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Business Plan

Executive Summary
A. company name. address and phone number
Address: Kamal Pokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal
Customer call no:01-4477077

B. contacts of key people
There are altogether three key people in the company. The detail oI them are given below:
Mr. Rubbendra Maharian
Temporary: Bhakhundol, Kabhrepalanchowk
Permanent: Mhepi, Kathmandu
Email: rubeniugal(
Designation: Research and Development Manager
Mr. Ashish Manandhar
Temporary: Bhakhundol, Kabhrepalanchowk
Permanent:Chhetrapati, Kathmandu
Email: asismane(
Designation: Operation and Maintenance Manager
Mr. Damodar Paudel
Business Plan

Temporary: Bhakhundol, Kabhrepalanchowk
Permanent: Khurkot,Parbat
Mobile: 9841414141
Email: darocks(
Designation: Account and Sales Manager

. Our Business. Services and solutions
Everest solar solution presents the market with reliable, cheap and convenient solar solutions Ior
the people suIIering Irom load shedding problems. Our company deals with all parts oI solar
components and we basically serve solar Iacilities Irom survey to installation. ESS Iocuses on
present load shedding crisis and promotion oI green energy in our country.
Our service will work out on installation and maintenance oI solar energy mainly on urban area.
Promoting renewable energy our company will limit the uses oI non renewable energy which
will be environmental Iriendly.
D. Our Market
Initially ESS has targeted the Kathmandu Valley residents as primary customers. OIIices and
apartments are also among our customers. Kathmandu valley uses most oI the electrical energy
in Nepal. Due to load shedding problem, people are rundown Irom their social and proIessional
liIe. This problem will be solved by our product and services. Our targeted customers have
knowledge about solar energy and its beneIits.
Besides Kathmandu valley, we intended to expand our services outside the valley in near Iuture.
E. ompetition and marketing Strategy
There are around 7 companies which are directly and indirectly related to our business. Among
them 4 companies Iocus toward rural areas and associated with government, so they are not head
to head competitors. The remaining are companies which Iocuses on large organization instead
oI residents.
Since our company will be in large scale, we will adopt cost leadership marketing strategy. To
promote our company diIIerent media like Advertisement media, newspapers, Business
magazines and Internet will be used. Besides we`ll be Iocusing on increasing the publicity oI our
business through activities like: sponsoring in public Medias, organizing campaign, supporting
green energy program. Our company will provide Ilexible service to our customers in Iinancial
Business Plan

context by providing installment Iacilities. Since our company will provide small to large scale
solar power installation, it will attract more customers with diIIerent potential. Our company`s
web page will provide guidance and instruction to customer regarding our product and services
which will make easy access to our company.
. Management team
ESS will have three key personals in the company who are the co-owners and also designated
oIIicers oI the company. They are:
Mr. Rubbendra Maharian
Designation: R&D Manager
Education: Master in Renewable Energy
Expertise: Photo-voltaic phenomena
Mr. Ashish Manandhar
Designation: O&M Manager
Education: ME in electrical engineering
Expertise: Solar Energy
Mr. Damodar Paudel
Designation: Accounts and Sales Manager
Education: Master in Business Administration
Expertise: Public Relation

G. inancial forecast
ESS company requires capital oI NRs.30,00,000 Ior the startup oI its business. The amount
includes administration, overhead, marketing costs and also meet short term working capital
needs. The capital will be generated by equity oI each oI partners. The breakeven point is
obtained at 88.5 units Ior the starting year.

Business Plan

A. Vision statement
to change Nepal Into a nation where solar energv provides power to evervdav needs.
B. Mission statement
The mission oI Everest solar solutions is to increase the quality oI liIe oI people oI urban areas
by eliminating the problems created by load shedding. For this, ESS provides high tech, high
quality green energy alternative to home or oIIice use.
@. Values and Principles on which business stands
Load shedding should not be a problem to any person.
Solar energy is a precious giIt and we should take maximum beneIit Irom it.
D. ompetitive Advantage
ESS Company possesses signiIicant competitive advantages over its competitors because oI the
Iollowing reasons:
O Installment Iacility is provided so that everyone can aIIord solar electricity.
O Run by electrical engineers so that each customer`s energy needs is precisely calculated
to gain maximum eIIiciency.
O Proper customer care is provided by warranty and repair Iacility.

Business Plan

A. Stage of growth
The solar electriIication companies oI Nepal at present are at an inIant stage. It is in introductory
stage but consciousness as well as needs oI people is increasing at a good rate and the existing
companies are getting popular among upper class oI residents. We think at this rate, the
popularity and the use oI renewable energy will increase.

Our Company ESS is in the start up phase oI business. As initial market we`ll serve the
residential customer and oIIices. Then we will proceed to large organizations and apartments
aIter getting publicity.
AIter covering our initial market, we are likely to attract the customers outside the valley.
Besides we are planning to expand our Iirm that deals only with parts oI solar products
B. ompany Goals and Objectives
Our goal is to become the number one company in solar electricity business.
O To reach a target oI installing 50 solar panels within the Iirst 5 months.
O To spread our service out oI valley within second year
uevelopmenL lnLroducLlon CrowLh MaLurlLv SaLuraLlon uecllne
Solar elecLrlflcaLlon
lla2 Llfe cvcle ulaaram for solar elecLrlflcaLlon companles
Business Plan

