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*$*$ ******** Please do not remove this copyright notice, thank you **** *$*$ Shareware program by *$*$

Ulrich Streit (c) 2006 *$*$ Multisoft GmbH *$*$ Talrainstr. 1 *$*$ D-97267 Himmelstadt, Germany *$*$ email: *$*$ *$*$ *$*$ and *$*$ *$*$ Axel Angeli (c) 2006 *$*$ Logos! Informatik GmbH *$*$ Scheffelstrasse 23 *$*$ D-68782 Bruehl, Germany *$*$ email: *$*$ and *$*$ ************************************************************************ *$*$ Down- and Upload program ************************************************************************ *$*$* *$*$* The program is only tested on SAP Web AS 6.2 *$*$* Upload of classes does not work in newer/older versions of the *$*$* ABAP Workbench *$*$* *$*$* Beta Version *$*$* *$*$* 1. Download Classes, Interfaces, Functiongroups, Programs, DDIC *$*$* into PC files in XML-Format. *$*$* Source can be stored in (.txt) Ascii files additionally. *$*$* The program offers a source scan, which automatically searches *$*$* for all dependencies. *$*$* 2. Upload a single XML file or the file file_index.xml *$*$* The index file file_index.xml contains a list of XML-Files *$*$* *$*$* Upload: - Parameter postfix is ignored for DDIC objects. *$*$* *$*$* Download: - Please activate before downloading. *$*$* - Maximum size of a single XML-File: 7MB *$*$* ( constant c_size_max_xml ) *$*$* - if you download in several XML-files, the file *$*$* file_index.xml is created automatically *$*$* You can upload a single XML-File or the file *$*$* file_index.xml *$*$* *$*$* Stand: 23.02.2008 *$*$* ************************************************************************ REPORT ZLOMU_DOWN_UP_ABAP_X005 line-size 1023. ***************************** * Type Pools ***************************** type-pools: SEOO, SEOP, SEOS, SEOK, SREXT, sydes, SEDI, SSCR, trwbo. ***************************** * Tables ***************************** tables: tlibg, trdir,

SSCRFIELDS, SEOCLSKEY, vseointerf, tadir, dd01l, dd04l, dd02l, dd40l, DD30L, D020S, DDTYPET. ************************************************ * Types ************************************************ * Types zum Up- und Download von Klassen Types: begin of TYMETHOD, CMPKEY type SEOCMPKEY, METHOD type line of SEOO_METHODS_R, METHOD_DETAILS type SEOO_METHOD_DETAILS, PARAMETERS type SEOS_PARAMETERS_R, EXCEPTIONS type SEOS_EXCEPTIONS_R, INCNAME type PROGRAM, SOURCE type SEOP_SOURCE, end of TYMETHOD. types: begin of TIMPLMETHOD, method TYPE VSEOMETHOD, ALIAS TYPE line of SEO_ALIASES, include type line of SEOP_METHODS_W_INCLUDE, SOURCE type SEOP_SOURCE, end of TIMPLMETHOD. types: begin of TREDEFINITION, method TYPE VSEOMETHOD, include type line of SEOP_METHODS_W_INCLUDE, SOURCE type SEOP_SOURCE, end of TREDEFINITION. types: begin of tsection, LIMU TYPE TROBJTYPE, INCNAME type PROGRAM, source type seop_source, end of tsection. types: begin of ttypes, TYPES type SEOO_TYPES_R, TYPE_SOURCE type seop_source, end of ttypes. types: begin of TIMPLEMENTINGS, IMPLEMENTINGS TYPE SEOR_IMPLEMENTINGS_R, IMPL_DETAILS TYPE SEO_REDEFINITIONS, end of TIMPLEMENTINGS. types: begin of tLocal, name(3), source_locals type seop_source, end of tLocal.


types: tdynpros type standard table of tdynpro WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. * Funktionsgruppen types: begin of tfmodule, funcname type enlfdir-funcname, area type enlfdir-area, GLOBAL_FLAG type RS38L-GLOBAL, REMOTE_CALL type RS38L-REMOTE, UPDATE_TASK type RS38L-UTASK, SHORT_TEXT type TFTIT-STEXT, t_import type standard table of rsimp WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, t_change type standard table of rscha WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, t_export type standard table of rsexp WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, t_tables type standard table of rstbl WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, t_except type standard table of rsexc WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, source type seop_source, end of tfmodule. types: tfmodules type standard table of tfmodule WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. types: begin of tinclude, include type rseuinc-include, source type seop_source, end of tinclude. types: tincludes type standard table of tinclude WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. types: begin of tfgroup, area type enlfdir-area, includes type tincludes, fmodules type tfmodules, dynpros type tdynpros, end of tfgroup. types: begin of ttextpool, langu type sy-langu, textpool type standard table of textpool WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, end of ttextpool. types: begin of tprogram, name type trdir-name, subc type trdir-subc, title type RGLIF-TITLE, textpool type ttextpool, PROG_INF TYPE RPY_PROG, source type seop_source, dynpros type tdynpros, end of tprogram. types: begin of tdomain,


of DD03P of DD05M of DD08V of DD12V of DD17V of DD35V of DD36M


types: begin of ttabletype, NAME TYPE DDOBJNAME, GOTSTATE TYPE DDGOTSTATE, DD40V_WA TYPE DD40V, DD42V_TAB TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF DD42V WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, end of ttabletype. types: begin of tshlp,

NAME TYPE DDOBJNAME, GOTSTATE TYPE DDGOTSTATE, DD30V_WA TYPE DD30V, DD31V_TAB type standard table of DD31V WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, DD32P_TAB type standard table of DD32P WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, DD33V_TAB type standard table of DD33V WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, end of tshlp. types: begin of ttypegroup, name type trdir-name, texts type standard table of DDTYPET WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, source type standard table of abapsource WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, end of ttypegroup. types: tclasses type standard table of tclass, tinters type standard table of tinter, tfgroups type standard table of tfgroup, tprograms type standard table of tprogram, tdomains type standard table of tdomain, ttables type standard table of ttable, tviews type standard table of tview, ttabletypes type standard table of ttabletype, tshlps type standard table of tshlp, ttypegroups type standard table of ttypegroup. * Names types: begin of tdynproname, PROGNAME TYPE D020S-PROG, DYNNR TYPE D020S-DNUM, end of tdynproname. types: tdynpronames type standard table of tdynproname. types: begin of TABAP_GLREFS_TAG, name type string, GLREF type line of SCR_GLREFS, tag type SCR_TAG, end of TABAP_GLREFS_TAG. types: TABAP_GLREFS_TAGS type standard table of TABAP_GLREFS_TAG. types: ttadir_table type standard table of tadir. types: begin of tp, classes type table of TCLASS WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, inters type table of tinter WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, fgroups type table of tfgroup WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, programs type table of tprogram WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, typegroups type table of ttypegroup WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, tables type table of ttable WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY,

views type table of tview WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, tabletypes type table of ttabletype WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, searchhelps type table of tshlp WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, dataelements type table of tdataelement WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, domains type table of tdomain WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, end of tp. * Typdeklaration index-Datei Types: begin of tindex, type type seocmpkey-cmpname, name type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname, file type localfile, end of tindex. * Typdeklaration index-Datei Types: tindex_table type standard table of tindex. *************************************** * Globale Datendeklarationen *************************************** * Globales Datenfeld fuer die Daten data: p type tp. * Auswahlliste data: flag_POPUP_abg. *************************************** * Klassendefinitionen deferred *************************************** class start_upload_index definition deferred. class start_upload_single definition deferred. class xml_upload definition deferred. *************************************** * Konstanten *************************************** constants: C_ch_Class type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Class', c_ch_Interface type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Interface', c_ch_Fgroup type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Area', c_ch_include type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Include', c_ch_program type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Program', c_ch_domain type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Domain', c_ch_delement type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Dataelement', c_ch_table type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Table', c_ch_viewname type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'View', c_ch_tabletype type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Tabletype', c_ch_searchelp type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Searchhelp', c_ch_typegroup type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname value 'Typegroup'. * TXT-Dateinamen (Source .txt Dateien)

constants: C_ch_Class_method type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname C_ch_Class_section type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname C_ch_Class_redef type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname C_ch_Class_impl type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname C_ch_Class_locals type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname C_ch_Area_fmodule type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname C_ch_Area_Include type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname C_ch_Area_Dynpro type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname c_ch_Program_Dynpro type SEOCMPKEY-cmpname * Sonstige Konstanten constants: c_sapl(4) value 'SAPL', c_z(1) value 'Z', c_n(1) value '/', c_y(1) value 'Y', c_z%(2) value 'Z%', c_n%(2) value '/%', c_y%(2) value 'Y%'.

value 'Class_Method', value 'Class_Section', value 'Class_Redef', value 'Class_Impl', value 'Class_Locals', value 'Area_Fmodule', value 'Area_Include', value 'Area_Dynpro', value 'Program_Dynpro'.

* Konstanten Tadir constants: c_ta_R3TR(4) value 'R3TR', c_ta_DOMA(4) value 'DOMA', c_ta_DTEL(4) value 'DTEL', c_ta_INTTAB(6) value 'INTTAB', c_ta_TRANSP(6) value 'TRANSP', c_ta_APPEND(6) value 'APPEND', c_ta_tabl(4) value 'TABL', c_ta_view(4) value 'VIEW', c_ta_TTYP(4) value 'TTYP', c_ta_SHLP(4) value 'SHLP', c_ta_CLAS(4) value 'CLAS', c_ta_intf(4) value 'INTF', c_ta_fugr(4) value 'FUGR', c_ta_prog(4) value 'PROG', c_ta_type(4) value 'TYPE'. * XML-Dokument Encoding constants: c_xml_encoding_utf8 type string value 'UTF-8'. * Maximale Groesse XML-Datei constants: c_size_max_xml type sytabix value '7000000'. "7MB * Index-Datei constants: c_file_index_xml type localfile value 'FILE_INDEX.XML'. ****************************** * Makros Error Processing/Log ****************************** * Stop the Upload Prcessing data: gv_flg_stop_upload_processing.

* Makro ERROR define ERROR. IF &3 &2 SY-SUBRC. new-line. WRITE: 'Error:' color col_negative, '&1.' color col_negative. ENDIF. end-of-definition. * Makro ERROR_MESSAGE data: error_text1 type sy-msgv1, error_text2 type sy-msgv2, length type i. define ERROR_MESSAGE. new-line. WRITE: 'Error:' color col_negative, &1 color col_negative. clear: error_text1, error_text2. length = strlen( &1 ). if length > 0. length = length / 2. move error_text(length) to error_text1. move error_text+length to error_text2. endif. if not SY-MSGID is initial. new-line. WRITE: 'SY-MSGID' color col_negative, SY-MSGID color col_negative, 'SY-MSGNO' color col_negative, SY-MSGNO color col_negative. if not SY-MSGV1 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV1' color col_negative, SY-MSGV1 color col_negative. endif. if not SY-MSGV2 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV2' color col_negative, SY-MSGV2 color col_negative. endif. if not SY-MSGV3 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV3' color col_negative, SY-MSGV3 color col_negative. endif. if not SY-MSGV4 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV4' color col_negative, SY-MSGV4 color col_negative. endif. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE &2 NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. else. message ID '38' type &2 NUMBER '000' with error_text1 error_text2. endif. skip 1. end-of-definition.

* Makro result message define result_message. * Ausgabe Ergebnis if &3 eq '0'. write: &1 color col_positive, &2 color col_positive, 'created' color col_positive. new-line. else. write: &1 color col_negative, &2 color col_negative, 'ERROR' color col_negative. new-line. endif. end-of-definition. * Makro download message define download_message. write: &1 color col_positive, at 25 &2 color col_positive, at 65 'read successfully' color col_positive. new-line. end-of-definition. ********************************************************************** * Parameter/select-options ********************************************************************** parameters: download radiobutton group r1 default 'X'. selection-screen begin of block b with frame. selection-screen comment 1(23) cdown. selection-screen uline. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(26) csfiles. parameters: sfiles radiobutton group r2 default 'X'. selection-screen comment 32(17) cpath. parameters: path type LOCALFILE. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen uline. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(26) csave. parameters: SAVE radiobutton group r2. selection-screen comment 32(17) cfile. parameters: PCFILE type LOCALFILE default '.xml'. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(11) cdisplay. parameters: DISPLAY as checkbox default 'X'. selection-screen comment 22(21) cedit. parameters: CALLEDIT as checkbox. selection-screen comment 53(12) dispon. parameters: DISP_ONL as checkbox. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen uline. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(26) ctxtfile.

parameters: ctxt as checkbox. selection-screen comment 32(17) cpath1. parameters: path1 type LOCALFILE. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen uline. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(26) ccdata. parameters: cdata as checkbox default 'X'. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen uline. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(26) ctnr. parameters: tnr radiobutton group r2. selection-screen comment 32(11) ctnrt. parameters: tnr_text type AS4TEXT. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(26) ctnra. parameters: tnra radiobutton group r2. selection-screen comment 32(18) cTRKORRA. parameters: TRKORRA type E070-TRKORR. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen uline. selection-screen begin of block a with frame title comment. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(8) cComp. parameters: complete radiobutton group c1 default 'X'. selection-screen comment 18(8) cnosour. parameters: nosource radiobutton group c1. selection-screen comment 38(10) cnocr. parameters: nocross radiobutton group c1. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(19) cgrade. parameters: grade type SCR_GRADE. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen end of block a. select-options: package for tadir-devclass. " memory id lib. select-options: intname for vseointerf-clsname. select-options: clsname for SEOCLSKEY-CLSNAME. parameters: friends as checkbox default 'X'. select-options: funcarea for tlibg-area. select-options: program for trdir-name. parameters: dynpro as checkbox default 'X'. select-options: table for dd02l-tabname. select-options: view for dd02l-tabname. select-options: tabletyp for DD40L-TYPENAME. select-options: searchlp for DD30L-shlpname. select-options: domain for dd01l-DOMNAME. select-options: delement for dd04l-rollname. select-options: typgroup for DDTYPET-TYPEGROUP. selection-screen end of block b. parameters: upload radiobutton group r1. selection-screen begin of block c with frame. selection-screen comment 1(25) cup. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(30) cup_sing. parameters: up_sing radiobutton group j1 default 'X'. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen begin of line.

selection-screen comment 1(30) cup_ind. parameters: up_index radiobutton group j1. selection-screen end of line. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment 1(25) cfile_up. parameters: PCFILE1 type localfile default '.xml'. selection-screen end of line. parameters postfix(1). selection-screen end of block c. ************************************************************************ * Initialization ************************************************************************ initialization. move 'Store in single XML file' to csave. move 'Display XML' to cdisplay. move 'Display XML in Editor' to cedit. move 'Store Source in CDATA' to ccdata. move 'Crossreference' to comment. move 'Complete' to ccomp. move 'NoSource' to cnosour. move 'NoCrossref' to cnocr. move 'Grade of Sourcescan' to cgrade. move 'Store in several XML-files' to csfiles. move 'Path' to cpath. move 'Path' to cpath1. move 'Path and Filename' to cfile. move 'Store Source in txt files' to ctxtfile. move 'Parameters for Download' to cdown. move 'Parameters for Upload' to cup. move 'Path and filename of XML file' to cfile_up. move 'Upload single XML-File' to cup_sing. move 'Upload file FILE_INDEX.XML' to cup_ind. move 'Display only' to dispon. move 'Create Workbench Request' to ctnr. move 'Description' to ctnrt. move 'Add to Workbench Request' to ctnra. move 'Workbench request' to cTRKORRA. ************************************************************************ * At selection-screen ************************************************************************ at selection-screen. perform check_selection. *********************************************************************** * At selection-screen on value request *********************************************************************** at selection-screen on value-request for pcfile1. perform on_value_request_pcfile1. at selection-screen on value-request for path. perform on_value_request_path changing path. at selection-screen on value-request for path1. perform on_value_request_path changing path1. **********************************************************************

* start-of-selection ********************************************************************** start-of-selection. condense PCFILE no-gaps. perform main. end-of-selection. ********************************************************************** * Klassendeklarationen ********************************************************************** class error_handling definition. public section. class-methods: error_question importing error_text type string exporting ev_flg_stop_upload_processing type as4flag, commit_work importing wait type as4flag optional, rollback_work. endclass. "error_handling DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS error_handling IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class error_handling implementation. method error_question. ************************************** * Lokale Datendeklaration ************************************** data: eq_text1 type string, eq_text2 type string. data: eq_answer. data: eq_msgid type sy-msgid, eq_msgno type sy-msgno, eq_msgv1 type sy-msgv1, eq_msgv2 type sy-msgv2, eq_msgv3 type sy-msgv3, eq_msgv4 type sy-msgv4. ************************************* * Systemnachricht ************************************* move sy-msgid to eq_msgid. move sy-msgno to eq_msgno. move sy-msgv1 to eq_msgv1. move sy-msgv2 to eq_msgv2. move sy-msgv3 to eq_msgv3. move sy-msgv4 to eq_msgv4. ************************************** * Log **************************************

* Error ausgeben new-line. WRITE: 'Error:' color col_negative, error_text color col_negative. * Error message if not EQ_MSGID is initial. new-line. WRITE: 'SY-MSGID' color col_negative, EQ_MSGID color col_negative, 'SY-MSGNO' color col_negative, EQ_MSGNO color col_negative. if not EQ_MSGV1 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV1' color col_negative, EQ_MSGV1 color col_negative. endif. if not EQ_MSGV2 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV2' color col_negative, EQ_MSGV2 color col_negative. endif. if not EQ_MSGV3 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV3' color col_negative, EQ_MSGV3 color col_negative. endif. if not EQ_MSGV4 is initial. new-line. write: 'SY-MSGV4' color col_negative, EQ_MSGV4 color col_negative. endif. endif. ************************************ * Question ************************************ move 'Do you want to continue upload processing?' to eq_text2. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP' EXPORTING DEFAULTOPTION = 'Y' TEXTLINE1 = error_text TEXTLINE2 = eq_text2 TITEL = 'Warning' START_COLUMN = 25 START_ROW = 6 CANCEL_DISPLAY = ' ' IMPORTING ANSWER = eq_answer .

* *

***************************************** * Answer ***************************************** clear: eq_text1, eq_text2. length = strlen( error_text ). if length > 0. length = length / 2. move error_text(length) to eq_text1. move error_text+length to eq_text2.

endif. if eq_answer eq 'N'. message ID '38' type 'S' NUMBER '000' with eq_text1 eq_text2. * Upload ganz abbrechen (globale Variable) move 'X' to gv_flg_stop_upload_processing. new-line. write 'Canceled by user' color col_total. endif. new-line. ******************************************* * Rueckgabewert ******************************************* move gv_flg_stop_upload_processing to ev_flg_stop_upload_processing. endmethod. method commit_work. if wait eq 'X'. commit work and wait. else. commit work. endif. endmethod. method rollback_work. rollback work. endmethod. endclass. "rollback_work "error_handling IMPLEMENTATION "commit_work "error_question

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS source_read_and_convert DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class source_convert_and_read definition. public section. class-methods read_source importing i_name type PROGNAME exporting e_source type seop_source e_lines_truncated type i e_long type SCRPFLAG exceptions error. endclass. "source_read_and_convert DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS source_read_and_convert IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Ulrich Streit *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class source_convert_and_read implementation.

method read_source. DATA: ABAP_SOURCE_FORMAT type ref to CL_WB_ABAP_SOURCE_FORMAT. DATA: target_source type swbse_max_line_tab, w_target_source like line of target_source. DATA: w_source type line of seop_source. DATA: error_text type string. * Initialisieren free: e_source, e_lines_truncated. * Source lesen CREATE OBJECT ABAP_SOURCE_FORMAT EXPORTING PROGNAME = i_name LINE_WIDTH = SWBSE_C_NORM_LINE_WIDTH EXCEPTIONS NOT_EXISTS = 1 ILLEGAL_LINE_WIDTH = 2 others = 3 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_EXISTS = 1. error ILLEGAL_LINE_WIDTH = 2. error others = 3. concatenate 'Program' i_name 'error' '(Klasse CL_WB_ABAP_SOURCE_FORMAT)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. CALL METHOD ABAP_SOURCE_FORMAT->CONVERT EXPORTING TRUNCATE_SINGLE_LINES = SPACE CONVERT_DESPITE_ALL_ERRORS = SPACE IMPORTING TARGET_SOURCE = target_source LINES_TRUNCATED = e_lines_truncated EXCEPTIONS NOT_CONVERTABLE = 1 NOT_SCANABLE = 2 others = 3. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_CONVERTABLE = 1. error NOT_SCANABLE = 2. error others = 3. concatenate 'Program' i_name 'error' '(Klasse CL_WB_ABAP_SOURCE_FORMAT)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ELSE. Loop at target_source into w_target_source. move w_target_source to w_source. append w_source to e_source. Endloop. ENDIF.

* Hat es zu lange Zeilen ? CALL METHOD ABAP_SOURCE_FORMAT->IS_CONTAINING_TOO_LONG_LINES IMPORTING IS_LONG = e_long. endmethod. endclass. "read_source "source_read_and_convert IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS dynpro_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class dynpro_read definition. public section. methods: read_dynpro importing i_dynproname type tdynproname exporting e_dynpro type tdynpro. private section. * Attribute data: dynpro type tdynpro, error_text type string. endclass. "dynpro_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS dynpro_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class dynpro_read implementation. method read_dynpro. * Initilisieren free dynpro. move i_dynproname-progname to dynpro-progname. move i_dynproname-dynnr to dynpro-dynnr. * Selektieren CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_DYNPRO_READ' EXPORTING PROGNAME DYNNR * SUPPRESS_EXIST_CHECKS * SUPPRESS_CORR_CHECKS IMPORTING HEADER TABLES CONTAINERS FIELDS_TO_CONTAINERS FLOW_LOGIC PARAMS EXCEPTIONS CANCELLED NOT_FOUND PERMISSION_ERROR

= = = =

dynpro-progname dynpro-dynnr ' ' ' '

= dynpro-HEADER = = = = dynpro-CONTAINERS dynpro-FIELDS_TO_CONTAINERS dynpro-FLOW_LOGIC dynpro-PARAMS

= 1 = 2 = 3


= 4

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CANCELLED = 1. error NOT_FOUND = 2. error PERMISSION_ERROR = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'Dynpro' dynpro-progname dynpro-dynnr 'error' '(Fb. RPY_DYNPRO_READ)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free dynpro. ENDIF. * Rueckgabe e_dynpro = dynpro. free dynpro. endmethod. endclass. "read_dynpro "dynpro_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS typegroup_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class typegroup_read definition. public section. methods read_typegroup importing typegroup_name TYPE trdir-name exporting e_typegroup type ttypegroup exceptions error. private section. data: typegroup type ttypegroup. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. endclass. "typegroup_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS typegroup_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class typegroup_read implementation. method read_typegroup. free typegroup. * Name move typegroup_name to typegroup-name. * Source data: name(30) type C. concatenate '%_C' typegroup-name into name. read report name into typegroup-source state 'A'.

if sy-subrc ne 0. concatenate 'Typegroup' typegroup-name 'cant read' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free typegroup. raise error. endif. * Texte select * from DDTYPET into table typegroup-texts where typegroup = typegroup-name. * Rueckgabe e_typegroup = typegroup. endmethod. endclass. "read_typegroup "typegroup_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS domain_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Ulrich Streit *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class domain_read definition. public section. methods read_domain importing DOMA_NAME TYPE RPY_DOMA-DOMANAME exporting e_domain type tdomain exceptions error. private section. data: domain type tdomain. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. endclass. "domain_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS domain_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class domain_read implementation. method read_domain. free domain. move doma_name to domain-name. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_GET' EXPORTING NAME = domain-name STATE = 'A' LANGU = sy-langu IMPORTING GOTSTATE = domain-gotstate DD01V_WA = domain-dd01V_WA TABLES DD07V_TAB = domain-dd07v_tab

EXCEPTIONS ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1. error OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'Domain' doma_name 'not found' '(Fb. DDIF_DOMA_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free domain. raise error. ENDIF. * Rueckgabe if not domain-gotstate is initial. e_domain = domain. else. free e_domain. endif. endmethod. endclass. "read_domain "domain_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS dataelement_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class dataelement_read definition. public section. methods read_dataelement importing DATAELEMENT_NAME TYPE RPY_DTEL-DTELNAME exporting e_dataelement type tdataelement exceptions error. private section. data: dataelement type tdataelement. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. endclass. "domain_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS dataelement_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class dataelement_read implementation. method read_dataelement. free dataelement. move DATAELEMENT_NAME to dataelement-NAME. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DTEL_GET' EXPORTING


= dataelement-name = 'A' = sy-langu = dataelement-gotstate = dataelement-DD04V_WA = dataelement-TPARA_WA = 1 = 2

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1. error OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'Dataelement' DATAELEMENT_NAME 'not found' '(Fb. DDIF_DTEL_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free dataelement. raise error. ENDIF. * Rueckgabe if not dataelement-gotstate is initial. e_dataelement = dataelement. else. free e_dataelement. endif. endmethod. endclass. "read_domain "dataelement_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS table_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class table_read definition. public section. methods read_table importing TABLE_NAME TYPE RPY_TABL-TABLNAME exporting e_table type ttable exceptions error. private section. data: table type ttable. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. endclass. "domain_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS table_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class table_read implementation.

method read_table. free table. move table_name to table-name. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TABL_GET' EXPORTING NAME = table-name STATE = 'A' LANGU = ' ' IMPORTING GOTSTATE = table-GOTSTATE DD02V_WA = table-DD02V_WA DD09L_WA = table-DD09L_WA TABLES DD03P_TAB = table-DD03P_TAB DD05M_TAB = table-DD05M_TAB DD08V_TAB = table-DD08V_TAB DD12V_TAB = table-DD12V_TAB DD17V_TAB = table-DD17V_TAB DD35V_TAB = table-DD35V_TAB DD36M_TAB = table-DD36M_TAB EXCEPTIONS ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1. error OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'Table' TABLE_NAME 'not found' '(Fb. DDIF_TABL_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free table. raise error. ENDIF. * Tableclass select tabclass up to 1 rows from dd02l into table-tabclass where TABNAME eq table-name. endselect. * Rueckgabe if not table-GOTSTATE is initial. e_table = table. else. free e_table. endif. endmethod. endclass. "read_domain "table_read IMPLEMENTATION

* *


* CLASS view_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class view_read definition. public section. methods read_view importing VIEW_NAME TYPE DDOBJNAME exporting e_view type tview exceptions error. private section. data: view type tview. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. endclass. "view_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS view_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class view_read implementation. method read_view. free view. move view_name to view-name. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_VIEW_GET' EXPORTING NAME = view-name STATE = 'A' LANGU = sy-langu IMPORTING GOTSTATE = view-GOTSTATE DD25V_WA = view-DD25V_WA DD09L_WA = view-DD09L_WA TABLES DD26V_TAB = view-DD26V_TAB DD27P_TAB = view-DD27P_TAB DD28J_TAB = view-DD28J_TAB DD28V_TAB = view-DD28V_TAB EXCEPTIONS ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1. error OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'View' VIEW_NAME 'not found' '(Fb. DDIF_VIEW_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free view. raise error.

