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Keterlibatan Dua Diplomat Amerika Dalam Peredaran Ekstasi di Indonesia.

Novita Putri Samira – B011191216


Pada tahun 1994, diberitakan bahwa seseorang bernama Aldi tewas dikediaman seorang artis
terkenal bernama Ria Irawan . terungkap bahwa penyebab kematian Aldi adalah sejenis obat
terlarang yang disebut ekstasi yang dikonsumsi oleh Aldi secara berlebihan atau dosis yag tidak
wajar. Dari hasil penyidikan lebih lanjut terhadap kasus Aldi, aparat berhasil membongkar dan
menemukan jaringan peredaran ekstasi di sleuruh wilayah Indonesia yang melibatkan dua
orang pejabat diplomatic dari Perwakilan Diplomatik Asing di Jakarta yang keduanya berasal
dari Amerika Serikat.

Pada pasal berapa di VCDR 1961 yang dilanggar oleh kedua diplomat asing ini?

Article 36 Paragraph 1 on VCDR 1961

“The receiving State shall, in accordance with such laws and regulations as it may adopt, permit
entry of and grant exemption from all customs duties, taxes, and related charges other than
charges for storage, cartage and similar services”

Sanksi atau kebijakan apa yang diberikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia terhadap dua diplomat
asing tersebut?

Menurut Konvensi Wina tahun 1961, kedua diplomat amerika ini tidak bisa dikenakan tindakan
apapun oleh aparat penegak hukum negara setempat, karena ia mempunyai hak kekebalan
yang bersifat mutlak. maka dari itu konvensi wina 1961 juga masih memberi kemungkinan
upaya hukum untuk mendapatkan terobosan penyelesaian masalah pelanggaran hukum
tersebut, yaitu dengan mem persona non gratakan mereka.
Akibatnya kekebalan diplomatik yang dimiliknya tidak menjadi penghalang untuk mengusir
mereka dari Indonesia, meskipun penanganan kasus tidak dapat dilakukan di Indonesia. Upaya
semacam ini telah memberi penghormatan terhadap negara-negara penerima diplomatik,
untuk tetap menjaga kedaulatan, kekuasaan, keamanan, dan ketertiban bangsa dan negara,
dari pelanggaran atau kejahatan hukum yang dilakukan oleh negara pengirim.

Pernyataan persona non grata membawa konsekuensi terhadap kedua diplomat tersebut untuk
meninggalkan negara Indonesia dan pulang ke Amerika Serikat serta
mempertanggungjawabkan tindakan tercela di negaranya.. Hal ini karena Konvensi Wina Tahun
1961 hanya memberi kekebalan diplomatik atau kebebasan dari yurisdiksi teritorial negara
penerima, namun tidak membebaskannya dari tanggung jawab hukun(legal liability) atas
perbuatan tercelanya.



The Involvement of Two American Diplomats in the Circulation of Illegal Drugs in
In 1994, it was reported that a person named Aldi was killed at the home of a famous
artist named Ria Irawan. It was revealed that the cause of Aldi's death was a type of
illicit drug called ecstasy that was consumed by Aldi in excess or unnatural doses. From
the results of further investigations into the Aldi case, the authorities managed to
dismantle and find a network of ecstasy circulation in all parts of Indonesia involving
two diplomatic officials from the Foreign Diplomatic Representative in Jakarta, both of
whom were from the United States.
3. In what article in the 1961 VCDR was violated by these two foreign diplomats?
Article 36 Paragraph 1 on VCDR 1961 :
“The receiving State shall, in accordance with such laws and regulations as it may adopt,
permit entry of and grant exemption from all customs duties, taxes, and related charges
other than charges for storage, cartage and similar services”
4. What sanctions or policies did the Indonesian government impose on the two foreign
According to the Vienna Convention of 1961, these two U.S. diplomats cannot be
subject to any action by local law enforcement officials, because they have absolute
immunity. Therefore, the Vienna Convention of 1961 also still provides the possibility of
legal efforts to get a breakthrough in solving the problem of violations of the law,
namely with persona non grata.

As a result, their diplomatic immunity is not a barrier to expelling them from Indonesia,
although the handling of cases cannot be carried out in Indonesia.

This kind of effort has paid homage to the diplomatic receiving countries, in order to
maintain the sovereignty, power, security, and order of the nation and state, from
violations or legal crimes committed by the sending state.

The persona non grata statement carries consequences for the two diplomats to leave
the country of Indonesia and return to the United States and account for despicable acts
in their country. This is because the Vienna Convention of 1961 only grants diplomatic
immunity or freedom from the territorial jurisdiction of the receiving state, but does not
absolve it of legal liability for its reprehensible deeds.

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