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Box 201, Kakabeka Falls, Ontario, P0T 1W0 Website: Facebook Group: Lakehead Light Horse Association 2011 Email:

JULY 2011 Newsletter

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, July 25, 2011, at The Stanley Tavern, at 7:30PM

2011 Board of Directors

President: Frank Jurcik Vice President: Lorraine Schaaf Publicity: Jessica Mina Terri-Lynn Yerxa Show Director: Open Ways & Means: All members (807) 683-8042 Secretary: (807) 939-2291 Treasurer: (807) 622-7123 Sports: (807) 475-9715 Junior Directors: Terri-Lynn Yerxa (807) 475-9715 Tara & Laura Kydd (807) 473-9100 Tammy Paquette (807) 473-0671 Madyson Clarke (807) 939-2412 Amanda & Krystin Paquette (807) 473-0671

HORSE FUN - You Know Youre A Real Horse Person When...You walk past someone and instead of saying "excuse me" you poke them in the ribs and say "over".

Minutes from June 2011 Meeting

The June meeting commenced at 7:35 PM, with 19 members present. The minutes were accepted by Laura, and seconded by Frank. TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurers report was accepted. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was received from Henry Equestrian Insurance. SPORTS: Gymkhanas are going well; the new flag is working out well. The June 19 gymkhana was ran by volunteers from Amandas Green Barn, and they did an awesome job! SHOW: The June 18 show was moved to the Murillo Fairgrounds from the Agriplex. It was a great day, the Judge was great and did a Q & A for participants after the show, followed by a delicious dinner! Our shows are NAERIC approved at no cost to LLHA. A big incentive pays for performance classes to third place. (For more info see page 3 or go to our website at

The Stanley Hotel

Highway 588 Home of the Famous "STANLEY BURGER" Open 7 days a week 12 Noon to 1 a.m. Kakabeka, Falls, ON POT 1WO (807)-473-9261

PUBLICITY: Brochures are available and have been distributed. YOUTH: Old Timers gymkhana is on Thursday, July 14 at 7 PM. Prizes have been donated! OLD BUSINESS: Some LLHA members attended the OAS meeting to discuss some things that has changed from last year. OAS has increased our fee and

stands firm. OAS will no longer be harrowing the ring, it is now our responsibility to maintain the ring. OAS has asked for LLHA members to volunteer to help them, any members who wish to volunteer, please contact the OAS. Scholarship program is ready and available, will be posted on website. LLHA trail ride was great! It was a beautiful day and had a fun BBQ afterwards!

NEW BUSINESS: Our finances are not where we would like them to be. We need more sponsors, help getting sponsorships would be appreciated. A sponsor package is available for anyone who wishes, please contact, or contact an Executive. Kakabeka Street Fair is August 19, 20, and 21. We have the option to do a Fundraiser BBQ that went extremely well for us last year. We have excess food that belongs to the club to sell, however we lack the volunteers! A minimum of 6 people per day is needed to function efficiently. Anyone interested in helping with this event please approach us! Any time that you can offer is appreciated. Open discussion about property. Lisa Vanlenthe who owns and operates Countrified Photography, is our photographer that attends all our events. OAS wants to charge Lisa, or the LLHA a vendor fee for every event she attends and takes pictures at. Lisa shared a letter that she received from OAS. Open discussion about vendors and who it includes (trainers, contractors, personal cameras). LLHA believes if we rent the grounds we should be free to hire whom we wish and has to make an appointment to request to have this matter discussed at an OAS meeting. Kathy Johnston is going to Morris July 21-24 and has 2 spots available in her trailer. If interested contact Kathy at

Meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM. Attendance winner was Lisa Vanlenthe! 50/50 winner was Alice Hickman.

Carols Cakes & Bakery

2 Locations to serve you! Northwood Plaza Phone (807) 577 0321 425 North Edward Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario & County Fair Mall Phone (807) 767-0381 1020 Dawson Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Advertising is Available in our Newsletter! Sponsors & Members: receive a business card size advertisement at no cost! Classifieds and announcements are free! Non-Members: A half page advertisement is $5.00, and a full page advertisement is $10.00. To place an ad, please email FOR SALE: T&M Meats has local raised hamburger for sale. $20.00 for 10 lbs, or $2.50 per lbs. Contact Matthew Yerxa @ 475-9715.