ENDIF. * Rueckgabe if not view-GOTSTATE is initial. e_view = view. else. free e_view. endif. endmethod. endclass. "read_view "view_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tabletype_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Ulrich Streit *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tabletype_read definition. public section. methods read_tabletype importing tabletype_name TYPE DDOBJNAME exporting e_tabletype type ttabletype exceptions error. private section. data: tabletype type ttabletype. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. endclass. "tabletype_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tabletype_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tabletype_read implementation. method read_tabletype. free tabletype. move tabletype_name to tabletype-name. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TTYP_GET' EXPORTING NAME = tabletype-name STATE = 'A' LANGU = sy-langu IMPORTING GOTSTATE = tabletype-GOTSTATE DD40V_WA = tabletype-DD40V_WA TABLES DD42V_TAB = tabletype-DD42V_TAB EXCEPTIONS ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1 OTHERS = 2 .

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1. error OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'Tabletype' tabletype-name 'not found' '(Fb. DDIF_TTYP_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free tabletype. raise error. ENDIF. * Rueckgabe if not tabletype-GOTSTATE is initial. e_tabletype = tabletype. else. free e_tabletype. endif. endmethod. endclass. "read_tabletype "tabletype_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS shlp_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class shlp_read definition. public section. methods read_shlp importing shlp_name TYPE DDOBJNAME exporting e_shlp type tshlp exceptions error. private section. data: shlp type tshlp. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. endclass. "shlp_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS shlp_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class shlp_read implementation. method read_shlp. free shlp. move shlp_name to shlp-name. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_SHLP_GET' EXPORTING NAME = shlp-name STATE = 'A' LANGU = sy-langu


= shlp-GOTSTATE = shlp-DD30V_WA = shlp-DD31V_TAB = shlp-DD32P_TAB = shlp-DD33V_TAB = 1 = 2.

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ILLEGAL_INPUT = 1. error OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'Search Help' shlp-name 'not found' '(Fb. DDIF_SHLP_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free shlp. raise error. ENDIF. * Rueckgabe if not shlp-GOTSTATE is initial. e_shlp = shlp. else. free e_shlp. endif. endmethod. endclass. "read_shlp "shlp_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS class_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class class_read definition. public section. methods: READ_CLASS importing i_cifkey type SEOCLSKEY exporting e_class type tclass exceptions error. private section. * Attribute data: class type tclass. data: clskey type SEOCLSKEY. data: CIFKEY type SEOCLSKEY. * Hilfsvariabeln data error_text type string. * Methoden methods: READ_METHODS changing methods TYPE SEOO_METHODS_R exceptions error, READ_METHOD_PARAMS

importing METHOD type SEOO_METHOD_R exporting PARAMETERS type SEOS_PARAMETERS_R exceptions error, READ_METHOD_DETAIL importing METHOD type SEOO_METHOD_R changing METHOD_DETAILS type SEOO_METHOD_DETAILS exceptions error, READ_METHOD_EXCEPTIONS importing method type tymethod changing METHOD_EXCEPTIONS type SEOS_EXCEPTIONS_R exceptions error, READ_METHOD_SOURCE importing METHOD type SEOO_METHOD_R exporting SOURCE type SEOP_SOURCE changing INCNAME type PROGRAM exceptions error, error_method_source importing mtdkey type SEOCPDKEY, READ_IMPL_METHODS exceptions error, READ_REDEF_METHODS exceptions error, READ_LOCALS exceptions error, ERROR_INCLUDE_SOURCE exceptions error, error_method_includes exceptions error, READ_TYPE_SOURCE exceptions error, READ_SECTIONS exceptions error. endclass. "class DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS class IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class class_read implementation. ***** private ****** method READ_CLASS. data: explore TYPE SEOK_CLS_TYPEINFOS, w_explore type line of SEOK_CLS_TYPEINFOS, methods type SEOO_METHODS_R. move i_cifkey to cifkey. move-corresponding i_cifkey to clskey. * refresh free class. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_TYPEINFO_GET' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_INACTIVE

STATE = '1' WITH_DESCRIPTIONS = SEOX_TRUE RESOLVE_EVENTHANDLER_TYPEINFO = SEOX_FALSE IMPORTING CLASS = class-class ATTRIBUTES = class-attributes METHODS = methods EVENTS = class-events TYPES = class-types-types * PARAMETERS = * EXCEPS = IMPLEMENTINGS = class-implementings-implementings INHERITANCE = class-inheritance REDEFINITIONS = class-redefinitions IMPL_DETAILS = class-implementings-impl_details FRIENDSHIPS = class-friends TYPEPUSAGES = class-TYPEPUSAGES CLSDEFERRDS = class-CLASSDEFERREDS INTDEFERRDS = class-INTERFACEDEFERREDS EXPLORE_INHERITANCE = EXPLORE * EXPLORE_IMPLEMENTINGS = ALIASES = class-aliases EXCEPTIONS NOT_EXISTING = 1 IS_INTERFACE = 2 MODEL_ONLY = 3 OTHERS = 4 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_EXISTING = 1. error IS_INTERFACE = 2. error MODEL_ONLY = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'Class' clskey-clsname 'not found' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_TYPEINFO_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free class. raise error. ENDIF. * cifkey move i_cifkey to class-cifkey. * Explore loop at explore into w_explore. append w_explore-class to class-explore_inheritance. endloop. * TypeSource call method READ_TYPE_SOURCE EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. free class. raise error. endif.

* Sektionen lesen call method READ_SECTIONS EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. free class. raise error. endif. * Methoden lesen call method READ_METHODS CHANGING methods = methods EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. free class. raise error. endif. * Locals call method read_locals EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. free class. raise error. endif. * implementierte(Interfaces) Methoden lesen call method read_impl_methods EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. free class. raise error. endif. * redefinierte Methoden lesen call method read_redef_methods EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. free class. raise error. endif. * Rueckgabeparameter e_class = class. endmethod. method READ_METHODS. field-symbols: <METHOD> type line of SEOO_METHODS_R. " READ_CLASS

data: METHOD type line of TCLASS-METHODS. delete methods where alias eq 'X'. loop at METHODS assigning <METHOD>. * refresh free method. * uebergabe METHOD-METHOD = <METHOD>. METHOD-CMPKEY-CLSNAME = <METHOD>-CLSNAME. METHOD-CMPKEY-CMPNAME = <METHOD>-CMPNAME. * call method READ_METHOD_SOURCE EXPORTING METHOD = <method> IMPORTING SOURCE = method-source CHANGING INCNAME = method-incname EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * call method READ_METHOD_PARAMS EXPORTING METHOD = <method> IMPORTING PARAMETERS = method-parameters EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * call method READ_METHOD_DETAIL EXPORTING METHOD = <METHOD> CHANGING METHOD_DETAILS = METHOD-METHOD_DETAILS EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * call method READ_METHOD_EXCEPTIONS EXPORTING METHOD = METHOD CHANGING METHOD_EXCEPTIONS = method-EXCEPTIONS

EXCEPTIONS error others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * endloop. endmethod.

= 1 = 2.



*&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& FORM READ_METHOD_PARAMS *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* method READ_METHOD_PARAMS. * data: CMPKEY type SEOCMPKEY. * refresh free parameters. * CMPKEY-CLSNAME = METHOD-CLSNAME. CMPKEY-CMPNAME = METHOD-CMPNAME. * call function 'SEO_PARAMETER_READ_ALL' EXPORTING CMPKEY = CMPKEY VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_ACTIVE MASTER_LANGUAGE = SY-LANGU MODIF_LANGUAGE = SY-LANGU WITH_DESCRIPTIONS = SEOX_TRUE IMPORTING parameters = PARAMETERS[] EXCEPTIONS COMPONENT_NOT_EXISTING = 1 others = 2. if SY-SUBRC <> 0. ERROR SEO_PARAMETER_READ_ALL_COMPONENT_NOT_EXISTING = 1. ERROR SEO_PARAMETER_READ_ALL_OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'Class' CMPKEY 'Cant get Methodparameters' '(Fb. SEO_PARAMETER_READ_ALL)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. endif. * endmethod. method READ_METHOD_DETAIL. data: data: data: data: data: * refresh begin of SEO_METHOD_GET_DETAIL. CPDKEY type SEOCPDKEY. METHOD type VSEOMETHOD. METHOD_DETAILS type SEOO_METHOD_DETAILS. end of SEO_METHOD_GET_DETAIL. "READ_METHOD_PARAMS


* * * *



* *

if SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ENQUEUE_TABLE_FULL = 1. error INCLUDE_ENQUEUED = 2. error INCLUDE_READERROR = 3. error INCLUDE_WRITEERROR = 4. error others = 5. concatenate 'Class' SEO_METHOD_GET_SOURCE-MTDKEY 'Error Pretty Printer' '(Fb. PRETTY_PRINTER)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. endif. * endmethod. method error_method_source. ERROR _INTERNAL_METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 1. ERROR _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 2. ERROR VERSION_NOT_EXISTING = 3. ERROR INACTIVE_NEW = 4. ERROR INACTIVE_DELETED = 5. ERROR OTHERS = 6. concatenate 'Class' MTDKEY 'Cant get Methodsource' '(Fb. SEO_METHOD_GET_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro endmethod. method read_impl_methods. data: includes type SEOP_METHODS_W_INCLUDE, w_include like line of includes. data: method_impl like line of class-methods_impl. data: MTDKEY TYPE SEOCPDKEY, MTDKEY1 TYPE SEOCMPKEY. data: w_alias like method_impl-alias. move-corresponding cifkey to clskey. * Includes lesen CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GET_METHOD_INCLUDES' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey IMPORTING INCLUDES = includes EXCEPTIONS _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_method_includes. raise error. ELSE. loop at includes into w_include. "error_method_source "read_methods

* refresh free: method_impl, MTDKEY, MTDKEY1. read table class-methods transporting no fields with key method-cmpname = w_include-cpdkey-cpdname. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Includename move w_include to method_impl-include. * Method if w_include-cpdkey-cpdname ca '~'. * Iterface split w_include-cpdkey-cpdname at '~' into MTDKEY1-CLSNAME MTDKEY1-CMPNAME. else. * Redefinition continue. endif. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_METHOD_GET' EXPORTING MTDKEY = mtdkey1 VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_INACTIVE IMPORTING METHOD = method_impl-method EXCEPTIONS NOT_EXISTING = 1 DELETED = 2 IS_EVENT = 3 IS_TYPE = 4 IS_ATTRIBUTE = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_EXISTING = 1. error DELETED = 2. error IS_EVENT = 3. error IS_TYPE = 4. error IS_ATTRIBUTE = 5. error OTHERS = 6. concatenate 'Class' mtdkey1 'Cant get Method' '(Fb. SEO_METHOD_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. else. * Source MTDKEY-CLSNAME = w_include-cpdkey-clsname. MTDKEY-CPDNAME = w_include-cpdkey-cpdname. call function 'SEO_METHOD_GET_SOURCE' exporting MTDKEY = MTDKEY STATE = 'A' importing source = method_impl-SOURCE SOURCE_EXPANDED =

INCNAME = w_include-INCNAME exceptions _INTERNAL_METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 1 _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 2 VERSION_NOT_EXISTING = 3 INACTIVE_NEW = 4 INACTIVE_DELETED = 5 others = 6 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_method_source EXPORTING mtdkey = MTDKEY. raise error. ELSE. * Alias clear w_alias. read table class-aliases into w_alias with key REFCLSNAME = MTDKEY1-CLSNAME REFCMPNAME = MTDKEY1-CMPNAME. if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_alias to method_impl-alias. else. clear method_impl-alias. endif. append method_impl to class-methods_impl. endif. endif. free method_impl. endif. endloop. ENDIF. endmethod. method error_method_includes. error _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1. error OTHERS = 2. concatenate 'Class' clskey 'Cant get Method Includes' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_GET_METHOD_INCLUDES)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro endmethod. method read_redef_methods. data: includes type SEOP_METHODS_W_INCLUDE, w_include like line of includes. data: w_redefinition like line of class-redefinitions. data: method_redef like line of class-methods_redef. data: MTDKEY TYPE SEOCPDKEY, MTDKEY1 TYPE SEOCMPKEY. data: explore like line of class-explore_inheritance. "error_method_includes "read_impl_methods

clear clskey. move-corresponding cifkey to clskey. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GET_METHOD_INCLUDES' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey IMPORTING INCLUDES = includes EXCEPTIONS _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_method_includes. raise error. ELSE. loop at includes into w_include. * refresh free method_redef. read table class-methods transporting no fields with key method-cmpname = w_include-cpdkey-cpdname. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Includename move w_include to method_redef-include. * Method if w_include-cpdkey-cpdname ca '~'. continue. endif. clear w_redefinition. read table class-redefinitions into w_redefinition with key mtdname = w_include-cpdkey-cpdname. if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at class-explore_inheritance into explore. * refresh free: method_redef-method, mtdkey1. move explore-clsname to MTDKEY1-CLSNAME. move w_redefinition-mtdname to MTDKEY1-CMPNAME. * Methodenattribute lesen CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_METHOD_GET' EXPORTING MTDKEY = mtdkey1 VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_INACTIVE IMPORTING METHOD = method_redef-method EXCEPTIONS


= = = = = =

1 2 3 4 5 6.

free: mtdkey, method_redef-SOURCE. MTDKEY-CLSNAME = w_include-cpdkey-clsname. MTDKEY-CPDNAME = w_include-cpdkey-cpdname. call function 'SEO_METHOD_GET_SOURCE' exporting MTDKEY = MTDKEY STATE = 'A' importing source = method_redef-SOURCE SOURCE_EXPANDED = INCNAME = w_include-INCNAME exceptions _INTERNAL_METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 1 _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 2 VERSION_NOT_EXISTING = 3 INACTIVE_NEW = 4 INACTIVE_DELETED = 5 others = 6 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_method_source EXPORTING mtdkey = MTDKEY. raise error. ELSE. append method_redef to class-methods_redef. ENDIF. endif. endif.

* refresh free method_redef. endloop. ENDIF. endmethod. method READ_locals. data: source type tLocal-source_locals, local type Tlocal. move-corresponding cifkey to clskey. "read_redef_methods

CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GET_INCLUDE_SOURCE' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey INCTYPE = seop_ext_class_locals_def IMPORTING SOURCE = source SOURCE_EXPANDED = EXCEPTIONS _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 NOT_EXISTING = 2 OTHERS = 3 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_include_source. raise error. ENDIF. if sy-subrc eq 0. move 'DEF' to local-name. move source to local-source_locals. append local to class-locals. endif. free local. refresh source. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GET_INCLUDE_SOURCE' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey INCTYPE = seop_ext_class_locals_imp IMPORTING SOURCE = source SOURCE_EXPANDED = EXCEPTIONS _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 NOT_EXISTING = 2 OTHERS = 3 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_include_source. raise error. ENDIF. if sy-subrc eq 0. move 'IMP' to local-name. move source to local-source_locals. append local to class-locals. endif. free local. refresh source. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GET_INCLUDE_SOURCE' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey INCTYPE = seop_ext_class_macros IMPORTING SOURCE = source SOURCE_EXPANDED =

* * * *

* * * *

EXCEPTIONS _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING NOT_EXISTING OTHERS . * * * * IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_include_source. raise error. ENDIF. if sy-subrc eq 0. move 'MAC' to local-name. move source to local-source_locals. append local to class-locals. endif. endmethod. method error_include_source.

= 1 = 2 = 3


error _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1. error NOT_EXISTING = 2. error OTHERS = 3. concatenate 'Class' clskey 'Cant get Includesource' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_GET_INCLUDE_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro endmethod. method READ_TYPE_SOURCE. ********************* * Typesource ********************* DATA: TYPKEY TYPE SEOCMPKEY. DATA: w_type like line of class-types-types. DATA: t_source type seop_source. loop at class-types-types into w_type. refresh t_source. move-corresponding w_type to typkey. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GET_TYPE_SOURCE' EXPORTING TYPKEY = typkey IMPORTING SOURCE = t_source EXCEPTIONS _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 NOT_EXISTING = 2 NOT_EDITED = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. if sy-subrc ne 3. "error_include_source

error _INTERNAL_CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1. error NOT_EXISTING = 2. error NOT_EDITED = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'Class' typkey-clsname 'Cant get type source' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_GET_TYPE_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. refresh t_source. raise error. endif. ENDIF. append lines of t_source to class-types-type_source. refresh t_source. endloop. endmethod. method READ_sections. DATA: SECTION like line of class-sections. do 3 times. * refresh free section. case sy-index. when 1. move seok_limu_public to section-LIMU. when 2. move seok_limu_private to section-LIMU. when 3. move seok_limu_protected to section-LIMU. endcase. * >>>> Beginn geaendert US20060112 XYXY if sy-saprl >= 640. data: ls_seo_section_source(255), lt_seo_section_source like standard table of ls_seo_section_source. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_SECTION_GET_SOURCE' EXPORTING CIFKEY = class-cifkey LIMU = section-limu * STATE = IMPORTING SOURCE = lt_seo_section_source INCNAME = section-incname EXCEPTIONS CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 VERSION_NOT_EXISTING = 2 OTHERS = 3 . Loop at lt_seo_section_source into ls_seo_section_source. append ls_seo_section_source(72) to section-source. Endloop. else. "READ_TYPES

* >>>> Ende geaendert US20060112 XYXY CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_SECTION_GET_SOURCE' EXPORTING CIFKEY = class-cifkey LIMU = section-limu * STATE = IMPORTING SOURCE = section-source INCNAME = section-incname EXCEPTIONS CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 VERSION_NOT_EXISTING = 2 OTHERS = 3 . endif. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1. error VERSION_NOT_EXISTING = 2. error OTHERS = 3. concatenate 'Class' class-cifkey-clsname 'Cant get Sectionsource' '(Fb. SEO_SECTION_GET_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. else. append section to class-sections. ENDIF. enddo. endmethod. endclass. "READ_sections "class IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS interface_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class interface_read definition. public section. methods: read_interface importing i_intkey type SEOCLSKEY exporting e_inter type tinter exceptions error. private section. * Klassenattribute data: inter type tinter. * Hilfsvariabeln data: error_text type string. endclass. "interface_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS interface_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*

class interface_read implementation. method read_interface. * Refresh free inter. * Objektschluessel move i_intkey to inter-intkey. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_INTERFACE_TYPEINFO_GET' EXPORTING INTKEY = inter-intkey VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_INACTIVE STATE = '1' IMPORTING INTERFACE = inter-interface ATTRIBUTES = inter-attributes METHODS = inter-methods EVENTS = inter-events PARAMETERS = inter-parameters EXCEPS = inter-exceps COMPRISINGS = inter-comprisings TYPEPUSAGES = inter-typepusages CLSDEFERRDS = inter-clsdeferrds INTDEFERRDS = inter-intdeferrds EXPLORE_COMPRISINGS = inter-explore_comprisings ALIASES = inter-aliases EXCEPTIONS NOT_EXISTING = 1 IS_CLASS = 2 MODEL_ONLY = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_EXISTING = 1. error IS_CLASS = 2. error MODEL_ONLY = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'Interface' inter-intkey 'not found' '(Fb. SEO_INTERFACE_TYPEINFO_GET)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free inter. raise error. ENDIF. e_inter = inter. endmethod. endclass. "read_interface "interface_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS interface_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class interface_upload definition.

public section. methods: upload_interface importing i_inter type tinter exceptions error. private section. methods: postfix. data: inter type tinter, error_text type string. endclass. "interface_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS interface_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class interface_upload implementation. METHOD upload_interface. inter = i_inter. ******************************************** * Postfix ******************************************** call method postfix. ******************************************** * Ueberpruefen, ob Klasse existiert ******************************************** data: clskey type SEOCLSKEY. move inter-intkey-clsname to clskey-clsname. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_EXISTENCE_CHECK' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey * IMPORTING * NOT_ACTIVE = EXCEPTIONS NOT_SPECIFIED = 1 NOT_EXISTING = 2 IS_INTERFACE = 3 NO_TEXT = 4 INCONSISTENT = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC ne 2. error NOT_SPECIFIED = 1. error NOT_EXISTING = 2. error IS_INTERFACE = 3. error NO_TEXT = 4. error INCONSISTENT = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'Interface' inter-intkey 'Already exists' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_EXISTENCE_CHECK)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question

EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. raise error. ENDIF.


* * * * * * *

CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_INTERFACE_CREATE_COMPLETE' EXPORTING CORRNR = DEVCLASS = '$TMP' VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_INACTIVE GENFLAG = ' ' AUTHORITY_CHECK = SEOX_TRUE OVERWRITE = SEOX_FALSE IMPORTING KORRNR = CHANGING INTERFACE = inter-interface COMPRISINGS = inter-comprisings ATTRIBUTES = inter-attributes METHODS = inter-methods EVENTS = inter-events PARAMETERS = inter-parameters EXCEPS = inter-exceps ALIASES = inter-aliases TYPEPUSAGES = inter-typepusages CLSDEFERRDS = inter-clsdeferrds INTDEFERRDS = inter-intdeferrds EXCEPTIONS EXISTING = 1 IS_CLASS = 2 DB_ERROR = 3 COMPONENT_ERROR = 4 NO_ACCESS = 5 OTHER = 6 ERROR_MESSAGE = 7 " Error messages OTHERS = 8. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error EXISTING = 1. error IS_CLASS = 2. error DB_ERROR = 3. error COMPONENT_ERROR = 4. error NO_ACCESS = 5. error OTHER = 6. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 7. error OTHERS = 8. concatenate 'Interface' inter-intkey 'Cant create' '(Fb. SEO_INTERFACE_CREATE_COMPLETE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. method postfix. " interface_einspielen

DATA: clsname_new like inter-intkey-clsname. if not postfix is initial. concatenate inter-intkey-clsname postfix into clsname_new. INTKEY move clsname_new to inter-intkey-clsname. INTERFACE move clsname_new to inter-interface-clsname. ATTRIBUTES data: w_attribute like line of inter-attributes. loop at inter-attributes into w_attribute. move clsname_new to w_attribute-clsname. modify inter-attributes from w_attribute. endloop. METHODS data: w_method like line of inter-methods. loop at inter-methods into w_method. move clsname_new to w_method-clsname. modify inter-methods from w_method. endloop. EVENTS data: w_event like line of inter-events. loop at inter-events into w_event. move clsname_new to w_event-clsname. modify inter-events from w_event. endloop. PARAMETERS data: w_parameter like line of inter-parameters. loop at inter-parameters into w_parameter. move clsname_new to w_parameter-clsname. modify inter-parameters from w_parameter. endloop. EXCEPS data: w_excep like line of inter-exceps. loop at inter-exceps into w_excep. move clsname_new to w_excep-clsname. modify inter-exceps from w_excep. endloop. COMPRISINGS data: w_COMPRISING like line of inter-COMPRISINGs. loop at inter-COMPRISINGs into w_COMPRISING. move clsname_new to w_COMPRISING-clsname. modify inter-COMPRISINGs from w_COMPRISING. endloop. TYPEPUSAGES data: w_TYPEPUSAGE like line of inter-TYPEPUSAGES. loop at inter-TYPEPUSAGES into w_TYPEPUSAGE. move clsname_new to w_TYPEPUSAGE-clsname. modify inter-TYPEPUSAGES from w_TYPEPUSAGE. endloop. CLSDEFERRDS data: w_CLSDEFERRD like line of inter-CLSDEFERRDS. loop at inter-CLSDEFERRDS into w_CLSDEFERRD. move clsname_new to w_CLSDEFERRD-clsname. modify inter-CLSDEFERRDS from w_CLSDEFERRD. endloop. INTDEFERRDS data: w_INTDEFERRD like line of inter-INTDEFERRDS. loop at inter-INTDEFERRDS into w_INTDEFERRD.

