lOO Qj:n c a r a WTLSOrJ-lIAM-, HAI-Wa WHH.S772._FL2j73S. Applicants must be ever 25 y e a n of Monica.. Calif. I WANT TO RL'Y laundry and dry cleaning Hrnry Greeawar, KX $-718$ ll.rON AUTO CO.. 2512 Ross, RI7-S> brick motel, S.years 2ld._Cons.!der ge. free lo travel, have good ref. erenres and must own or make own "* clean'sum. i*bt house in trade KNOLLE, WH2-121 U00fl W nrracKement* lo guy late-model Lnwstabli^ed i b i W H t e r ^ l W " **'kmobile*. FREELAND MOTORS,_FR8-6139.|RAROAlN-Smll cafe, beer! Meal for tractor. 2(00 COMMERCE Iti 7-3149 agency handling fire, automobile and ['">. i c : J '"JUL11J t g w j i TOb.a.1 we' S buying. H t l l l b i ' bTEJi'. 'ip>. 1800 Olive, RI1M37. casualty business, well dlslrlbuted annual,$5,000 TO J25.KW TO buy a trrk of (at Gond-Latlmer Espwy.) CF.K, 4008 Rosa. TA 4-1003. commisjion. Appro\1malely $',8.0U0, price riryeoods. shoes, ready-to-wear nr nir I25.ITO. Owner retiring. Inllure, C. L, GARRETT, P.O. Bo< .708, Phone 9 a.m. t o 5 p.m. Box 105-1). DHIISS News ll.amnascs. Texas, ______^___ lor personal interview, ~ ' ' " * JHAVK lib.fifiO cash. Can rsiie more. Express with 4-rprori $ 3 0 5 I Would like to buy or r>uv into profitable transmission, E x i r a n l c e . ^ * furl deNew 157 CESSNA ItiJ, 1154 Cessna 180, fully Well established. Same location 4 years. WILL RUY honkkucplng acroun's'bnllas equipped, 215-hp Navlon. 1056 l.uscomhe. Terrific prospect fur future growth, area Experienced accountant. EVI-Saw, 1947 'Ercoupe. J958 Cessna 172, fully lrvtng,_Tcxas. HL4-5571!,, BL3-S558. . Dodge-Plymouth Dealer equipped Cessna 195. Do your airplane COME WESTI Opportunities In Texasshopping, al III N. Hanalla at Ttfllh richest farm area. Grain elevators. rutDA1LAS-GARLAND AIRPORT Inn gins, motels, plants, shops, restauWH 3-4623 JO HN.,H..HUKTT,.DAl-yi6a rants, drive-ins, sjnren, e t c Write your Open All Day Sunday warns H P H I L I P S AGENCY, Box 021. Littlcfleid. Texas,^ Almost new super "custom, less than 300 hours total time, New airplane guarantee. Cost $10,255. Selling price ft 550. conct-m, 1887 CHEVROLET Traetae. Air Air Conditloaina; EXECUTIVE AIRCRAFT SERVICE, DalIn North hrak*, 6th wheel, saddle tank*, las-Garland Airport. DA1-5767. Must sacrifice account of heallh. fine AIR CONDITIONERS end coolers InIteadr to an, lease, end location, Make offer belore 1952 CESSNA 170 B, fresh Inspection, MAHIH BROS. for. comDanlea or Individual*. May 1, WHS-7021. 721 Worlsry Dr., Dallas. stalled fee, fast service. U8-31H8, overhaul and nalnl, cream pulf, 1054 Btb and Jefferson VTH 8-7301 Small In INDEPENDENT dealer. Kales program. Mooney Mite, 1D5A Custom lnlerlir. fresh Oak Cliff* Ford Dealer isnline marls, Pallas. Tarrant cnunMes. Appliance Repair Inspection. Two 310 Cessnas Many others Open Sunday Afternoons arnlngs above industry average. Minilo choose frnni Bank financing, _ , . . . _ Open Kvealngs Till 7 mum capital $3011, Intr rvlewing dnily, FIRESTONE SERVICE CENTER-Renalr WEBH THOMAS AIRCRAFT SALES. IMS Record Crossing, giartlng 8 a.m. on all makes TV"*, radios, appliances, Highland Fark Airport, AD9-1861. FL2-5813 FEftiVtS Orl ANY BASIS Monday, April 21, . air condi'toners For fast depe.nlable COMPLETE AIRCRAFT malnfenanre and guaranteed parts. Service call. TA8-S941. 