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Tentang Template Mass Upload

Template Mass Upload dirancang untuk memudahkan Penjual mengupload banyak produk sekaligus secara efisien. Fitur ini memungkinkan Penjual untuk mengatur dan
mengupload informasi produk, serta memilih kategori yang sesuai dengan menggunakan template ini. Penjual juga dapat menemukan sub-kategori dari daftar kategori
yang ada di Seller Centre dalam template ini. Selain itu, Penjual juga dapat mengupload produk dengan 2 level variasi.


Mohon untuk mengisi informasi produk sesuai instruksi agar file Excel dapat diupload ke Seller Centre.

Produk Produk yang ingin diupload di Shopee.
Kode Variasi Kode variasi digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi setiap variasi produk. Disarankan untuk tidak menduplikasi kode ini untuk produk lain dalam tokomu.
SKU Induk SKU induk digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi setiap produk di Shopee. Satu SKU induk hanya bisa untuk satu produk.
Variasi Variasi merupakan varian dari produk. Template ini mendukung produk tanpa variasi, 1 level variasi (cth: warna), dan 2 level variasi (cth: warna, ukuran).
Berat Berat (gram) produk menunjukkan berat paket dan akan memengaruhi ongkir.
Ukuran Paket Ukuran paket diperlukan oleh beberapa jasa kirim untuk perhitungan ongkir. Isi seluruh informasi ukuran paket (panjang, lebar, tinggi) atau kosongkan semua.
Jasa Kirim Jasa kirim yang aktif akan diambil dari pengaturan tokomu. Kamu dapat mengatur pilihan jasa kirim dari halaman Jasa Kirim Saya. Mohon aktifkan min. 1 jasa kirim.
Foto Produk Foto produk digunakan untuk menampilkan produkmu. Foto sampul wajib ditambahkan saat mengupload suatu produk. Kamu bisa menambah foto sampul dengan mengupl
Dikirim Dalam PrDikirim Dalam Pre-order menunjukkan jumlah hari yang dibutuhkan untuk mengirim produk Pre-order.
Cara mengupload produk dengan 2 level variasi
Aturan umum untu Jika kamu i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kode Integrasi VaKode Integr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nama Variasi Dibutuhkan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Varian Nama untuk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foto Produk per Kamu dapat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kategori Nama Produk Deskripsi Produk SKU Induk Kode Integrasi Variasi Nama Variasi 1 Varian untuk Variasi 1 Foto Produk per Varian Nama Variasi 2 Varian untuk Variasi 2 Harga Stok Kode Variasi Foto Sampul Foto Produk 1 Foto Produk 2 Foto Produk 3 Foto Produk 4 Foto Produk 5 Foto Produk 6 Foto Produk 7 Foto Produk 8 Berat Panjang Lebar

Wajib Wajib Wajib Opsional Wajib Bersyarat Wajib Bersyarat Wajib Bersyarat Opsional Opsional Opsional Wajib Wajib Opsional Wajib Opsional Opsional Opsional Opsional Opsional Opsional Opsional Opsional Wajib Opsional Opsional