. ndustry analysis
1) ndustry background and overview
The Iirst commercial renewable energy company oI Nepal was lotus energy Iounded on 1993.
Till now there are about Iour companies which deal with solar energy. But among them, two
companies work to provide energy to rural areas only. They are NGOs and are Iunded by various
rural development proiects. The remaining 2 also take rural areas as their primary target but they
deal with urban areas as well. We are the Iirst company to take the urban areas as the primary
consumers and this can be a real opportunity. The demand Ior green alternative energy in urban
is constantly increasing as people are having a hard time coping with the problems caused by
load shedding crisis.
To tackle the load shedding crisis, there are companies which are providing other Iorms oI
solutions such as generator services and inverter services. For these solutions, the consumer must
spend constantly on running costs such as cost Ior Iuels and maintenance. Due to this high
running cost, people in urban areas want something that is hassle Iree, and cheaper in long term.
So they will be attracted to our services.
2) Significant trends
The trend oI existing renewable energy companies is to collect money Irom diIIerent rural
development proiects. None oI the existing companies Iocuses on urban areas and hence they are
untapped opportunities.
3) Growth rate
Currently lotus energy installs 5-6 systems per month in urban areas and this number is
increasing even though lotus has no advertisement campaigns. This shows that this rate will
increase once people are aware oI the availability oI such systems. Moreover, the main reason
Ior people not being attracted to solar systems is due to the initial high cost. From our installment
provision, people will not be burdened by initial high cost and hence sales will increase.
4) Key success factors n the industry
O Load shedding:
It has become a huge burden on the liIe style oI urban people. People need other sources
oI energy to do their iobs as well as Ior recreation. Also, load shedding problem is
Iorecasted to continue and grow till the next 6 years. So sooner or later, people will
search Ior alternative sources.
O Renewable source oI energy:
Solar energy is renewable source oI energy and due to this reason customers are not
burdened by any running cost. Once they install the system, they get energy Ior their
liIetime without having to pay any penny.
O Pollution Iree energy:
Business Plan

Photovoltaic (PV) modules (Solar Panels) gives Iree and environment Iriendly electric
power whenever we want it. PV modules generate electricity directly Irom sunlight and
their operation is completely noise and pollution Iree. Because they have no moving parts
to wear and tear, they will provide reliable power Ior decades.
) Outlook for the future
Presently in many developed countries, there are laws which enable people to sell excessive
electricity generated Irom solar home systems to their regional electricity company. Similarly,
such types oI laws are being discussed to be applied in Nepal. This process might be completed
in the coming 3 to 4 years. So aIter 3 or 4 years, demand Ior our products will increase rapidly.

Business Plan

A. Desired mage and Position in the Market
We would like to stand out in the solar market through our service and product reliability. We want to be
the customer`s Iirst choice by creating positive public image through diIIerent media. We want to create
an image oI a company which provides green energy at cheap and easy installment Iacility.
B. SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis Ior ESS is done as Iollows:
1. Strength
O Good quality oI service
O Strong public relationship
O ighly skilled manpower
O Understanding and Unity among the partners
O Strong relation with the manuIacturers

2. Weakness
O Inexperience
O Inadequate inIormation about customer`s needs

3. Opportunities
O Load shedding
O Target customer are unsatisIied with current available services
O Promotion oI renewable energy Irom government level
O Subsidies and tax credit on the solar products

4. Threats
O Political instability
O Existing competitors
. ompetitive Strategy
The type oI strategy we employ to create a market share Ior our company is Iocus strategy. We
will Iocus on the class oI people who need electricity Ior their daily works, the class oI people
who are having a really hard time to deal with the current load shedding problems.
By the time competition grows, we will have enough market shares and a distinct brand image.
To attract such customers we will engage in advertisement campaigns which will educate people
to use green solar energy, campaigns which will explain the long term beneIits oI using our
systems than using generators.
Business Plan

V ompany product and services
1. Product or Service features
Complete solar home system customized to customers` demands.
For this category oI products, we will Iirst survey the site and then calculate the required
power and its cost. The requirement oI diIIerent customers may vary. It will include the
Iollowing components:
O Photovoltaic cells (PV): it is the source oI energy, it will convert solar energy into
electrical energy. We will provide PV cells Irom Shell-Solar, the largest manuIacturer
oI solar panels in the world. The rating oI such panels will vary Irom 65watts-peak to
O Charge controller: it will be used to control overcharge and over discharge oI battery
which will increase battery liIe.
O eat shrink: helps to overcome overheat oI problem oI battery
O Battery isolator: it will help to run system directly Irom solar panel aIter battery is
Iully charged.
O Cable
O Battery: it is deep cyclic sealed lead acid battery Irom TaTa green.
Installment oI solar panels only(Ior customers )
From our survey, we have Iound that about Iive percent oI total population in valley has
been using inverters. Customer with this category would need solar panel only. ence we
will install particular solar panel that will match with their system.
2. ustomer benefits

First oI all the customers are Iacilitated by services that are customized regarding their
needs and perspectives.
Installment Iacility will make them comIortable with Iinancial context.
3. Warranties and Guarantees
The company shall provide its customers with guaranties and warranties Ior every
component. Failure oI any guaranteed component will be repaired or replaced immediately
on request (any physical hampers will not be repaired).

4. Uniqueness
Customized system with respect to customers` perspective is Iirst key point oI our
company which will satisIy variable needs oI our customer.
Business Plan

B. Patent or trademark protection

ESS will be register under the Ministry oI Industry and Commerce as a service oriented business.
It will be a registered as a partnership company in Kathmandu Municipality. ESS will be legally
approved aIter its registration and imitation oI our trademark will be punishable as per the
Ministry oI Industry and Commerce.
. Description of Service process

ESS believes in promoting green energy as well as increasing solar users. ESS creates
opportunities Ior customer to get beneIits oI solar energy in appropriate costs.