1887 FORD F-888. I.lke aew. lervtce, custom Interior and paint slyllng. YOUR CREDIT JUSTIFIES straight air brakes, 181-lneh wheelrarhuretnr and fur) pump service by Bookkeeping base. soirnved shi.n, WB7BR THOMAS AIRNext A<nr to W. T. Grants, air-mnfor full livfor (HtmnpfL modern ihrouuhoul. PRICED Wrile or phone u n todayl c l 1 CRAFT SALES. Hiah-and Tark Alrporl. MAHIR BROS, a eiv w5JuIIh,r.. uf " wir-fcrvlce SOLVING 'PARTNERSHIP, BOX Norm Central-E\Dies*way and Coit Rd. RIGHT, inventory optional Owner 8th and Jelfrrson WH 8-7351 U'enllnghuse Laundromat eoulpped IBUrt- DALLAS NEWS r cuing. ADi-lWl. FL25313 Oak I lift's Fnrd Dralrr dry siore onrortunitie* in your commu Brlek Work nit.v, J O U , manage ' Open Sunday Afternoon* NINTH-. AT LANCASTER while ntliw W l5. laVrfiSf m S 3 * I''" Cre n am r0 Dnve N ],T Y MOVEABLE THE BEST Is not the ,-beapest. rfrrt Open r.veningi Till 7 s o T n ^ e q u i p m e n t . tfamTrid advise vou W ^ building. Fully enulpned. $:i.5"i). or'HaM masonry work, flower boxes, pat n*. ^ No experiencei necessary Mortr>st i m r ^ 'H 'f" eouipmeni separate, t h i s is less barbecue pfla, retaining walls, repairs. Hlgnland_.rark Airport, ADO-I^fil. FL2-5M3. (0MMEICE A INDUSTRIAL T profllable.aulcmatle hustness. It'i - l ' s ' l E. Tslcr, Athens. Texas, tail w t , D u i l d l n g a n d Remo<]ell_*; 31888 FORD F-ltM) Dump*. E*1ea WK WANT TO BUT clean Bonanzas. money-making opportunity for anyone who alee, ood tire*. Ccssnaa Stlnsons and 2-nlace aircraft. want* to own his own business. MAHIR BROS, WEBU THOMAS AlKCItAKT SALES. 8th and Jefferson WH 8-7 381 Highland Park Airport, ADH-lSfil, FL2-5513. Major oil company ha* new tuner *ervlre J y i N I U O 4_.UiNi31_\U->ilUl^ Oak Cliff* Fnrd Dealer EXECUTIVE AIRCRAFT SERVICE station under construction. Now inking from foundation to root. Call us; one AID, INC., Bill Bronson Open Sunday Afternoons AUTIIORIZR!) PIPER DEALER application* for lease. Call M. KEATTS. step due* it a'.l. Sheetrocklng, Texton'.ng. Open Evening* Till 7 SALES-SERVlCE-CHARTfeR. , WH2-H)IO; after 8 p.m. DA7-*7n9. \ carpentry, painting, concrete, brick, pl*sDALT.ASGARI.AXD AIRPORT, DA1-37B7, 8202 Chancellor R o w AIRPLANE415C Ercoupe. Excellent.-. . - , - , Pickup. De luxe e a t , heater, 4 D a l l a s 35, Texas condition. $1,550. RUSK COUNTY A I R - j ^ - . P ^ r n R n p n t corner. Irving Very r. Irving. 81858 FORD V-8 rieknps, Radio, sperd iransmlasmn, ^ 4 9 *? POUT. Henderson Texas proftlab'e, IS.IHIO down. nniVK-IN GROnniyK-iN neater. Extra nlre. A good buy a t -*# FL7-403L r ^ - " T r r i r ^ - ^ i : ^ ^ ' H T I T T ^ B R Y . PERMANENT CORNER, P IRNER, Pleasanl MAHE8 BROS, 8M TRI-PACLR-fcxcrllenf. condition. !