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4 20 English for Midwifery Students lari Questions Why does the client come to the midwife? To check YQ Wis Pregnancy What is the client's name? ‘Tie client's awe Is Jewmy Kusama Singrat How oldis she? She is tuventy seveu years oid What is her husband's name? Her Wudtoaud's awe is Tu. Michael Where does she live? She Uve iva JL» Pager Diponegors vuumber 234 What is her phone number? Wer Plrove Uumber 15 0251 - 2034567 How many times does she visit the midwife? She visit tne uniduitke 15 Fick bie oo ei Notes: Establishing rapport with patients is essential if you want them to cooperate with you. If you go straight into the medical aspect of the consultation without first acknowledging that the patient in front of you is a person, it can affect the history taking. The conversation above starts with a small talk. Exercise: A. Practice again the conversation using your own ID cards. B. Practice the conversation, but this time without ID cards & x by asking the following questions. caiman ica ssmectianct Scanned with CamScanner ; 22 English for Midwifery Students Excercise Insert the correct to be in the blank space of each sentence. Then change them into Negative, Interrogative and Negative Interrogative: |. Dr. Robert .1%. from England. 2. My father and mother Ase happy. 3. Susan J. a midwifery student. 4. The lecturer .(&. satisfied with the students’ performance. - 5. They Arein the dormitory now. 6. We Are tired after the long lecture. 7. Her cat .LS.. hungry. 8. Sulastri and Jenny Ate sisters. 9. The nurse ./§. in a hurry. 10. The boy .Jg. very scared, =< Scanned with CamScanner

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