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What do we want to learn

How best will we learn

How will we know what they have learned Sample assessment strategies Resources


Specific Sample expectations Questions

Students will be able to

Sample activities

Transdiciplinar y theme
Who we are
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

recognize that living things, including humans, need certain resources for energy and growth identify the major food groups and be aware of the role they play in human developmen t.

Why do we need food? What is a balanced diet?

Brain storming Artifacts Field trip Sorting healthy and junk food. Making food journals Posters on safety measures Mind maps Essential Agreement s on hygiene Time manageme nt design a day Report writing Dramatizati on

Open ended tasks. Questionaires checklist Observation Process focussed assessment. Performance Assessments. Children will be asked to observe and evaluate their eating and healthy habits.

Books on healthy living from library. Smart board lessons on balanced choices. Guest lecture by the schools Nutritionist, Doctor, P.E.Ts and parents. A field trip to health museum, N.I.N, Fitness studio, PowerPoint presentations, concrete food products,

Central Idea
Making balance choices about daily routines enables us to have a healthy lifestyle.

What is hygiene? What is safety? Why do we play? Why do we need to take rest ?
Apart from food what else do we need to keep your body fit? What are the safety measure s to be followed to be fit and healthy?

Websites-, http://www.econedlink lesson=EM454&page=teacher books.

Science Skills
Observe carefully in order to gather data Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observation s and experience s

Key Concepts
Function, causation, reflection

Related Concepts
Balance, well-being

Science Strand

Living things

Lines of Inquiry
Daily habits and routines (hygiene, sleep, play, eating) Balanced choices Consequences of choices

Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order to draw conclusions

What is recreatio n?

Planning handy tips Experiment s Nature walks Problem solving

Transdiciplinar y theme
How the world works
An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

talk about activities that occur during the day and night compare activities that occur during the seasons make connections between the weather and how to protect himself or herself identify simple patterns in daily and seasonal cycles observe the features of the local environment that are affected by daily and seasonal cycles.

How does the sun help us? How do we get seasons? What are the different seasons that we have? How do we know that the earth is moving. How can we protect ourselves from acute climatic

Observation Nature walks Experiments [ DAY AND NIGHT] Daily weather log Recording information about seasons Artifact activity [CLOTHES] P.P.P ON SEASONS Venn Diagram Creative writing

Observations, performance assessments

Science lab, books from library, globe, models , field trip to a planetarium, Reading material Guest lectures Visit to E.V.S lab

Central Idea
Our activity is usually connected to the Earths natural cycles.

Key Concepts
Change, connection

Related Concepts
Cycles, interaction

Science Strand
Living things Earth and Space

Science Skills
Observe carefully in order to gather data Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately Make and test predictions


Lines of Inquiry
Night and day cycles (dark and light) Seasonal changes How we celebrate the seasons Health and safety as related to climate and seasonal changes

Transdiciplinar y theme
Sharing the planet
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

Central Idea
Water is essential to life, and is limited resource for many people.

Key Concepts
Function, responsibility

Related Concepts
Conservation, equity, processes

recognize that water exists in the air in different forms explore the impact of the sun on the availability of water describe how water sustains life analyse systems of water storage and usage, both natural and humanmade explain why fresh water is a limited resource identify water issues and propose solutions for responsible, equitable water use (for example, desalination).

Where do we get water from? 2Why do we need water? 3) Why is the water essential? 5) Why does water taste different? 6) What happens if water is impure? 7] How can we save water?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Uses of water Role play sources of water Worksheets Poster making Creative writing A day without water Solubility test Floating and sinking Song on water cycle Condensation, Evaporation

Open ended tasks like research etc. Making a check list For field trips to check their understanding Experiments. Making a booklet/journa l on water contamination and conservation.

Audio visual material, PowerPoint presentation, Reading literature :- Childrens Encyclopedia Field trip to water filtration unit. Solubility and insolubility in EVS labs/ properties of water.

Websites-\sci-units\matter.htm Fieldtrip to recycling unit. Guest lecture by a parent.

Science Skills
Observe carefully in order to

Science Strand
Living things

Earth and space

Lines of Inquiry
Sources of water and how water is used What happens to water after we have used it Distribution and availability of usable water Responsibilities regarding water

gather data Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored

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