<> m .,,. Heavy, profitable SYilurrie. R, R. render rnen. 8930 Forest Park Jul. 1 PAINTERS CARPENTERS No JohLoKi too 8th and Jeltrrunn WH 8-7351 ICSTAHL1SHED lumber, nainl and hard- J S K S - J F " I r a K J i M i ' * * , t l m a l c t * lime radio FL2.M67. flak l l l f f a Ferd Dealer KXI-3678, ..EX>-73li3 ware business, best location In San An- trsnged. HAV8j Open hunilav Afternoon* nndge-riymnuth Dealer onlo; win pav .for .iisell In, a year:;(COMPLETE t ahome L mairtcnancc C O . Inters te umber JOR SALE -Combination home needs and repair Open Kvenlngs Till 7 paint slore on heavy traffic slrecl. Next I I I N, Matsallt a l Tsnlh ervice.. V ~ door to good nunrrmarkot. Will reduce n WTC MB21I ll'.n sofi ire cream, rate drive-In In Onk - hhn-trock (minting. r' V _ work to Di your purse or will trade thrown*, flrei>ro/>f home *a(e. 1357 FORD pickup, $].4!. M-Vn* guarClllf. .Vcncy-maker. Wcnderful location. jOT.r". B - 6 a fn' hnrne. FrtRD'S VAtfETY, L W N. 0;< n All Day Sunday antee. Archie Maj-lln. HORN-WILLIAMS, Wonderful partner. Excellent reason f o r ' 1 " " ie-1 for insurance repairs. Free es' a Svlvanin ' F n r t Worth. Texas. Pleasant Grove, EX1-3145, selling. MR. LriRI). 8*1$ Fori Worth Ave. limbics and permit plans MODEL CAF.IFLY AT ACTUAL COST TErminatJJJM. sr.I.L BUV aseei troras. D a t l i Tnifk 1 P ^ r i ^ ^ W A R E ^ w n e r - h a * ^1 Whlli "TADiES DRESS SHOP FOR SALE , other busines* Fixtures and eoulpment. 3 0 Y R S . E X P E R I E N C E Parte. 7814 . Central Exp. rB4-88BB.'K, k -j.-| V l n , c l u l , Good business Large irado area, Will . .. ,4 Bar ,,n lo 1154 FORD V-8 Plekup Exceptionally pjancs. A Cessna ISO, 170. planeand .13-cub. sell fixtures, wllh or without merchandise, ? } f f i ' \va\hin 5 , * r ^in r rnenf m .n J S n S r v B S* l n v c n , o r y ' " | R o o m s , hatha added. Remodeling. De*l rates for each computed Owner selling because of ill health. Call rlean, low mileage, FE1-4444, on actual cost of operation. You therefore or write POLLY'S, 104 E. Paul, Aurcmaue . l a r washing riuinment. an- l e n i e r v n e . WESTINGHOUSE-eaulpped Laundromat, eriu r n e u r o rhroo r.irni*H fly the least expensive way. FL1-343Q. _ Va'ley. Okla. Thone |Bjt or P3T. Paul* dynamic, new piSTRIRUTOR W EStlNflHOL'Sr:^ulr.pH for fjulck sale. WjltMn M r t a D. C " t S t V E l f [ " i V " Laundromat. !d L3-91Q6, NEW Super Cuhi IM). Flylrg lessons. ,5. Irving. LA8-8927, RU1LDING Remodeling, bnrk,, frame, "DenlRnersA Bldr*. Since 1919." E\ HERE'S OPPORTUNITY PICKUPS, oanel deliveries bought. appointed diatrlbutor AT ONCE. 17. Approved charter service. TURNER anv type, New additions, garages ROY WELLS. 1S koss. RI2-207^. rocery. S.E. Dall AVIATION SCHOOL, whit* Rock Airport. Drive-In grocery, S.F. Dallas and Grand FILLER,' loo and $500 month net proflls Repeat sales lo service stations, garage*, GL'LF SERVICE STATION-Top Oak verted, norchu inclosed. l c * ISM V-8 FORD Win. Eleclrlr. 2-speed Cliff locailon. $3,900 Cash Include* every- TA3-5U9 new and used c a r dealer* and others. with 12' Insulated body, tm. EV1-23M._ KOREAN veteran and. cash flight tfftinmf-2fS8. TA3-WK0 Factory training and assistance rlui l t , m W. C ' MEL AlT)RKV. vVH.1-7520 - ' )nroved. Carpentera Ing. CAA approved. SKYLINE FLYING GOOD location away, from wiper market *ma?Jng marketing plan, lucked ny a SCHOOL_CA4-S3tl. CIGARETTE vending machines. S, Na-CARPENTER worK. Sheetrock. roofing, compelllion. Man and wife operated, gro- hard-hitting national advertising and diSELL OR TRADE Camping trailer, DO YOU fully utilise your radio eouin- cery and market; living ouarter*, will rect-mall program guarantee* success, tional 9M's. Completely reconditioned, ex- cement, remodeling, repair*. Terma two. box. light*. 