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REVIEW 2008 Analysis of the SPM Biology Papers 2008 PAPER 1 No Answer 1 C 2 3 A A Discussion Mitochondrion (ref: Photo. 2.

9, p25, Nexus Bio.) is sausageshaped/rod-shaped/rod-shaped Rough endoplasmic reticulum in stomach cells makes digestive enzymes (ref: Photo. 2.7, p25, Nexus Bio.) The plasmolysed plant cell is hypertonic to the distilled water. Water molecules move into the plasmolysed plant cell by osmosis and pushes the cell contents against the cellulose wall causing the cell to become turgid (ref: Table 3.6, p66, Nexus Bio.) Facilitated diffusion is carried out by pore/carrier proteins and without the need of ATP (ref: Fig. 3.9, p57, Nexus Bio.). The rate of diffusion of water molecules (by osmosis) from the Visking tubing to the 20% sucrose solution remains constant (straight-line graph) and achieves a plateau when both sides become isotonic to each other (ref: Unit 3.1.6, p57, Nexus Bio.). For any fixed substrate concentration, increasing the enzyme concentration will increase its rate of reaction (ref: Fig. 4.32, p99, Nexus Bio.). Characteristics of enzymes enzyme action is specific and enzyme is not destroyed at the end of the reaction (ref: Unit 4.5.2, p94, Nexus Bio.). Hydrolysis reaction (ref: Fig. 4.23, p94, Nexus Bio.). Stages of mitosis: prophase metaphase anaphase telophase (ref: Fig. 5.24, p130, Nexus Bio.). Due to non-disjunction and number of chromosomes is given by (n1) = (19-1) = 18 (ref: Fig. 5.25, p132, Nexus Bio.). Bread is rich in calcium for bones; eggs are rich in both calcium and iron (replace blood loss), and rice is rich in carbohydrate for energy in recovery (ref: Table 6.11, p154, Nexus Bio.). The liver produces bile (ref: Unit 6.5.3, p175, Nexus Bio.). On a hot sunny day guard cells lose water, become deflated and push together to close the stoma. This prevents plants from losing excessive water through excessive transpiration. Heat released by 0.5g of peanut, Q = mct = 20 X 4.2 X (45 25) = 1680 J. Heat released by 1.0g of peanut = 2Q = 2(1680) = 3360 J g-1. (ref: Unit 6.2.3, p143, Nexus Bio.). Rickets is caused by vitamin D deficiency (ref: Table 6.8, p150, Nexus Bio.). Lipase catalyses the hydrolysis of lipid (ref: Unit 4.5.3, p95, Nexus Bio.) to fatty acid and glycerol (ref: Fig. 4.22, p92, Nexus Bio.). Aeroponics is growing plants in the air (ref: Fig. 6.62, p199, Nexus Bio.). O2 in tracheoles diffuses into respiring cells, and CO2 diffuses from cells into tracheoles (ref: Fig. 7.16, p222, Nexus Bio.). Spinach is rich in iron needed to make haemoglobin (ref: Table

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6.11, p154, Nexus Bio.). Pioneer stage succession by aquatic floating plants succession by emergent (amphibious) plants succession by land plants (ref: Unit 6.2.3, p262, Nexus Bio.). Density of P = (14 + 10 + 0 + 22 + 18 + 16 + 12 + 0 + 15 + 13)/10 m2 = 120/10 m2 = 12 m-2 Most organisms grow very little or not at all at 0oC. Perishable foods are stored at low temperatures to slow the rate of growth and consequent spoilage (e.g. milk). Pioneer species (e.g. Avicennia sp. and Sonneratia sp.) colonise muddy banks (ref: Fig. 8.22, p265, Nexus Bio.). Commensalism (ref: Unit 8.1.4, p253, Nexus Bio.) benefits the commensal (clown fish) but neither benefits nor harms the host (sea anemone) Deforestation reduces the amount of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) being removed (through photosynthesis) from the atmosphere (ref: Unit 9.2.1, p314, Nexus Bio.). (ref: Eutrophication, p309, Nexus Bio.) chlorine atom + ozone chlorine monoxide +oxygen gas chlorine monoxide + oxygen atom oxygen gas + chlorine atom (ref: Unit 9.2.2, p317, Nexus Bio.) Beef burger is rich in saturated fats, which raise the blood cholesterol level, block arteries, and contribute to heart diseases (ref: Unit 4.4.5, p92-p93, Nexus Bio.). A vaccine is an antigen that is injected to stimulate the formation of antibodies against the whole bacteria. The effectiveness of immunizations can be improved by periodic repeat injections or "boosters, which raise the concentration of antibody in the blood. (ref: Unit 10.5.7, p352, Nexus Bio.). Environmental factors raising the rate of transpiration are light intensities, temperature, relative humidity and air movement (ref: Unit 10.8.6, p365, Nexus Bio.). Food transported down the stem in the phloem accumulates above the ring, causing the bulge (ref: Fig. 10.52, p362, Nexus Bio.). Antiserum is the serum of an animal or human that contains antibodies against a specific disease, used to give passive artificial immunity to that disease (ref: Fig. 10.39, p353, Nexus Bio.). cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum (ref: Unit 11.1.4, p382, Nexus Bio.). Humerus (ref: Fig. 11.16, p386, Nexus Bio.). Aerenchyma cells in the petiole of Eichonia sp. (ref: Fig. 11.47, p403, Nexus Bio.). An involuntary action does not involve thoughts, is not under conscious control, and cannot be controlled (ref: Table 12.5, p426, Nexus Bio.). Have a good posture and avoid lifting heavy objects (ref: Unit 11.2.1, p399-401, Nexus Bio.). Haemodialysis (ref: Fig. 12.35, p444, Nexus Bio.). Ethylene promotes fruit ripening (ref: Unit 12.6.2, p450, Nexus Bio.).

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See movement of the lower limbs (ref: Fig. 11.27, p392, Nexus Bio.). The radicle bends downwards, and the plumule bends upwards (ref: Fig. 12.44, p454, Nexus Bio.). See oogenesis (ref: Fig. 13.6, p465, Nexus Bio.). IVF technique: ova are removed from the ovary, fertilised in a Petri dish, and the zygote is transferred to the endometrium with a transfer pipette (Ref: Fig 13.22, p478, Nexus Bio.). Fertilisation occurs in the Fallopian tube (ref: Fig. 13.11, p471, Nexus Bio.). Oestrogen heals and repairs the endometrium; progesterone is needed to maintain the endometrium (Ref: Fig 13.8, p467, Nexus Bio.). D is the egg cell (Ref: Fig 13.27, p481, Nexus Bio.). B group blood can only exist if its alleles are IBIB or IBIO as IB is codominant with IB and dominant to IO (Ref: Table 14.9, p511, Nexus Bio.). Colour blindness is caused by a recessive gene that is only located on the X chromosome (sex-linked gene) (Ref: Unit 14.2.5, p514, Nexus Bio.). Height has a continuous range of values for phenotypes (Ref: Unit 15.1.3, p528-p539, Nexus Bio.). A chiasma is the point where the exchange of chromatid material occurs (ref: Table 5 .4, p126; Figure 15.9, p534, Nexus Bio.).

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