Ordering & Payment Procedures:

What are the ordering procedures?

1. ontact

In order to get our service, one needs to contact in our oIIice. Our advertisement means shall
help our customers to get details oI oIIices.
2. Selection of services
Our web page; www.uress .com Ieatures various products available and our services. The
customers can also search the product description and warranty we provide. They can be updated
with services we provide through our web page. The customers can select the types oI the service
they want

3. Pricing
Pricing oI the services will be mentioned in both in Nepalese as well as US Dollar in our web
page. For convenience customer can directly contact in our oIIice.

Payment methods:

Business Plan

The payment is divided into Iull payment and installment basis:

O Full payment: customer has to pay immediately aIter the installation oI system. The cards
accepted are VISA, Master Card and Standard Chartered card.
O Installment basis: This payment method is valid Ior all customers. Customer have to
make IiIty percent down payment at Iirst aIter installation then customer shall pay in
installment basis with interest to Iinance company.

D. uture Service offerings:
We are planning Ior adding the services which will target oIIices and small hotels. ESS has plan
to deploy this service aIter two years oI establishment oI company

Business Plan


A. Target Market

1) omplete Demographic Profile:

The idea oI ESS came due to the emerging market solar energy in Nepal. Every year thousands
oI Nepalese are attracted toward particularly solar energy in the middle oI alternatives energy
sources. They want to serve by solar energy to get relieve Irom load shedding and electricity

Table: total population and targeted customer
2007 39,51,423 5.2
2008 41,08,817 5.7
2009 45,67,565 6.5

2) Electronics equipments
ist of Mostly used electronics eqipments

S.N. ist of electronics equipments
1. CFLs (Tube light)
2. Computer
3. Laptop
4. Mobile charger

B. ustomer`s Motivational actors

The concept oI solar energy is not new among the Nepali customers. According to our market
survey, most oI our targeted customers are Iamiliar with solar power installation and their
beneIits. Maiority oI customers have positive thinking towards our business idea. We have
summarized some Iactors which help to motivate the customers to use our services. The
signiIicant customer`s motivational Iactors are:
Business Plan

1. Better alternative source of energy

In the long run, solar electricity is cheaper than buying it Irom the power company. There is a
start up cost, but then it starts paying Ior itselI. Once you break even, everything aIter that is

2. Giving customer what they want
There is a huge variety oI solar panel systems available. Some can cost tens oI thousands oI
dollars, and some cost iust a couple hundred. This means customer can get into solar, with their
respective Iinancial eIIort.

3. Environmental aspects:
Solar Energy is clean, renewable (unlike gas, oil and coal) and sustainable, helping to protect our
environment. It`s not aIIected by the supply and demand oI Iuel and is thereIore not subiected to
the ever-increasing price oI gasoline.

. Market Size and Trends
1) How large is the market?
Solar energy market in Nepal is in growing stage. The location oI the company is in Putali
Sadak, Kathmandu which shares maior part oI population. Since it is capital city, most oI the
people are Iamiliar with beneIits oI solar energy. This location shares maior targeted
customer which will be beneIicial Ior our service. Targeted customers have started to use
these types oI services in Kathmandu valley. Since this type oI service is in developing and
progressive stage, ESS will catch the present trend customizing the service with customers`
2) s it growing or shrinking?
There are Iew companies who are directly related to our services. We are the competitors in
this market. Customers preIerring solar energy are increasing day by day. Due its advantages,
people are more likely to have solar energy in their house and oIIices. Since our targeted
customers are Iamiliar with solar energy and its merits, it is more liable to increase in market.
ence our targeted market is in growing stage.
Business Plan

D. Advertising and Promotion

The advertisement is depending upon the target customers; where are they? ow should we
communicate with them? ESS is going to answer these questions with the eIIective
advertisement ant promotion techniques. This section includes a description oI all advertising
means and medium we are planning to use as well as public relations program and promotional
materials (such as brochures).
We will adopt GUERRILLA marketing approach Ior marketing our service. As we have Iocused
in Kathmandu valleys` customer in initial stage, we will use Iollowing media Ior advertisement:

1. Media to be used

We are planning to use two types oI Advertisement; viz. OIIline and Online advertisement. We
mainly Iocused on oIIline than online advertisement.

i. Offline Promotion:


News paper is a good source oI communicating with the potential customers, especially
oI age group 20- 40 years. Our targeted customers preIer the English newspapers like The
imalayan Times, The Kathmandu Post, and Nepal Times. We will advertise our
company service, contacts, Ieatures and website in those papers. As our allocation oI cost
Ior oIIline advertisement is high, the advertisement will be weekly or may be monthly.

Another eIIective means oI advertising Ior our company is magazines which has wide
reach to the target customer. Magazines oIIer long liIe span resulting in good chance oI
being seen several times. Magazines ads are usually oI high quality, resulting in strong
visual appeal. We will use business magazine like The Times Nepal, which are more
preIerred by our customer. The selection oI newspapers and magazines will depend on
the Cost per thousand (CPM).