1949 cellent condition. Make offer. TA7-R533, iQ!;NSON. FR1-225J, FOR SALE AT PURLIC AUCnON-2 '50 sleep* slallon atove, lea overdrive, radio, ment? Let us help you. PRECISION sell or lease hulIdinn. .FE7-Q4W. . 5-flgure In- weekdays after 8; weekend after. 12, Jeer> wagon; FLIGHT NAVIGATION. ADM324. GROCERY, OAK CLtFF-MAN-WIFE cpCARPENTER, rebalrs. alterations, reheater. Will t*ke_ outboard motor and , erated. Clear profllablc; good location, MANUFACTURER'S representative has modeling, $1 hour. RICHARDS, 1317 Noftb Display classified, back of Ihls section. boat on trade 707S Twin Hills. JV O down. R. R. MrCAULEY, Realtors. -OO franchise, Must e!l to younger ggres-p c ,i{ Sale in ho held Man.. Apr. 1'. ID58. 10:30LOOK!Quality mobile homes, new or FOR SALE1938 Cushman Highlander 7318 Second _ Ave.. EX1-3878. EX-7385 Sive salesman. Experienced hardware,, fc low a* $2,510. lidlng tr'ad7"p O &x'To383:!CARPENTRY, electrical, plumbing Ex.nv at Hrown A Lawsnn. 1230 Dragon St.. electrical, hull." .. iraae. i . u . r.x *"<" i ^ m i p - ^ p j m a n , neiercnce*. AU hnurs. i..., moinr scooter. Good condition. $125. CUSTOM HAT SHOPEstablished B 6 r l hv our Franchising Dallas. RALPH ROSEN ASSOCIATES. terms beat then K M1-2TS2 . years. Fixture*, enulnmenl and merrhan- Bernard Budlsh. Dallas_ FE1-H5B1. Auctioneer*. ER,EXCHANGE Hlghwiy 60. Arlington. CLEANING PLANT for Sale-Dolne $1,500 ^ ' - V i - . - . . , . - ,, _disc. Retiring after 50 year* in millinery. month gross busines* 3 HERCULES dump bodies. 9x814. com- CR4-fim>8 Rox 1353 Oklahoma City. Phone Dalle*, Riverside 7-7083 month arcs* huslnes* wllh truck and CARII-.NTER WH2-W29.. work wantca, remoceung BR8-B558, and repairs. 1 24-it. established cleaning route, pletc. 5-yard water level with 4-yard. A>TER 40 years wish to retire. Complete SMALL meat packing plant In . Fort BRS-766S after 7 p.m. * see; Ideal for three hatches Like new, FarCarpenters4Jintractora equipped fon4 $f>re. Top location. LAKE- Worth-Dallas area, Vi gnod condition. t Lake Texomi gain. CIIICO TRUCKERS INC. 9838 JameRock Creek Cam WOOD FOOD STORE. 2311 Ahram* Rd. 45 acre* with lakes. iced for nulck High profits Orerata spare time. Liberal son, FL2-5172. after_10 a . m . t.akul.,f , ' ' aitri' xi, *.m, Saturday or call FE1-D91 TEM"fJbELTNG"~ANb B U I L D I N 3 ~ * II Residential and Commercial or FtTlWl In Dallas fVnanclng. HOFFMAN MACHINERY DIST. 1055 FORD pickup. $755, 30-Dav ausr condition, $3ir). tee. Archie M a n l n . , HORN-WILLIA! Tcxa*. Phone TE1-1410 or CO, RD-4117. 142 Cole, Dallas. FOR SALE ORRENT-Hmjic trailers for Pleasant G i w e EXl-3143. iravel.. Mak* reservatloni vscatlon ONE OP DallH*' oldest and best CMnowi repair;. DISSOLVING partnership. Oldest televj. dren'* Shoos dissolving rirtr.erjhlo. Prof1957 580 FORD t r s d o r with front end *, CR4-8nn8 Arllngon V ^ l E t V ~ s f 0 R E - Excellent shopping ton repair lervlce, Population $5,000, it* in excess ol $10,000 annually. 3ox 17-L. As-5030: preferably 7;30 a.m. Keep adloader 1 Owner. 7>P fondirlon, tlBOOl vertisement. Garland. Texas. BRa-Sm Dallas New I. See a t 2401 N. Beckley. RUt258, center, LA8-D7U or LA8-3235,