* * *

move clsname_new to w_INTDEFERRD-clsname. modify inter-INTDEFERRDS from w_INTDEFERRD. endloop. * EXPLORE_COMPRISINGS * ALIASES data: w_ALIAS like line of inter-ALIASES. loop at inter-ALIASES into w_ALIAS. move clsname_new to w_ALIAS-clsname. modify inter-ALIASES from w_ALIAS. endloop. endif. endmethod. endclass. "postfix "interface_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS interfaces_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class interfaces_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, interfaces_create. private section. DATA: interface_upload type ref to interface_upload. methods: determine_sequence_interfaces. endclass. "interfaces_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS interfaces_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class interfaces_upload implementation. method constructor. create object interface_upload. endmethod. method interfaces_create. field-symbols: <INTER> type TINTER. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. * Reihenfolge selber bestimmen call method determine_sequence_interfaces. * Interfaces einspielen loop at p-inters assigning <inter>. call method interface_upload->upload_interface "constructor

EXPORTING i_inter = <inter> EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Interface' <inter>-intkey-clsname lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. "inters_create

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form determine_sequence_interfaces *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * <--P_INTERS text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* METHOD determine_sequence_interfaces. data: w_inters type standard table of tinter-intkey-clsname, w_inters1 type standard table of tinter-intkey-clsname, inter1 type tinter, inter2 type tinter. data: w_comprising type line of tinter-comprisings. * Sortieren loop at p-inters into inter1. loop at inter1-comprisings into w_comprising. loop at p-inters into inter2 where intkey-clsname = w_comprising-refclsname. insert inter2-intkey-clsname into w_inters1 index 1. endloop. endloop. insert inter1-intkey-clsname into w_inters1 index 1. loop at w_inters1 into inter2-intkey-clsname. insert inter2-intkey-clsname into w_inters index 1. delete w_inters1. endloop. endloop. * doppelte Eintraege data: index type i. loop at w_inters into inter1-intkey-clsname. move 0 to index. loop at w_inters into inter2-intkey-clsname where table_line = inter1-intkey-clsname. index = index + 1.

if index > 1. delete w_inters. endif. endloop. endloop. * Uebergeben loop at w_inters into inter1-intkey-clsname. read table p-inters into inter2 with key intkey-clsname = inter1-intkey-clsname. delete p-inters index sy-tabix. append inter2 to p-inters. endloop. ENDMETHOD. endclass. " determine_sequence_interfaces "interfaces_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS class_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class class_upload definition. public section. methods create_class importing i_class type tclass exceptions error. private section. * Attribute data: class type tclass. data: clskey type SEOCLSKEY. data: clsname type SEOCLSKEY-CLSNAME. data: error_text type string. * Methods methods: create_class_types exceptions error, create_source exceptions error, create_source_fb importing cpdname type seop_method_w_source-cpdname source type seop_source changing t_seop_method_w_source type seop_methods_w_source, create_source_methods_redef exceptions error, create_source_methods_locals exceptions error, create_source_methods_impl exceptions error, create_source_sections exceptions error. endclass. "class_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS class_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class class_upload implementation.

method create_class_types. data: w_class like class. data: clsname_temp like class-cifkey-clsname. data: w_inter type tinter. **************************** * Klassenattribute **************************** if not clsname is initial. move clsname to class-class-clsname. move clsname to class-cifkey-clsname. endif. *************************** * Methoden und Parameter *************************** DATA: T_SEOO_METHOD_R TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF SEOO_METHOD_R WITH KEY CLSNAME CMPNAME VERSION LANGU, W_SEOO_METHOD_R TYPE SEOO_METHOD_R. DATA: t_seos_parameters_r TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF seos_parameter_r WITH KEY clsname cmpname sconame version langu, w_seos_parameters_r TYPE seos_parameter_r. field-symbols: <METHOD> type TYMETHOD, <parameters> type line of tymethod-parameters. loop at class-methods assigning <method>. * Unerwuenschte Methoden if not <method>-method-REFCLSNAME is initial. delete class-methods. continue. endif. * Methoden if not clsname is initial. move clsname to <method>-method-clsname. endif. move <method>-method to W_SEOO_METHOD_R. append W_SEOO_METHOD_R to T_SEOO_METHOD_R. * Parameter loop at <method>-parameters assigning <parameters>. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to <parameters>-clsname. endif. move <parameters> to w_seos_parameters_r. append w_seos_parameters_r to t_seos_parameters_r. endloop. endloop. ******************************************************************** * Ausnahmen ******************************************************************** data: t_exceptions type tymethod-exceptions, w_exceptions type line of tymethod-exceptions. loop at class-methods assigning <method>. loop at <method>-exceptions into w_exceptions. if not clsname is initial.

move clsname to w_exceptions-clsname. endif. append w_exceptions to t_exceptions. modify <method>-exceptions from w_exceptions. endloop. endloop. ********************************************************************* * Attribute ********************************************************************* field-symbols: <attribute> type line of SEOO_ATTRIBUTES_R. loop at class-attributes assigning <attribute>. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to <attribute>-clsname. if not <attribute>-REFCLSNAME is initial. delete class-attributes. endif. endif. endloop. ******************************************************************** * Events ******************************************************************** field-symbols <event> like line of class-events. loop at class-events assigning <event>. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to <event>-clsname. endif. endloop. ******************************************************************** * Friends ******************************************************************** data: friend like line of class-friends. loop at class-friends into friend. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to friend-clsname. endif. if not postfix is initial. concatenate friend-REFCLSNAME postfix into clsname_temp. loop at p-classes into w_class. if w_class-cifkey-clsname eq friend-refclsname or w_class-cifkey-clsname eq clsname_temp. concatenate friend-REFCLSNAME postfix into friend-REFCLSNAME . exit. endif. endloop. endif. modify class-friends from friend. endloop. ******************************************************************** * Types ******************************************************************** field-symbols: <type> like line of class-types-types. loop at class-types-types assigning <type>. if not clsname is initial.

move clsname to <type>-clsname. endif. endloop. ******************************************************************** * Inheritance ******************************************************************** if not class-inheritance is initial. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to class-inheritance-clsname. if class-inheritance-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_z or class-inheritance-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_n or class-inheritance-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_y. if not postfix is initial. concatenate class-inheritance-REFCLSNAME postfix into clsname_temp. loop at p-classes into w_class. if w_class-cifkey-clsname eq class-inheritance-REFCLSNAME or w_class-cifkey-clsname eq clsname_temp. concatenate class-inheritance-REFCLSNAME postfix into class-inheritance-REFCLSNAME. exit. endif. endloop. endif. endif. endif. endif. ********************************************************************* * Redefinitions ********************************************************************* data: redefinitions like line of class-redefinitions. loop at class-redefinitions into redefinitions. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to redefinitions-clsname. if redefinitions-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_z or redefinitions-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_n or redefinitions-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_y. if not postfix is initial. concatenate redefinitions-REFCLSNAME postfix into clsname_temp. loop at p-classes into w_class. if w_class-cifkey-clsname eq redefinitions-REFCLSNAME or w_class-cifkey-clsname eq clsname_temp. concatenate redefinitions-REFCLSNAME postfix into redefinitions-REFCLSNAME. exit. endif. endloop. endif. endif. endif. modify class-redefinitions from redefinitions. endloop. ********************************************************************* * Aliases ********************************************************************* data: aliases like line of class-aliases.

data: aliases_r type SEOO_ALIASES_R, w_aliases_r like line of aliases_r. loop at class-aliases into aliases. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to aliases-clsname. if aliases-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_z or aliases-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_n or aliases-REFCLSNAME(1) eq c_y. if not postfix is initial. concatenate aliases-REFCLSNAME postfix into clsname_temp. loop at p-classes into w_class. if w_class-cifkey-clsname eq aliases-REFCLSNAME or w_class-cifkey-clsname eq clsname_temp. concatenate aliases-REFCLSNAME postfix into aliases-REFCLSNAME. exit. endif. endloop. endif. endif. endif. move-corresponding aliases to w_aliases_r. append w_aliases_r to aliases_r. modify class-aliases from aliases. endloop. ********************************************************************* * Implementings ********************************************************************* data: implementing like line of class-implementings-implementings, impl_details like line of class-implementings-impl_details. loop at class-implementings-implementings into implementing. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to implementing-clsname. if not postfix is initial. concatenate implementing-REFCLSNAME postfix into clsname_temp. loop at p-inters into w_inter. if w_inter-intkey-clsname eq implementing-REFCLSNAME or w_inter-intkey-clsname eq clsname_temp. concatenate implementing-REFCLSNAME postfix into implementing-REFCLSNAME. exit. endif. endloop. endif. endif. modify class-implementings-implementings from implementing. endloop. loop at class-implementings-impl_details into impl_details. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to impl_details-clsname. if not postfix is initial. concatenate impl_details-REFCLSNAME postfix into clsname_temp. loop at p-inters into w_inter. if w_inter-intkey-clsname eq impl_details-REFCLSNAME

or w_inter-intkey-clsname eq clsname_temp. concatenate impl_details-REFCLSNAME postfix into impl_details-REFCLSNAME. exit. endif. endloop. endif. endif. modify class-implementings-impl_details from impl_details. endloop. ********************************************************************* * CLSDEFERRDS ********************************************************************* field-symbols <classdeferreds> like line of class-classdeferreds. loop at class-classdeferreds assigning <classdeferreds>. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to <classdeferreds>-clsname. endif. endloop. ********************************************************************* * INTDEFERRDS ********************************************************************* field-symbols: <INTerfaceDEFERREDS> like line of class-INTerfaceDEFERREDS. loop at class-INTerfaceDEFERREDS assigning <INTerfaceDEFERREDS>. if not clsname is initial. move clsname to <INTerfaceDEFERREDS>-clsname. endif. endloop. ********************************************************************* * Klasse anlegen ********************************************************************* CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_CREATE_COMPLETE' EXPORTING * CORRNR = DEVCLASS = '$TMP' VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_ACTIVE * GENFLAG = ' ' * 13.07.1974 = SEOX_TRUE OVERWRITE = SEOX_false * SUPPRESS_METHOD_GENERATION = SEOX_FALSE * IMPORTING * KORRNR = CHANGING CLASS = class-class INHERITANCE = class-inheritance REDEFINITIONS = class-redefinitions IMPLEMENTINGS = class-implementings-implementings IMPL_DETAILS = class-implementings-impl_details ATTRIBUTES = class-attributes METHODS = T_SEOO_METHOD_R EVENTS = class-events TYPES = class-types-types TYPE_SOURCE = class-types-type_source PARAMETERS = t_seos_parameters_r EXCEPS = t_exceptions


= = = = =

aliases_r class-typepusages class-classdeferreds class-INTerfaceDEFERREDS class-friends

= 7 = 8.

= 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 " Error messages

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error EXISTING = 1. error IS_INTERFACE = 2. error DB_ERROR = 3. error COMPONENT_ERROR = 4. error NO_ACCESS = 5. error OTHER = 6. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 7. error OTHERS = 8. concatenate 'class' clskey 'cant create it' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_CREATE_COMPLETE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. method create_source. " create_class_types

* Methoden Locals Source anlegen call method create_source_methods_locals EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Source Sketionen (Attribute, Types) anlegen call method create_source_sections EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Source implementierte Methoden call method create_source_methods_impl EXCEPTIONS

error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Source Redefinitions anlegen call method create_source_methods_redef EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endmethod. method create_source_fb. DATA: seop_methods like line of t_seop_method_w_source. DATA: w_seop_source type line of seop_method_w_source-source. DATA: w_source type line of seop_source, w_source1 type line of seop_source. * Methoden move cpdname to seop_methods-cpdname. loop at source into w_source. move w_source to w_source1. condense w_source1. if w_source1 NP 'METHOD*' and w_source1 NP 'ENDMETHOD*'. move w_source to w_seop_source. append w_seop_source to seop_methods-source. endif. endloop. append seop_methods to t_seop_method_w_source. endmethod. "create_source_fb " create_source

method create_source_methods_redef. data: method_redef like line of class-methods_redef. data: cpdname type seop_method_w_source-cpdname. data: t_seop_method_w_source type seop_methods_w_source. field-symbols: <seop_method_w_source> type line of seop_methods_w_source. * Methoden loop at class-methods_redef into method_redef. move method_redef-include-cpdkey-CPDNAME to cpdname. call method create_source_fb EXPORTING

cpdname = cpdname source = method_redef-source CHANGING t_seop_method_w_source = t_seop_method_w_source. loop at t_seop_method_w_source assigning <seop_method_w_source>. move 'X' to <seop_method_w_source>-redefine. endloop. endloop. if not t_seop_method_w_source[] is initial. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_CREATE_SOURCE' EXPORTING CLASS = class-cifkey SOURCE = t_seop_method_w_source LOCALS = LOCALS_DEF = LOCALS_IMP = LOCALS_MAC = VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_ACTIVE SUPPRESS_INDEX_UPDATE = SEOX_FALSE EXCEPTIONS OTHER = 1 CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 2 METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 3 ERROR_MESSAGE = 4 " Error messages OTHERS = 5. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error OTHER = 1. error CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 2. error METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'class' class-cifkey 'cant create class redefinition source' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_CREATE_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endif. ENDMETHOD. "create_source_methods_redef

* * * *

method create_source_methods_locals. DATA: t_METHOD type TYMETHOD, cpdname type seop_method_w_source-cpdname. data: t_seop_method_w_source type seop_methods_w_source. data: source_locals_def type tlocal-source_locals, source_locals_imp type tLocal-source_locals,

source_locals_mac type tLocal-source_locals. field-symbols <local> type tLocal. * Methoden loop at class-methods into t_method. move t_method-cmpkey-CMPNAME to cpdname. call method create_source_fb EXPORTING cpdname = cpdname source = t_method-source CHANGING t_seop_method_w_source = t_seop_method_w_source. endloop. * Locals loop at class-locals assigning <local>. if <local>-name eq 'DEF'. move <local>-source_locals to source_locals_def. endif. if <local>-name eq 'MAC'. move <local>-source_locals to source_locals_mac. endif. if <local>-name eq 'IMP'. move <local>-source_locals to source_locals_imp. endif. endloop. if or or or not not not not t_seop_method_w_source[] is initial source_locals_def[] is initial source_locals_imp[] is initial source_locals_mac[] is initial.


error METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'class' class-cifkey 'cant create class source methods and locals' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_CREATE_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endif. endmethod. " create_source_methods_locals

method create_source_methods_impl. data: method_impl like line of class-methods_impl, cpdname type seop_method_w_source-cpdname. data: t_seop_method_w_source type seop_methods_w_source. * Methoden loop at class-methods_impl into method_impl. move method_impl-include-cpdkey-CPDNAME to cpdname. call method create_source_fb EXPORTING cpdname = cpdname source = method_impl-source CHANGING t_seop_method_w_source = t_seop_method_w_source. endloop. if not t_seop_method_w_source[] is initial. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_CREATE_SOURCE' EXPORTING CLASS = class-cifkey SOURCE = t_seop_method_w_source LOCALS = LOCALS_DEF = LOCALS_IMP = LOCALS_MAC = VERSION = SEOC_VERSION_ACTIVE SUPPRESS_INDEX_UPDATE = SEOX_FALSE EXCEPTIONS OTHER = 1 CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 2 METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 3 ERROR_MESSAGE = 4 OTHERS = 5 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error OTHER = 1.

* * * *

error CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 2. error METHOD_NOT_EXISTING = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'class' class-cifkey 'cant create class implementation source' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_CREATE_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endif. endmethod. method create_source_sections. DATA: section type tsection. if 1 = 0. "create_source_methods_impl

* Include einfuegen (funktioniert nicht ?!?!) loop at class-sections into section. case section-limu. when seok_limu_public. insert report section-incname from section-source extension type srext_ext_class_public state 'I' program type 'I'. when seok_limu_private. insert report section-incname from section-source extension type srext_ext_class_private state 'I' program type 'I'. when seok_limu_protected. insert report section-incname from section-source extension type srext_ext_class_protected state 'I' program type 'I'. endcase. endloop. else. *** funktioniert, allerdings umstaendlich *** Die Kommentare gehen allerdings dabei verloren loop at class-sections into section. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_NA_SET_SECTION_TYPE_SOURCE' EXPORTING

CLSKEY = clskey LIMU = section-limu VERSION = '0' SUPPRESS_ACCESS_PERMISSION = SEOX_TRUE SAVE = SEOX_false TABLES SOURCE = section-source EXCEPTIONS CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1 SCAN_ABAP_SOURCE_ERROR = 2 ERROR_MESSAGE = 3 OTHERS = 4 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CLASS_NOT_EXISTING = 1. error SCAN_ABAP_SOURCE_ERROR = 2. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'class' clskey 'cant create class section source' '(Fb. SEO_NA_SET_SECTION_TYPE_SOURCE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endloop.

****** Typen nochmals anlegen DATA: w_type like line of class-types-types. loop at class-types-types into w_type where not type is initial. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_TYPE_CREATE_F_DATA' EXPORTING SAVE = SEOX_FALSE CHANGING TYPE = w_type EXCEPTIONS EXISTING = 1 IS_ATTRIBUTE = 2 IS_METHOD = 3 IS_EVENT = 4 NOT_CREATED = 5 DB_ERROR = 6 ERROR_MESSAGE = 7 " Error messages OTHERS = 8. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error EXISTING = 1. error IS_ATTRIBUTE = 2. error IS_METHOD = 3. error IS_EVENT = 4. error NOT_CREATED = 5. error DB_ERROR = 6. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 7. error OTHERS = 8.

concatenate 'class' clskey 'cant create class type source' '(Fb. SEO_TYPE_CREATE_F_DATA)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endloop.

******** Attribute nochmals anlegen DATA: w_attribute type line of SEOO_ATTRIBUTES_R. loop at class-attributes into w_attribute where not type is initial. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_ATTRIBUTE_CREATE_F_DATA' EXPORTING SAVE = SEOX_FALSE SUPPRESS_LOG_ENTRY = SEOX_FALSE CHANGING ATTRIBUTE = w_attribute EXCEPTIONS EXISTING = 1 IS_METHOD = 2 IS_EVENT = 3 IS_TYPE = 4 NOT_CREATED = 5 DB_ERROR = 6 ERROR_MESSAGE = 7 " Error messages OTHERS = 8. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error EXISTING = 1. error IS_METHOD = 2. error IS_EVENT = 3. error IS_TYPE = 4. error NOT_CREATED = 5. error DB_ERROR = 6. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 7. error OTHERS = 8. concatenate 'class' clskey 'cant create class attribute source' '(Fb. SEO_ATTRIBUTE_CREATE_F_DATA)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endloop. endif. endmethod. " create_source_sections

method create_class. ******************************************** * Wertuebergabe ******************************************** class = i_class. ******************************************** * classname, clskey ******************************************** move-corresponding class-cifkey to clskey. * classname if postfix is initial. move clskey-clsname to clsname. else. concatenate clskey-clsname postfix into clsname. move clsname to class-cifkey-clsname. move clsname to clskey-clsname. endif. ******************************************** * Auf Kundenklasse beschraenken ******************************************** if clsname(1) ne c_z and clsname(1) ne c_n and clsname(1) ne c_y. concatenate 'class' clskey 'does not begin with Z or Y' 'Classname check' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. * error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. endif. ******************************************** * Ueberpruefen, ob Klasse existiert ******************************************** CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_EXISTENCE_CHECK' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey * IMPORTING * NOT_ACTIVE = EXCEPTIONS NOT_SPECIFIED = 1 NOT_EXISTING = 2 IS_INTERFACE = 3 NO_TEXT = 4 INCONSISTENT = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC ne 2. error NOT_SPECIFIED error NOT_EXISTING error IS_INTERFACE error NO_TEXT error INCONSISTENT = = = = = 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'class' clskey 'already exists' '(Fb. SEO_CLASS_EXISTENCE_CHECK)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF.

******************************************** * Klasse anlegen ******************************************** call method create_class_types EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. ******************************************** * Source Code METHODEN und Locals ******************************************** call method create_source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. ********************************************* * Sichern ********************************************* CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLIF_SAVE_ALL' EXPORTING CIFKEY = class-cifkey SECTIONS_ONLY = SEOX_TRUE EXCEPTIONS NOT_EXISTING = 1 NOTHING_TO_DO = 2 ACCESS_ERROR = 3 DB_ERROR = 4 ERROR_IN_CODE_GENERATION = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_EXISTING = 1. error NOTHING_TO_DO = 2. error ACCESS_ERROR = 3. error DB_ERROR = 4. error ERROR_IN_CODE_GENERATION = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'class' clskey 'cant save' '(Fb. SEO_CLIF_SAVE_ALL)' into error_text

separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. " klasse_einspielen "class_upload IMPLEMENTATION


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS classes_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class classes_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, classes_create. private section. data: class_upload type ref to class_upload. methods: determine_sequence_classes. endclass. "classes_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS classes_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class classes_upload implementation. method constructor. create object class_upload. endmethod. method classes_create. field-symbols: <CLASS> type TCLASS. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. * Reihenfolge festlegen call method determine_sequence_classes. * Klassen einspielen loop at p-classes assigning <class>. call method class_upload->create_class EXPORTING i_class = <class> EXCEPTIONS error = 1 "constructor

others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Class' <class>-cifkey-clsname lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. "classes_create

METHOD determine_sequence_classes. data: w_classes type standard table of tclass-cifkey-clsname, w_classes1 type standard table of tclass-cifkey-clsname, class1 type tclass, class2 type tclass. data: w_expl_inheritance type line of tclass-explore_inheritance. * Sortieren loop at p-classes into class1. loop at class1-explore_inheritance into w_expl_inheritance. loop at p-classes into class2 where cifkey-clsname = w_expl_inheritance-clsname. insert class2-cifkey-clsname into w_classes1 index 1. endloop. endloop. insert class1-cifkey-clsname into w_classes1 index 1. loop at w_classes1 into class2-cifkey-clsname. insert class2-cifkey-clsname into w_classes index 1. delete w_classes1. endloop. endloop. * doppelte Eintraege data: index type i. loop at w_classes into class1-cifkey-clsname. move 0 to index. loop at w_classes into class2-cifkey-clsname where table_line eq class1-cifkey-clsname. index = index + 1. if index > 1. delete w_classes. endif. endloop. endloop. * Uebergeben loop at w_classes into class1-cifkey-clsname. read table p-classes into class2 with key cifkey-clsname = class1-cifkey-clsname. delete p-classes index sy-tabix.

append class2 to p-classes. endloop. ENDMETHOD. endclass. " determine_sequence_classes "classes_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroup_names DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroup_names definition. public section. class-methods: determine_fmodule_progname importing area type any include type any exporting progname type any, determine_fgroup_progname importing area type any exporting program type any, determine_finclude_praefix importing area type any exporting praefix type any, determine_namespace importing area type any exporting namespace type any. endclass. "fgroup_names DEFINITION

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroup_names IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroup_names implementation. method determine_fmodule_progname. data: begin of lv_split, text(50), end of lv_split. data: lt_split like standard table of lv_split, lv_split1 like lv_split. if area(1) eq c_n. split area at c_n into table lt_split. read table lt_split into lv_split index 2. concatenate c_n lv_split c_n into lv_split. read table lt_split into lv_split1 index 3. concatenate lv_split 'L' lv_split1 'U' include into progname. else. concatenate 'L' area 'U' include

into progname. endif. endmethod. "create_fmodule_name

method determine_fgroup_progname. if area(1) eq c_n. data: begin of lv_split, text(50), end of lv_split. data: lt_split like standard table of lv_split, lv_split1 like lv_split. split area at c_n into table lt_split. read table lt_split into lv_split index 2. concatenate c_n lv_split c_n into lv_split. read table lt_split into lv_split1 index 3. concatenate lv_split c_sapl lv_split1 into program. else. concatenate C_SAPL area into program. endif. endmethod. "determine_fgroup_progname

method determine_finclude_praefix. if area(1) eq c_n. data: begin of lv_split, text(50), end of lv_split. data: lt_split like standard table of lv_split, lv_split1 like lv_split. split area at c_n into table lt_split. read table lt_split into lv_split index 2. concatenate c_n lv_split c_n into lv_split. read table lt_split into lv_split1 index 3. concatenate lv_split 'L' lv_split1 into praefix. else. concatenate 'L' area into praefix. endif. endmethod. method determine_namespace. if area(1) eq c_n. data: begin of lv_split, text(50), end of lv_split. data: lt_split like standard table of lv_split. "determine_finclude_praefix

split area at c_n into table lt_split. read table lt_split into lv_split index 2. concatenate c_n lv_split c_n into namespace. else. clear namespace. endif. endmethod. endclass. "determine_namespace "fgroup_names IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fmodule_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fmodule_read definition. public section. methods: read_fmodule importing i_funcname type tfdir-funcname exceptions error, get_fmodule exporting e_fmodule type tfmodule. private section. * Attribute DATA: fmodule type tfmodule, funcname type tfdir-funcname, error_text type string. methods read_fmodule_wo_rpy exporting ev_long type SCRPFLAG exceptions error. endclass. "fmodule_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fmodule_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fmodule_read implementation. method read_fmodule. * refresh free fmodule. " refresh

* funcname funcname = i_funcname. * funcname uebergeben move funcname to fmodule-funcname. * Name Funktionsgruppe select area up to 1 rows from enlfdir into fmodule-area where funcname = fmodule-funcname. endselect.

if sy-subrc ne 0. concatenate 'Fmodule' fmodule-funcname 'error Cant read enlfdir' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free fmodule. raise error. endif. * Ist die Zeilenlaenge > 72 DATA: lv_long type SCRPFLAG. call method read_fmodule_wo_rpy IMPORTING ev_long = lv_long EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * * * * * * * * if lv_long eq 'X'. concatenate 'Fmodule' fmodule-funcname 'error' 'Zeilenlaenge > 72.' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free fmodule. raise error. endif.

