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Abstrak Sistem pendingin atau teknik refrigerasi merupakan proses pelepasan kalor dari suatu substansi dengan cara penurunan temperatur dan pemindahan panas ke substansi lainnya. Penerapan teknik refrigerasi yang terbanyak adalah refrigerasi industri, yang meliputi pemprosesan, pengawetan makanan, penyerapan kalor dari bahan-bahan kimia, perminyakan, dan industri petrokimia. Selain dari itu, terdapat penggunaan khusus seperti pada industri manufaktur dan konstruksi. Pengujian diawali dengan pengambilan data. Setelah data diperoleh maka selanjutnya diolah dan dihitung untuk mendapatkan laju aliran massa, dan unjuk kerja dari mesin pendingin industri dengan variasi beban pendinginan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa untuk beban pendinginan sebesar 0,13 kW mempunyai harga laju aliran massa , = 0,00241 kg/s, daya kompresi ideal, cs = 0,11086 kW, daya kompresor aktual, ca = 0,13014 kW, efisiensi kompresor, ic = 0,85, laju pengeluaran kalor, Q c = 0,51574 kW, laju pemasukan kalor, Q c = 0 0 0,3856 kW, T h =23,4 C, T c = 4,4 C, COP = 2,96. Sedangkan untuk beban pendinginan sebesar 0,784 kW mempunyai harga laju aliran massa, = 0,01568 kg/s, daya kompresor ideal, cs = 0,65856 kW, daya kompresor aktual, ca = 0,784 kW, efisiensi kompresor, ic = 0,84, laju pengeluaran kalor, Q c = 3,48096 kW, laju pemasukan kalor, Q e = 2,69696 kW, T h = 39,1 0C, T c = 3 0C, COP = 3,44. Kata kunci : Beban Pendinginan, Koefisien Prestasi.

: LENG KIM SENG : 2103 030 036 : D3 Teknik Mesin FTI-ITS : Ir. H. Suhariyanto, MSc.

EFFECT COOLING LOAD OF PERFORMANCES INDUSTRIAL REFRIGERATOR Name NRP Department The Sis Adviser : LENG KIM SENG : 2103 030 036 : D3 Teknik Mesin FTI-ITS : Ir. H. Suhariyanto, MSc.

Abstract Cooler system or refrigeration is heat expenditure process from a substance with temperature downed manner and heat moving to another substances. The largest application of refrigeration, which is the process of cooling, is industrial refrigeration, including the processing and preservation of food, removing heat from substances in chemical, petroleum, and petrochemical plants, and numerous special applications such as those in the manufacturing and construction industries. Examination early with data intake. Here after data intake done, continued with data processing and calculation to get mass flow rate and how far ability for industrial cooler machine with cooling load variation. Result of calculation indicate that for cooling load 0,13 kW, the machine have price of mass flow rate, = 0,00241 kg/s, ideal compressor power, cs = 0,11086 kW, aktual compressor power, ca = 0,13014 kW, compressor efficiency, ic = 0,85, fast expenditure heat at condenser, Q c = 0,51574 kW, fast inclusion heat at evaporator, Q e = 0 0 0,3856 kW, T h =23,4 C, T c = 4,4 C, COP = 2,96. Whereas cooling load 0,784 kW have price of mass flow rate, = 0,01568 kg/s, ideal compressor power, cs = 0,65856 kW, aktual compressor power, ca = 0,784 kW, compressor efficiency, ic = 0,84, fast expenditure heat at condenser, Q c = 3,48096 kW, fast inclusion heat at evaporator, Q e = 0 0 2,69696 kW, T h = 39,1 C, T c = 3 C, COP = 3,44. Keyword : Cooling Load, Coefficient of Performance.

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