*55 $ 75


CONSOLIDATED' We have equipped over 40 unamended, C-5 i f t U R fAl^B.wi- ^ MACHINERY SALES-CO, PAPER CUTTER, , Lawaon <6", power E OUR ONLY BUSINESS IS5 back laose, two side tables, like new. price 13,750; paper cutler. Seybold fjf'i Coin-Operated Laundries SOUTHWEST MOTEL BROKERS auto, lale model-2 series, prlre I2.0(i0; SETTING YOU U P IN BUSINESS aper 44'. scries. Unattended Harris Oitset, 22x34 tijL., MOTEL and FIRST-CLASS SIIXJO; cutter, I4.25U; lale nvvleKi rtcejitb throughOFFER the exnerlence. gained WE Brest In layout rice Harris Oflsct. 'XtsU rousn years of scars of DRIVE-IN CAFE I WE 0 K > BR.fart'iry hulli-I... COHype Operate snare time We flnanea and furWK . QFKER factory hulll-ln.. nish know-how. High proflls wh low price 111.9(10; 17x22 L.T.<;.'tered NORGE COMMERCIAL WASHERS Lone Star Wholesalers, Inc.

Newspapers and Job Offices


IOOO0-MII. or UODo, WriM.e landrd 6i<e'0"t.. O'lH 0 A I U '> JUNDAYJ f-NQON

m.i. "' ""'ffl... asm

0-Room Modern Masonry Hotel


Factory Miihod Wlnitr Saielal


Your Credit Is Good


39-Unit MotelEast Texas



35-Unit Modern Masonry Motel


House Trailers

MotelSherman, Texas

50,000 SQ. FT. 1




Maude W. Thompson fSXh



- ^

Coin-Operated Washette



New 12-Unit Motel

Wanted Newspapers, Etc. Miscellaneous Opportunities


Trucks, Bodies, Trailers B-2 Trucks, Bodies, Trailers g j flf BJaL^K-.






White's Authorized Dealers for Progressive Towns in Texas, Olc'ahoma, m BRrpffiaMg*Go<>d g; mm mM^j^lmm Louisiana, Mississippi, s | ,095 Automobiles, Trucks B-5 LOUNGE WITH DANCING New Mexico and Colorado Wanted BE YOUR O W N BOSS WE'LL BUY

Auto Accessories, Tires B-3 JIM AKINS CO., Realtors MOTELS AND HOTELS


$7,500Spare Time


Ford Commercial Sales



and fiatf *?ofi "Pitcef


Earl Hayes

Jpportunities Wanted


Cash Available'


SEE US LAST To Get That Last $S








$50,000 GROSS PER YEAR W ^ W

QMC TRUCK I COACH 01V. 1521 F$rt Worth Ava, Rl 7-25S3 FACTORY BRANCH


'52 DODGE I-Ton Boedeker-Verner

Merchandise, Groceries, Dro^s C-S


Airplanes, Accessories B-6






MIMEOGRAPH April 16 through April 30 AND PHOTOSTAT SHOP Riverside 2-8451 Dallas




W H 2-4411

Apply ABE KIRSTEIN Sue Ellen Shops, Inc. Temple, Texas

Shopping Center Location IHINTIN rONSTRlTfTTfVJ

'53 DODGE V4-Ton Boedeker-Verner

Drive-In GroceryA Good

~ifO^GARAGE"MEN ^S^JSsS&S ^^ufrTe^frM M ^ l S S Expert Remodcling.Repairs


Flying Fields, Instructions


Bifort You Buy ANY Niw Car or Truck, SM

i U ( t( M ( e * *7 House Trailers H UW UM AW t 4




-cuiuij ^ ^ nu '"' "" ^ * l *"

AiSklhUIL-" ft


Anda mungkin juga menyukai