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Compiled & Written by Murray Thompson, 2004 (Bachelor Applied Science Environmental Health 1998, University of Western Sydney,
The articles: Wrong Diagnoses Are Killing Patients Doctors Are Less Able Today To Identify The Nature Of Diseases Dehydration A Major Contibutor To Disease Chemicals Are Poisoning Your Children A Lack of Sunshine is Making Us Sick! Nutrition and Mental Illness Our World and its Sociological Ills are the Product of Pathological Psychological Distortions Arising Out of Metaphysical Origins

Wrong Diagnoses Are Killing Patients

A lack of post-mortems may be contributing to doctors failing to learn from their mistakes. The result is a breakdown in the identification of major disease conditions, and consequent misdiagnoses. Another contributing factor to these inaccurate diagnoses was doctors faith in technological helps such as sophisticated scanners. It has been found that a reliance on high tech equipment to make diagnoses does not always lead to accurate diagnoses. The frequency of misdiagnoses is now showing up in intensive care, and experts are rightly questioning how many people might be receiving inappropriate treatment.

Frighteningly enough, their concerns include other potential areas of medicine that this problem may exist in. This reduced number of post-mortems highlights the legal minefield of doctors fear of court action from relatives of those so mis-diagnosed. Article sourced (paraphrased) from: New Scientist,, February 18, 2004.

Doctors Are Less Able Today To Identify The Nature Of Diseases

Once upon a time doctors could diagnose scarlet fever, pneumococcal pneumonia, rheumatic fever, whooping cough, diphtheria, or tuberculosis in a matter of minutes with little or no laboratory support (Garrett 1994:4). Today, dependencies brought about by a nave trust in the often synthetic marvels of technologies have reduced the medical professions ability to know at the point where the doctor meets the patient. This means that local competence is being lost, while laboratory helps are being relied upon more. This is yet another example of the corporatizing of medicine, a shift that is defined by the pharmaceutical / medical orthodoxy

corporatizing of health care. In other words, the obsession with corporate profits drives a reliance upon larger and larger institutions of medical dynamics, away from local knowledge and health care and toward laboratory, pharmaceutical and global corporate machinations focused on the amassing of profits through refined technique. Ultimately, this drive for monetary success is sourced in the ancient metaphysical disease that frames all problems human (see:

Dehydration A Major Contributor to Disease

Not many in the medical profession would admit to a lack of water being a remarkable contributor to disease when there are many other more exotic ideas and notions of disease production to throw expensive drugs at. And yet, this is a wholly logical matter to consider. Water is essential to the human bodys need to eliminate waste materials. We are constantly creating wastes from metabolic processes, and constantly accumulating wastes, not only from these natural processes, but also from inputs such as air pollution and the preservatives in the foods we consume. We tend to accumulate wastes when we are not taking enough water to flush them out via generaous perspiration, tears, defacation and urination. Wastes are stored in the deep tissues and the liver. If we fail to exercise or consume appropriate vegetable foods, then there will be little compulsion to de-toxify. And yet, detoxification (the elimination of toxins from our bodies) is a maintenance regime that should be occuring in our bodies all the time. What happens, however, is that we do not exercise. Also, we continue to consume and store toxins from food and our water supply. When our bodies do not have sufficient water to provide proper elimination of toxins, the body will resist this need because it does not wish to traumatize the kidneys and general system with concentrated poisons (your kidneys can fail if sufficiently impacted upon by eliminated wastes). The body will then store these toxins in the hope that an occasion will arise to enable their safe removal. Some people die suddenly as a result of sudden exercise and a

consequent sudden elimination of toxins. Many instances of sudden death can be explained this way. You can even suffer a heart attack due to the chemical trauma of sudden toxin elimination impacting on heart muscle. Ultimately, what this information tells us is that the human body is designed to receive generous amounts of clean, healthy water on an ongoing basis. Regular exercise provides for elimination of toxins through expelled air and perspiration. Organically grown food will reduce the intake of toxins and additives.

Chemicals Are Poisoning Your Children

The DNA in a childs body is constantly developing and transmitting data, shaping your childs responses to the world and their adult-body-to-come. Most synthetic chemicals are toxic to one degree or another, and many conflict in deadly fashion with critically important metabolic pathways within your childs body. The air we breathe, and the food and water we consume contain these deadly chemicals. As well, pesticide and weedicide sprays can produce incidents of acute poisoning, many of which are mis-diagnosed as other ailments. This means that we have created a world where invisible chemicals can range freely, poisoning us silently. In this technological nightmare, the pathways of exposure can remain undetected, leaving generations exposed to the same and similar chemical soup of exposures.

