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My life is infinite; My biography is limited. Mother gives what is needed, not necessarily what is desired.

. Mother means the basis and the infinite While the form is 'Purusha', the innate energy is 'Prakruti'. Getting things done at their proper time is grace. It is the same whatever religion you practice. Faith is God. A manifestation (Avatar) has no need of miracles. Your actions follow your thoughts and not your words. Struggle with others is quarrel; struggle within one-self is quest. Thinking is for the sake of self;. expression is for others. There is no better teacher than circumstances. To see one in anything and everything is concentration. Sadhana ( spiritual practice) is not what is prescribed but what is practiced. Contentment is liberation. There is only one power (Shakthi) in which ever way it is manifested Prayer is only to acquire faith. To ascribe every thought to God is to become volition less. Virtuousness is to see virtue in others. Renunciation is either not wanting anything or wanting everything Feeling 'I am doing' is human; feeling that he does everything is jnana; being all is divine. He is formless because all forms are his; He is nameless because all names are his; He is without attributes because all attributes are his. It is not believing in God but what you believe is God

Happiness arises in the mind, not in the possessions. It is the mind that thinks "I have", or "I lack", it is the mind that wants; and it is the mind that feels satisfied with whatever is available. A mind which thinks, "this is my due; it is sufficient, " is happy and contended; a mind which thinks otherwise, experiences suffering. To want anything that is not available is sorrow. Contentment is happiness Mother earth feeds equally the grass and the banyan tree according to their needs A child is never at fault in the mother's view. It is in spite of his fault and perhaps because if them she loves him and corrects him Insight is, to see things as they are. When the necessary insight is not there, you cannot cognize the light which is there The great teachings remain as mere words unless they are experi As a little girl, she never asked for food just as she never cried for milk as an infant. She accepted food if it was given, only to give to somebody else who was in need of it. She was treated by several doctors to no avail. In later life, Amma would frequently go for long periods without eating, even abandoning all liquids usually considered as essential for survival. It is a curious paradox of Amma's life that one who is indifferent to eating herself , spends a large portion of her time and energy in feeding others. And once Amma commented humorously "You grow weak if you don't eat, but I grow weak if I don't feed". Amma's Namam "Jaya ho Mata Sree Ana suya Raja rajeswari Sree Paratpari"

She who has no birth or death, and yet is the cause of all births and deaths, is Mother. Long ago I begot and reared all of you; now I have revealed myself. You were all born of me. and I gave you to your mothers to bring up. There are not many mothers; there is only the One Mother who has become the many mothers. My traits have not been inherited from any side (ie. her father or mother.) All of you have inherited my traits. No one knows my measure: I am the measure of all. They view me according to their state of being. Mind is the measuring rod. They measure me according to the state of the mind; but whereas there are inches in a yard, there are no yards in an inch. I am not anything now that I was not be from birth onwards, I have been ever

the same. If there is any change, it is in your understanding of me. There is nothing that I have practiced, and there is nothing that I have acquired. I have not attained anything now that I did not have earlier. I have been the same. My story is a limited one; my life is unlimited. Mother is not just the one sitting on a cot at Jillellamudi: 'Mother' means the One without a beginning and without an end, the One who is the Beginning and the End -That which has become everything and which cannot be comprehended-the limitless, resistless base of all. There is no need to ask who Mother is. She who is everything is Mother. I am that "I" for which there is no "You". Question :- Yogis are said to be in the samadhi state (of absorption in the Self). I fear that we are depriving you of this state, by demanding that your attention be given to us. That question could arise only if I didn't see myself in all of you. It is not correct to say. "Mother of the Universe." The Universe is itself the Mother. You can never fall from my lap. Only That which is all is Mother. The wise one is he who has equated himself with it. Nothing makes me happy or sad. I feel that I am all, that I am everything. "I" does not signify Anasuya; it is the "I" appearing as all. I am never alone; all are in me. I am ever aware of all of more than one persons, events. multiplicity itself. I am turning the whole world over in my mind. I am experiencing that my One Mind has become the many. That is why I say, "I am all" I am never alone; my share is with all. Some wonder whether I am God or not. I am the Mother and you are the children. In my view. God does not exist separately somewhere. You are all God. There is nothing existing apart from what we see before us. I am not God and you are not the devotees; I am not the guru and you are not the disciples; I am not the guide and you are not the pilgrims. I