Moh on masu kkan kod e kateg ori Na ma pro duk ha rus te rmasuk Mo ho n masukka n deskri psi pro duk SKU in duk di gun aka n untuk Wa jib u ntuk prod uk yan g memil iki Ko de va ri asi d igu naka n untuk Masukka n be rat p rodu k (g ram)
yang se sua i untuk tiap p rodu k. me rek dan mo del . H ind ari yang re leva n. Deskrip si pro duk meng ide ntifikasi p rod uk ind uk. vari asi. Kamu bi sa meng gun aka n Masukka n li nk fo to p rodu k p er men gid entifika si setia p varia si Ma sukkan l ink foto pro dukmu . Foto Masu kkan pa nja ng pro duk d eng an Masu kkan le ba r p rodu k d eng an
Kod e kateg ori yan g akura t da pat pe ngg un aan ka ta ku nci yan g tida k p en ti ng un tu k me mberi kan Disa ranka n untuk tida k kode i ni seb aga i kod e uni k u ntuk Masu kkan n ama vari asi pe rta ma Ma sukkan va rian u ntuk vari asi varia n sesua i de nga n varia n pad a Mas ukkan n ama vari asi ked ua (ji ka Masu kkan vari an un tu k va riasi Ma sukkan h arga p rodu k d al am Mohon masukkan stok produk. p rodu k. D isara nkan u ntuk ti dak ti dak bo leh sa ma den ga n fo to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 de nga n bi lan gan p ositif.
(j ika ad a). pe rta ma. a da). ke dua . ru pia h da n dal am bil ang an p ositif. Pen gatura n ini a kan me me ng aruh i bi lan gan p ositif. Pe ng aturan i ni bi lan ga n posi ti f. Peng aturan ini
meni ngka tkan ha sil pe ncari an sesu ai kare na da pat men yeba bkan i nformasi ya ng le ngka p kep ada me ndu pli kasi SKU in du k u ntuk prod uk ind uk dan se lu ru h varia si pertama . men dup lika si kode i ni un tuk prod uk prod uk lai n di toko mu. a kan me meng aruh i ong kir. akan me meng aru hi on gkir.
prod uk. p ro du kmu dib loki r o leh si ste m. Pe mbel i. pro duk la in da lam tokomu . vari asin ya. lai n dal am to komu . on gkir.

Ma sukkan Rp9 9.0 s/d "Uku ran file : maks. 2 MB untuk

Pi lih ka te gori ya ng tepa t d ari men u Masu kkan 5 s/d 100 ka rakter un tu k Masu kkan 20 s/d 3 000 ka rakter Masu kkan 1-1 00 ka rakter untuk Ma sukkan 1 -100 ka rakter untu k Masu kkan maks. 14 kara kte r u ntuk Masu kkan ma ks. 20 ka rakter untuk Masukkan link foto produk. Ma sukka n maks. 1 4 karakter un tu k Masukka n maks. 2 0 kara kte r u ntuk Rp1 000 000 00 0.0 untuk ha rga Masu kkan 0 s/d 99 999 9 un tu k stok Masukka n maks. 100 ka rakter setia p fo to . Forma t file : JPG, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Masu kkan 1.0 s/d 10 000 00.0 un tu k Ma sukkan 0 s/d 10 000 00 u ntuk Ma sukkan 0 s/d 1 000 000 u ntuk
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p rod uk. yang d ipe rbol ehka n: 1 x 1 p x"

