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Identifying The Kyko Personality Profile Of Your Subordinate Using Case Study

Below are samples of demonstration on how to identify KYKO personality type in a work setting.

Case study 1:
John is a hardworking and committed employee. He likes challenging job and is willing to work late to get his job done. John dislikes people telling him how to do his job. Tell me what to do and I will do it well for you is his policy. He is proud of his achievement and often likes to project himself on his contributions to the company. He is a person who wants to take credits that is due to him. However, once in a while John comes late for work. He does not seem to be bothered about what others say about his tardiness. John commented to his colleague, Let them say what they like, it is their mouth. I dont feel guilty about what they say. What is important to me is I get the job done on time. John is hardworking and committed Self-Actualizing traits He likes challenging job Egocentric trait He is willing to work late to get his job done Self-Actualizing trait John dislikes people telling him how to do the job Low Sociocentric trait He is proud of his achievement Egocentric trait Tell me what to do and I will do well for you Self-Actualizing trait He likes to project himself for his contributions to the company Egocentric trait He is a person who wants to take credit that is due to him Egocentric trait Once in a while John comes late Low Security trait He is not bothered about what others say about his tardiness Low Sociocentric trait Let them say what they like, its their mouth Low Manipulative trait I dont feel guilty about what they say. What is important is I get the job done on time Self-Actualizing trait The dimensions of Johns KYKO personality profile are: Positive Self-Actualizing trait

Positive Egocentric trait Low Sociocentic trait Low Security trait Low Manipulative trait

Spider web of Johnss KYKO personality profile.





Interpretation of Johns KYKO Personality spider web Dominant Trait cluster are Self-Actualizing and Egocentric Weaker trait clusters Security, Sociocentric and Manipulative

Interpretation: A good employee Work well with empowerment Like challenging and important job Need job with a variety of skills Prefers to work alone rather as a team -like to own the job Need to enrich and enlarge his job Motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic reward Trustworthy, dependable and reliable Wants freedom, resent being controlled Emotionally stable though could be insensitive to others feelings Quick in decision making, high risk taker Blunt and straight forward

Case Study 2
Ali gets along very well with his peers. He is friendly and warm and spends most of his time talking, cracking jokes and fooling around with his colleagues. Ali is good at LLB (Look Like Busy) technique when his boss is around. Given a job, he works slowly and grudgingly. His performance at work is below standards and often makes a lot of errors. Ali has been counsel by his boss many times to put in more effort into his work. The counseling sessions have no effect on Alis behavior. Despite repeated warnings from his boss to buck up his work, Ali persists with his careless attitude on his work. From semantic context of the above text Ali gets along very well with his peers Sociocentric trait He is friendly and warm Sociocentric trait (Ali) spends most of his time talking, cracking jokes Sociocentric trait (Ali likes) fooling around with his colleagues Low Security trait Ali is good at LLB technique Manipulative trait He works slowly and grudgingly - Low Self-Actualizing trait (Ali) often makes a lot of errors Low Security trait The counseling sessions have no effect on Ali Low SelfActualizing trait and Low Egocentric trait Ali persists with his careless attitude on his work Low

Self-Actualizing and Low Security trait The five dimension of Alis KYKO personality profile is as follows: High Sociocentric trait High Manipulative trait Low Egocentric trait Low Self-Actualizing trait Low Security trait Spider web of Alis KYKO personality profile. SA M




Interpretation of Alis KYKO Personality spider web. Problem employee Has personal or work related problem Fear of facing problems Socializing with friends as a form of escapism

Lack of self-esteem Playing a survival game Unwilling to learn Break rules and regulations Lazy, irresponsible and unreliable Couldnt careless type Take life easy

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