North American Equine Ranching Information Council (NAERIC)

What is a NAERIC Horse? Horses found on NAERIC-member equine ranches fall under three distinct types: NAERIC Light Horses include popular breeds such as Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas and Standardbreds. NAERIC CanAm Sport Horses are produced by breeding a Thoroughbred stallion to a draft-cross mare and are known for their exceptional dispositions, athleticism and versatility. Quieter sport horses are drafts crossed with light horses such as Quarter Horses or Paints. NAERIC Draft Horses include Percherons, Belgians, Clydesdales, and Spotted Drafts.

Since equine ranchers are primarily horse breeders that are also involved in the collection of pregnant mares' urine (PMU), the type and breed of horses found on equine ranches will vary depending on each rancher's preference and breeding program. These horses are registered with NAERIC and eligible for NAERIC Advantage added dollars. The entire population of horses found on equine ranches is very small. 49,000 horses have been registered with NAERIC since 1998 compared to the estimated 10 million total horse population of North America. Less than 2000 foals are born each year on the 26 equine ranches. The most prevalent breeds of horses found on equine ranches are registered Quarter Horses, followed by registered Percherons, Belgians, and Paints. Because of the limited number of horses bred by these reputable equine ranchers and breeders, the foals are in high demand by horsemen of all disciplines throughout North America and some foreign countries. NAERIC Advantage Program The NAERIC Advantage is an incentive program for horses bred on NAERIC member ranches and registered with NAERIC. More than 42,000 horses are registered with NAERIC so far and are eligible to earn NAERIC Advantage rewards. NAERIC horse owners, participating in NAERIC approved events, have received over $2,671,000 since 1998. Approved events include a broad range of disciplines and levels of competition in the United States, Canada, and Europe . Availability and quality of published results are important in approving events for Advantage payouts. Results MUST:

NAERIC horse owners are encouraged to recommend events for approval in their area . To recommend an event, print the Application for Event Approval from the NAERIC web site and fax or mail the completed form to NAERIC for consideration. Some of the disciplines included in receiving NAERIC Advantage money are: hunt classes, western classes, barrel racing, cutting, ranch horse, roping, reining, pole bending, trail, working cow horse, dressage, eventing, jumping, racing, team penning , halter classes, cart and team classes, and line classes. Exhibitors, earning only ribbons or points through breed -approved shows, can earn Advantage dollars when placing first - third. In addition, the Advantage matches, dollar for dollar for the owner of the horse, breed registry incentive fund checks from the AQHA Incentive Fund, the APHA Breeders Trust Fund, the ApHC Breeders Trust Fund, and the ApHCC Incentive Fund. The NAERIC web site,, posts details of payouts for each event. Owners of NAERIC horses who compete at approved shows can fill out online payout applications for Advantage rewards and submit them electronically. Does your horse qualify for NAERIC Advantage money? Search here for horses registered with NAERIC.

For more information visit their website at

HORSES SUFFER HEAT STRESS EVEN MORE THAN HUMANS Find out how to monitor your horses health utilizing Equine Guelphs Horse Health Check Click here to download this poster for your barn!!!