* RPY_FUNCTIONMODULE_READ ist wahrscheinlich veraltet DATA: p_param_docu type standard table of RSFDO. free: fmodule-global_flag, fmodule-remote_call, fmodule-update_task, fmodule-short_text, fmodule-t_import, fmodule-t_change, fmodule-t_export, fmodule-t_tables, fmodule-t_except, fmodule-source. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_FUNCTIONMODULE_READ' EXPORTING FUNCTIONNAME = fmodule-funcname IMPORTING GLOBAL_FLAG = fmodule-global_flag REMOTE_CALL = fmodule-remote_call UPDATE_TASK = fmodule-update_task SHORT_TEXT = fmodule-short_text MULTISOFT = TABLES IMPORT_PARAMETER = fmodule-t_import CHANGING_PARAMETER = fmodule-t_change EXPORT_PARAMETER = fmodule-t_export TABLES_PARAMETER = fmodule-t_tables EXCEPTION_LIST = fmodule-t_except DOCUMENTATION = p_param_docu SOURCE = fmodule-source EXCEPTIONS


= = = =

1 2 3 4.

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0 and ( sy-msgid ne 'FL' or sy-msgno ne '180' ). error ERROR_MESSAGE = 1. error FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND = 2. error INVALID_NAME = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'Fmodule' fmodule-funcname 'error' '(Fb. RPY_FUNCTIONMODULE_READ)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro free fmodule. raise error. endif. if fmodule-source[] is initial. DATA: lv_progname type progname. DATA: ls_tfdir type tfdir. data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. select single * from tfdir into ls_tfdir where funcname = fmodule-funcname. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Error free fmodule. concatenate 'Fmodule' fmodule-funcname 'error' '(select tfdir)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. endif. create object fgroup_names. call method fgroup_names=>determine_fmodule_progname EXPORTING area = fmodule-area include = ls_tfdir-include IMPORTING progname = lv_progname. free fgroup_names. * Source nachlesen und truncuaten call method source_convert_and_read=>read_source EXPORTING i_name = lv_progname IMPORTING e_source = fmodule-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif.

endif. endmethod. method read_fmodule_wo_rpy. * Source lesen und ueberpruefen, ob Zeilenlaenge > 72 DATA: lv_lines_truncated type i. DATA: lv_progname type progname. DATA: ls_tfdir type tfdir. data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. select single * from tfdir into ls_tfdir where funcname = fmodule-funcname. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Error free fmodule. concatenate 'Fmodule' fmodule-funcname 'error' '(select tfdir)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. endif. create object fgroup_names. call method fgroup_names=>determine_fmodule_progname EXPORTING area = fmodule-area include = ls_tfdir-include IMPORTING progname = lv_progname. free fgroup_names. call method source_convert_and_read=>read_source EXPORTING i_name = lv_progname IMPORTING e_source = fmodule-source e_lines_truncated = lv_lines_truncated e_long = ev_long EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. free fmodule. raise error. endif. endmethod. method get_fmodule. e_fmodule = fmodule. endmethod. endclass. "get_fmodule "fmodule_read IMPLEMENTATION "read_fmodule_wo_rpy "read_fmodule

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroup_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroup_read definition. public section. methods: constructor, read_fgroup importing i_area type enlfdir-area exporting e_fgroup type tfgroup exceptions error. private section. * Attribute data: area type enlfdir-area, fgroup type tfgroup, fmodule_read type ref to fmodule_read, dynpro_read type ref to dynpro_read, error_text type string. methods: collect_fmodules exceptions error, collect_funcarea exceptions error, read_dynpros. endclass. "fgroup_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroup_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroup_read implementation. method constructor. create object fmodule_read. create object dynpro_read. endmethod. method read_fgroup. *************************** * Initialisieren *************************** area = i_area. free fgroup. move area to fgroup-area. *************************** * Funktionsbausteine lesen *************************** call method collect_fmodules EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. free fgroup. raise error. "constructor

endif. *************************** * Funktionsgruppe lesen *************************** call method collect_funcarea EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. free fgroup. raise error. endif. *************************** * Dynpros lesen *************************** if dynpro eq 'X'. call method read_dynpros. endif. ************************* * Ergebnis zurueckgeben ************************* e_fgroup = fgroup. endmethod. method collect_fmodules. data: w_fmodule type tfmodule, t_enlfdir type standard table of enlfdir, w_enlfdir like line of t_enlfdir. select * from enlfdir into table t_enlfdir where area eq fgroup-area. loop at t_enlfdir into w_enlfdir. call method fmodule_read->read_fmodule EXPORTING i_funcname = w_enlfdir-funcname EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * refresh free w_fmodule. call method fmodule_read->get_fmodule IMPORTING e_fmodule = w_fmodule. if not w_fmodule is initial. append w_fmodule to fgroup-fmodules. endif. endloop. endmethod. method collect_funcarea. data: t_includes type standard table of tinclude-include, w_include like line of t_includes, "collect_fmodules "read_fgroup

PROGRAM LIKE SY-REPID, FUGR_IS_FUNCTIONMODULE_NAME. data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. DATA: lv_progname type progname, oasis type tinclude. create object fgroup_names. call method fgroup_names=>determine_fgroup_progname EXPORTING area = fgroup-area IMPORTING program = program. free fgroup_names. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_GET_ALL_INCLUDES' EXPORTING PROGRAM = program WITH_INACTIVE_INCLS = ' ' WITH_RESERVED_INCLUDES = TABLES INCLUDETAB = t_includes EXCEPTIONS NOT_EXISTENT = 1 NO_PROGRAM = 2 OTHERS = 3 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. free fgroup. error NOT_EXISTENT = 1. error NO_PROGRAM = 2. error OTHERS = 3. concatenate 'Fmodule' program 'error' '(Fb. RS_GET_ALL_INCLUDES)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ELSE. loop at t_includes into w_include. clear FUGR_IS_FUNCTIONMODULE_NAME. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_PROGNAME_SPLIT' EXPORTING PROGNAME_WITH_NAMESPACE = w_include IMPORTING NAMESPACE = PROGNAME_WITHOUT_NAMESPACE = FUGR_IS_NAME = FUGR_IS_RESERVED_NAME = FUGR_IS_FUNCTIONPOOL_NAME = FUGR_IS_INCLUDE_NAME = FUGR_IS_FUNCTIONMODULE_NAME = FUGR_IS_FUNCTIONMODULE_NAME FUGR_IS_HIDDEN_NAME = FUGR_GROUP = FUGR_INCLUDE_NUMBER =

* *

* * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


if FUGR_IS_FUNCTIONMODULE_NAME eq 'X'. * Funktionsbaustein delete t_includes. continue. ENDIF. move w_include to lv_progname. free oasis-source. call method source_convert_and_read=>read_source EXPORTING i_name = lv_progname IMPORTING e_source = oasis-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. free oasis. raise error. endif. move w_include to oasis-include. append oasis to fgroup-includes. free oasis. endloop. endif. endmethod. method read_dynpros. "collect_funcarea

data: dynpro type tdynpro, dynproname type tdynproname, dynpronames type tdynpronames. data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. data: name type string. create object fgroup_names. call method fgroup_names=>determine_fgroup_progname EXPORTING area = area IMPORTING program = name. * Dynpros zu Funktionsgruppen lesen * concatenate C_SAPL area into name. select PROG DNUM from D020S into (dynproname-progname, dynproname-dynnr) where prog eq name. append dynproname to dynpronames. endselect. * Dynpros selektieren loop at dynpronames into dynproname. free dynpro. call method dynpro_read->read_dynpro EXPORTING i_dynproname = dynproname IMPORTING e_dynpro = dynpro. if not dynpro is initial. append dynpro to fgroup-dynpros. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "read_dynpros "fgroup_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS program_read DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Ulrich Streit *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class program_read definition. public section. methods: constructor, read_program importing i_progname type trdir-name exporting e_program type tprogram exceptions error. private section. * Attribute data: program type tprogram,

error_text type string, dynpro_read type ref to dynpro_read, dynproname type tdynproname, dynpronames type tdynpronames, dynpro type tdynpro. methods: prog exceptions error, dynpros. endclass. "program_read DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS program_read IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class program_read implementation. method constructor. create object dynpro_read. endmethod. method prog. DATA: SOURCE_EXTENDED type standard table of ABAPTXT255. free: program-prog_inf, program-source, program-textpool-textpool. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_PROGRAM_READ' EXPORTING LANGUAGE = PROGRAM_NAME = WITH_INCLUDELIST = ONLY_SOURCE = ONLY_TEXTS = READ_LATEST_VERSION = WITH_LOWERCASE = IMPORTING PROG_INF = TABLES INCLUDE_TAB = SOURCE = SOURCE_EXTENDED = TEXTELEMENTS = EXCEPTIONS CANCELLED = NOT_FOUND = PERMISSION_ERROR = OTHERS = . "constructor

* * * *

SY-LANGU program-name space ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' program-prog_inf program-source source_extended program-textpool-textpool 1 2 3 4

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CANCELLED = 1. error NOT_FOUND = 2. error PERMISSION_ERROR = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'Programm' program-name 'error'

'(Fb. RPY_PROGRAM_READ)' into error_text separated by space. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. if program-source is initial. call method source_convert_and_read=>read_source EXPORTING i_name = program-name IMPORTING e_source = program-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endif. endmethod. method dynpros. * Dynpros vom Programm lesen free: dynpronames, dynpro. select PROG DNUM from D020S into (dynproname-progname, dynproname-dynnr) where prog eq program-name. append dynproname to dynpronames. endselect. loop at dynpronames into dynproname. free dynpro. call method dynpro_read->read_dynpro EXPORTING i_dynproname = dynproname IMPORTING e_dynpro = dynpro. if not dynpro is initial. append dynpro to program-dynpros. endif. endloop. endmethod. method read_program. * Initialisieren free program. move i_progname to program-name. * program call method prog EXCEPTIONS error = 1. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * dynpros zum Programm call method dynpros. "dynpros "program

* Sonstige Werte move program-prog_inf-prog_type to program-subc. move sy-langu to program-textpool-langu. * Rueckgabe e_program = program. free program. endmethod. endclass. "read_program "program_read IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS dynpro_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class dynpro_upload definition. public section. methods: set_dynpro importing i_dynpro type tdynpro, create_dynpro exceptions error. private section. DATA: dynpro type tdynpro, error_text type string. endclass. "dynpro_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS dynpro_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Ulrich Streit *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class dynpro_upload implementation. method set_dynpro. dynpro = i_dynpro. endmethod. method create_dynpro. if not postfix is initial. concatenate dynpro-progname postfix into dynpro-header-program. endif. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_DYNPRO_INSERT' EXPORTING SUPPRESS_CORR_CHECKS CORRNUM SUPPRESS_EXIST_CHECKS SUPPRESS_GENERATE SUPPRESS_DICT_SUPPORT SUPPRESS_EXTENDED_CHECKS HEADER TABLES "set_dynpro

* * * * * *

= = = = = = =

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' dynpro-header


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

dynpro-containers dynpro-FIELDS_TO_CONTAINERS dynpro-FLOW_LOGIC dynpro-PARAMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CANCELLED = 1. error ALREADY_EXISTS = 2. error PROGRAM_NOT_EXISTS = 3. error NOT_EXECUTED = 4. error MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD = 5. error ILLEGAL_FIELD_VALUE = 6. error FIELD_NOT_ALLOWED = 7. error NOT_GENERATED = 8. error ILLEGAL_FIELD_POSITION = 9. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 10. error OTHERS = 11. concatenate 'Dynpro' dynpro-progname dynpro-dynnr 'cant create' '(Fb. RPY_DYNPRO_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. "create_dynpro "dynpro_upload IMPLEMENTATION


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fmodule_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fmodule_upload definition. public section. methods: create_fmodule importing i_fmodule type tfmodule exceptions error. private section. DATA: fmodule type tfmodule, error_text type string. endclass. "fmodule_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fmodule_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fmodule_upload implementation. method create_fmodule. data: rs38l type rs38l. data: parameter_docu type standard table of rsfdo. data: source type standard table of RSSOURCE, w_source type line of tinclude-source, w_string type string. Data: funcpool type RSNEWLENG-AREA. data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. create object fgroup_names. fmodule = i_fmodule. rs38l-name = fmodule-funcname. rs38l-area = fmodule-area. * postfix if not postfix is initial. concatenate rs38l-name postfix into rs38l-name. concatenate rs38l-area postfix into rs38l-area. endif. * namespace move rs38l-area to funcpool. data: NAMESPACE TYPE RS38L-NAMESPACE. call method fgroup_names=>determine_namespace EXPORTING area = funcpool IMPORTING namespace = namespace. free fgroup_names. if not namespace is initial. data: lv_length type i. lv_length = strlen( namespace ). funcpool(lv_length) = space. shift funcpool left deleting leading ' '. move funcpool to rs38l-area. endif. * Funktionsbaustein anlegen call function 'RPY_FUNCTIONMODULE_INSERT' exporting funcname = rs38l-name function_pool = rs38l-area INTERFACE_GLOBAL = fmodule-global_flag REMOTE_CALL = fmodule-remote_call short_text = fmodule-short_text * SUPPRESS_CORR_CHECK = 'X'

UPDATE_TASK CORRNUM NAMESPACE importing function_include tables import_parameter export_parameter tables_parameter changing_parameter exception_list parameter_docu source exceptions double_task error_message function_already_exists invalid_function_pool invalid_name too_many_functions others if sy-subrc eq 0.

= fmodule-update_task = ' ' = namespace = rs38l-include = = = = = = = = = = = = = = fmodule-t_import fmodule-t_export fmodule-t_tables fmodule-t_change fmodule-t_except parameter_docu source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.

if not postfix is initial. loop at fmodule-source into w_source. concatenate 'FUNCTION' '*#' into w_string. concatenate w_string fmodule-funcname into w_string separated by space. concatenate w_string '*' into w_string. if w_source cp w_string. replace fmodule-funcname in w_source with rs38l-name. modify fmodule-source from w_source. exit. endif. endloop. endif. insert report rs38l-include from fmodule-source. else. error double_task = 1. error error_message = 2. error function_already_exists = 3. error invalid_function_pool = 4. error invalid_name = 5. error too_many_functions = 6. error others = 7. concatenate 'fmodule' rs38l-name 'cant insert and create include' '(Fb. RPY_FUNCTIONMODULE_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. endif. endmethod. "create_fmodule


"fmodule_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroup_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroup_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, set_fgroup importing i_fgroup type tfgroup, create_fgroup exceptions error. private section. DATA: rdynpro type ref to dynpro_upload, fgroup type tfgroup, error_text type string. METHODS: create_fgroup_def exceptions error, create_fgroup_includes exceptions error, create_fgroup_fbs exceptions error, create_fgroup_dynpros exceptions error. endclass. "fgroup_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroup_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroup_upload implementation. method constructor. create object rdynpro. endmethod. method set_fgroup. fgroup = i_fgroup. endmethod. method create_fgroup_def. Data: funcpool type RSNEWLENG-AREA. data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. create object fgroup_names. if not postfix is initial. concatenate fgroup-area postfix into funcpool. else. move fgroup-area to funcpool. endif. "set_fgroup "constructor

data: NAMESPACE TYPE RS38L-NAMESPACE. call method fgroup_names=>determine_namespace EXPORTING area = funcpool IMPORTING namespace = namespace. free fgroup_names. if not namespace is initial. data: lv_length type i. lv_length = strlen( namespace ). funcpool(lv_length) = space. shift funcpool left deleting leading ' '. endif. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_FUNCTION_POOL_INSERT' EXPORTING FUNCTION_POOL = funcpool SHORT_TEXT = 'Short description' RESPONSIBLE = SY-UNAME NAMESPACE = namespace DEVCLASS = '$TMP' CORRNUM = SUPPRESS_LANGUAGE_CHECK = 'X' AUTHORITY_CHECK = 'X' SUPPRESS_CORR_CHECK = space UNICODE_CHECKS = 'X' IMPORTING CORRNUM = EXCEPTIONS NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = 1 NAME_NOT_CORRECT = 2 FUNCTION_ALREADY_EXISTS = 3 INVALID_FUNCTION_POOL = 4 INVALID_NAME = 5 TOO_MANY_FUNCTIONS = 6 NO_MODIFY_PERMISSION = 7 NO_SHOW_PERMISSION = 8 ENQUEUE_SYSTEM_FAILURE = 9 CANCELED_IN_CORR = 10 UNDEFINED_ERROR = 11 ERROR_MESSAGE = 12 OTHERS = 13 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS error NAME_NOT_CORRECT error FUNCTION_ALREADY_EXISTS error INVALID_FUNCTION_POOL error INVALID_NAME error TOO_MANY_FUNCTIONS error NO_MODIFY_PERMISSION error NO_SHOW_PERMISSION error ENQUEUE_SYSTEM_FAILURE error CANCELED_IN_CORR error UNDEFINED_ERROR error ERROR_MESSAGE = = = = = = = = = = = = 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

* * * * * * *

error OTHERS = 13. concatenate 'funcpool' funcpool 'cant create' '(Fb. RS_FUNCTION_POOL_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. method create_fgroup_includes. data: w_include like line of fgroup-includes, oasis like w_include-include, w_source like line of w_include-source. data: praefix type string, pfix type string, length type i. data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. create object fgroup_names. call method fgroup_names=>determine_finclude_praefix EXPORTING area = fgroup-area IMPORTING praefix = praefix. "create_fgroup_def

concatenate 'L' fgroup-area into praefix. length = strlen( praefix ).

loop at fgroup-includes into w_include. if w_include-include(length) eq praefix(length). pfix = w_include-include+length. if not postfix is initial. concatenate praefix(length) postfix into praefix. endif. concatenate praefix pfix into oasis. else. move w_include-include to oasis. endif. * modify source if pfix eq 'TOP'. if not postfix is initial. loop at w_include-source into w_source. if w_source CP 'FUNCTION-POOL*'. clear w_source. concatenate 'FUNCTION-POOL' fgroup-area into w_source separated by space. concatenate w_source postfix '.' into w_source. delete w_include-source. insert w_source into w_include-source index 1. exit. endif. endloop. endif.

endif. * Insert Include insert report oasis from w_include-source state 'A' program type 'I'. * Insert Include in Fgroup if pfix ne 'TOP'. data: fname type trdir-name. call method fgroup_names=>determine_fgroup_progname EXPORTING area = fgroup-area IMPORTING program = fname. if 1 = 1. * das funktioniert data: MASTER TYPE TRDIR-NAME, INCLUDE_NAME TYPE TRDIR-NAME, NEW_INCLUDE TYPE CHAR1, INSERT_INCLUDE_STATEMENT TYPE CHAR1, MASTER_SOURCE TYPE SEDI_SOURCE. if not postfix is initial. concatenate fname postfix into master. else. move fname to master. endif. move oasis to include_name. move 'X' to insert_include_statement. move 'X' to new_include. * Include in Fgruppe einfuegen CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CREATE_NEW_INCLUDE' EXPORTING MASTER = master INCLUDE_NAME = include_name NEW_INCLUDE = new_include INSERT_INCLUDE_STATEMENT = insert_include_statement TABLES MASTER_SOURCE = master_source EXCEPTIONS PROGRAM_ENQUEUED = 1 ERROR_MESSAGE = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error PROGRAM_ENQUEUED = 1. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 2. error OTHERS = 3. concatenate 'funcpool' include_name 'cant insert and create include' '(Fb. RS_CREATE_NEW_INCLUDE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. * error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF.

else. * das funktioniert ebenfalls data: TRDIR_RAHMEN type TRDIR, name type trdir-name, progdir_prog type progdir. if not postfix is initial. concatenate fname postfix into name. else. move fname to name. endif. select single * from progdir into progdir_prog where name = name and state = 'I'. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from progdir into progdir_prog where name = name and state = 'A'. endif. move-corresponding progdir_prog to trdir_rahmen. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_EDTR_ATTRIBUTE' EXPORTING NAME = space NEW_OR_MODF = 'NEW' PROGRAM = oasis REPORT_TITLE = 'GENERATED' TYPE = 'I' UPPER_LOWER_CASE = 'X' TRDIR_RAHMEN = TRDIR_RAHMEN TYPE_SWITCH_ALLOWED = ' ' * IMPORTING * NEXT_ACTION = * NEW_TRDIR = EXCEPTIONS NOT_EXECUTED = 1 PROGRAM_ENQUEUED = 2 ERROR_MESSAGE = 3 OTHERS = 4 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_EXECUTED = 1. error PROGRAM_ENQUEUED = 2. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'funcpool' name 'cant insert and create include' '(Fb. RS_EDTR_ATTRIBUTE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. * error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. "create_fgroup_includes

method create_fgroup_fbs. field-symbols <fmodule> type tfmodule. data fmodule_upload type ref to fmodule_upload. create object fmodule_upload. loop at fgroup-fmodules assigning <fmodule>. call method fmodule_upload->create_fmodule EXPORTING i_fmodule = <fmodule> EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endmethod. method create_fgroup_dynpros. field-symbols: <dynpro> type tdynpro. loop at fgroup-dynpros assigning <dynpro>. call method rdynpro->set_dynpro EXPORTING i_dynpro = <dynpro>. call method rdynpro->create_dynpro EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endmethod. method create_fgroup. *************************************** * Funktionsgruppe anlegen *************************************** call method create_fgroup_def EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. *************************************** * Includes *************************************** call method create_fgroup_includes "create_fgroup_dynpros "create_fgroup_fbs

EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. *************************************** * Funktionsbausteine anlegen *************************************** call method create_fgroup_fbs EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. *************************************** * Dynpros einspielen *************************************** call method create_fgroup_dynpros EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endmethod. endclass. "create_fgroup "fgroup_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroups_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroups_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, fgroups_create. private section. data: fgroup_upload type ref to fgroup_upload. endclass. "fgroups_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS fgroups_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Ulrich Streit *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class fgroups_upload implementation. method constructor. create object fgroup_upload.

endmethod. method fgroups_create.


field-symbols: <fgroup> type tfgroup. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup>. call method fgroup_upload->set_fgroup EXPORTING i_fgroup = <fgroup>. call method fgroup_upload->create_fgroup EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Area' <fgroup>-area lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "upload_fgroups "fgroups_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS program_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class program_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, set_program importing i_program type tprogram, create_program exceptions error. private section. DATA: program type tprogram, rdynpro type ref to dynpro_upload, error_text type string. methods: program_insert exceptions error, textpool_insert, dynpros_insert exceptions error. endclass. "program_upload DEFINITION


* CLASS program_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class program_upload implementation. method constructor. create object rdynpro. endmethod. method set_program. program = i_program. endmethod. method program_insert. data: LOG_DB type RGLIF-LOGDB. move 'Lost in Translation' to program-title. move program-prog_inf-DBNAME to log_db. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_PROGRAM_INSERT' EXPORTING APPLICATION = program-prog_inf-appl AUTHORIZATION_GROUP = program-prog_inf-auth_group DEVELOPMENT_CLASS = '$TMP' EDIT_LOCK = program-prog_inf-edit_lock LOG_DB = log_db PROGRAM_NAME = program-name PROGRAM_TYPE = program-prog_inf-prog_type R2_FLAG = ' ' TEMPORARY = 'X' TITLE_STRING = program-title TRANSPORT_NUMBER = ' ' SAVE_INACTIVE = ' ' TABLES SOURCE = program-source EXCEPTIONS ALREADY_EXISTS = 1 CANCELLED = 2 NAME_NOT_ALLOWED = 3 PERMISSION_ERROR = 4 ERROR_MESSAGE = 5 OTHERS = 6 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ALREADY_EXISTS = 1. error CANCELLED = 2. error NAME_NOT_ALLOWED = 3. error PERMISSION_ERROR = 4. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 5. error OTHERS = 6. concatenate 'program' program-name 'cant create' '(Fb. RPY_PROGRAM_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question "set_program "constructor

* *

EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. raise error. ENDIF.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CORR_INSERT' EXPORTING OBJECT = pname(8) OBJECT = program-name OBJECT_CLASS = 'ABAP' MODE = 'I' GLOBAL_LOCK = ' ' DEVCLASS = '$TMP' KORRNUM = ' ' USE_KORRNUM_IMMEDIATEDLY = ' ' AUTHOR = ' ' MASTER_LANGUAGE = ' ' GENFLAG = ' ' PROGRAM = program-name OBJECT_CLASS_SUPPORTS_MA = ' ' EXTEND = ' ' SUPPRESS_DIALOG = 'X' MOD_LANGU = ' ' IMPORTING DEVCLASS = KORRNUM = ORDERNUM = NEW_CORR_ENTRY = AUTHOR = TRANSPORT_KEY = NEW_EXTEND = EXCEPTIONS CANCELLED = 1 PERMISSION_FAILURE = 2 UNKNOWN_OBJECTCLASS = 3 ERROR_MESSAGE = 4 OTHERS = 5 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CANCELLED = 1. error PERMISSION_FAILURE = 2. error UNKNOWN_OBJECTCLASS = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'program' program-name 'cant $TMP' '(Fb. RS_CORR_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. method textpool_insert. insert textpool program-name from program-textpool-textpool "program_insert

language program-textpool-langu. endmethod. method dynpros_insert. field-symbols: <dynpro> type tdynpro. loop at program-dynpros assigning <dynpro>. call method rdynpro->set_dynpro EXPORTING i_dynpro = <dynpro>. call method rdynpro->create_dynpro EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endmethod. method create_program. * Postfix beachten if not postfix is initial. concatenate program-name postfix into program-name. endif. * Programm einfuegen call method program_insert EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Textpool einfuegen call method textpool_insert. * Dynpro einfuegen call method dynpros_insert EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endmethod. endclass. "create_program "program_upload IMPLEMENTATION "dynpro_insert "textpool_insert

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS programs_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*

class programs_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, programs_create. private section. data: program_upload type ref to program_upload. endclass. "fgroups_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS programs_upload IMPLEMENTATION *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class programs_upload implementation. method constructor. create object program_upload. endmethod. method programs_create. field-symbols <program> type tprogram. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. loop at p-programs assigning <program>. call method program_upload->set_program EXPORTING i_program = <program>. call method program_upload->create_program EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Program' <program>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "programs_create "programs_upload IMPLEMENTATION "constructor


* CLASS typegroup_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class typegroup_upload definition. public section. methods: set_typegroup importing i_typegroup type ttypegroup, create_typegroup exceptions error. private section. DATA: typegroup type ttypegroup, error_text type string. endclass. "typegroup_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS typegroup_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class typegroup_upload implementation. method set_typegroup. typegroup = i_typegroup. endmethod. method create_typegroup. data: objname type RSEDD0-TYPEGROUP, text type DDTYPET. if not typegroup-texts is initial. loop at typegroup-texts into text where ddlanguage eq sy-langu. endloop. if sy-subrc ne 0. read table typegroup-texts into text index 1. endif. else. move 'Oasis' to text-ddtext. endif. move typegroup-name to objname. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_DD_TYGR_INSERT_SOURCES' EXPORTING TYPEGROUPNAME = objname DDTEXT = text-ddtext CORRNUM = ' ' DEVCLASS = '$TMP' TABLES SOURCE = typegroup-source EXCEPTIONS ALREADY_EXISTS = 1 NOT_EXECUTED = 2 PERMISSION_FAILURE = 3 OBJECT_NOT_SPECIFIED = 4 "set_typegroup


= 5 = 6 = 7.