Business Plan

Our company publishes a brochure annually including all the activities oI the
company. Brochure helps to make customer up to date about income and expenses oI the
company. The report oI seminars and interaction programs held in the year is published
in it. A strong brochure can be the back bone to reIlect the positive Ieedback Irom
customer Ior an institution. So we are planning to invest enough capital to publish own
Public Relation:
To increase public relation, we will organize program to create awareness about
alternative energy. This type oI program will help to raise our company status in public
perspective and diIIerent media covering the program will help recognition oI our
company existence. This will also help to make relationship with diIIerent proIessional
and expertise oI diIIerent Iields.
ii. Promotion through internet:

Since our targeted costumers are use to with internet, ESS shall be Iocusing in
advertisement through internet. We will use web page oI our company that are cost
eIIective but reach the large number oI customer,

2. requency of usage

We are mainly Iocusing in oIIline advertisement so our company will be updated in news and
magazines regularly. News paper will be used weekly and magazines Iort nightly. Costs Ior news
paper and magazines are noted in table below. Our web page will be updated time to time.
Business Plan

3. Advertisement ost:

S.N. Type oI Advertisement Cost Allocated (Rs)
News paper
(The imalayan Times)
(The Nepal Times)
(Iort nightly)
3. Web page 10,000

Business Plan

E. Pricing

1. ost Structure
a. Fixed Cost:

Pre-Operating irst Year Second Year Third Year
ixed cost Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs)
computer (3) 90000
Furniture 100000
Fax and printer 30000
other 10000
Rent 240000 468000 468000
Salaries 336000 768000 768000
Insurance 20000 20000 20000
Total ixed ost 230000 000 12..000 12000

b. Variable Cost:

irst Year Second Year Third Year
Variable cost Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Transportation 30,000 48,000 48,000
Electricity 7200 10000 10000
Telephone bill 14,400 14,400 14,400
Tax 1,35,625 1,51,671 2,51,292
Total Variable ost 1.87.22 2.24.071 3.23.2

2. Desired mage in the market

We will like to see ESS next to leading companies like Lotus in national market and next to
some international companies like Solar Shell in Iew years. We will like to establish a strong
brand image by the consistent quality services. As our vision we will always try to deliver
value to our customers, employees and to our nation as well.

Business Plan

V: ocation and ayout
A.ocation and demographic analysis
We have selected Kamal Pokhari as the appropriate location because oI the proximity oI
our suppliers.The rental rates are also cheaper in this part oI the valley and building is
Iacilitated with telephone, internet and electricity Iacilities, so this location is appropriate
Ior our business.

1. TraIIic count
About 55 vehicles per minute keep on running in the road during peak hours in
kamalpokhari area.
2. Lease Rates
Being the center oI Kathmandu valley the rental rates is slightly lower than other areas in
putalisadak and kamalpokhari area so we are Iocusing in this area. We are planning to
rent a Ilat with two rooms with cost oI 20000 per month in the starting year.
3. Labor Needs and Supply
ESS mainly needs the labor Ior transporting the equipments to the customer place and
helper Ior installing the system in customer`s home or oIIice. Our business attracts the
people with required qualiIiacation to Iill oI ther application Ior being an employer in
ESS since its central location and Iacilities provided.
B. ayout and ergonomics issue
ESS is established in two rooms in its starting, each room is with size oI 20*20 sq. Ieet.
One room is allocated Ior reception and customer dealing with place Ior 3 head manager
oI ESS. Another one is separated Ior storing the goods with a corner Ior resting oI
employees to Ieel energetic when tired Irom working.
Our working area is well equipped with Iurniture and standard lighting in the room. The
space will be suIIicient to create workable environment inside the oIIice. The working
area will have all the necessary Iacilities needed Ior the business.
Note: appendix contains the detail layout oI oIIice.
Business Plan


A. Existing ompetitors
1. ompetitive Profile Matrix

Maior competitors: These competitors are the giants oI online shopping in Nepal. They are:

1. Kevin solar solution
2. Swogun Energy PVT. LT

Swogun Energy PVT. T
O Business type: manuIacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
O Product types: Solar ome System, Portable Power Pack solar system system, solar
batteries, charge controller and others.
O Service types: consulting, installation, proiect development services, research services,
site survey and assessment services, contractor services, maintenance and repair services
Kevin Solar Solution:
O Business type: manuIacturer, exporter
O Product types: backup power systems, DC to AC power Inverters sine wave, Batteries
Deep Cycle, SMF Batteries, Solar Water eating Systems, Solar Lighting Systems,
Online UPS, Automatic LiIt Backup System, IGBT Based ome UPS, CFL Lights,
Cyber -UPS, Sine Wave Inverter, Sine Wave UPS, DSP Sine Wave -UPS, DSP Sine
Wave Inverter, DSP Sine Wave Online UPS, DSP Sine Wave Static UPS.
We have constructed the CPM oI Kevin Solar solution, Swogun Energy PVT. LT and ESS as

Table: ompetitive Profile Matrix (PM)

Key Success Factors
Kevin Solar
Swogun Energy PVT.
Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Innovative services 0.1 4 0.4 2 0.2 4 0.4
0.2 1 0.2 2 0.4 3 0.6
Financial Strength 0.1 4 0.4 2 0.2 3 0.3
Service Quality 0.4 4 1.6 3 1.2 4 1.6
Customer Trust 0.2 3 0.6 3 0.6 2 0.4
Total 3.2 2. 3.3
Business Plan

2. Strengths and Weakness of competitors
The maior competitors are the established companies. They have established their service image
and they have good technology and Iinancial strengths.