12306 - Olahraga &

Holder Model1 tempat botol Application : suitable for all upload/picture/1 1311- upload/picture/11311-
12306 - Olahraga & XPG 350sepe
Lampu 11000 50 upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 1000
minum da Sepeda
Murah kinds of cups and kettle cups
PwzCZF zyDCQR1f04dA1rKy kMNgAlkmqSpZhlv8YawgcT
18171Seped a
- Olahraga & motor
Auto Light
FD 5000
sensor PRO
LED Product
- High Quality
pow er XPG
body 350
/ 79580 10 41188656holder1.jpg
upload/picture/ 41188656holder1.jpg
upload/picture/ 760806holder1.jpg 70954047holder1.jpg
upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 1000
upload/picture/11311- upload/picture/1 1311- upload/picture/11311-
sepeda-led-usb- upload/picture/1 1311- 3fkXBFhXwvDLZ zCsCL2D K
Outdoor/Alat Pancing/Se
12305 - Olahraga & nar Spinning
MERAH R D eel Series
efensor 5000
Lampu rotor 94780 20 upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 8 1599861lieyuwang-reel-
upload/picture/ 90943869lieyuwang-reel- 1000
9hjXkMCxZR 5iw Xyfwn9Ccm 9hjXkMCxZR 5iw Xyfwn9Ccm 2mQqIq9hcY4PZ saa VPlJ3H qz5FuUsdQy60R DiLSK8XRe
- Olahraga & gulungan
BIRU pancing
Defensor Taillight
Lampu -terkena
D urableair danlohujan
multi cking berkat
/ silent 16770 30 5792833lampu -se peda-5-led- 5792833lampu -se peda-5-led- 9146716lampu -sepeda-5-led- 89319337la pancing-fd5000-121-ball-
mpu-sepeda-5- 99685316la
upload/picture/ mpu-sepeda-5- pancing-fd5000-121-ball- 100
fitur waterproof
terkena air danyang
berkat 41800513taffle d-defensor- 41800513taffle d-defensor- 61351122taffle d-defensor- led-taillight-rechargeable-red- led-taillight-rechargeable-red-
18169Sepe da
- Olahraga & Rechargeable
4 Sepeda
Jaring 15470 30 taillight-rechargeable-red- taillight-rechargeable-red- taillight-rechargeable-red- 6663396lampu
-se peda-5-led- 100
hewan air yanglainnya
terdapat lampu-sepeda-5-led-tailligh t- lampu-sepeda-5 -led-taillight- lampu-sepeda-5-led-tailligh t-
Outdoor/Alat Pancing/Alat
18169 - Olahraga & Jala Perangkap
8 LUBANG ikanJaring
Payung udang Dimensi 45800 100 upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 400
dengan ukuran: kecil.
18169 Ikan &
- Olahraga Jala
12 kepitingPayung
LUBANG murah
ikan udang
Jaring 4 Luban gDimensi
= > Diameter
: saat 29540 50 2918199 74LUBAN G.jpg
upload/picture/ 29181997 4LUBAN G.jpg
upload/picture/ 590890084L.jpg
upload/picture/ 875356296JARIN GIKAN.jpg 56753242JARIN
upload/picture/ GIKAN.jpg 859686428LUBANGputih.jpg
upload/picture/ 400
18169 Ikan &
- Olahraga
Pancing/Alat Jala
16 kepitingPayung
Perangkap murah
ikan udang
Jaring 4 Luban dibuka 72 cm
= > Diameter
: saat 35280 43 7594001 48LUBAN G.jpg
upload/picture/ 75940014 8LUBAN G.jpg
upload/picture/ 118642818L.jpg
upload/picture/ 816157796JARIN GIKAN.jpg 359083258LUBANGputih.jpg
upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 400
Outdoor/Alat Pancing/Alat
12306 - Olahraga & JalaBike
Hanger ikan udang 4 Luban g = > Diameter saat