" Error messages

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error ALREADY_EXISTS = 1. error NOT_EXECUTED = 2. error PERMISSION_FAILURE = 3. error OBJECT_NOT_SPECIFIED = 4. error ILLEGAL_NAME = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'typegroup' typegroup-name 'cant create' '(Fb. RS_DD_TYGR_INSERT_SOURCES)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'S'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. "create_typegroup "typegroup_upload IMPLEMENTATION


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS typegroups_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class typegroups_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, typegroups_create. private section. data: typegroup_upload type ref to typegroup_upload. endclass. "typegroups_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS typegroups_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class typegroups_upload implementation. method constructor. create object typegroup_upload. endmethod. method typegroups_create. field-symbols <typegroup> type ttypegroup. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. "constructor

loop at p-typegroups assigning <typegroup>. call method typegroup_upload->set_typegroup EXPORTING i_typegroup = <typegroup>. call method typegroup_upload->create_typegroup EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Typegroup' <typegroup>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "typegroups_create "typegroups_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS domain_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class domain_upload definition. public section. methods: set_domain importing i_domain type tdomain, create_domain exceptions error. private section. DATA: domain type tdomain, error_text type string. endclass. "domain_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS domain_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class domain_upload implementation. method set_domain. domain = i_domain. endmethod. "set_domain

method create_domain. ******************* * Ueberpruefen, ob die Domaene existiert ******************* select count( * ) from dd01l where domname eq domain-name. if sy-subrc eq 0. concatenate 'domain' domain-name 'already exists' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. raise error. endif. ******************* * Domaene anlegen ******************* * Kommentar: Commit Work findet im Fb. statt CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_PUT' EXPORTING NAME = domain-name DD01V_WA = domain-dd01v_wa TABLES DD07V_TAB = domain-dd07v_tab EXCEPTIONS DOMA_NOT_FOUND = 1 NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2 DOMA_INCONSISTENT = 3 PUT_FAILURE = 4 PUT_REFUSED = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. error DOMA_NOT_FOUND = 1. error NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2. error DOMA_INCONSISTENT = 3. error PUT_FAILURE = 4. error PUT_REFUSED = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'domain' domain-name 'cant create' '(Fb. DDIF_DOMA_PUT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. raise error. ELSE. * findet bereits im Fb. statt call method error_handling=>commit_work. ENDIF. ***************************************************** * Package zuordnen *****************************************************


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5

name 'DICT' 'I' ' ' '$TMP' ' ' ' ' ' ' sy-langu ' ' ' ' ' ' 'X' ' '

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. error CANCELLED = 1. error PERMISSION_FAILURE = 2. error UNKNOWN_OBJECTCLASS = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'domain' domain-name 'cant $TMP' '(Fb. RS_CORR_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ELSE. call method error_handling=>commit_work. ENDIF.

************** * Domaene aktivieren ************** * Kommentar: commit work findet in DDIF_DOMA_ACTIVATE statt CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_ACTIVATE'

* * * *


= domain-name = 'X' = -1 = = = = = 1 2 3 4

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. error NOT_FOUND = 1. error PUT_FAILURE = 2. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'domain' domain-name 'cant activate' '(Fb. DDIF_DOMA_ACTIVATE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. raise error. ELSE. * findet bereits im Fb. statt call method error_handling=>commit_work. ENDIF. endmethod. endclass. "create_domain "domain_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS domains_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class domains_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, domains_create. private section. data: domain_upload type ref to domain_upload. endclass. "domains_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS domains_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class domains_upload implementation. method constructor.

create object domain_upload. endmethod. method domains_create. field-symbols <domain> type tdomain. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. loop at p-domains assigning <domain>. call method domain_upload->set_domain EXPORTING i_domain = <domain>. call method domain_upload->create_domain EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Domain' <domain>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "domains_create "domains_upload IMPLEMENTATION "constructor

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS delement_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class delement_upload definition. public section. methods: set_delement importing i_dataelement type tdataelement, create_delement exceptions error. private section. DATA: dataelement type tdataelement, error_text type string. endclass. "delement_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS dataelement_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class delement_upload implementation. method set_delement. dataelement = i_dataelement. endmethod. method create_delement. select count( * ) from dd04l where rollname eq dataelement-name. if sy-subrc eq 0. concatenate 'dtel' dataelement-name 'already exists' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. endif. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DTEL_PUT' EXPORTING NAME = dataelement-name DD04V_WA = dataelement-DD04V_WA EXCEPTIONS DTEL_NOT_FOUND = 1 NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2 DTEL_INCONSISTENT = 3 PUT_FAILURE = 4 PUT_REFUSED = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error DTEL_NOT_FOUND = 1. error NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2. error DTEL_INCONSISTENT = 3. error PUT_FAILURE = 4. error PUT_REFUSED = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'dtel' dataelement-name 'cant create' '(Fb. DDIF_DTEL_PUT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DTEL_ACTIVATE' EXPORTING NAME = dataelement-name "set_dataelement

* * * *


= 'X' = -1 = = = = = 1 2 3 4.

" Error messages


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

= name = 'DICT' = 'I' = ' ' = '$TMP' = ' ' = ' ' = ' ' = sy-langu = ' ' = = ' ' = ' ' = 'X' = ' ' = = = = = = = = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5.

" Error messages

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CANCELLED = 1. error PERMISSION_FAILURE = 2. error UNKNOWN_OBJECTCLASS = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'dtel' dataelement-name 'cant $TMP' '(Fb. RS_CORR_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. "create_delement "delement_upload IMPLEMENTATION


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS delements_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class delements_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, delements_create. private section. data: delement_upload type ref to delement_upload. endclass. "domains_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS delements_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class delements_upload implementation. method constructor. create object delement_upload. endmethod. method delements_create. field-symbols <dataelement> type tdataelement. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. loop at p-dataelements assigning <dataelement>. call method delement_upload->set_delement EXPORTING "constructor

i_dataelement = <dataelement>. call method delement_upload->create_delement EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Dataelement' <dataelement>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "domains_create "domains_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS table_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class table_upload definition. public section. methods: set_table importing i_table type ttable, create_table exceptions error. private section. DATA: table type ttable, error_text type string. endclass. "table_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS table_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class table_upload implementation. method set_table. table = i_table. endmethod. method create_table. select count( * ) from dd02l where tabname eq table-name and ( tabclass eq 'INTTAB' "set_table

or tabclass eq 'TRANSP' ). if sy-subrc eq 0. concatenate 'table' table-name 'already exists' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. endif.

* Anlegen CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TABL_PUT' EXPORTING NAME = table-name DD02V_WA = table-DD02V_WA DD09L_WA = table-DD09L_WA TABLES DD03P_TAB = table-DD03P_TAB DD05M_TAB = table-DD05M_TAB DD08V_TAB = table-DD08V_TAB DD35V_TAB = table-DD35V_TAB DD36M_TAB = table-DD36M_TAB EXCEPTIONS TABL_NOT_FOUND = 1 NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2 TABL_INCONSISTENT = 3 PUT_FAILURE = 4 PUT_REFUSED = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error TABL_NOT_FOUND = 1. error NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2. error TABL_INCONSISTENT = 3. error PUT_FAILURE = 4. error PUT_REFUSED = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'table' table-name 'cant create' '(Fb. DDIF_TABL_PUT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TABL_ACTIVATE' EXPORTING NAME = table-name AUTH_CHK = 'X' PRID = -1 IMPORTING RC = EXCEPTIONS NOT_FOUND = 1

* * * *


= 2 = 3 = 4.

" Error messages


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

name 'DICT' 'I' ' ' '$TMP' ' ' ' ' ' ' sy-langu ' ' ' ' ' ' 'X' ' '

= 1 = 2 = 3 Error messages

= = = = =

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

concatenate 'table' table-name 'cant $TMP' '(Fb. RS_CORR_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. "create_program "domain_upload IMPLEMENTATION


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tables_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tables_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, tables_create. private section. data: table_upload type ref to table_upload. methods: determine_sequence. endclass. "tables_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tables_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tables_upload implementation. method constructor. create object table_upload. endmethod. method tables_create. field-symbols <table> type ttable. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. call method determine_sequence. loop at p-tables assigning <table>. call method table_upload->set_table EXPORTING i_table = <table>. call method table_upload->create_table EXCEPTIONS error = 1 "constructor

others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Table' <table>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. method determine_sequence. field-symbols <table> type ttable. data: ptables type ttables. * Sortieren wegen Includes und Appends loop at p-tables assigning <table>. if <table>-tabclass eq 'TRANSP'. append <table> to ptables. else. insert <table> into ptables index 1. endif. endloop. move ptables to p-tables. free ptables. endmethod. endclass. "determine_sequence "tables_upload IMPLEMENTATION "tables_create

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS view_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class view_upload definition. public section. methods: set_view importing i_view type tview, create_view exceptions error. private section. DATA: view type tview, error_text type string. endclass. "view_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS view_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------*

* *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class view_upload implementation. method set_view. view = i_view. endmethod. method create_view. select count( * ) from dd02l where tabname eq view-name and tabclass eq 'VIEW'. if sy-subrc eq 0. concatenate 'View' view-name 'already exists' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. endif. "set_table

* Anlegen CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_VIEW_PUT' EXPORTING NAME = view-name DD25V_WA = view-DD25V_WA DD09L_WA = view-DD09L_WA TABLES DD26V_TAB = view-DD26V_TAB DD27P_TAB = view-DD27P_TAB DD28J_TAB = view-DD28J_TAB DD28V_TAB = view-DD28V_TAB EXCEPTIONS VIEW_NOT_FOUND = 1 NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2 VIEW_INCONSISTENT = 3 PUT_FAILURE = 4 PUT_REFUSED = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error VIEW_NOT_FOUND = 1. error NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2. error VIEW_INCONSISTENT = 3. error PUT_FAILURE = 4. error PUT_REFUSED = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'View' view-name 'cant create' '(Fb. DDIF_VIEW_PUT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text.

error_message error_text 'E'. raise error. ENDIF.


* * * *

CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_VIEW_ACTIVATE' EXPORTING NAME = view-name AUTH_CHK = 'X' PRID = -1 IMPORTING RC = EXCEPTIONS NOT_FOUND = 1 PUT_FAILURE = 2 ERROR_MESSAGE = 3 " Error messages OTHERS = 4. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_FOUND = 1. error PUT_FAILURE = 2. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'View' view-name 'cant activate' '(Fb. DDIF_VIEW_ACTIVATE)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. data: name type string. concatenate 'VIEW' view-name into name. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CORR_INSERT' EXPORTING OBJECT OBJECT_CLASS MODE GLOBAL_LOCK DEVCLASS KORRNUM USE_KORRNUM_IMMEDIATEDLY AUTHOR MASTER_LANGUAGE GENFLAG PROGRAM OBJECT_CLASS_SUPPORTS_MA EXTEND SUPPRESS_DIALOG MOD_LANGU IMPORTING DEVCLASS KORRNUM ORDERNUM NEW_CORR_ENTRY AUTHOR TRANSPORT_KEY NEW_EXTEND

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

name 'DICT' 'I' ' ' '$TMP' ' ' ' ' ' ' sy-langu ' ' ' ' ' ' 'X' ' '


= 1 = 2 = 3 " Error messages

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CANCELLED = 1. error PERMISSION_FAILURE = 2. error UNKNOWN_OBJECTCLASS = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'view' view-name 'cant $TMP' '(Fb. RS_CORR_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. "create_view "view_upload IMPLEMENTATION


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS views_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class views_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, views_create. private section. data: view_upload type ref to view_upload. endclass. "views_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS views_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class views_upload implementation. method constructor. create object view_upload. endmethod. method views_create. field-symbols <view> type tview. "constructor

data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. loop at p-views assigning <view>. call method view_upload->set_view EXPORTING i_view = <view>. call method view_upload->create_view EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'View' <view>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "tables_create "tables_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tabletype_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tabletype_upload definition. public section. methods: set_tabletype importing i_tabletype type ttabletype, create_tabletype exceptions error. private section. DATA: tabletype type ttabletype, error_text type string. endclass. "tabletype_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tabletype_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tabletype_upload implementation. method set_tabletype. tabletype = i_tabletype. endmethod. "set_tabletype

method create_tabletype. select count( * ) from dd40l where typename eq tabletype-name. if sy-subrc eq 0. concatenate 'Tabletype' tabletype-name 'already exists' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. endif.

* Anlegen CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TTYP_PUT' EXPORTING NAME = tabletype-name DD40V_WA = tabletype-DD40V_WA TABLES DD42V_TAB = tabletype-DD42V_TAB EXCEPTIONS TTYP_NOT_FOUND = 1 NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2 TTYP_INCONSISTENT = 3 PUT_FAILURE = 4 PUT_REFUSED = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error TTYP_NOT_FOUND = 1. error NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2. error TTYP_INCONSISTENT = 3. error PUT_FAILURE = 4. error PUT_REFUSED = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'Tabletype' tabletype-name 'cant create' '(Fb. DDIF_TTYP_PUT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TTYP_ACTIVATE' EXPORTING NAME = tabletype-name PRID = -1 IMPORTING RC = EXCEPTIONS NOT_FOUND = 1 PUT_FAILURE = 2

* * *


= 3 = 4.

" Error messages


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

name 'DICT' 'I' ' ' '$TMP' ' ' ' ' ' ' sy-langu ' ' ' ' ' ' 'X' ' '

= 1 = 2 = 3 Error messages

= = = =

1. 2. 3. 4.

error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'Tabletype' tabletype-name 'cant $TMP' '(Fb. RS_CORR_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF. endmethod. "create_view "view_upload IMPLEMENTATION


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tabletypes_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tabletypes_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, tabletypes_create. private section. data: tabletype_upload type ref to tabletype_upload. endclass. "tabletypes_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS tabletypes_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class tabletypes_upload implementation. method constructor. create object tabletype_upload. endmethod. method tabletypes_create. field-symbols <tabletype> type ttabletype. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. loop at p-tabletypes assigning <tabletype>. call method tabletype_upload->set_tabletype EXPORTING i_tabletype = <tabletype>. call method tabletype_upload->create_tabletype EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work "constructor

move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Tabletype' <tabletype>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "tabletypes_create "tabletypes_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS shlp_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class shlp_upload definition. public section. methods: set_shlp importing i_shlp type tshlp, create_shlp exceptions error. private section. DATA: shlp type tshlp, error_text type string. endclass. "shlp_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS shlp_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class shlp_upload implementation. method set_shlp. shlp = i_shlp. endmethod. method create_shlp. select count( * ) from DD30L where shlpname eq shlp-name. if sy-subrc eq 0. concatenate 'Shlp' shlp-name 'already exists' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. "set_tabletype

error_message error_text 'E'. raise error. endif.


* Anlegen CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_SHLP_PUT' EXPORTING NAME = shlp-name DD30V_WA = shlp-DD30V_WA TABLES DD31V_TAB = shlp-DD31V_TAB DD32P_TAB = shlp-DD32P_TAB DD33V_TAB = shlp-DD33V_TAB EXCEPTIONS SHLP_NOT_FOUND = 1 NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2 SHLP_INCONSISTENT = 3 PUT_FAILURE = 4 PUT_REFUSED = 5 ERROR_MESSAGE = 6 " Error messages OTHERS = 7. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error SHLP_NOT_FOUND = 1. error NAME_INCONSISTENT = 2. error SHLP_INCONSISTENT = 3. error PUT_FAILURE = 4. error PUT_REFUSED = 5. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 6. error OTHERS = 7. concatenate 'Shlp' shlp-name 'cant create' '(Fb. DDIF_SHLP_PUT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF.

CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_SHLP_ACTIVATE' EXPORTING NAME = shlp-name * PRID = -1 * IMPORTING * RC = EXCEPTIONS NOT_FOUND = 1 PUT_FAILURE = 2 ERROR_MESSAGE = 3 " Error messages OTHERS = 4. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error NOT_FOUND = 1. error PUT_FAILURE = 2. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 3. error OTHERS = 4. concatenate 'SHLP' shlp-name 'cant activate' '(Fb. DDIF_SHLP_ACTIVATE)' into error_text


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

name 'DICT' 'I' ' ' '$TMP' ' ' ' ' ' ' sy-langu ' ' ' ' ' ' 'X' ' '

= 1 = 2 = 3 Error messages

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. error CANCELLED = 1. error PERMISSION_FAILURE = 2. error UNKNOWN_OBJECTCLASS = 3. error ERROR_MESSAGE = 4. error OTHERS = 5. concatenate 'SHLP' shlp-name 'cant $TMP' '(Fb. RS_CORR_INSERT)' into error_text separated by space. call method error_handling=>error_question EXPORTING error_text = error_text. error_message error_text 'E'. "Makro raise error. ENDIF.

endmethod. endclass.

"create_shlp "shlp_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS shlps_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class shlps_upload definition. public section. methods: constructor, shlps_create. private section. data: shlp_upload type ref to shlp_upload. endclass. "shlps_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS shlps_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class shlps_upload implementation. method constructor. create object shlp_upload. endmethod. method shlps_create. field-symbols <shlp> type tshlp. data: lv_subrc type sy-subrc. loop at p-searchhelps assigning <shlp>. call method shlp_upload->set_shlp EXPORTING i_shlp = <shlp>. call method shlp_upload->create_shlp EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. * Commit work move sy-subrc to lv_subrc. if lv_subrc eq 0. call method error_handling=>commit_work. else. call method error_handling=>rollback_work. endif. * Ausgabe Ergebnis result_message 'Searchhelp' <shlp>-name lv_subrc. * Stop Processing if gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. exit. "constructor

endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "tabletypes_create "tabletypes_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS choose_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class choose_upload definition. public section. methods choose. private section. * Objekte, die zur Auswahl angezeigt werden DATA: begin of object. include type SEOCMPKEY. data: checkbox. data: end of object. DATA: objects like standard table of object. * Methoden methods: choice, accept_choice. endclass. "choose_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS choose_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class choose_upload implementation. method choose. * Auswahl treffen call method choice. if flag_popup_abg eq space. * Zuvor wurde ausgewaehlt call method accept_choice. else. free p. message S000(38) with 'Canceled'. endif. endmethod. method choice. * Funktionscodes data: FUNCTIONS type standard table of SVALP, w_function like line of functions. field-symbols: <class> type tclass, <inter> type tinter, "choose

<fgroup> type tfgroup, <program> type tprogram, <domain> type tdomain, <dataelement> type tdataelement, <table> type ttable, <tabletype> type ttabletype, <shlp> type tshlp, <view> type tview, <typegroup> type ttypegroup. move 'OK' to w_function-func_name. move sy-cprog to w_function-prog_name. if download eq 'X'. move 'AUSWAHL_DOWNLOAD' to w_function-form_name. elseif upload eq 'X'. move 'AUSWAHL_UPLOAD' to w_function-form_name. endif. append w_function to functions. * Objects fuellen loop at p-domains assigning <domain>. move <domain>-name to object-clsname. move c_ch_domain to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-dataelements assigning <dataelement>. move <dataelement>-name to object-clsname. move c_ch_delement to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-searchhelps assigning <shlp>. move <shlp>-name to object-clsname. move c_ch_searchelp to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-tables assigning <table>. move <table>-name to object-clsname. move c_ch_table to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-views assigning <view>. move <view>-name to object-clsname. move c_ch_viewname to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-tabletypes assigning <tabletype>. move <tabletype>-name to object-clsname. move c_ch_tabletype to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects.

endloop. loop at p-typegroups assigning <typegroup>. move <typegroup>-name to object-clsname. move c_ch_typegroup to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-inters assigning <inter>. move <inter>-intkey-clsname to object-clsname. move c_ch_Interface to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-classes assigning <class>. move <class>-cifkey-clsname to object-clsname. move C_ch_Class to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-programs assigning <program>. move <program>-name to object-clsname. case <program>-subc. when 'I'. move c_ch_include to object-cmpname. when others. move c_ch_program to object-cmpname. endcase. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup>. move <fgroup>-area to object-clsname. move c_ch_Fgroup to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. endloop. * Popup anzeigen if not objects[] is initial. move 'X' to flag_POPUP_abg. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_GET_SELECTION_FROM_LIST' EXPORTING DISPLAY_ONLY = 'X' TABLE_NAME = 'SEOCMPKEY' TITLE_BAR = 'Selection' TABLES LIST = objects FUNCTIONS = functions EXCEPTIONS NO_TABLEFIELDS_IN_DICTIONARY = 1 NO_TABLE_STRUCTURE = 2 NO_TITLE_BAR = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.


method accept_choice. field-symbols: <class> type tclass, <inter> type tinter, <fgroup> type tfgroup, <program> type tprogram, <domain> type tdomain, <dataelement> type tdataelement, <table> type ttable, <typegroup> type ttypegroup, <tabletype> type ttabletype, <shlp> type tshlp, <view> type tview. loop at p-classes assigning <class>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <class>-cifkey-clsname cmpname = c_ch_class checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-classes. endif. endloop. loop at p-inters assigning <inter>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <inter>-intkey-clsname cmpname = c_ch_interface checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-inters. endif. endloop. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <fgroup>-area cmpname = c_ch_Fgroup checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-fgroups. continue. endif. endloop. loop at p-programs assigning <program>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <program>-name cmpname = c_ch_program checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-programs. else. read table objects into object with key clsname = <program>-name cmpname = c_ch_include checkbox = space.

if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-programs. continue. endif. endif. endloop. loop at p-typegroups assigning <typegroup>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <typegroup>-name cmpname = c_ch_typegroup checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-typegroups. continue. endif. endloop. loop at p-domains assigning <domain>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <domain>-name cmpname = c_ch_domain checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-domains. endif. endloop. loop at p-dataelements assigning <dataelement>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <dataelement>-name cmpname = c_ch_delement checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-dataelements. endif. endloop. loop at p-tables assigning <table>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <table>-name cmpname = c_ch_table checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-tables. endif. endloop. loop at p-tabletypes assigning <tabletype>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <tabletype>-name cmpname = c_ch_tabletype checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-tabletypes. endif. endloop. loop at p-searchhelps assigning <shlp>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <shlp>-name cmpname = c_ch_searchelp checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-searchhelps. endif.

endloop. loop at p-views assigning <view>. read table objects into object with key clsname = <view>-name cmpname = c_ch_viewname checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete p-views. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "accept_choice "choose_upload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS choose_upload_index DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class choose_upload_index definition. public section. methods: choose exporting e_index type tindex_table, constructor importing i_index type tindex_table, set_index importing i_index type tindex_table, get_index exporting e_index type tindex_table. private section. * Objekte, die zur Auswahl angezeigt werden DATA: begin of object. include type SEOCMPKEY. data: checkbox. data: end of object. DATA: objects like standard table of object. * Index-Datei DATA: index type tindex_table, w_index like line of index. * Methoden methods: choice, accept_choice. endclass. "choose_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS choose_upload_index IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class choose_upload_index implementation. method constructor. index = i_index. endmethod. "constructor

method set_index. index = i_index. endmethod. method get_index. e_index = index. endmethod. method choose. * Auswahl treffen call method choice. if flag_popup_abg eq space. * Zuvor wurde ausgewaehlt call method accept_choice. else. free index. message S000(38) with 'Canceled'. endif. * Index Tabelle zuordnen e_index = index. endmethod. method choice. * Funktionscodes data: FUNCTIONS type standard table of SVALP, w_function like line of functions. move 'OK' to w_function-func_name. move sy-cprog to w_function-prog_name. if download eq 'X'. move 'AUSWAHL_DOWNLOAD' to w_function-form_name. elseif upload eq 'X'. move 'AUSWAHL_UPLOAD' to w_function-form_name. endif. append w_function to functions. * interne Auswahltabelle fuellen Loop at index into w_index. move w_index-name to object-clsname. move w_index-type to object-cmpname. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. Endloop. * Popup anzeigen if not objects[] is initial. move 'X' to flag_POPUP_abg. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_GET_SELECTION_FROM_LIST' EXPORTING DISPLAY_ONLY = 'X' TABLE_NAME = 'SEOCMPKEY' TITLE_BAR = 'Selection' "choose "get_index "set_index


= objects = functions = = = = 1 2 3 4.