Kevin Solar solution

O Strong brand name
O They are manuIacturer

O Expensive delivery charge
O Slow delivery process

Swogun Energy PVT. T

O Strong brand name
O Unique R&D deparment

O location
O low interaction with customers

B. Potential competitors

Solar home installation company is medium scale company. So, there will always be possibility
oI new competitors. Our potential competitors will be those who will Iocus on installation
service only in particularly in Kathmandu valley. Some oI the potential customers are:

Kinetic Energy Pvt. td.
O Business type: wholesale supplier
O Product types: solar lighting systems, batteries lead acid deep-cycle, solar charge
controllers, DC lighting, solar water pumping systems, batteries lead acid Ilooded, retails
sales, wholesale supplier, design.
O Service types: consulting, contractor services, research and development
Business Plan

Nepal Energy Development ompany (Pvt.) td. (NEDO)
O Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier
O Product types: appliances, custom batteries, water heating systems, sun concentrating
photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic modules, compact Iluorescent lighting, Compact
Flourecent Lamps (CFL), Complete Solar ome Systems, Complete Solar Water eating
O Service types: consulting, installation
O Address: Bharatpur-10, Chaubiskothi, Chitwan, Narayangarh, Narayani Nepal 26,
otus Energy Pvt. td.
O Business type: ManuIacturer, Wholesale, Supplier, Retail Sales, Service, Installer
O Product types: Complete Solar Energy Systems, photovoltaic modules, rechargeable
batteries, Power backup systems, Solar charge controller, Solar pumps, Solar
Tukis(alternate to kerosene lamp), Solar LEDs, Solar prayer wheels, Solar ozone water
puriIication systems, etc. .
O Address: P. O. Box 9219, 1679 Thirbam Sadak 3, Bhatbhateni, Kathmandu, Bagmati
O Telephone: 977 (1) 441 8203
O AX: 977 (1) 441 2924
mpact on our business:
They are potential competitors with similar services we provide. II they plan to target in our
customer and location under these circumstances we will lose our potential customer. As well as,
market will saturate beIore than we estimated.

Business Plan


ESS is partnership business organization which will be owned and manage by its three partners.
The three partners will iointly share the ownership oI the business and they will have equal
amount oI equity, proIitability and all oI these members hold equal decision making authority.

ESS will operate with three departmentsResearch and Development Department ,Account and
Sales Department, Operation and Maintenance Department, at the oIIice which is based in
Kamal Pokhari.
The partners are responsible Ior one department and they will make the decisions on their
respective department and the maior decisions oI the company will be iointly discussed.

A.Key managers and employees
1. Designation of Key managers

Name Designation
Mr. Damodar Paudel Accounts and Sales Department
Mr Ashish Manandhar Operation & Maintenance Department
Mr. Rubbendra Maharian Research and Development Department

2. Key Employees:

1. Receptionist
2. Helper

The number oI helper will be increased in the consecutive second year Irom one to Iour. The
Iemale applicants are encouraged to be employed in the reception. elper is required to be more
experienced so no complain may arise Irom customers.
3. Salary Structure of staffs:

Employee Salary/Month (Rs.)
R&D Manager 8,000
Accounts and Sales manager 8,000
Operation and Maintenance manager 8,000
Receptionist 8,000
Delivery Boy 8,000

Business Plan

We designated the salary structure such that the employees do not have to make any
compromise in their selI-esteem.the salary scale is equally divided Irom top to bottom
level oI management.At the end oI the year proIit is shared among the three owners oI

B. "ualification of Management Team

Ashish Manandhar : ME in Electrical Engineering
Damodar Paudel : Masters in Business Administration
Rubbendra Maharian : Master in Renewable Energy
Receptionist : Bachelors in Business Administration
elper : Diploma level

Business Plan


A.orm of ownership

ESS will be operating as a partnership Iirm. All the three partners will iointly share the
ownership oI the business and they will have equal amount oI equity, proIitability and all oI
these members hold equal decision making authority. All the partners will be actively
involved in the day to day operations oI the business. The partners have the responsibilities in
three departments. The main reason Ior operating as Partnership business is to establish such
a business that is strong in Iinancing and management.

Three partner viz. Mr. Damodar Paudel, Mr Ashish Manandhar and Mr. Rubbendra
Maharian will iointly invest the equity capital oI Rs.1,000,000 each. The sources oI equity
Iinancing oI the partners will be personal savings and their Iriends and Iamily members.

B. Structure of the ompany

. Decision Making Authority

All the three partners oII the ESS will have equal authority to make decisions. The partners are
responsible Ior one department and they will make the decisions on their respective department
and the maior decisions oI the company will be iointly discussed. All the maior decisions oI the
company must require the consent oI each member.

AccounL Sales
Pelper 8ecepLlonlsL
Business Plan

D. ompensation and Benefits Packages

As our mission 'Solar energy is a precious giIt and we should take maximum beneIit Irom it.,
we will never compromise in the quality oI our service. The customers can check the condition
oI the service installed and they can complain iI unsatisIied with our work. We will always
remember 'the customer`s satisIaction is our motto during our business.

Business Plan


A. inancial statement

1. Pro forma ncome Statement

ncome Statement of Everest Solar Solutions (in Rupees)
irst Year Second Year Third Year
Net Sales Revenue 1,26,48,768 1,51,54,656 1,81,38,856

ost of materials 93,28,000 1,11,76,000 1,33,76,000

Balance 33,20,768 39,78,656 47,62,856

Operating Expenses
Rent 2,40,000 4,68,000 4,68,000
Salaries 3,36,000 7,68,000 7,68,000
Telephone 14,400 14,400 14,400
Electricity cost 7,200 10,000 10,000
Insurance 20,000 20,000 20,000
Stationary 24,000 24,000 24,000
Transportation 30,000 48,000 48,000
Internet charge 12,000 12,000 12,000
Other 2,400 2,400 2,400
Total operating expenses 6,86,000 13,66,800 13,66,800
Balance 26,34,768 26,11,856 33,96,056