- 56921 39900 10 upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 72233665jaring-ikan- 400
502048974C ODjaring8Putih.j
Penemu Ikan &
12306 - Olahraga kepiting
Bike Hanger murah
Dinding- B-1R
Sepeda dibuka
U niversal C 72 cm
ompatibility 27720 20 8239946 416LUBAN G.jpg
upload/picture/ 82399464 16LUBAN G.jpg
upload/picture/ 96296245jaring-ikan.jpg
upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 3139141 4contoh.jpg
upload/picture/ hexagonal-8-hole-fishing-net- 2000
dan kuat sehing ga dapat upload/picture/
12304 - Olahraga & Gantungan Dinding Sepeda kepala (tidak miring samping, 50680 5 upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 2000
Helm sepeda Road Bike menahan bobot sepeda
18171Seped a
- Olahraga & Bike Wall
Black-Red Hook
FD 4000
PRO depan,Gear
belakang). 97300 5 821295909hangersepeda.jpg
upload/picture/ 821295909hangersepeda.jpg
upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 1900
Outdoor/Alat a
- Olahraga
& nar Spinning R eel Series 5000 Bahan
Reel Pancing
botol terbiniuat
dari 86100 10 77166138wang-fd4000-
668755lieyu 01helm.jpg 771661380 1helm.jpg
6 68755lieyuw 38947613 2helm.jpg
ang-fd4000- 2 0490887lieyuwang-fd4000- 50429045 3helm.jpg
79 930408lieyu 13670869 6helm.jpg
wang-fd4000- 84 295295lieyu wang-fd4000- 2 0978135lieyuwang-fd4000- 750
HITAM Botol Minum 27904615taffsport-botol- 27904615taffsport-botol- 33156695taffsport-botol- 62243429taffsport-botol- 63169286taffsport-botol- upload/picture/
12306 - Olahraga & plastik yang bebas BPA, 16660 25 300
Outdoor/Peralatan Survival ModelOlahraga
2 H olderSepeda
tempat botol weig hted dalam
aman digunakan
minum-olahraga-sepeda- minum-olahraga-sepeda- minum-olahraga-sepeda- minum-olahraga-sepeda-
upload/picture/ minum-olahraga-sepeda- 79961840botolminumsepeda
12306 - Olahraga & 18000 50 upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 300
Model sepeHolder
3 Black da Murah
tempat Ultra light, high-strong, non- 65580120
18288Seped a
- Olahraga & 11000 100 29572154SEPEDA3.jpg
upload/picture/ 29572154SEPEDA3.jpg
upload/picture/ 7793987SEPEDA3.jpg
upload/picture/ 300
botol minum
Tali Paracord
sepeda Murah
7 Core bracelet,necklace,watch,belt,
deformable and corrosion
18288 - Olahraga & C5AMO 1250 200 upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 10
mmARMY Tali Paracord
D IY Survival Cord dog collar etc
Outdoor/Peralatan Survival
Outdoor/Olahraga 7 C ore 5 mm DIY Survival 1250 300 766462981paracord.jpg
upload/picture/ 766462981paracord.jpg
upload/picture/ 307100722paracord.jpg
upload/picture/ 998599445paracord.jpg
upload/picture/ 426114214paracord.jpg
upload/picture/ upload/picture/ 10
dog collar etc
Outdoor/Peralatan Survival Cord 701423851paracord.jpg 701423851paracord.jpg 893743293paracord.jpg 418434892paracord.jpg 910143224paracord.jpg 551762275paracord.jpg
Jangka Dikirim D ik ir im Dalam Pr e-
Tinggi JNE REG
Dalam Pr e-order or de r
0 0 0