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE 'E' NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. ENDIF. endmethod. method accept_choice. loop at index into w_index. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_index-name cmpname = w_index-type checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete index. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "accept_choice "choose_upload_index IMPLEMENTATION "choice

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS xml_upload DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class xml_upload definition. public section. methods: upload_XML_file importing filename type localfile exporting dataobject type any exceptions error, constructor. private section. data: XMLDOC type ref to CL_XML_DOCUMENT. data: RETCODE type SY-SUBRC. endclass. "xml_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS xml_upload IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class xml_upload implementation.

method constructor. create object XMLDOC. endmethod. method upload_XML_file. ****************************** * XML-Dokument freigeben ****************************** call method XMLDOC->FREE. **************************** * XML-Datei lesen **************************** if filename ne SPACE. RETCODE = XMLDOC->IMPORT_FROM_FILE( filename ). if retcode eq 0. write: / retcode, 'Import from PC File', filename color col_total. new-line. ********************************* * XML-Datei in interne Tabelle ********************************* call method XMLDOC->GET_DATA CHANGING DATAOBJECT = dataobject. else. write: / retcode color col_negative, 'Error Cant Import from PC File' color col_negative, filename color col_negative. new-line. raise error. endif. else. raise error. endif. ****************************** * XML-Dokument freigeben ****************************** call method XMLDOC->FREE. endmethod. endclass. " uploading "xml_upload IMPLEMENTATION "constructor

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS create DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class create definition. public section. methods: create.

private data: data: data: data: data: data: data: data: data: data: data: endclass.

section. domains_upload type ref to domains_upload. delements_upload type ref to delements_upload. tables_upload type ref to tables_upload. views_upload type ref to views_upload. tabletypes_upload type ref to tabletypes_upload. shlps_upload type ref to shlps_upload. typegroups_upload type ref to typegroups_upload. interfaces_upload type ref to interfaces_upload. classes_upload type ref to classes_upload. fgroups_upload type ref to fgroups_upload. programs_upload type ref to programs_upload. "create DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS create IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class create implementation. method create. * Kommentar: Reihenfolge entscheidend !! * Domains einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-domains is initial. if not domains_upload is bound. create object domains_upload. endif. call method domains_upload->domains_create. free p-domains. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Dataelements einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-dataelements is initial. if not delements_upload is bound. create object delements_upload. endif. call method delements_upload->delements_create. free p-dataelements. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Searchhelps einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-searchhelps is initial. if not shlps_upload is bound. create object shlps_upload. endif. call method shlps_upload->shlps_create. free p-searchhelps. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Tables einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-tables is initial. if not tables_upload is bound.

create object tables_upload. endif. call method tables_upload->tables_create. free p-tables. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Views einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-views is initial. if not views_upload is bound. create object views_upload. endif. call method views_upload->views_create. free p-views. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Tabletypes einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-tabletypes is initial. if not tabletypes_upload is bound. create object tabletypes_upload. endif. call method tabletypes_upload->tabletypes_create. free p-tabletypes. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Typegroups einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-typegroups is initial. if not typegroups_upload is bound. create object typegroups_upload. endif. call method typegroups_upload->typegroups_create. free p-typegroups. endif. * Interfaces einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-inters is initial. if not interfaces_upload is bound. create object interfaces_upload. endif. call method interfaces_upload->interfaces_create. free p-inters. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Klassen einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-classes is initial. if not classes_upload is bound. create object classes_upload. endif. call method classes_upload->classes_create. free p-classes. " Speicher freigeben endif. * Programme einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-programs is initial. if not programs_upload is bound.

create object programs_upload. endif. call method programs_upload->programs_create. free p-programs. endif. * Funktionsgruppen einspielen check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. if not p-fgroups is initial. if not fgroups_upload is bound. create object fgroups_upload. endif. call method fgroups_upload->fgroups_create. free p-fgroups. "Speicher freigeben endif. endmethod. endclass. "create "create IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS start_upload_index DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class start_upload_index definition. public section. * Methoden methods: upload, constructor importing i_index type tindex_table i_rxml_upload type ref to xml_upload, set_index importing i_index type tindex_table. private section. data: rchoose_upload_index type ref to choose_upload_index, index type tindex_table, w_index like line of index, rxml_upload type ref to xml_upload, rcreate type ref to create. data: path_oasis type localfile. endclass. "start_upload DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS start_upload_index IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class start_upload_index implementation. method constructor. index = i_index. * Auswahl Objekt erzeugen create object rchoose_upload_index exporting i_index = index. * xml Upload Objekt

rxml_upload = i_rxml_upload. * Create Objekt anlegen create object rcreate. * Pfad festlegen move pcfile1 to path_oasis. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE 'D'. translate path_oasis to upper case. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE sy-langu. replace c_file_index_xml in path_oasis with space. endmethod. method set_index. index = i_index. endmethod. method UPLOAD. data: filename_oasis type localfile. * Auswahl treffen call method rchoose_upload_index->choose IMPORTING e_index = index. Loop at index into w_index. * Soll abgebrochen werden check not gv_flg_stop_upload_processing eq 'X'. * Globales Datenobjekt initialisieren free p. * Pfad der Index-Datei hinzufuegen concatenate path_oasis w_index-file into filename_oasis. * Datei lesen call method rxml_upload->upload_xml_file EXPORTING filename = filename_oasis IMPORTING dataobject = p EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc eq 0. call method rcreate->create. endif. Endloop. endmethod. endclass. "UPLOAD "start_upload_index IMPLEMENTATION "set_index "constructor

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS start_upload_single DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* class start_upload_single definition. public section. * Methoden methods: upload, constructor. private section. data: rchoose_upload type ref to choose_upload. data: rcreate type ref to create. * Methoden methods: create. endclass. "start_upload_single DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS start_upload_single IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class start_upload_single implementation. method constructor. create object rchoose_upload. create object rcreate. endmethod. method UPLOAD. call method rchoose_upload->choose. if not p is initial. call method create. endif. endmethod. method create. call method rcreate->create. endmethod. endclass. "create "start_upload_single IMPLEMENTATION "UPLOAD "constructor

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS xml_download DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class xml_download definition. public section. * Types types: begin of TNODE, NAME type STRING, NODE type ref to IF_IXML_NODE,

NODELIST type ref to IF_IXML_NODE_LIST, end of TNODE. * Methods methods: download_XML, download_XML_single_file importing p type tp filename type LOCALFILE exceptions error, download_XML_index_file importing index type tindex_table exceptions error, get_size_of_xml importing p type tp exporting size type sytabix exceptions error, constructor. * statische Methoden class-methods: check_if_file_exists importing i_filename type localfile exporting e_flg_file_exists type as4flag. private section. * Attribute XML data: XMLDOC type ref to CL_XML_DOCUMENT. data: RETCODE type SY-SUBRC. * private Methoden methods: TAB2XML importing p type tp, XML_APPEND_SOURCES_AS_CDATA importing p type tp, XML_cdata_source_classes importing p type tp clsname type tclass-cifkey-clsname exporting source type seop_source changing node type tnode, XML_cdata_source_fgroups importing p type tp area type tfgroup-area exporting source type seop_source changing node type tnode, XML_cdata_source_programs importing p type tp name type tprogram-name exporting source type seop_source changing node type tnode, XML_cdata_source_typegroups importing p type tp tname type ttypegroup-name exporting source type seop_source changing node type tnode, save_xml_file importing i_filename type localfile exporting retcode type sy-subrc exceptions canceled_by_user. endclass. "xml_download DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS xml_load IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class xml_download implementation. method constructor. create object XMLDOC. endmethod. method save_xml_file. data: flg_file_exists. * check, if file exists ? call method check_if_file_exists EXPORTING i_filename = i_filename IMPORTING e_flg_file_exists = flg_file_exists. if flg_file_exists eq 'X'. * Popup Soll ueberschrieben werden ? endif. RETCODE = XMLDOC->EXPORT_TO_FILE( i_filename ). if retcode eq 0. write: / retcode, 'Export to PC File', i_filename color col_total. new-line. else. write: / retcode color col_negative, 'Error Cant Export to PC File' color col_negative, i_filename color col_negative. new-line. endif. endmethod. method check_if_file_exists. "save_xml_file "constructor

endmethod. method get_size_of_xml.


******************************** * XML-Dokument erzeugen ******************************** call method XMLDOC->CREATE_WITH_DATA exporting * NAME = 'DATA' DATAOBJECT = p receiving RETCODE = RETCODE .

if retcode ne 0. raise error. endif. ****************************** * Groesse bekommen ****************************** call method XMLDOC->RENDER_2_TABLE EXPORTING PRETTY_PRINT = 'X' IMPORTING SIZE = SIZE. ****************************** * XML-Dokument freigeben ****************************** call method XMLDOC->FREE. endmethod. "get_size_of_xml

method download_xml_index_file. data filename type localfile. if sfiles eq 'X'. ********************************* * XML DOC erzeugen ********************************* call method XMLDOC->CREATE_WITH_DATA exporting * NAME = 'DATA' DATAOBJECT = index receiving RETCODE = RETCODE . if retcode ne 0. raise error. endif. ********************************* * Encoding zuweisen ********************************* data: charset type string. move c_xml_encoding_utf8 to charset. CALL METHOD XMLDOC->SET_ENCODING EXPORTING CHARSET = charset. ********************************* * Datei speichern ********************************* concatenate path c_file_index_xml into filename. clear retcode. call method save_xml_file EXPORTING i_filename = filename IMPORTING retcode = retcode

EXCEPTIONS canceled_by_user = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. if retcode ne 0. raise error. endif. ****************************** * XML-Dokument freigeben ****************************** call method XMLDOC->FREE. endif. endmethod. "download_xml_index_file

method download_XML_single_file. check not p is initial. if sfiles eq 'X'. ********************************* * XML DOC erzeugen ********************************* call method TAB2XML EXPORTING p = p. ********************************* * Method Sorce in CDATA Segment ********************************* if cdata eq 'X'. call method XML_APPEND_SOURCES_AS_CDATA EXPORTING p = p. endif. ********************************* * Encoding zuweisen ********************************* data: charset type string. move c_xml_encoding_utf8 to charset. CALL METHOD XMLDOC->SET_ENCODING EXPORTING CHARSET = charset. ********************************* * Datei speichern ********************************* clear retcode. call method save_xml_file EXPORTING i_filename = filename IMPORTING retcode = retcode EXCEPTIONS

canceled_by_user = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. if retcode ne 0. raise error. endif. ****************************** * XML-Dokument freigeben ****************************** call method XMLDOC->FREE. endif. endmethod. method download_XML. ********************************* * XML DOC erzeugen ********************************* call method TAB2XML EXPORTING p = p. ********************************* * Method Sorce in CDATA Segment ********************************* if cdata eq 'X'. call method XML_APPEND_SOURCES_AS_CDATA EXPORTING p = p. endif. ********************************* * Globales Datenobjekt initialisieren, Speicher sparen ********************************* free p. ********************************* * Encoding zuweisen ********************************* data: charset type string. move c_xml_encoding_utf8 to charset. CALL METHOD XMLDOC->SET_ENCODING EXPORTING CHARSET = charset. ********************************* * XML Dokument in File speichern ********************************* if save eq 'X'. if disp_onl ne 'X'. if PCFILE ne SPACE. call method save_xml_file EXPORTING i_filename = pcfile "download_XML_single_file

IMPORTING retcode = retcode EXCEPTIONS canceled_by_user = 1 others = 2. endif. endif. endif. ********************************* * XML Dokument anzeigen ********************************* DATA: table type standard table of ABAPTXT255. if display eq 'X'. XMLDOC->DISPLAY( ). endif. ********************************** * Im Editor anzeigen ********************************** if calledit eq 'X'. CALL METHOD XMLDOC->GET_AS_TABLE IMPORTING TABLE = table * SIZE = * RETCODE = . * Editor Call editor-call for table display-mode. endif. ****************************** * XML-Dokument freigeben ****************************** call method XMLDOC->FREE. endmethod. method TAB2XML. call method XMLDOC->CREATE_WITH_DATA exporting NAME = 'DATA' DATAOBJECT = p receiving RETCODE = RETCODE . endmethod. method XML_APPEND_SOURCES_AS_CDATA. * Datendeklarationen data: NODE type tnode. data: XMLCDATA type ref to IF_IXML_CDATA_SECTION. data: CDATA type STRING. DATA: RVAL_ITERATOR type ref to IF_IXML_NODE_ITERATOR. data: source type seop_source. * Konstanten constants: "TAB2XML " download_XML

c_name_clsname type string value '/DATA/CLASSES/item/CIFKEY', c_name_area type string value '/DATA/FGROUPS/item', c_name_name type string value '/DATA/PROGRAMS/item', c_name_tname type string value '/DATA/TYPEGROUPS/item'. * Classname data: clsname type tclass-cifkey-clsname. * Fgroupname data: area type tfgroup-area. * Programmname data: name type tprogram-name. * Typegroup data: tname type ttypegroup-name. * Iteration ueber das XML Dokument call method XMLDOC->m_document->IF_IXML_NODE~CREATE_ITERATOR RECEIVING rval = rval_iterator. do. call method rval_iterator->get_next RECEIVING rval = NODE-NODE. if NODE-NODE is bound. call method XMLDOC->GET_NODE_PATH EXPORTING NODE = NODE-NODE RECEIVING path = NODE-name. * Refresh clear source. refresh source. * Name der Klasse if node-name eq c_name_clsname. CLSNAME = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME ROOT endif. * Name der Fgruppe if node-name eq c_name_area. AREA = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME ROOT endif. * Name Programm lesen if node-name eq c_name_name. name = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME ROOT endif. * Name der Typegroup if node-name eq c_name_tname.




tname = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'NAME' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). endif. * Source Klasse lesen call method XML_cdata_source_classes EXPORTING p = p clsname = clsname IMPORTING source = source CHANGING node = node. * Source Fgroup lesen call method XML_cdata_source_fgroups EXPORTING p = p area = area IMPORTING source = source CHANGING node = node. * Source Programme lesen call method XML_cdata_source_programs EXPORTING p = p name = name IMPORTING source = source CHANGING node = node. * Source Typegroups lesen call method XML_cdata_source_typegroups EXPORTING p = p tname = tname IMPORTING source = source CHANGING node = node. * Source als CDATA anhaengen if not source[] is initial. clear cdata. call function 'COPY_CTAB_TO_STRING' * EXPORTING * DATA_LEN = 0 importing DATA_OUT = CDATA tables DATA_IN = SOURCE. XMLCDATA = XMLDOC->M_DOCUMENT->CREATE_CDATA_SECTION( CDATA = CDATA ). NODE-NODE->APPEND_CHILD( NEW_CHILD = XMLCDATA ). endif. else.

* Am Ende angelangt exit. endif. enddo. endmethod. "XML_APPEND_SOURCES_AS_CDATA

method XML_cdata_source_classes. CONSTANTS: c_NAME_METHODS type string value '/DATA/CLASSES/item/METHODS/item', c_NAME_sections type string value '/DATA/CLASSES/item/SECTIONS/item', c_NAME_REDEF type string value '/DATA/CLASSES/item/METHODS_REDEF/item', c_NAME_IMPL type string value '/DATA/CLASSES/item/METHODS_IMPL/item', c_NAME_LOCALS type string value '/DATA/CLASSES/item/LOCALS/item'.

field-symbols <class> type tclass. data: CMPKEY type SEOCMPKEY. case node-name. * Source Methoden when c_NAME_METHODS. field-symbols <method> type tymethod. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). CMPKEY-CLSNAME = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'CLSNAME' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). CMPKEY-CMPNAME = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'CMPNAME' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not CMPKEY-CLSNAME is initial and not CMPKEY-CMPNAME is initial. loop at p-classes assigning <class> where cifkey-clsname eq cmpkey-clsname. read table <class>-METHODS assigning <method> with key CMPKEY-CLSNAME = CMPKEY-CLSNAME CMPKEY-CMPNAME = CMPKEY-CMPNAME. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <method>-source to source. endif. endloop. endif. * Source Sektionen when c_NAME_sections. field-symbols: <sections> type line of tclass-sections. data: limu type tsection-limu. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). LIMU = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'LIMU' ROOT = NODE-NODE ).

if not CLSNAME is initial and not limu is initial. loop at p-classes assigning <class> where cifkey-clsname eq clsname. read table <class>-sections assigning <sections> with key limu = limu. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <sections>-source to source. endif. endloop. endif. * Source Redef when c_NAME_REDEF. field-symbols: <method_redef> type TREDEFINITION. data: mCMPNAME type TREDEFINITION-method-CMPNAME. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). mCMPNAME = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'CMPNAME' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not CLSNAME is initial and not mCMPNAME is initial. loop at p-classes assigning <class> where cifkey-clsname eq clsname. read table <class>-METHODS_REDEF assigning <method_redef> with key method-cmpname = mCMPNAME. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <method_redef>-source to source. endif. endloop. endif. when c_NAME_IMPL. field-symbols: <method_impl> type TIMPLMETHOD. data: iCMPNAME type TIMPLMETHOD-method-CMPNAME. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). iCMPNAME = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'CMPNAME' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not CLSNAME is initial and not iCMPNAME is initial. loop at p-classes assigning <class> where cifkey-clsname eq clsname. read table <class>-METHODS_IMPL assigning <method_impl> with key method-cmpname = iCMPNAME. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <method_impl>-source to source. endif. endloop. endif. * Source Locals

when c_NAME_LOCALS. field-symbols: <local> type line of tclass-locals. data: name type tlocal-name. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). name = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'NAME' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not CLSNAME is initial and not name is initial. loop at p-classes assigning <class> where cifkey-clsname eq clsname. read table <class>-locals assigning <local> with key name = name. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <local>-source_locals to source. endif. endloop. endif. endcase. endmethod. "XML_cdata_source_classes

method XML_cdata_source_fgroups. CONSTANTS: c_NAME_FMODULES type string value '/DATA/FGROUPS/item/FMODULES/item', c_NAME_INCLUDES type string value '/DATA/FGROUPS/item/INCLUDES/item', c_NAME_DYNPROS type string value '/DATA/FGROUPS/item/DYNPROS/item'.

field-symbols <fgroup> type tfgroup. data: funcname type tfmodule-funcname. case node-name. * Source Funktionsbausteine when c_NAME_FMODULES. field-symbols <fmodule> type tfmodule. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). funcname = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'FUNCNAME' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not area is initial and not funcname is initial. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup> where area = area. read table <fgroup>-fmodules assigning <fmodule> with key funcname = funcname. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <fmodule>-source to source. endif. endloop. endif.

* Source Includes when c_NAME_INCLUDES. field-symbols <include> type tinclude. data: include type tinclude-include. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). include = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'INCLUDE' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not area is initial and not include is initial. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup> where area = area. read table <fgroup>-includes assigning <include> with key include = include. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <include>-source to source. endif. endloop. endif. when c_NAME_DYNPROS. field-symbols <dynpro> type tdynpro. data: dynnr type tdynpro-dynnr. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). dynnr = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'DYNNR' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not area is initial and not dynnr is initial. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup> where area = area. read table <fgroup>-dynpros assigning <dynpro> with key dynnr = dynnr. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <dynpro>-FLOW_LOGIC to source. endif. endloop. endif. endcase. endmethod. "XML_cdata_source_classes

method XML_cdata_source_programs. CONSTANTS: c_NAME_NAME type string value '/DATA/PROGRAMS/item', c_NAME_DYNPROS type string value '/DATA/PROGRAMS/item/DYNPROS/item'.

field-symbols: <program> type tprogram. case node-name. * Source Includes when c_NAME_name.

NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). if not name is initial. loop at p-programs assigning <program> where name = name. move <program>-source to source. exit. endloop. endif. when c_NAME_dynpros. field-symbols <dynpro> type tdynpro. data: dynnr type tdynpro-dynnr. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). dynnr = XMLDOC->FIND_SIMPLE_ELEMENT( NAME = 'DYNNR' ROOT = NODE-NODE ). if not name is initial and not dynnr is initial. loop at p-programs assigning <program> where name = name. read table <program>-dynpros assigning <dynpro> with key dynnr = dynnr. if sy-subrc eq 0. move <dynpro>-FLOW_LOGIC to source. endif. endloop. endif. endcase. endmethod. "XML_cdata_source_classes

method XML_cdata_source_typegroups. CONSTANTS: c_NAME_TNAME type string value '/DATA/TYPEGROUPS/item'.

field-symbols: <typegroup> type ttypegroup. case node-name. * Source Includes when c_NAME_tname. NODE-NODELIST = NODE-NODE->GET_CHILDREN( ). if not tname is initial. loop at p-typegroups assigning <typegroup> where name = tname. move <typegroup>-source to source. exit. endloop. endif. endcase.

endmethod. endclass.