am the Mother and you are the children. The Gods assume various forms and come as incarnations on occasion to meet various needs. But Mother exists for ever and includes everything within herself. She who is everything and everywhere is Mother. I have no disciples. Who could be my be my disciples when I am all that is? Mother is like the Earth, which assimilate filth as well as good things. Whether a thing is good or bad is your concern; the Earth and Mother make no such distinction. My state is one wisdom -ignorance. I don't know what I know. I don't know anything; I know everything. Knowing all, and not having to know anything (in particular) amount to the same thing. What I know is not known. I feel that I am the mother of all, so I am equally accessible to all. Your well-being is my happiness. Reality itself is my state. I am not anything that you are not. It does not appear to me that I am greater than you. I see divinity in all of you and you see human nature in me. Mother's love? Love itself is Mother. A child is never at fault in mother's eyes. It is in spite of his fault, and perhaps because of them she loves him and corrects him. It is I who must give you everything at all times. Amma always said that what ever she said was out of her experience. Her sayings are direct, down to earth practical and even scholars wondered at the depth and content of her pithy sayings which are seemingly simple. They are characterized by an unrelenting emphasis on

The immanence of God as this entire world-play of forms, and God's transcendence as the formless; A complete equanimity and contentment over what happens in the world; and A nondual devotion toward God as the Cosmic Principle with the realization that "All is HE, All is HIS doing." Here are a few: 'Responsibility' Responsibility is itself suffering. If we do not think "I am doing", but rather I am merely an instrument", then even twice the amount of work is painless responsibility. 'Happiness' Happiness arises in the mind, not in the possessions. It is the mind that thinks, "I have", or "I lack". It is the mind that wants; and it is the mind that feels satisfied with whatever is available. A mind, which thinks otherwise, experiences suffering. To want anything that is not available is sorrow. Contentment is happiness". 'Worship' Although we dimly perceive that there is ONE which is infinite, we cannot grasp it with our minds and worship IT; but we can perceive IT in a limited form and offer worship. So form is necessary. When you worship a form or symbol and deeply contemplate, how can the feeling for your own divinity not grow in you? This is what happens in the worship of form. I don't mean that one gets that result only in the worship of a form or symbol. Whatever the activity-cooking meals, farming-if that same 'Bhava' (one pointed attitude) is maintained, the result will be the same. In all kinds of worship, the result depends on the 'Bhava' one has. Ultimately, one should have the same 'Bhava' no matter what activity one is engaged in. 'Saadhana' What ever you do in your daily routine with attention and devotion is 'Sadhana'. You often hear it said that That (the Real) is real and This (the world) is an illusion. I say that This is also real. You think that teaching children, providing for the household, defending clients in courts etc., is all worldly and that 'Sadhana' is something different from all things. If you do everything as His work and as He would have you do, what else is there to be desired?

'Love' "When love becomes primary (in your life), it is not possible for there to be a single person who is not loved. You love death, you will love life- love alone will be important." "It is the nature of true love to remain constant in all circumstances. The loves of the world are changing; a word or a deed is enough to alter these. If the other person does not act according to your wish, you get angry. But the love I speak of doesn't change in that manner. Such love is found only between mother and child. The mother bears patiently the lapses of the child. The child is never at fault in the mother's eyes, however blameworthy he may seem to others. Such a love is found in a mother's heart and nowhere else. "Do you think that my love will fade away simply because you don't come into my room and see me? As if love were intensified by embracing the four legs of my cot, or by moving about in my room !" "It is not correct to say that you have broken ties with your Mother (when you leave Jillellamudi) ; physical separation can never means separation. When you are always remembering me, where is the separation?" "Mother's love? Love itself is Mother."

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