Computer 9,000 8,100 7,290
Furniture 10,000 9,000 8,100
Fax and printer 3,000 2,700 2,430
Electronic appliances 1,500 1,350 1,215
Total depreciation 23,500 21,150 19,035
Balance 26,11,268 2590706 33,77,021

nventory 5,28,000 5,28,000 7,04,000
Balance 20,83,268 19,09,106 26,73,021

Advertisement cost 10,40,000 7,40,000 7,40,000
Balance 10,43,268 11,66,706 19,33,021

Tax(13) 1,35,625 1,51,671 2,51,292
Net income .07.43 10.1.03 1.81.72

Business Plan

B. Annual Expenses (in Rupees)

ategory irst year Second year Third year
Rent 2,40,000 4,68,000 4,68,000
Salaries 3,36,000 7,68,000 7,68,000
Telephone 14,400 14,400 14,400
Electricity cost 7,200 10,000 10,000
Insurance 20,000 20,000 20,000
Stationary 24,000 24,000 24,000
Transportation 30,000 48,000 48,000
Internet charge 12,000 12,000 12,000
Advertisement cost 10,40,000 7,40,000 7,40,000
Other 2,400 2,400 2,400
Tax 1,35,625 1,51,671 2,51,292
Total 18.1.2 22..471 23.8.02

Sales and profit statement
Sales Profit
1,26,48,768 9,07,643
1,51,54,656 10,15,035
1,81,38,856 16,81,729

orecasts profits of first three years

1st year 2nd year 3rd year
Business Plan

. Pro forma Balance Sheet(at the end of first fiscal year)

urrent Assets
Cash .07.43
Account receivable 0
Prepaid expenses 0
Inventory 20,83,268
Total urrent Assets 29,90,911
ixed Assets
Electronic appliances 15,000
Less Accumulated Depreciation 1500 13,500
Computer 90,000
Less Accumulated Depreciation 9,000 81,000
Fax and printer 30,000
Less Accumulated Depreciation 3,000 27,000
Furniture 100,000
Less Accumulated Depreciation 10,000 90,000
Total fixed Assets 2.11.00
Total Assets 32.02.411
urrent iabilities
Account Payable 0
Wages, Salaries Payables 0
Advertisement Payables 0
cost 2,35,000
Taxes Payable 0

Total urrent iabilities 2,35,000
Owner`s Equity
Partners` Capital 29,67,411
Total iabilities and Partners` Equity 32.02.411

Business Plan

3. ash flow statement

Particular Pre-operating First year Second year Third year
ash inflow
Equity 29,67,411

Sales 1,26,48,768 1,51,54,656 1,81,38,856

Total cash inIlows 29,67,411 1,26,48,768 1,51,54,656 1,81,38,856

ash outflow
Pre-operating expenses
(Purchase oI Iixed assets) 2,35,000
Cost oI materials 93,28,000 1,11,76,000 1,33,76,000
Operative Expenses 6,86,000 13,67,800 13,66,800
Inventory 5,28,000 5,28,000 7,04,000
Advertisement cost 10,40,000 7,40,000 7,40,000
Tax 1,35,625 1,51,671 2,51,292

Total cash outIlows 2,35,000 1,17,17,625 1,39,63,471 1,64,38,092

Net cash Ilows 27,32,411 9,31,143 11,91,185 17,00,764

Cash balance in the beginning 27,32,411 36,63,554 48,54,739
Borrowing/Repayment - - -

ash balance at the end 27.32.411 3.3.4 48.4.73 ..03
preoperat|ng 1st year 2nd year 3rd year


Cash 8a|ance
cash ba|ance
Business Plan

B. Breakeven analysis

First year
Fixed cost 25,8000
Selling price per unit 1,19,328
Variable cost per unit 91,000
Breakeven point in units 89 units


The Iixed cost includes:
Advertisement cost (Rs.10,40,000),
Initial start up cost (Rs.2,85,000),
Running cost Ior one year (Rs.6,55,000)
And the inventory cost(Rs.5,28,000)
ence aIter sales oI 89 units, we will go into proIit.

Business Plan

C. Ratio Analysis:

1. Net profit on Sales ratio:

Net proIit on Sales ratio Net proIit net sales

First year Second year Third year
Net proIit 9,07,643
10,15,035 16,81,729
Net sales 1,26,48,768
1,51,54,656 1,81,38,856
Net proIit on Sales ratio 7.175 6.69 9.27

Conclusion :
AIter deducting all the expenses, 7.175 paisa oI each sales rupees remains as a proIit Ior us in the
Iirst year. Then in second year due increase in expenses in addition oI rooms and human resources,
it is decrease to 6.69 paisa oI each sales rupees. AIter third year, it will increase to 9.27 paisa oI
each sales rupess as no more additional expenses will be added. In other hand advertisement
expenses will be deducted aIter second Iiscal year.

2. Net profit to equity (Return on nvestment Ratio)

Net proIit to equity Ratio net proIits beIore tax / shareholders equity

First Year
Net ProIit 10,43,268
Owner`s Equity 32,02,411
Net profit to equity ratio 32.

The earning oI ESS is 32.5 percent on the money the partners have invested in ESS Ior Iirst year.

3. Times interest earned ratio:
Times interest earned ratio (earnings beIore interest and taxes)/ (total interest expense)

First Year
Earnings beIore interest and taxes 10,43,268
Total interest expense 1,35,625
Time interest earned ratio 7.

ESS earned 7.69 times more than its tax expenses.