Otoma ti s D iisi
Opsional Wajib Bersyarat Opsional
Di kirim Da lam Pre- 0 0 0
o rder men un jukka n
ju mlah h ari ya ng
Masu kkan ting gi pro duk de ng an Akti fka n min. 1 ja sa Sil akan me nga cu d ibu tu hkan u ntuk
b ila nga n po sitif. Pen gatura n ini ki rim untuk setia p pad a jan gka Di kirim men girim p rodu k
Dal am Pre-o rd er
aka n memen garu hi o ngki r. prod uk. P re -ord er. Ji ka
pad a kol om ini . d ikoso ngka n, ka mu
haru s me ngi rimkan 0 0 0
prod uk da lam 2 ha ri.

Sil akan me ng acu

pa da ja ngka D ikiri m
Mo hon u ntuk tida k Da lam Pre-o rder
Masukka n 0 s/d 100 000 0 untuk Aktif/ Nonaktif men gub ah kol om p dada tab " Katego ri"
tin gg i prod uk. ala m fil e ini j ika
in i. kamu in gin
me nga tu r p rodu kmu
se bag ai Pre-o rder.
0 0 0
Nama Kateg Kode KategJangka Dikirim Dalam Pre-order
41 - Olahr 41 7 - 15
24886 - Ol 24886 7 - 15
24887 - Ol 24887 7 - 15
24885 - Ol 24885 7 - 15
18142 - Ol 18142 7 - 15
12294 - Ol 12294 7 - 15
12295 - Ol 12295 7 - 15
12296 - Ol 12296 7 - 15
18143 - Ol 18143 7 - 15
12299 - Ol 12299 7 - 15
12300 - Ol 12300 7 - 15
18144 - Ol 18144 7 - 15
12283 - Ol 12283 7 - 15
12284 - Ol 12284 7 - 15
18145 - Ol 18145 7 - 15
18146 - Ol 18146 7 - 15
18147 - Ol 18147 7 - 15
18148 - Ol 18148 7 - 15
12325 - Ol 12325 7 - 15
18149 - Ol 18149 7 - 15
18150 - Ol 18150 7 - 15
18151 - Ol 18151 7 - 15
18152 - Ol 18152 7 - 15
18153 - Ol 18153 7 - 15
18154 - Ol 18154 7 - 15
18155 - Ol 18155 7 - 15
18156 - Ol 18156 7 - 15
18157 - Ol 18157 7 - 15
18158 - Ol 18158 7 - 15
18159 - Ol 18159 7 - 15
18160 - Ol 18160 7 - 15
12313 - Ol 12313 7 - 15
18162 - Ol 18162 7 - 15
18163 - Ol 18163 7 - 15
18164 - Ol 18164 7 - 15
18165 - Ol 18165 7 - 15
18166 - Ol 18166 7 - 15
18976 - Ol 18976 7 - 15
18168 - Ol 18168 7 - 15
18169 - Ol 18169 7 - 15
18170 - Ol 18170 7 - 15
18171 - Ol 18171 7 - 15
18172 - Ol 18172 7 - 15
18173 - Ol 18173 7 - 15
18287 - Ol 18287 7 - 15
18175 - Ol 18175 7 - 15
18176 - Ol 18176 7 - 15
18177 - Ol 18177 7 - 15
18179 - Ol 18179 7 - 15
18180 - Ol 18180 7 - 15
18181 - Ol 18181 7 - 15
18182 - Ol 18182 7 - 15
18184 - Ol 18184 7 - 15
18185 - Ol 18185 7 - 15
18186 - Ol 18186 7 - 15
18187 - Ol 18187 7 - 15
18188 - Ol 18188 7 - 15
18189 - Ol 18189 7 - 15
18194 - Ol 18194 7 - 15
18195 - Ol 18195 7 - 15
15054 - Ol 15054 7 - 15
15320 - Ol 15320 7 - 15
18288 - Ol 18288 7 - 15
18289 - Ol 18289 7 - 15
18290 - Ol 18290 7 - 15
12329 - Ol 12329 7 - 15
12270 - Ol 12270 7 - 15
12271 - Ol 12271 7 - 15
12274 - Ol 12274 7 - 15
12275 - Ol 12275 7 - 15
12278 - Ol 12278 7 - 15
12279 - Ol 12279 7 - 15
12280 - Ol 12280 7 - 15
12288 - Ol 12288 7 - 15
12289 - Ol 12289 7 - 15
12290 - Ol 12290 7 - 15
12303 - Ol 12303 7 - 15
12304 - Ol 12304 7 - 15
12305 - Ol 12305 7 - 15
12306 - Ol 12306 7 - 15
12307 - Ol 12307 7 - 15
15033 - Ol 15033 7 - 15
15034 - Ol 15034 7 - 15
15035 - Ol 15035 7 - 15
15036 - Ol 15036 7 - 15
15037 - Ol 15037 7 - 15
15038 - Ol 15038 7 - 15
15039 - Ol 15039 7 - 15
15040 - Ol 15040 7 - 15
15047 - Ol 15047 7 - 15
15048 - Ol 15048 7 - 15
15049 - Ol 15049 7 - 15
Category Product Name Product Description Parent SKU Variation Integration No. (TBC) Variation Name1 Option for Variation 1 Image per Variation Varitation Name2 Option for Variation 2 Price Stock SKU Cover Image Item image 1 Item Image 2 Item Image 3 Item Image 4 Item image 5 Item image 6 Item image 7 Item image 8 Weight Length Width Height Other Logistics Provider Singpost - Normal Mail Shipping Fee Included Pre-order DTS