"XML_cdata_source_typegroups "xml_download IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS txt_download DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class txt_download definition. public section. methods: constructor, txt_source_classes importing p type tp exceptions error, txt_source_fgroups importing p type tp exceptions error, txt_source_programs importing p type tp exceptions error, txt_source_typegroups importing p type tp exceptions error. * Class Methods class-methods: check_filename changing filename type string. private section. data: oasis type localfile. methods: download_txt importing filename type string source type seop_source exceptions error. * statische Attribute class-data: zahl(3) type n. endclass. "txt_download DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS txt_download IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class txt_download implementation. method constructor. move path1 to oasis. endmethod. method download_txt. check ctxt eq 'X'. data: flg_file_exists, filename_xy type localfile. "constructor


filename source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22.

if sy-subrc eq 0. write: / sy-subrc, 'Export to PC File', filename color col_total. new-line. else. write: / sy-subrc color col_negative, 'Error Cant Export to PC File' color col_negative, filename color col_negative. new-line. raise error. endif. endmethod. method check_filename. * Dateiname ueberpruefen if filename ca '<>?:/'. zahl = zahl + 1. "download_txt

replace ALL OCCURRENCES OF '<' in filename with replace ALL OCCURRENCES OF '>' in filename with replace ALL OCCURRENCES OF '?' in filename with replace ALL OCCURRENCES OF ':' in filename with replace ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' in filename with condense filename no-gaps. concatenate filename '_' zahl into filename. endif. endmethod. method txt_source_classes. field-symbols <class> type tclass. data: filename type string. * Source Methoden field-symbols <method> type tymethod. loop at p-classes assigning <class>. loop at <class>-METHODS assigning <method>. concatenate C_ch_Class_method '_' <method>-CMPKEY-CLSNAME '_' <method>-CMPKEY-CMPNAME into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. "check_filename

space. space. space. space. space.

concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <method>-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endloop. * Source Sektionen field-symbols: <sections> type line of tclass-sections. loop at p-classes assigning <class>. Loop at <class>-sections assigning <sections>. concatenate C_ch_Class_section '_' <class>-CIFKEY-CLSNAME '_' <sections>-incname into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename.

concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <sections>-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. Endloop. endloop. * Source Redef field-symbols: <method_redef> type TREDEFINITION. loop at p-classes assigning <class>. loop at <class>-METHODS_REDEF assigning <method_redef>. concatenate C_ch_Class_redef '_' <method_redef>-method-CLSNAME '_' <method_redef>-method-CMPNAME into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <method_redef>-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endloop. * Source Impl field-symbols: <method_impl> type TIMPLMETHOD. loop at p-classes assigning <class>. loop at <class>-METHODS_IMPL assigning <method_impl>. concatenate C_ch_Class_impl '_' <method_impl>-method-CLSNAME '_' <method_impl>-method-CMPNAME into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename.

concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <method_impl>-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endloop. * Source Locals field-symbols: <local> type line of tclass-locals. loop at p-classes assigning <class>. loop at <class>-locals assigning <local>. concatenate C_ch_Class_locals '_' <class>-CIFKEY-CLSNAME '_' <local>-NAME into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <local>-source_locals EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endloop. endmethod. method txt_source_fgroups. field-symbols <fgroup> type tfgroup. data: filename type string. * Source Funktionsbausteine field-symbols <fmodule> type tfmodule. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup>. loop at <fgroup>-fmodules assigning <fmodule>. concatenate C_ch_Area_fmodule '_' <fmodule>-area "XML_source_classes

'_' <fmodule>-funcname into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <fmodule>-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endloop. * Source Includes field-symbols <include> type tinclude. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup>. loop at <fgroup>-includes assigning <include>. concatenate C_ch_Area_Include '_' <fgroup>-area '_' <include>-include into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <include>-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endloop. * Source Dynpros field-symbols <dynpro> type tdynpro. data: source type seop_source, ls_source like line of source, ls_flow_logic like line of <dynpro>-flow_logic. loop at p-fgroups assigning <fgroup>. loop at <fgroup>-dynpros assigning <dynpro>.

concatenate C_ch_Area_Dynpro '_' <fgroup>-area '_' <dynpro>-dynnr into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. Loop at <dynpro>-flow_logic into ls_flow_logic. move ls_flow_logic to ls_source. append ls_source to source. Endloop. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. free source. endloop. endloop. endmethod. method txt_source_programs. field-symbols: <program> type tprogram. field-symbols <dynpro> type tdynpro. data: filename type string. * Source Includes loop at p-programs assigning <program>. concatenate c_ch_program '_' <program>-name into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = <program>-source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. "XML_source_classes

if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. * Source Dynpros data: source type seop_source, ls_source like line of source, ls_flow_logic like line of <dynpro>-flow_logic. loop at p-programs assigning <program>. loop at <program>-dynpros assigning <dynpro>. concatenate c_ch_Program_Dynpro '_' <program>-name '_' <dynpro>-dynnr into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. Loop at <dynpro>-flow_logic into ls_flow_logic. move ls_flow_logic to ls_source. append ls_source to source. Endloop. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. free source. endloop. endloop. endmethod. method txt_source_typegroups. field-symbols: <typegroup> type ttypegroup. data: filename type string. data: source type seop_source, ls_source like line of source, ls_ty_source like line of <typegroup>-source. * Source Typegroups loop at p-typegroups assigning <typegroup>. concatenate c_ch_typegroup '_' <typegroup>-name "XML_source_classes

into filename. call method check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate oasis filename '.TXT' into filename. Loop at <typegroup>-source into ls_ty_source. move ls_ty_source to ls_source. append ls_source to source. Endloop. call method download_txt EXPORTING filename = filename source = source EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "txt_source_typegroups "txt_download IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS choose_download DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class choose_download definition. public section. methods choose changing t_tadir type ttadir_table. private section. * Attribute * Objekte, die zur Auswahl angezeigt werden DATA: begin of object. include type SEOSCOKEY. data: checkbox. data: end of object. DATA: objects like standard table of object. * Hilfsvariablen * Ulrich Streit DATA: w_tadir type tadir. * Methoden methods: choice importing t_tadir type ttadir_table, accept_choice changing t_tadir type ttadir_table, warning_single_xml_file changing t_tadir type ttadir_table. endclass. "choose_download DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS choose_download IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class choose_download implementation. method warning_single_xml_file. endmethod. method choose. * Auswahl call method choice EXPORTING t_tadir = t_tadir. if flag_POPUP_abg eq space. * Auswahl auswerten call method accept_choice CHANGING t_tadir = t_tadir. else. free t_tadir. message S000(38) with 'Canceled'. endif. endmethod. method choice. * Funktionscodes data: FUNCTIONS type standard table of SVALP, w_function like line of functions. move 'OK' to w_function-func_name. move sy-cprog to w_function-prog_name. if download eq 'X'. move 'AUSWAHL_DOWNLOAD' to w_function-form_name. elseif upload eq 'X'. move 'AUSWAHL_UPLOAD' to w_function-form_name. endif. append w_function to functions. * Objects fuellen loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DOMA. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_domain to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DTEL. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_delement to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. "choose "warning_single_xml_file

move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_SHLP. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_searchelp to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TABL. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_table to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_VIEW. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_viewname to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TTYP. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_tabletype to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TYPE. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_typegroup to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop.

loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_INTF. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_Interface to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_CLAS. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move C_ch_Class to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_PROG. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_program to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_FUGR. move w_tadir-obj_name to object-clsname. move c_ch_Fgroup to object-cmpname. move w_tadir-devclass to object-sconame. move 'X' to object-checkbox. append object to objects. clear object. endloop. * Popup anzeigen if not objects[] is initial. move 'X' to flag_POPUP_abg. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_GET_SELECTION_FROM_LIST' EXPORTING DISPLAY_ONLY = 'X' TABLE_NAME = 'SEOSCOKEY' TITLE_BAR = 'Selection' TABLES LIST = objects FUNCTIONS = functions EXCEPTIONS NO_TABLEFIELDS_IN_DICTIONARY = 1 NO_TABLE_STRUCTURE = 2 NO_TITLE_BAR = 3 OTHERS = 4.

IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE 'E' NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. ENDIF. endmethod. method accept_choice. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_CLAS. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_class checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_INTF. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_interface checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_FUGR. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_Fgroup checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_PROG. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_program checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DOMA. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name "auswahl

cmpname = c_ch_domain checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DTEL. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_delement checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TABL. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_table checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_VIEW. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_viewname checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TTYP. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_tabletype checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_SHLP. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_searchelp checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif.

endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TYPE. read table objects into object with key clsname = w_tadir-obj_name cmpname = c_ch_typegroup checkbox = space. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. * Warnung ausgeben call method warning_single_xml_file CHANGING t_tadir = t_tadir. endmethod. endclass. "check_auswahl "choose_sownload IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS crosssource DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class crosssource definition. public section. methods: constructor importing i_tadir type ttadir_table, crosssource exporting e_tadir type ttadir_table. private section. * Attribute data: t_tadir type standard table of tadir, t_tadir_cross type standard table of tadir, w_tadir like line of t_tadir. * Methoden methods: crossref_scan, crossref_cl_abap_compiler importing i_name type program i_include type program optional changing ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS type TABAP_GLREFS_TAGS, crossref_tadir importing ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS type TABAP_GLREFS_TAGS, cross_friends_and_superclasses. endclass. "crosssource DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS crosssource IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class crosssource implementation. method constructor.

t_tadir_cross = i_tadir. t_tadir = i_tadir. endmethod. method crosssource. * Lokale Datendeklaration data: lines1 type i, zaehler type i. * Crossref ueber den Source machen do. if not grade is initial. if sy-index > grade. exit. endif. endif. if not t_tadir is initial. describe table t_tadir lines lines1. call method crossref_scan. zaehler = 0. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir. if zaehler < lines1. delete t_tadir. zaehler = zaehler + 1. exit. endif. endloop. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir. read table t_tadir_cross transporting no fields with key pgmid = w_tadir-pgmid object = w_tadir-object obj_name = w_tadir-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir_cross. else. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. else. exit. endif. enddo. * Rueckgabe e_tadir = t_tadir_cross. endmethod. method crossref_scan. data: name type program. * Klassen data: clskey type SEOCLSKEY. * Compiler Cross Ref "crossref "constructor

data: ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS type TABAP_GLREFS_TAGS. * Namen fgruppen data: fgroup_names type ref to fgroup_names. create object fgroup_names. * Programme loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_prog. move w_tadir-obj_name to name. call method crossref_cl_abap_compiler EXPORTING i_name = name CHANGING ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS = ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS. endloop. * Funktionsgruppen loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_fugr. call method fgroup_names=>determine_fgroup_progname EXPORTING area = w_tadir-obj_name IMPORTING program = name. call method crossref_cl_abap_compiler EXPORTING i_name = name CHANGING ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS = ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS. endloop. * Typegroups loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_type. concatenate '%_C' w_tadir-obj_name into name. call method crossref_cl_abap_compiler EXPORTING i_name = name CHANGING ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS = ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS. endloop. * Klassen loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas. move w_tadir-obj_name to clskey-clsname. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GET_INCLUDE_BY_NAME' EXPORTING CLSKEY = clskey LIMU = seok_r3tr_class * INCTYPE = IMPORTING PROGNAME = name . call method crossref_cl_abap_compiler EXPORTING

i_name = name CHANGING ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS = ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS. endloop. * Cross Ref auswerten call method crossref_tadir EXPORTING ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS = ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS. * Superclasses and Friends call method cross_friends_and_superclasses. endmethod. "crossref_scan

method cross_friends_and_superclasses. * Friends data: w_refclsname type seofriends-refclsname. if friends eq 'X'. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas. select distinct refclsname from seofriends into w_refclsname where clsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. if w_refclsname(1) eq c_z or w_refclsname(1) eq c_n or w_refclsname(1) eq c_y. if not w_refclsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. " nicht sich selbst read table t_tadir_cross into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_clas obj_name = w_refclsname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas and obj_name eq w_refclsname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endif. * Superklassen loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas. clear w_refclsname. select refclsname from vseoextend up to 1 rows into w_refclsname where clsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. endselect.

if w_refclsname(1) eq c_z or w_refclsname(1) eq c_n or w_refclsname(1) eq c_y. if not w_refclsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. " nicht sich selbst read table t_tadir_cross into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_clas obj_name = w_refclsname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas and obj_name eq w_refclsname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method crossref_tadir. data: ABAP_GLREFS_TAG type TABAP_GLREFS_TAG, name type tfdir-pname. loop at ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS INTO ABAP_GLREFS_TAG. if ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name(1) eq c_z or ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name(1) eq c_n or ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name(1) eq c_y. case ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-TAG. when 'TY'. * Datenelemente, Strukturen, Tabellentypen, Tabellen, Views * Klassen, Interfaces loop at t_tadir_cross into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and ( object eq c_ta_tabl or object eq c_ta_ttyp or object eq c_ta_view or object eq c_ta_dtel or object eq c_ta_clas or object eq c_ta_intf ) and obj_name eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. endloop. if sy-subrc ne 0. select * from tadir appending table t_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and ( object eq c_ta_tabl or object eq c_ta_ttyp or object eq c_ta_view or object eq c_ta_dtel or object eq c_ta_clas or object eq c_ta_intf ) and obj_name eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. endif. " Type "friends_and_superclasses

when 'FU'. loop at t_tadir_cross into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_fugr and obj_name eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. endloop. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single pname from tfdir into name where funcname eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. if sy-subrc eq 0. if name(1) ne c_n. move space to name(4). shift name left deleting leading space. else. replace first occurrence of c_sapl in name with space. condense name. endif. select * from tadir appending table t_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_fugr and obj_name eq name. endif. endif. when 'TP'. loop at t_tadir_cross into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_TYPE and obj_name eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. endloop. if sy-subrc ne 0. select * from tadir appending table t_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_type and obj_name eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. endif. when 'PR'. * z.B. perform in program if ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-glref-grade > 0. loop at t_tadir_cross into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_prog and obj_name eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. endloop. if sy-subrc ne 0. select * from tadir appending table t_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_prog and obj_name eq ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. endif. endif. endcase. endif. " Typepool

endloop. endmethod. "crossref_tadir

method crossref_cl_abap_compiler. * ABAP Compiler DATA: CL_ABAP_COMPILER type ref to CL_ABAP_COMPILER, result type SCR_GLREFS, w_result like line of result, tag type SCR_TAG, ABAP_GLREFS_TAG type TABAP_GLREFS_TAG. create object CL_ABAP_COMPILER exporting p_name = i_name p_include = i_include. *>>>>>> Beginn ersetzt US20060112 XYXY * CALL METHOD CL_ABAP_COMPILER->GET_ALL_GLOBAL_REFS ** EXPORTING ** P_TYPES = ** P_GRADES = * IMPORTING * P_RESULT = result ** P_ERROR = * . CALL METHOD CL_ABAP_COMPILER->GET_ALL_REFS EXPORTING P_LOCAL = ' ' * P_TESTCODE = ' ' * P_TYPES = * P_GRADES = * P_NO_INCLUDES = * P_EXTENDED = IMPORTING P_RESULT = result * P_ERROR = * P_ERRORS = . *>>>>>> Ende ersetzt US20060112 XYXY loop at result into w_result. CALL METHOD CL_ABAP_COMPILER->GET_TAG_OF_FULL_NAME EXPORTING P_FULL_NAME = w_result-full_name RECEIVING P_TAG = tag EXCEPTIONS INCLUDE_NOT_FOUND = 1 OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 2 PROGRAM_FATAL_SYNTAX_ERROR = 3 others = 4. * * IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ELSE. move w_result-full_name+4 to ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name. move w_result to ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-glref.

move tag to ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-tag. if ABAP_GLREFS_TAG-name NA '\:'. append ABAP_GLREFS_TAG to ABAP_GLREFS_TAGS. endif. clear ABAP_GLREFS_TAG. ENDIF. endloop. free CL_ABAP_COMPILER. endmethod. endclass. "crossref_cl_abap_compiler "crossreference IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS selectoptions DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class selectoptions definition. public section. methods selectoptions exporting e_tadir type ttadir_table. private section. * Attribute data: t_tadir_dev type standard table of tadir, w_tadir_dev like line of t_tadir_dev, t_tadir type standard table of tadir, w_tadir like line of t_tadir_dev, rcrosssource type ref to crosssource. * Methods methods: devclass, table, views, tabletypes, searchelps, domains, dataelements, classes, interfaces, fgroups, programs, typegroups, crossreference, friends_and_superclasses, friends, superclasses, interfaces_classes_comprisings, interfaces_from_classes, comprisings, includes_in_programs, tables_from_view, tables_from_searchelps, tables_from_tabletypes, includes_appends_of_tables, dataelements_of_tables, domains_of_dataelements,

tables_from_tables. endclass. "selectoptions DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS selectoptions IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class selectoptions implementation. method selectoptions. free t_tadir. * Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse call method devclass. * Domaenen call method domains. * Dataelements call method dataelements. * Tables (transparente Tabellen und Strukturen) call method table. * View call method views. * Tabletype call method tabletypes. * Searchhelp call method searchelps. * Klassen call method classes. * Interfaces call method interfaces. * Funktionsgruppen call method fgroups. * Programme call method programs. * Typegroups call method typegroups. * Cross Reference if nocross eq space. call method crossreference. endif. * Rueckgabe move t_tadir to e_tadir. endmethod. "select

method crossreference. * Cross Ref if complete eq 'X'. * Source scannen create object rcrosssource exporting i_tadir = t_tadir. call method rcrosssource->crosssource IMPORTING e_tadir = t_tadir. if not grade is initial. * Superklassen immer ueber alle Ebenen call method superclasses. endif. else. * Friends and Superclasses call method friends_and_superclasses. endif. * Interfaces zu Klassen und Comprisings call method interfaces_classes_comprisings. * Includes in Programs call method includes_in_programs. * Tables from view call method tables_from_view. * Tables from tabletype call method tables_from_tabletypes. * Tables from Searchhelp call method tables_from_searchelps. * Fremdschlsseltabellen call method tables_from_tables. * Includestrukturen call method includes_appends_of_tables. * dataelements von tables call method dataelements_of_tables. * Domaenen von Datenelementen call method domains_of_dataelements. endmethod. method includes_in_programs. * Includes muessen nicht nochmal gescannt werden data: prognam type tadir-obj_name. data: COMPO type standard table of SCOMPO, CROSS_REF type standard table of CROSS, INC type standard table of D010INC, w_inc like line of inc. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_prog. "crossreference

* * *

move w_tadir-obj_name to prognam. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_PROGRAM_INDEX' EXPORTING PG_NAME = prognam WITHOUT_TREE = ' ' IMPORTING MESSAGE_CLASS = TABLES COMPO = compo CROSS_REF = cross_ref INC = inc EXCEPTIONS SYNTAX_ERROR = 1 OTHERS = 2 . if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at inc into w_inc where include(1) eq c_z or include(1) eq c_n or include(1) eq c_y. if prognam ne w_inc-include. "nicht sich selbst read table t_tadir transporting no fields with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_prog obj_name = w_inc-include. if sy-subrc ne 0. select * from tadir appending table t_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_prog and obj_name eq w_inc-include. endif. endif. endloop. endif. endloop. endmethod. method tables_from_view. "includes_in_programs

* Evtl. Tabellen und Strukturen hinzunehmen data: tabname type dd26s-tabname. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_view. select tabname from dd26s into tabname where viewname eq w_tadir-obj_name and ( tabname like c_z% or tabname like c_n% or tabname like c_y% ) and as4local eq 'A'. read table t_tadir into w_tadir

"only active

with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_tabl obj_name = tabname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_tabl and obj_name eq tabname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method tables_from_tabletypes. * Evtl. Strukturen nachlesen data: w_dd40l type dd40l. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_TTYP. select * from dd40l into w_dd40l where TYPENAME eq w_tadir-obj_name and datatype eq 'STRU' and AS4LOCAL eq 'A' " only active and ( rowtype like c_z% or rowtype like c_n% or rowtype like c_y% ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_TABL obj_name = w_dd40l-rowtype. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_TABL and obj_name eq w_dd40l-rowtype. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method tables_from_searchelps. * abhaengige Tabelle dazunehmen data: selmethod type dd30l-selmethod. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_shlp. select selmethod from DD30L "tables_from_tabletypes "tables_from_view

up to 1 rows into selmethod where SHLPNAME eq w_tadir-obj_name and ( selmethod like c_z% or selmethod like c_n% or selmethod like c_y% ) and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active * Tabelle lesen select count( * ) from dd02l " unnoetig where tabname eq selmethod and ( tabclass eq c_ta_INTTAB or tabclass eq c_ta_TRANSP or tabclass eq c_ta_APPEND ). if sy-subrc eq 0. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_tabl obj_name = selmethod. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_tabl and obj_name eq selmethod. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method devclass. if not package is initial. select * from tadir into table t_tadir_dev where devclass in package and pgmid eq 'R3TR'. * Geschachtelte Packages loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where object eq 'DEVC' and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). select devclass from tdevc into w_tadir_dev-obj_name where parentcl eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name. select * from tadir appending table t_tadir_dev where devclass eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name and pgmid eq 'R3TR'. endselect. endloop. endif. endmethod. method table. data: t_dd02l type standard table of dd02l, w_dd02l type dd02l. "devclass "tables_from_searchelps

if not table[] is initial. select * from dd02l into table t_dd02l where tabname in table and ( tabclass eq c_ta_INTTAB or tabclass eq c_ta_TRANSP or tabclass eq c_ta_APPEND ) and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_dd02l into w_dd02l. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TABL and obj_name eq w_dd02l-tabname. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_TABL and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_TABL obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from dd02l where tabname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name and ( tabclass eq c_ta_INTTAB or tabclass eq c_ta_TRANSP or tabclass eq c_ta_APPEND ) and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. "table

method includes_appends_of_tables. data: precfield type dd03l-precfield. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_tabl. select distinct precfield from dd03l into precfield where tabname eq w_tadir-obj_name and ( fieldname eq '.INCLUDE' or fieldname eq '.INCLU--AP' ) and ( precfield like c_z% or precfield like c_n%

or precfield like c_y% ) and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_tabl obj_name = precfield. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_tabl and obj_name eq precfield. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method dataelements_of_tables. * Dataelements und domains dazulesen data: rollname type dd03l-rollname. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_tabl. select distinct rollname from dd03l into rollname where tabname eq w_tadir-obj_name and ( rollname like c_z% or rollname like c_n% or rollname like c_y% ) and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_dtel obj_name = rollname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_dtel and obj_name eq rollname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method tables_from_tables. * Prftabellen data: checktable type dd03l-checktable. "dataelements_of_tables "includes_appends_of_tables

" only active

loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_tabl. select distinct checktable from dd03l into checktable where tabname eq w_tadir-obj_name and ( checktable like c_z% or checktable like c_n% or checktable like c_y% ) and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_tabl obj_name = checktable. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_tabl and obj_name eq checktable. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method domains_of_dataelements. * Domains dazulesen data: DOMNAME type dd04l-DOMNAME. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_dtel. * Domaene dazulesen select distinct domname from dd04l into domname where rollname eq w_tadir-obj_name and ( domname like c_z% or domname like c_n% or domname like c_y% ) and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_doma obj_name = domname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_doma and obj_name eq domname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif.