Business Plan


3. .np

Business Plan

Appendix no. 1
A. ocation: Kamal Pokhari

ayout of the Office:

Plan oI working area

Area oI the oIIice: 40*60 It

Room Size(ft`ft)
Account & sales section 5*5
Store room 20*30
Reception 5*5
O&M 5*5
R&D 5*5
Business Plan

Appendix no. 2

Business plan survey

We have done a survey on the students oI Kathmandu University coming Irom Kathmandu altogether
about 20 Students by distributing a questionnaire and make them Iree to express anything on the topic.
ere is the result and model oI questions
QN1. ow oIten load shedding is becoming an obstacles in your routine liIe?
a. Not so oIten
b. Is curse
c. Loving it

QN2. What may the best alternatives to solve present load shedding?
a. Inverters
b. Diesel generator
c. Solar plant
d. Anything you suggest

Business Plan

Among the participants two oI them suggested that bio Iuel can be used to stop loadshedding.
QN3. Do you know about green energy?
a. Yes
b. No

QN4. What you use to read during night Ior study?
a. Solar lamps
b. Emergency lights
c. Candles
d. Don`t read when loadshedding

Business Plan

QN5. Do you think solar plant is costly?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Do not know

QN6. What is the main reason behind present energy crisis?
a. Political instability
b. Not enough hydropower plant
c. Leakage and theIt oI electricity

Business Plan

QN7. What you suggest about to reduce present load shedding and promoting use oI solar energy?
Participant expressed their views on the use oI solar plants some expressed about high cost oI it,
So we need to search other alternatives but many oI them wrote that sun is this is nature`s giIt Ior us so
we must make beneIits Irom it by using solarplants and promoting green energy.

Business Plan

Appendix no. 3

Result of survey conducted among 20 persons

S.N Payment types No oI person
1 Full payment 13
2 Installment 7

lull pavmenL lnsLallmenL
-o of person
no of person
Business Plan

Appendix no. 4


ompetitive advantage
The aggregation oI Iactors that sets a small business apart Irom its competitors and gives it a
unique position in the market.

Equity: In property, the diIIerence between the property`s current market value and the claims
against the property. In a Iirm the shareholder`s equity is the ownership interest in the Iirm.
Decrease in the value oI equipment Irom wear and tear and the passage oI time.

An association oI two or more people who co-own a business Ior the purpose oI making a proIit.

Guerrilla Marketing Strategy
Unconventional, low cost, creative marketing strategies designed to give small companies an
edge over their large, richer more powerIul rivals.

The ability to apply creative solutions to problems and opportunities to enhance.

The entire amounts oI income beIore any deductions are made.

Assets: Accounting term Ior everything a company owns and which has a monetary value listed
in the balance sheet.
Budget: A plan oI Iuture income and expenses during a speciIied period, such as one year. In an
operating budget the planned costs and revenues, expenditures and incomes are compared.
Variable ost
Any costs that change signiIicantly with the level oI output.

ixed ost
Any cost oI production that does not vary signiIicantly with the volume oI output.

ncome Statement
A Iinancial statement that represents a moving picture oI a business, comparing its expenses
against its revenue over a period oI time to show its net proIit.

Balance Sheet
A Iinancial statement, that provides a snapshot oI a business`s Iinancial position.
Business Plan

urrent Assets
Assets such as cash and other items to be converted into cash within one year.

ixed Assets
Assets acquired Ior long-term use in a business.

Creditors` claims against a company`s assets.

urrent iabilities
Those debts that must be paid within one year.

ash nflow
Cash Ilowing into the business Irom all sources over a period oI time.

ash Outflow
Cash Ilowing out oI the business Irom all sources over a period oI time.

Amounts paid Ior goods and services that may be currently tax deductible.

Return on nvestment
The amount oI proIit (return) based on the amount oI resources (Iunds) used to produce it.

ProIit is the excess oI income over expenses.

Differentiation Strategy
A strategy in which a company seeks to build customer loyalty by positioning its goods or
services in a unique or diIIerent Iashion.

Business Plan

Appendix no.
#08:20 of K0 Manag078

Name: Ashish Manandhar
Age: 27
Address: Chetrapati, kathmandu
Residence Ph: 01-4460365
Mobile: 9846060720
E-mail: Ianzepplin(

!7080nt 8tat:8

Manager at CDC Advertising Pvt. Ltd.

Int0708t: Sports, Reading, Music, Chess

Academic Achievements
Degree Achieved Awarding Institute Grades Obtained Remarks
1. MBA KU 3.5 CGPA Distinction
2. B.E KU 3.03 CGPA First division
3. I.SC S. Xaviers 73 First Division
4. SLC Gandaki .S.S 80.00 Distinction

a7/8 .0;0/

O Best cricketer oI Kathmandu, 2008
O Face oI Thamel, 2007

!7080ntaton an/ S02na78

Marketing seminar organized by KUSOM, 2007

Business Plan

Name: Damodar Paudel
Age: 27
Address: Khurkot-5, Parbat
Residence Ph: 067-420341
Mobile: 9841419586
E-mail: damopoudel4(

!7080nt Stat:8
Account Manager in imstar Electronics PVT LTD.