Please see: Threat to Children.html, and generally, and especially and

A Lack of Sunshine is Making Us Sick!

We need the sun. In this respect, we are not unlike plants. Sunshine reacts with cholesterol (so we actually need cholesterol!) to form Vitamin D. Without Vitamin D we cannot effectively lay down calcium in our bones and teeth. If our bones are weak and unhealthy we will not have a strong constitution in any regard! Now children are developing osteoporosis because of the paranoia regarding exposure to the sun. As well, their delicate skins are being lathered with the chemical sauces of sunscreens, which recent research shows to be useless in preventing the penetration of UVa light, the one that causes deep tissue trauma likely leading to skin cancers. So, while we poison our kids with chemical preparations that immediately soak through the skin into the capillary network of blood vessels, we also deny our children the sunlight that will guarantee them strong bones and health. Even further, lack of Vitamin D is now implicated in many diseases (inc. heart disease) and disorders where inflammation is a serious problem. Chronic inflammatory processes (perhaps soft tissue inflammation in lower back disorders, and asthma?) may be strongly related to chronic deficiencies in Vitamin D. What might this creeping modern plague of calcium deficiency and inflammatory disorders tell us? Doctrines of paranoia are to be avoided! In many cases, when orthodox medicine has told us that something was bad, diseases developed directly from our allegiance to their teachings. We need to take control of our health ourselves, and learn about nutrition and a balanced lifestyle. And avoid the prescriptions of a medical orthodoxy that seeks to support pharmaceutical profits above good sense and the common good.

Nutrition and Mental Illness

The popular technologies of psychotropic medicines have given us a false hope in terms of the treatment of severe mental disorders (like schizophrenia). And this is just a small subset of the dependencies we now have in terms of reliance upon modern technologies to save us, treat us, heal us, and maintain us. Our basic problem is the regime of compounding issues we have created by accident through stupidity. Agriculture that exhausts soil, and the wasted food that is grown in a chemical soup of fertilizers and pesticides is leading us to a nutritional doom of our own making. Add to this health care nightmare our obsession with fast food, lack of exercise, dehydration and dependency on pain killers to treat the ailments arising from invisible exposure pathways, and we might begin to see how unremarkable is our ability to replace nature with something much more horrible than survival of the fittest. Lack of proper nutrition is the essential framework upon which mental diseases are formed. That, and lack of love. Yes, mental illness is also framed in a world that cannot love because it is too busy making a profit (in terms of global corporatism) and surviving (in terms of the increasing poor trying to make a living under the creeping totalitarianism of those same corporations and the governments they sponsor). Please see: and

Our World and its Sociological Ills are the Product of Pathological Psychological Distortions Arising From Metaphysical Origins
We are divorced from nature because we are in love with technology, and we are in love with technology (all we have left) because we are divorced from nature. This may be a chicken and egg situation, but it is nevertheless descriptive of much of the rampant sociological disorder that afflicts our blighted world. Nature is the ancient, the proven, the tried-and-tested. We cannot improve upon nature, only dress it and work within its prescriptions for benevolent production and healthful creation. All the essential dynamics required for true prosperity lie within the confines of the laws of nature. However, we (humans) have a problem: we have a rampant imagination. We think, we create, we innovate, but we do these things to our detriment largely outside those natural prescriptions that offer wisdom and reliability of outcome. We have therefore generated a world of unreliable outcomes, a chaotic regime of upset weather patterns and disastrous toxicological conundrums. Being so arrogant, we humans imagine, in the first instance, that we have an inbuilt right to sidestep nature, and even replace nature. And this is exactly what we have done: we have decided to create a new creation, yet what we do does not have a plan. We do not see the ends of our means because our creative passions are not designed. That is, they do not constitute a plan that knows outcomes. Our efforts to create merely generate compounding issues that radiate out from a central metaphysical problem: loss of contact with, and loss of trust in, nature. Please see: or

APPENDICES Garret, L. 1994, The Coming Plague Newly Emerging Diseases in a Worl Out of Balance, Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA.

Copyright 2004 Murray Thompson. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission. Disclaimer - The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Murray Thompson, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles drawn from are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this document is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Murray Thompson. Murray Thompson encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with the input of numerous qualified health care professionals. Please, seek many opinions before arriving at a distinctive conclusion.

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