Caring For Horses in Extreme Heat

by: Erica Larson, News Editor July 13 2011, Article # 18523 As nearly half the United States is battling extreme summer temperatures, many horse owners are struggling to help their horses adjust, stay healthy, and remain comfortable. caught up with Nancy Loving, DVM, an equine practitioner in Boulder, Colo., to find out what the most important things to consider are when caring for horses in extreme heat. When dealing with hot temperatures, Loving said the most important thing an owner can do is provide his or her horse with plenty of fresh water. "Clean water should always be available; an average horse needs five to seven gallons of water per day in cool weather, while in hot weather, requirements for maintenance and to compensate for losses in sweat may prompt intake of 20 gallons or more per day," she explained. "Horses in a herd should have access to a couple of water tanks spaced a distance apart so dominant horses don't prevent a thirsty, more timid horse from drinking. Adding an electrolyte supplement to your horse's diet could help keep him drinking and restore the electrolyte balances disrupted by sweating, and horses should have access to a salt block or receive a daily salt supplement (no more than a tablespoon per day) to allow them to meet their dietary sodium chloride requirements. Additionally, she added that for a horse that doesn't drink well, offering a watery gruel of a supplement (such as a complete feed pellets) rather than feeding them dry can help increase the horse's water intake. Insects are another concern that accompany increasing temperatures, Loving said. "Hot weather brings insects so don't forget to use fly sheets, insect repellant, and during active insect times of day, it can help to bring your horse into the barn and use fans to create air flow that foils the ability of flying insects to hover around your horse," she added, as many biting flies are poor fliers. Loving also encouraged owners to provide their turned out horses "with a stand of shade trees or a loafing shed (run-in shed) with good ventilation. Having areas to get out of the direct sun offers respite, particularly if they have air circulation, also wards off the insects. "In hot and humid climates your horse might appreciate being hosed down with cool water," she added. One concern many horse owners have in hot temperatures is heat stress, but Loving explained that this ailment typically affects horses in hard work rather than those lounging in a pasture. "Heat stress is typically a concern for horses exercising in rigorous athletic pursuits (such as distance riding, speed and/or sprint events) in hot and humid weather," she said. "Light riding isn't likely to bring on a state of heat stress, unless there are extenuating circumstances like extreme heat and humidity and/or over-riding for the conditions of the day." Loving explained that horses that sweat for prolonged periods are more at risk of heat stress due to the effects of dehydration and electrolyte imbalances along with internal heat generated by the working muscles during physical exertions. "If you think you horse is experiencing heat stress, strip off his tack and equipment," she explained. "Take a rectal temperature to determine the extent of internal heating--rectal temperatures higher than 103.5F (about 39.8C) indicate heat stress." Loving advised, "Move the horse out of the direct sun when possible. Immediately soak the horse down with cool water, scraping it away and applying it continuously -- this cooling process should stop once the chest feels cool to the touch and/or rectal temperature drops below 103.5F." She cautioned to be mindful of too rapid cooling, as in some cases, this can lead to muscle cramping. She suggested interspersing periodic walks for five to 10 minutes in order to allow for the release of heat from inside the horse's muscles. With some careful consideration and help from their owners, most horses should adjust to the warmer temperatures without much problem. If you have concerns about how your horse is handling the heat, your veterinarian will be able to help you pinpoint and resolve the problem.

DID YOU KNOW: Poison Hemlock, Tansy Ragwort, Field Horsetail, Buttercups, Yew, Oleander, Bracken Fern, St. John's-Wort and Nightshade are poisonous to horses? Click here to find out more!
HORSE SUPERSTITIONS - DID YOU KNOW? Changing a horse's name is bad luck?


Location: Murillo Fairgrounds Youth start 9AM Open start 1 PM

Old Timers Gymkhanas:

Time: 7PM

Location: Murillo Fairgrounds

Thursday, August 11

Sunday, September 25

Sunday, July 31 Sunday, August 21 Sunday, October 2

Poker Run: Sunday, September 11 10AM Year End Banquet: Saturday, November 12

Got Bots? Find out what these bots really are doing to your horse! Click here to read more about bots on

Savannah Marr - July 8 Douglas Sitch July 19 Kassidy Hainrich July 21 Alexa Desjardins July 16 Rodney Manty July 20 Jennifer Hainrich July 31

Lakehead Light Horse Association 2011 Membership Form Putting the Fun Back Into Horses


Family $30.00_________

Senior $25.00_________

Youth $20.00___________

NAME:_________________________________________________________D.O.B___________________(Senior/Youth) NAME:_________________________________________________________D.O.B___________________(Senior /Youth) NAME:_________________________________________________________D.O.B___________________(Senior /Youth) NAME:_________________________________________________________D.O.B___________________(Senior /Youth) Please attach any additional family members. Seniors may only include day/month to be included in birthday announcements. Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________________________PostalCode:______________________ Telephone:__________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________ (To receive instant newsletters/updates/notices/reminders/invites) Please check one: I wish to receive my newsletter by email. I wish to receive my newsletter by mail.

Please check one: I grant my permission for LLHA to publish photos of myself, and/or my familys in the newsletter and/or website. I DO NOT wish to have any photos published. Signature: __________________________________________________ I understand the rules stated by LLHA. I acknowledge that any equestrian event can, and may be dangerous. I accept all risks and responsibilities for myself, and my family. I do not hold Lakehead Light Horse Association, or any members, liable for any injury that may occur to me, my family, or my property. I agree to not make claim against LLHA, and its members, for any injury or damage that may occur. This must be signed to be a member: Signature: _____________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________________ Print Name: ____________________________________________

VOLUNTEERING (Please check all that applies and your name will be added to a Volunteer list) I wish to volunteer at Gymkhanas I wish to volunteer at Shows I wish to volunteer at Social Events I wish to volunteer at Fundraising Events Other (Please Specify) ______________________________________________________________________________________

Please make cheque payable to: Lakehead Light Horse Association

Mail to: Box 201, Kakabeka Falls, Ontario, P0T 1W0

***********************************OFFICE USE ONLY***********************************

NAME:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT AMOUNT:__________________________MEMBERSHIP TYPE:_______________________CASH_________CHEQUE_________

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