Int0708t Reading, sports, travelling

Academic Achievements
Degree Achieved Awarding Institute Grades Obtained Remarks
1. MBA KU 3.85 CGPA Distinction
2. BE KU 3.5 CGPA Distinction
3. I S C. NIST 77 First Division
4. SLC Kalika Ma.Vi, parbat 75 First Division

t07 D0g7008 -tan0/

1. 'Complete Windows Package course Irom Brilliant Computers, 2006.

a7/8 .0;0/

O Gold Medal Ior highest CGPA, 2007

!7080ntaton an/ S02na78

O Seminar on Microeconomics organized By Nepal chamber oI Commerce, 2006
O Presented paper on Microeconomics, 2007

Business Plan

Name: Rubbendra Maharjan
Age: 28
Address: Jorpati-5, Kathmandu
Residence Ph: 01 4486163
Mobile: 9841291928
E-mail: gnrRubbendra (

!7080nt Stat:8

Customer Service OIIicer at Prisma Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

Int0708t Reading, Sports, Music

Academic Achievements
Degree Achieved Awarding Institute Grades Obtained Remarks
1. ME KU 3.75 CGPA Distinction
2. B.E KU 3.65 CGPA Distinction
3. ISC KU 70 First Division
4. SLC Gyanodaya 80.2 Distinction

t07 D0g7008 -tan0/

1. MicrosoIt OIIice Package Course Irom New Tech Institute,2007
2. 6 months training in Organizational Development and Leadership , Malthus Institute,
Putalisadak, 2006

a7/8 .0;0/

O Winner oI Music Competition at Gyanodaya, 2002

!7080ntaton an/ S02na78

O Attended one day seminar on 'Renewable Energy ,2007

Business Plan

Table of ontents
I Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 1
A. company name, address and phone number ..................................................................................... 1
B. contacts oI key people ..................................................................................................................... 1
C. Our Business, Services and solutions ............................................................................................... 2
D. Our Market ..................................................................................................................................... 2
E. Competition and marketing Strategy ................................................................................................ 2
F. Management team ............................................................................................................................ 3
G. Financial Iorecast ............................................................................................................................ 3
II. VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS ........................................................................................... 4
A. vision statement .............................................................................................................................. 4
B. Mission statement ............................................................................................................................ 4
C. Values and Principles on which business stands ............................................................................... 4
D. Competitive Advantage ................................................................................................................... 4
III. BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY PROFILE .......................................................................................... 5
A. stage oI growth................................................................................................................................ 5
B. Company Goals and Obiectives ....................................................................................................... 5
C. Industry analysis.............................................................................................................................. 6
1) Industry background and overview ............................................................................................... 6
2) SigniIicant trends ......................................................................................................................... 6
3) Growth rate .................................................................................................................................. 6
4) Key success Iactors In the industry ............................................................................................... 6
5) Outlook Ior the Iuture .................................................................................................................. 7
IV. BUSINESS STRATEGY ................................................................................................................... 8
A. Desired Image and Position in the Market ....................................................................................... 8
B. SWOT Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 8
C. Competitive Strategy ....................................................................................................................... 8
V Company product and services ............................................................................................................. 9
A. Description .................................................................................................................................. 9
1. Product or Service Ieatures ....................................................................................................... 9
2. Customer beneIits ..................................................................................................................... 9
Business Plan

3. Warranties and Guarantees ....................................................................................................... 9
4. Uniqueness ............................................................................................................................... 9
B. Patent or trademark protection ....................................................................................................... 10
C. Description oI Service process ....................................................................................................... 10
D. Future Service oIIerings: ............................................................................................................... 11
VI MARKET STRATEGY .................................................................................................................... 12
A. Target Market ............................................................................................................................... 12
1) Complete Demographic ProIile:.............................................................................................. 12
2) Electronics equipments ........................................................................................................... 12
B. Customer`s Motivational Factors ................................................................................................... 12
C. Market Size and Trends ................................................................................................................. 13
1) ow large is the market? ........................................................................................................... 13
2) Is it growing or shrinking? ......................................................................................................... 13
D. Advertising and Promotion ............................................................................................................ 14
1. Media to be used ........................................................................................................................ 14
2. Frequency oI usage .................................................................................................................... 15
E. Pricing ........................................................................................................................................... 17
VII: Location and Layout ....................................................................................................................... 18
A. Location and demographic analysis ............................................................................................ 18
B. Layout and ergonomics issue ...................................................................................................... 18
VIII COMPETITORS ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 19
A. Existing Competitors ..................................................................................................................... 19
1. Competitive ProIile Matrix ......................................................................................................... 19
2. Strengths and Weakness oI competitors ...................................................................................... 20
B. Potential competitors ..................................................................................................................... 20
Kinetic Energy Pvt. Ltd...................................................................................................................... 20
Nepal Energy Development Company (Pvt.) Ltd. (NEDCO) .............................................................. 21
Lotus Energy Pvt. Ltd. ....................................................................................................................... 21
IX DESCRIPTION OF MANAGEMENT TEAM .................................................................................. 22
A. Key managers and employees ..................................................................................................... 22
1. Designation oI Key managers ................................................................................................. 22
2. Key Employees: ................................................................................................................... 22
3. Salary Structure oI staIIs: ....................................................................................................... 22
Business Plan

B. QualiIication oI Management Team ........................................................................................... 23
X PLAN OF OPERATION .................................................................................................................... 24
A. Form oI ownership ..................................................................................................................... 24
B. Structure oI the Company ........................................................................................................... 24
C. Decision Making Authority ........................................................................................................... 24
D. Compensation and BeneIits Packages ............................................................................................ 25
XI FINANCIAL FORCASTS ................................................................................................................ 26
A. Financial statement ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Pro Iorma Income Statement..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Annual Expenses ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Pro Iorma Balance Sheet ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Cash Ilow statement ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
E. Breakeven analysis .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
ReIerences ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 33

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