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l\Iclllorandum of Cnd<:>rstanding;

T hc Guvcrnmcnt of the Unilcd SI,ncs of Amcri c a
The Government of the Peoples Rqmhli c ofCbina
lhe ESlahlishment uftb<:>
l '.s. -China Governors Forum
10 Promot e Suh-National Cuupetation
The Co\'ernment of the L:rutcd Statcs of " \mcncl ,md thc C;ovc-fmnen l of Il,e
Kc- public 01 China Ow'-eattCf refen-ed to as "Botb Side:;");
Recugnizin!-, that increaoed clX'pernflon strcn?;thens U.S. -( :luna
\pprecJ:ning (hat sub nationallcaders in 111C l.' nited and in Chilla bce
many opport ulli( ih and in promoting growth anll
\X'ith :l vin\' m fun hn promOling puc I ical cooperali, on a lld fri, 'nds lllp betweell
11>e two sille:;: and
"oung the prinCl plcs of reCIprocity, mll1 ual rcsp<:ct. and mlll Llal bc-nc-fu,
lInT fead' ed II,e following undnstanchngc
1_ Bu ill "'ides suppon the efforts of the National Govcrnors . \ssociation of the
L nixed States of Amenca and Ill(' U llneSt Ptopk's ,\ ,;wu annn fe-, r f'riendshi p with
l'meigtl Countrics to c"tablish the L.s. China l'onllll
2. ' 11w PlllPO"C of thc Go\'C1'llOl'S I'omm is to promme undustanding and
cOuptra tinn between thc two sllles by crearing a platform ofpcrr to PCCI' exclungcs
for sub nallonallcadtG 10 dI scuss of n>U!LIai interesi.
3. Roth Sides envIsion Ilul lopics 10 be diY, ussed al the CO\'trnOt0 forum are In
!l1c!Ulle tradc and lnn'Slm('nt, c-nngy and tll(' enviwnmelll, people- Iu-people
10unSIll. cducation, culuH"C and other mpics as appl'Opl'l :lte_
4. BOIh [""k ("r" '11"<.1 LO lhe round of C;O\' ernors F rum, which
cxpecled to take place in 2011 In the Uniled ;';1'lle,,-
:>. Ruth Slues confirm that the (jovernurs Forum nOI l!llcnucd I<J replace
cXISllfLg agrt:elllnll or consulUlIVt mechanism between the two governnJe11ru.
6, 'I '\l1S \lemntandum nf lIndetqal1ding is effecllve as of the uate uf Its signamre.
:-ilji)1Cd in dupllcate in \\'ashingwJl, D,C, un tillS 19" day of January, 2(Jl1. in the
anu C:hlflcse 1'111guage" bOlh tCxt;'; being
Fot the GU\TrnmCnt of the
Utllled of "\menca:
J-lillar) Rod lam Chntoll
Snrdan- nfState
Por l.l,e C;ovcrflllleni of Ihe
l'cuplc's Republi( "fChina:

l\[uuster of Foreign

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