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(Untuk Calon Guru SMP dan SMA HAMKA II Padang)

1. Verbs (v) (kata kerja)
Vocabulary of verb
Tips to increase your vocabulary for “verb”
● Write all the actions (verbs) that you do by your ownself (tuliskan semua pekerjaan
yang biasa dilakukan sendiri)
● Write english words that you know for each of them (tuliskan kata-kata bahasa
inggrisnya untuk setiap kata kerja yang anda ketahui)
● Find the meaning of the words that you don’t know by using dictionary or asking
someone about it, then write it down on your notes.
● You can ask /invite someone who clever in English to help you (anda bisa meminta
bantuan seseorang yang mahir berbahasa Inggris)
EXERCISE: Find the English words for these Indonesian ones below

Indonesian English Indonesian English Indonesian English

words words words words words words

Duduk Membaca Mengirim

Berjalan Memasak Mencuci

Makan pagi Memotong Menggunakan

Makan siang Membuka Pergi

Makan malam Menerima Menjual

Berdiri Membersihkan Menutup

Berlari Memakai Memberi

Tidur Menulis Menyapu

Makan Membeli Menggoreng

Memikirkan memukul mengumpulka


2. Noun (n) kata benda (benda, tempat, binatang, orang, dll)

Vocabulary of noun
Tips to increase your vocabulary for “noun”
● Write all the things that you know around you (tuliskan semua kata benda
● Write english words that you know for each of them (tuliskan kata-kata bahasa
inggrisnya untuk setiap kata benda yang anda ketahui)
● Find the meaning of the words that you don’t know by using dictionary or asking
someone about it, then write it down on your notes.(cari arti kata yang tidak anda
ketahui menggunakan kamus lalu tulis pada catatanmu)
● You can ask /invite someone who clever in English to help you (anda bisa meminta
bantuan seseorang yang mahir berbahasa Inggris)

EXERCISE: Find the English words for these Indonesian ones below

Indonesian English Indonesian English Indonesian English

words words words words words words

Buku Kipas angin Kuali

Pena TV Ember

Tas Lemari es Handuk

Pensil Kompor Sabun

Meja Sendok Makanan

Kursi Garpu Kue

Spidol Gelas Buah2an

Papan tulis Piring Mangga

Lemari Cangkir Nenas

Tempat tidur Mangkok Pepaya

Bantal Teko Jeruk

Kasur Panci Pisang

Selimut Gula Nangka

Lampu Garam Sayuran

Roti Merica Telur

Beras Bayam Susu

Cabe Wortel Tomat

Notes (catatan):
There are two types of noun, singular and plural (ada dua jenis kata benda dari segi
“tunggal” atau “jamak”) or countable and uncountable (yng bisa dihitung atau yang tidak
bisa dihitung).

Singular noun
A/An digunakan didepan kata benda tunggal.
A digunakan untuk kata benda yang huruf awalannnya huruf konsonan, atau huruf yang
bunyi awalannya konsonan.
Contoh: a door, a car, a mirror, a university, a unicorn.
An digunakan untuk kata benda yang huruf awalannnya huruf vokal (a,i,u,e,o), atau huruf
yang bunyi awalannya vokal.
Contoh: an apple, an octopus, an honour

a. _an___ idea
b. _an___ office
c. _an___ island
d. _an___ unusual job
e. _an___ hour

Singular noun (reguler noun) → Plural noun

One Apple → two apples
One Book → three books
One Pen → four pens
One Box → four boxes
One Ax → two axes
One Bus → three buses
One Leaf → a lot of leaves
One Buffalo → some buffaloes

Singular noun (irreguler noun) → Plural noun

One Child → two chilren
One Man → two men
One Woman → three women
One Ox → four oxen
One Mouse → five mice
One Tooth → six teeth

Exercise 1:
a. A store = stores
b. A table = tables
c. A spoon = spoons
d. A teacher = teachers
e. A motorcycle = motorcycles
f. A potato = potatoes
g. A toy = toys
h. A dish = dishes
i. A baby = babies
j. A city = cities
k. A man = men
l. A woman = women
m. A mouse = mice
n. A foot = feet
o. A tooth = teeth

Example: 1) I have one sister and three brothers.

2) father sells two cars thi month.
Exercice 2: Change into Plural:
a. I have one kites = i have three kites
b. Mother buys a bag = mother buys two bags
c. She needs an orange =
d. You want a pen = you want two pens
e. He kills one mouse = he kills three mice
f. I have a child = i have two children
g. He needs an ax = he needs more axes
h. We write one word = we write ten words
i. They sell one box of candy = they sell much boxes of candy
j. The farmer kill one ox = the farmer kill four oxen

Countable And Uncountable Noun

Countable noun merupakan benda yang dapat dihitung. Contoh: book, pen, bag, class, bus,
potato (semua benda ini bisa diakhiri dengan huruf “-s/-es” pada kata jamaknya).

Uncountable noun merupakan benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Contoh: air, salt, ink, oil,
rice, chocolate, cereal, perfume, paint, tea, milk. (semua benda ini tidak bisa diakhiri dengan
huruf “-s/-es” pada kata jamaknya).

1) I eat some rice (tidak bisa ditulis menjadi → I eat some rices)
2) She buys some sugar (tidak bisa ditulis menjadi → She buys some sugars)
3) I drink two glasses of water (tidak bisa ditulis menjadi → I drink two glasses of waters)

Exercise: write C for countable or UC for uncountable to the nouns below.

Nouns C /UC Nouns C /UC

Key C Information UC
Month C Flour UC
Goose C Grass UC
Smoke C Ice UC
Air UC People C
Knowledge UC Towel C
Year C Page C
Clothes C Car C
Room C Meat UC
Popcorn UC Book C
Blood UC Love UC
Wood C Help UC
Tree C Letter UC
Flower C Wallet C
Money C Day C
Name UC week C

3. Pronoun (kata ganti kata benda)

Personal subject Personal object Example:

pronoun pronoun Mark is in class. He is
study. I see him.
He (dia lk) Him
She (dia pr) Her The cat is sleeping. It sleep
It (dia benda) It
on the sofa beside me.
I (saya) Me
You (kamu) You
We (kita) Us
They (mereka) Them

a. Dilan and Milea go to school. They go with motorcycle. I see them
b. Sinta and I buy new pants. We go with go car. it pick up us to the market
c. I love Tina. She is so pretty. She gives me a letter
d. My mom gives ___me__ some food. She is so kind
e. Mr. Martin goes to office to meet his collagues. __he__ sits on the chair and talk to

1. Find other Verbs you do in Daily Activities
Flush, ironing, study, speak,
Bite, decorate, adopt, access,
Compile, account
2. Find other Nouns (things) around you
Cable, speaker, flower, floor
CPU, desktop, washing
Machine, air fresh, tupperware
3. Make sentences using article “A/AN” at least 10 sentences
● I dreams meet an angle last night
● My mom is a teacher
● Kira have a little cat
● They lost in a mountain
● Please give me a cup of coffee
● I read a magazine
● I need an eraser
● I buy a vegetables in the market
● You can cook omelet with a frying pan
● Don’t be angry, it’s just a game
4. Make the sentences using SINGULAR or PLURAL, at least 10 sentences.
● I cook for two days
● They have a new car
● There’s five fruits on the bucket
● Much peoples crying because of sinabung eruption
● She get two dishes from the store
● We have five cats and three kitten
● This zone, prezent for children
● Mr.Galih have one doughter and two son
● There’s much singer in back stage
● I have two bags for use

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