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Conditional Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory/Optional Optional Optional Optional Conditional Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Optional

Input your product length. Only Input your product width. Only 0 Input your product height. Only
Input your product weight. Only 0 or positive numbers are or positive numbers are 0 or positive numbers are Pre-order days to ship (DTS)
Indicate the appropriate Product name should include A good product description Parent SKU is used to identify Mandatory for products with Upload an image per variation, Input your product price in your Input your product stock. Only SKU is a unique identifier for Upload the URL of your main positive numbers are accepted. accepted. Note: Inaccurate accepted. Note: Inaccurate accepted. Note: Inaccurate
category code for each product. product brand and model. Avoid enhances the quality of your parent products. It is variations. You may use this as a Please indicate the first variation Indicate the second variation Please indicate the second each product variation. It is product image. The image Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Enter the URL of this product Note: Inaccurate weight may Please toggle "on" at least one Please toggle "on" at least one Please toggle "on" at least one indicates the days required for a
An accurate category code irrelevant keywords as it may listing and increases chances of recommended that you do not unique key for a parent product name, if applicable. Indicate the first variation value. mapped to the variation value in name, if applicable. variation value. local currency. Only positive positive values are accepted. recommended that you do not cannot be duplicated with other image. image. image. image. image. image. image. image. cause inaccurate shipping fees dimensions may cause dimensions may cause dimensions may cause channel for each item. channel for each item. channel for each item. pre-order product to be shipped,
would boost search results. cause the listing to be banned. sales. duplicate this within your shop. and all its variations. column (H). numbers are accepted. duplicate this within your shop. listings in your shop. and rejected deliveries by inaccurate shipping fees and inaccurate shipping fees and inaccurate shipping fees and if applicable. If left blank, DTS
rejected deliveries by logistic rejected deliveries by logistic rejected deliveries by logistic will be set to x days by default.
logistic partners. partners. partners. partners.

Please refer to the pre-order

Choose your desired category ID Image specifications: DTS Days range int “Categpry ID
Input 10 to 120 characters for Input 20 to 3,000 characters for Input 1 to 100 characters for Input 1 to 100 characters for Input no more than 20 Input no more than 20 Enter the URL of this product Input no more than 20 Input no more than 20 Input 0.1 to 999999.0 for Input 0 to 999999 for product Input no more than 100 - Max. 2MB Please input 0.01 to 1000000.0 Please input 0 to 1000000 for Please input 0 to 1000000 for Please input 0 to 1000000 for
from the Category Tree in Seller product name. product description. parent SKU. variation integration no. characters for variation name. characters for option name. image. characters for variation name. characters for option name. product price. stock. characters for SKU reference. - 1 X 1 px dimensions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 kg for product weight. product length. product width. product height. On/Off On/Off On/Off and DTS range ”sheet,if you
Center - JPG / JPEG / PNG formats would like to set the product as

120039 Casual summer shirt Summer shirt, 100% cotton, relaxed and easy design 101 color red <insert URL here> size L 30 100 1001 <insert URL here> 0.2 On On On
120039 Casual summer shirt Summer shirt, 100% cotton, relaxed and easy design 101 color red <insert same URL as row 5> size M 30 100 1002 <insert same URL as row 5> 0.2 On On On
120039 Casual summer shirt Summer shirt, 100% cotton, relaxed and easy design 101 color yellow <insert URL here> size S 30 100 1003 <insert same URL as row 5> 0.2 On On On
120055 Haircut scissors Haircut scissors, made from premium grade stainless steel 20 50 <insert URL here> 0.3 On On On 10
12984 Iphone 11 Case Shock proof, drop proof, made from aerospace titanium 543 colour rose pink <insert URL here> 50 80 <insert URL here> 0.1 On On On 15
12984 Iphone 11 Case Shock proof, drop proof, made from aerospace titanium 543 colour aurora blue <insert URL here> 50 80 <insert same URL as row 9> 0.1 On On On 15

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