" only active

" only active

endselect. endloop. endmethod. method views. data: t_dd02l type standard table of dd02l, w_dd02l type dd02l. if not view[] is initial. select * from dd02l into table t_dd02l where tabname in view and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_dd02l into w_dd02l. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_VIEW and obj_name eq w_dd02l-tabname. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_VIEW and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_VIEW obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from dd02l where tabname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method tabletypes. data: t_dd40l type standard table of dd40l, w_dd40l type dd40l. if not tabletyp[] is initial. select * from dd40l into table t_dd40l where typename in tabletyp "views "domains_of_dataelements

and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_dd40l into w_dd40l. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TTYP and obj_name eq w_dd40l-typename. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_TTYP and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_TTYP obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from dd40l where typename eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method searchelps. data: t_dd30l type standard table of dd30l, w_dd30l type dd30l. if not searchlp[] is initial. select * from dd30l into table t_dd30l where shlpname in searchlp and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_dd30l into w_dd30l. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_SHLP and obj_name eq w_dd30l-shlpname. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_SHLP "tabletypes

and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_SHLP obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from dd30l where shlpname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method domains. data: t_dd01l type standard table of dd01l, w_dd01l type dd01l. * Domaenen selektieren if not domain[] is initial. select * from dd01l into table t_dd01l where domname in domain and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_dd01l into w_dd01l. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DOMA and obj_name eq w_dd01l-domname. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_DOMA and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_DOMA obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from dd01l where domname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. "searchelps

append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method dataelements. data: t_dd04l type standard table of dd04l, w_dd04l type dd04l. if not delement[] is initial. select * from dd04l into table t_dd04l where rollname in delement and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_dd04l into w_dd04l. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DTEL and obj_name eq w_dd04l-rollname. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_DTEL and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_DTEL obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from dd04l where rollname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name and AS4LOCAL eq 'A'. " only active if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method classes. data: t_vseoclass type standard table of vseoclass, w_vseoclass type vseoclass. if not clsname[] is initial. select distinct * from vseoclass into table t_vseoclass "dataelements "domains

where clsname in clsname. if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_vseoclass into w_vseoclass. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_CLAS and obj_name eq w_vseoclass-clsname. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_CLAS and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_CLAS obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from vseoclass where clsname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. "classes

method friends_and_superclasses. call method friends. call method superclasses. endmethod. method friends. * Friends data: w_refclsname type seofriends-refclsname. if friends eq 'X'. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas. select distinct refclsname from seofriends into w_refclsname where clsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. if w_refclsname(1) eq c_z or w_refclsname(1) eq c_n or w_refclsname(1) eq c_y. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr "friends_and_superclasses

object = c_ta_clas obj_name = w_refclsname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas and obj_name eq w_refclsname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endif. endmethod. method superclasses. * Superclasses data: w_refclsname type seofriends-refclsname. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas. clear w_refclsname. select refclsname from vseoextend up to 1 rows into w_refclsname where clsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. endselect. if w_refclsname(1) eq c_z or w_refclsname(1) eq c_n or w_refclsname(1) eq c_y. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_clas obj_name = w_refclsname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas and obj_name eq w_refclsname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method interfaces. data: t_vseointerf type standard table of vseointerf, w_vseointerf type vseointerf. if not intname[] is initial. select * from vseointerf "superclasses "friends

into table t_vseointerf where clsname in intname. if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_vseointerf into w_vseointerf. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_INTF and obj_name eq w_vseointerf-clsname. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_INTF and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_INTF obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from vseointerf where clsname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. "interfaces

method interfaces_classes_comprisings. * Interfaces zu Klassen call method interfaces_from_classes. * Comprisings call method comprisings. endmethod. "interfaces_classes_comprisings

method interfaces_from_classes. data: w_refclsname type seofriends-refclsname. * Interfaces zu Klassen loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_clas. select refclsname from vseoimplem into w_refclsname where clsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. if w_refclsname(1) eq c_z or w_refclsname(1) eq c_n

or w_refclsname(1) eq c_y. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_intf obj_name = w_refclsname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_intf and obj_name eq w_refclsname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method comprisings. data: w_refclsname type seofriends-refclsname. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_intf. select refclsname from vseocompri into w_refclsname where clsname eq w_tadir-obj_name. read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_r3tr object = c_ta_intf obj_name = w_refclsname. if sy-subrc ne 0. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid eq c_ta_r3tr and object eq c_ta_intf and obj_name eq w_refclsname. if sy-subrc eq 0. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endselect. endloop. endmethod. method fgroups. data: t_enlfdir type standard table of enlfdir, w_enlfdir type enlfdir. if not funcarea[] is initial. select distinct * from enlfdir into table t_enlfdir where area in funcarea. if sy-subrc eq 0. delete adjacent duplicates from t_enlfdir comparing area. "comprisings "interfaces_from_classes

loop at t_enlfdir into w_enlfdir. select single * from tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_FUGR and obj_name eq w_enlfdir-area. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endloop. endif. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_FUGR and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_FUGR obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from enlfdir where area eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method programs. if not program[] is initial. select * from tadir appending table t_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_PROG and obj_name in program. if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_PROG. select count( * ) from REPOSRC >>>> Beginn ersetzt US20060112 XYXY where progname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name. where progname eq w_tadir-obj_name. >>>> Ende ersetzt US200060112 XYXY if sy-subrc ne 0. delete t_tadir. endif. endloop. endif. endif. Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_PROG "fgroups

* * *

and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_PROG obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. * Existiert es ueberhaupt select count( * ) from REPOSRC where progname eq w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc eq 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endif. endloop. endmethod. method typegroups. if not typgroup[] is initial. * Achtung, hier werden auch inaktive selektiert select * from tadir appending table t_tadir where pgmid eq C_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_TYPE and obj_name in typgroup. endif. * Evtl. Objekte aus Entwicklungsklasse dazunehmen loop at t_tadir_dev into w_tadir_dev where pgmid eq c_ta_R3TR and object eq C_ta_type and ( obj_name(1) eq c_z or obj_name(1) eq c_n or obj_name(1) eq c_y ). read table t_tadir into w_tadir with key pgmid = c_ta_R3TR object = c_ta_type obj_name = w_tadir_dev-obj_name. if sy-subrc ne 0. move w_tadir_dev to w_tadir. append w_tadir to t_tadir. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "typegroups "selectoptions IMPLEMENTATION "programs

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS select_and_download DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class select_and_download definition. public section. methods: constructor importing i_tadir type ttadir_table,

set_tadir importing i_tadir type ttadir_table, select_and_download exceptions error. private section. data: t_tadir type ttadir_table, w_tadir type tadir, rxml_download type ref to xml_download, rtxt_download type ref to txt_download, index type tindex_table, w_index like line of index, xmlsize type sytabix. methods: read_domains exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_dataelements exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_tables exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_views exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_tabletypes exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_shlps exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_classes exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_interfaces exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big,

* read_fgroups exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_programs exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * read_typegroups exceptions error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big, * write_xml_file importing name type localfile px type tp exporting e_filename type localfile exceptions error_writing_file, * check_size_write_xml importing name type localfile px type tp i_flg_source type as4flag optional exporting e_filename type localfile exceptions xml_file_too_big error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml, * check_size importing px type tp i_flg_source type as4flag optional exceptions xml_file_too_big error_determine_size_xml. endclass. "select_and_download DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS select_and_download IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class select_and_download implementation. method constructor. t_tadir = i_tadir. endmethod. method set_tadir. t_tadir = i_tadir. endmethod. "constructor "constructor

method check_size. data: lv_xmlsize type sytabix. call method rxml_download->get_size_of_xml EXPORTING p = px IMPORTING size = lv_xmlsize EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. message I000(38) display like 'I' with 'Error, Determing size of XML'. raise error_determine_size_xml. endif. * Falls der Source zustzlich in cdata abgespeichert wird if i_flg_source eq 'X' and cdata eq 'X'. lv_xmlsize = lv_xmlsize * 2. endif. * Wird eine einzelne XML-Datei zu gross ? xmlsize = xmlsize + lv_xmlsize. if xmlsize > c_size_max_xml. message I000(38) display like 'I' with 'Data volume of single XML-file exceeded maximum size of' c_size_max_xml 'Bytes'. raise xml_file_too_big. endif. endmethod. method check_size_write_xml. * Gresse ueberpruefen if save eq 'X'. "check_size

" es wird alles in eine Datei geschrieben

call method check_size EXPORTING px i_flg_source EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big error_determine_size_xml others

= px = i_flg_source = 1 = 2 = 3.

case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml.

endcase. endif. if sfiles eq 'X'. " es wird in mehrere Dateien geschrieben * in einzelene XML-Datei schreiben free domain. call method write_xml_file EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = e_filename EXCEPTIONS error_writing_file = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. message I000(38) display like 'I' with 'Error writing XML File'. raise error_writing_file. endif. endif. endmethod. method write_xml_file. data: filename type string. data: oasis type localfile. move name to filename. * Dateiname ueberpruefen call method txt_download=>check_filename CHANGING filename = filename. concatenate filename '.XML' into filename. concatenate path filename into oasis. call method rxml_download->download_XML_single_file EXPORTING p = px filename = oasis EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error_writing_file. endif. * Rueckgabewert move filename to e_filename. endmethod. method select_and_download. "write_xml_file "check_size_write_xml

* XML Objekt erzeugen create object rxml_download. * TXT Objekt erzeugen if ctxt eq 'X'. create object rtxt_download. endif. * Kommentar: Die Reihenfolge ist entscheidend fuer den Upload !!! * Fgruppen lesen call method read_fgroups EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Programs lesen call method read_programs EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Klassen lesen call method read_classes EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Interfaces lesen call method read_interfaces EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Typegroups lesen call method read_typegroups

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Tabletypes lesen call method read_tabletypes EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Views lesen call method read_views EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

* Tables (Strukturen, Tabellen) lesen call method read_tables EXCEPTIONS error = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 xml_file_too_big = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Searchhelps lesen call method read_shlps EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Dataelements lesen call method read_dataelements

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. * Domaenen lesen call method read_domains EXCEPTIONS error error_writing_file error_determine_size_xml xml_file_too_big others if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. ************************* * Index-Datei in XML schreiben ************************* if sfiles eq 'X'.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

= = = = =

1 2 3 4 5.

* Umsortieren, umgekehrte Reihenfolge (wegen dem Upload) * Es soll die richtige Reihenfolge beim Upload garantiert sein DATA: index_work like index. Loop at index into w_index. insert w_index into index_work index 1. delete index. Endloop. index = index_work. free index_work. ************************** * XML-Datei sichern ************************** call method rxml_download->download_XML_index_file EXPORTING index = index EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. raise error. endif. endif. ************************** * XML Dokument runterladen (alle Daten in einem XML-Dokument) ************************** if save eq 'X'. if not p is initial. call method rxml_download->download_XML. endif. endif.

************************** * Objekt freigeben ************************** free rxml_download. endmethod. method READ_DOMAINS. data: domain type tdomain, DOMA_NAME TYPE RPY_DOMA-DOMANAME, rdomain type ref to domain_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rdomain is bound. create object rdomain. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DOMA. move w_tadir-obj_name to doma_name. * domain lesen free domain. call method rdomain->read_domain EXPORTING doma_name = doma_name IMPORTING e_domain = domain EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not domain is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Domain' doma_name. concatenate c_ch_domain '_' doma_name into name. free px. append domain to px-domains. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. "selection

when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_domain to w_index-type. move doma_name to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append domain to p-domains. endif. endif. free px. free domain. endloop. endmethod. method READ_DATAELEMENTS. data: dataelement type tdataelement, DATAELEMENT_NAME TYPE RPY_DTEL-DTELNAME, rdataelement type ref to dataelement_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rdataelement is bound. create object rdataelement. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_DTEL. move w_tadir-obj_name to dataelement_name. free dataelement. call method rdataelement->read_dataelement EXPORTING DATAELEMENT_NAME = DATAELEMENT_NAME IMPORTING e_dataelement = dataelement EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not dataelement is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Dataelement' dataelement_name. "READ_DOMAINS

concatenate c_ch_delement '_' dataelement_name into name. free px. append dataelement to px-dataelements. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_delement to w_index-type. move dataelement_name to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append dataelement to p-dataelements. endif. endif. free px. free dataelement. endloop. endmethod. method READ_TABLES. data: table type ttable, TABLE_NAME TYPE RPY_TABL-TABLNAME, rtable type ref to table_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rtable is bound. "READ_DATAELEMENTS

create object rtable. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TABL. move w_tadir-obj_name to table_name. free table. call method rtable->read_table EXPORTING TABLE_NAME = TABLE_NAME IMPORTING e_table = table EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not table is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Table' table_name. concatenate c_ch_table '_' table_name into name. free px. append table to px-tables. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_table to w_index-type. move table_name to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append table to p-tables.

endif. endif. free px. free table. endloop. endmethod. method READ_VIEWS. data: view type tview, VIEW_NAME TYPE DDOBJNAME, rview type ref to view_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rview is bound. create object rview. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_VIEW. move w_tadir-obj_name to view_name. free view. call method rview->read_view EXPORTING VIEW_NAME = VIEW_NAME IMPORTING e_view = view EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not view is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'View' view_name. concatenate c_ch_viewname '_' view_name into name. free px. append view to px-views. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 "READ_TABLES

others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_viewname to w_index-type. move view_name to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append view to p-views. endif. endif. free px. free view. endloop. endmethod. method READ_TABLETYPES. data: tabletype type ttabletype, tabletype_name TYPE DDOBJNAME, rtabletype type ref to tabletype_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rtabletype is bound. create object rtabletype. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TTYP. move w_tadir-obj_name to tabletype_name. free tabletype. call method rtabletype->read_tabletype EXPORTING TABLETYPE_NAME = TABLETYPE_NAME IMPORTING e_tabletype = tabletype EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. "READ_VIEWS

if not tabletype is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Tabletype' tabletype_name. concatenate c_ch_tabletype '_' tabletype_name into name. free px. append tabletype to px-tabletypes. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_tabletype to w_index-type. move tabletype_name to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append tabletype to p-tabletypes. endif. endif. free px. free tabletype. endloop. endmethod. method READ_SHLPS. data: shlp type tshlp, shlp_name TYPE DDOBJNAME, "READ_TABLETYPES

rshlp type ref to shlp_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rshlp is bound. create object rshlp. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_SHLP. move w_tadir-obj_name to shlp_name. free shlp. call method rshlp->read_shlp EXPORTING SHLP_NAME = SHLP_NAME IMPORTING e_shlp = shlp EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not shlp is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Searchhelp' shlp_name. concatenate c_ch_searchelp '_' shlp_name into name. free px. append shlp to px-searchhelps. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_searchelp to w_index-type. move shlp_name to w_index-name.

append w_index to index. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append shlp to p-searchhelps. endif. endif. free px. free shlp. endloop. endmethod. method READ_CLASSES. data: class type tclass. data: CIFKEY type SEOCLSKEY. data: rclass type ref to class_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rclass is bound. create object rclass. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_CLAS. CIFKEY-CLSNAME = w_tadir-obj_name. free class. call method rclass->READ_CLASS EXPORTING i_cifkey = cifkey IMPORTING e_class = class EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not class is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Class' cifkey-clsname. concatenate C_ch_Class '_' cifkey-clsname into name. free px. append class to px-classes. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px i_flg_source = 'X' "READ_SHLPS

IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move C_ch_Class to w_index-type. move cifkey-clsname to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * Source in einzelne TXT-Datei schreiben if ctxt eq 'X'. call method rtxt_download->txt_source_classes EXPORTING p = px EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append class to p-classes. endif. endif. free px. free class. endloop. endmethod. METHOD read_interfaces. * Lokale Datendeklaration data: inter type tinter, intkey type SEOCLSKEY, rinterface type ref to interface_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. "READ_CLASSES

if not rinterface is bound. create object rinterface. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_INTF. intkey-clsname = w_tadir-obj_name. free inter. call method rinterface->read_interface EXPORTING i_intkey = intkey IMPORTING e_inter = inter EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not inter is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Interface' intkey-clsname. concatenate c_ch_Interface '_' intkey-clsname into name. free px. append inter to px-inters. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_Interface to w_index-type. move intkey-clsname to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'.

append inter to p-inters. endif. endif. free px. free inter. endloop. ENDMETHOD. method read_fgroups. DATA: w_fgroup type tfgroup, area type enlfdir-area, rfgroup type ref to fgroup_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rfgroup is bound. create object rfgroup. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_FUGR. move w_tadir-obj_name to area. free w_fgroup. call method rfgroup->read_fgroup EXPORTING i_area = area IMPORTING e_fgroup = w_fgroup EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not w_fgroup is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Area' area. concatenate c_ch_Fgroup '_' area into name. free px. append w_fgroup to px-fgroups. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px i_flg_source = 'X' IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 "read_interfaces

others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_Fgroup to w_index-type. move area to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * Source in einzelne TXT Datei schreiben if ctxt eq 'X'. call method rtxt_download->txt_source_fgroups EXPORTING p = px EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append w_fgroup to p-fgroups. endif. endif. free px. free w_fgroup. endloop. endmethod. method read_programs. data: program type tprogram, progname type trdir-name, rprogram type ref to program_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rprogram is bound. create object rprogram. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_PROG. move w_tadir-obj_name to progname. "read_fgroups

free program. call method rprogram->read_program EXPORTING i_progname = progname IMPORTING e_program = program EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not program is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Program' progname. concatenate c_ch_program '_' progname into name. free px. append program to px-programs. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px i_flg_source = 'X' IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_program to w_index-type. move progname to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * Source in einzelne TXT Datei schreiben if ctxt eq 'X'. call method rtxt_download->txt_source_programs EXPORTING p = px EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. endif.

* In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append program to p-programs. endif. endif. free px. free program. endloop. endmethod. method read_typegroups. data: typegroup type ttypegroup, typegroup_name TYPE trdir-name, rtypegroup type ref to typegroup_read. data: px type tp. data: name type localfile. if not rtypegroup is bound. create object rtypegroup. endif. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir where pgmid = c_ta_R3TR and object = c_ta_TYPE. move w_tadir-obj_name to typegroup_name. * typegroup lesen free typegroup. call method rtypegroup->read_typegroup EXPORTING typegroup_name = typegroup_name IMPORTING e_typegroup = typegroup EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if not typegroup is initial and sy-subrc eq 0. download_message 'Typegroup' typegroup_name. concatenate c_ch_typegroup '_' typegroup_name into name. free px. append typegroup to px-typegroups. clear w_index-file. call method check_size_write_xml EXPORTING name = name px = px i_flg_source = 'X' IMPORTING e_filename = w_index-file "read_programs

EXCEPTIONS xml_file_too_big = 1 error_writing_file = 2 error_determine_size_xml = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 1. raise xml_file_too_big. when 2. raise error_writing_file. when 3. raise error_determine_size_xml. when 4. raise error. endcase. if sfiles eq 'X'. * Index-Datei erzeugen move c_ch_typegroup to w_index-type. move typegroup_name to w_index-name. append w_index to index. endif. * Source in einzelne TXT Datei schreiben if ctxt eq 'X'. call method rtxt_download->txt_source_typegroups EXPORTING p = px EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. endif. * In globale Gesamtvariable speichern if sfiles ne 'X'. append typegroup to p-typegroups. endif. endif. free px. free domain. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "read_typegroups "process IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS workbench request *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class workbench_request definition. public section. methods: constructor importing i_tadir type ttadir_table, set_tadir importing i_tadir type ttadir_table,

create_request exceptions error, add_to_request exceptions error. private section. data: t_tadir type ttadir_table, w_tadir type tadir. endclass. "workbench_request DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS workbench_request IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class workbench_request implementation. method constructor. t_tadir = i_tadir. endmethod. method set_tadir. t_tadir = i_tadir. endmethod. method create_request. data: ES_REQUEST_HEADER TYPE TRWBO_REQUEST_HEADER, ET_TASK_HEADERS TYPE TRWBO_REQUEST_HEADERS. data: WT_E071 type standard table of E071, LS_E071 like line of WT_E071. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_INSERT_REQUEST_WITH_TASKS' EXPORTING IV_TYPE = 'K' IV_TEXT = tnr_text IV_OWNER = SY-UNAME IV_TARGET = IT_ATTRIBUTES = IT_USERS = IV_TARDEVCL = IV_DEVCLASS = IV_TARLAYER = IMPORTING ES_REQUEST_HEADER = ES_REQUEST_HEADER ET_TASK_HEADERS = ET_TASK_HEADERS EXCEPTIONS INSERT_FAILED = 1 ENQUEUE_FAILED = 2 OTHERS = 3 . "set_tadir "constructor

* * * * * *

if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir. refresh wt_e071. clear ls_e071. * * TRKORR AS4POS move w_tadir-pgmid move w_tadir-object move w_tadir-obj_name move w_tadir-OBJFUNC move w_tadir-LOCKFLAG move w_tadir-GENNUM move w_tadir-LANG move w_tadir-ACTIVITY

* * * * *

to to to to to to to to

ls_e071-pgmid. ls_e071-object. ls_e071-obj_name. ls_e071-objfunc. ls_e071-lockflag. ls_e071-gennum. ls_e071-lang. ls_e071-activity.

append LS_E071 to WT_E071. CALL FUNCTION 'TRINT_APPEND_TO_COMM_ARRAYS' EXPORTING WI_ERROR_TABLE = 'X' WI_SIMULATION = ' ' WI_SUPPRESS_KEY_CHECK = ' ' WI_TRKORR = ES_REQUEST_HEADER-TRKORR WI_TRPAR_INT_FILLED = ' ' WI_LOCKKEY_FILLED = ' ' IV_APPEND_AT_ORDER = 'X' IV_APPEND_AT_ORDER_WITH_LOCK = ' ' IV_NO_OWNER_CHECK = ' ' TABLES WT_E071 = wt_e071 WT_E071K = WT_TRMESS_INT = WT_TRPAR_INT = WT_LOCKKEY = EXCEPTIONS KEY_CHECK_KEYSYNTAX_ERROR = 1 OB_CHECK_OBJ_ERROR = 2 TR_LOCKMOD_FAILED = 3 TR_LOCK_ENQUEUE_FAILED = 4 TR_WRONG_ORDER_TYPE = 5 TR_ORDER_UPDATE_ERROR = 6 FILE_ACCESS_ERROR = 7 OB_NO_SYSTEMNAME = 8 OTHERS = 9 . if sy-subrc eq 0. write: / sy-subrc, ls_e071-pgmid color col_total, ls_e071-object color col_total, ls_e071-obj_name color col_total. new-line. else. write: / sy-subrc color col_negative, 'Error' color col_negative,

* * * * * * * * * *

ls_e071-pgmid color col_negative, ls_e071-object color col_negative, ls_e071-obj_name color col_negative. ERROR KEY_CHECK_KEYSYNTAX_ERROR = 1. ERROR OB_CHECK_OBJ_ERROR = 2. ERROR TR_LOCKMOD_FAILED = 3. ERROR TR_LOCK_ENQUEUE_FAILED = 4. ERROR TR_WRONG_ORDER_TYPE = 5. ERROR TR_ORDER_UPDATE_ERROR = 6. ERROR FILE_ACCESS_ERROR = 7. ERROR OB_NO_SYSTEMNAME = 8. ERROR OTHERS = 9. new-line. endif. endloop. else. ** Protokoll ausgeben write: / sy-subrc color col_negative, 'Error Creating Workbench request' color col_negative, ES_REQUEST_HEADER-TRKORR color col_negative. ERROR INSERT_FAILED = 1. ERROR ENQUEUE_FAILED = 2. ERROR OTHERS = 3. new-line. endif. endmethod. method add_to_request. data: WT_E071 type standard table of E071, LS_E071 like line of WT_E071. loop at t_tadir into w_tadir. clear ls_e071. refresh wt_e071. * * TRKORR AS4POS move w_tadir-pgmid to ls_e071-pgmid. move w_tadir-object to ls_e071-object. move w_tadir-obj_name to ls_e071-obj_name. move w_tadir-OBJFUNC to ls_e071-objfunc. move w_tadir-LOCKFLAG to ls_e071-lockflag. move w_tadir-GENNUM to ls_e071-gennum. move w_tadir-LANG to ls_e071-lang. move w_tadir-ACTIVITY to ls_e071-activity. append LS_E071 to WT_E071. CALL FUNCTION 'TRINT_APPEND_TO_COMM_ARRAYS' EXPORTING " create_request

* * * * *

* * * * * * * * * *


= 'X' = ' ' = ' ' = TRKORRA = ' ' = ' ' = 'X' = ' ' = ' ' = wt_e071 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

if sy-subrc eq 0. write: / sy-subrc, ls_e071-pgmid color col_total, ls_e071-object color col_total, ls_e071-obj_name color col_total. new-line. else. write: / sy-subrc color col_negative, 'Error' color col_negative, ls_e071-pgmid color col_negative, ls_e071-object color col_negative, ls_e071-obj_name color col_negative. ERROR KEY_CHECK_KEYSYNTAX_ERROR = 1. ERROR OB_CHECK_OBJ_ERROR = 2. ERROR TR_LOCKMOD_FAILED = 3. ERROR TR_LOCK_ENQUEUE_FAILED = 4. ERROR TR_WRONG_ORDER_TYPE = 5. ERROR TR_ORDER_UPDATE_ERROR = 6. ERROR FILE_ACCESS_ERROR = 7. ERROR OB_NO_SYSTEMNAME = 8. ERROR OTHERS = 9. new-line. endif. endloop. endmethod. endclass. "add_to_request "workbench_request IMPLEMENTATION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS start_download DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class start_download definition. public section. methods: constructor, download. private section. * Data data: t_tadir type ttadir_table. DATA: rselectoptions type ref to selectoptions, rchoose_download type ref to choose_download, rselect_and_download type ref to select_and_download, rworkbench_request type ref to workbench_request. endclass. "download DEFINITION

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS download IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class start_download implementation. method constructor. create object rselectoptions. endmethod. method download. * Slelektion bestimmen call method rselectoptions->selectoptions IMPORTING e_tadir = t_tadir. if not t_tadir is initial. * Auswahlliste create object rchoose_download. call method rchoose_download->choose CHANGING t_tadir = t_tadir. if not t_tadir is initial. if sfiles eq 'X' or save eq 'X'. * Daten selektieren und in Dateien abspeichern create object rselect_and_download EXPORTING i_tadir = t_tadir. call method rselect_and_download->select_and_download EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. elseif tnr eq 'X'. * Transportauftrag anlegen "constructor

create object rworkbench_request EXPORTING i_tadir = t_tadir. call method rworkbench_request->create_request EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. elseif tnra eq 'X'. * Objekte einem Transportauftrag hinzufgen create object rworkbench_request EXPORTING i_tadir = t_tadir. call method rworkbench_request->add_to_request EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. endif. endif. endif. endmethod. endclass. "downloading "start_download IMPLEMENTATION

*********************************************************************** * Formroutinen *********************************************************************** *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form main *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* form main. if download eq 'X'. *********************************************************************** * Download *********************************************************************** perform download. elseif upload eq 'X'. *********************************************************************** * Upload *********************************************************************** perform upload. endif. endform . " main *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form download *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* "US28022005

form download. data: start_download type ref to start_download. create object start_download. call method start_download->download. endform. "download

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form upload *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* form upload. * Klassenvariabeln DATA: rxml_upload type ref to xml_upload. create object rxml_upload. * Referenzen data: start_upload_single type ref to start_upload_single. data: start_upload_index type ref to start_upload_index. * Index Datei data: index type tindex_table. ****************** * einzelne Datei einspielen ****************** if up_sing eq 'X'. * Upload einer einzelnen Datei call method rxml_upload->upload_xml_file EXPORTING filename = pcfile1 IMPORTING dataobject = p EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc eq 0. * Daten einspielen if not p is initial. create object start_upload_single. call method start_upload_single->upload. endif. endif. ***************** * mehrere Dateien ueber index-Datei einspielen ***************** elseif up_index eq 'X'. call method rxml_upload->upload_xml_file EXPORTING filename = pcfile1 IMPORTING dataobject = index EXCEPTIONS error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc eq 0.

* Upload ueber Index-Datei if not index is initial. create object start_upload_index exporting i_index = index i_rxml_upload = rxml_upload. * Daten einspielen call method start_upload_index->upload. endif. endif. endif. endform. "upload

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form auswahl_download *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM auswahl_download TABLES SELECTION STRUCTURE SHVALUE. * Funktion wird dynamisch aufgerufen move space to flag_POPUP_abg. endform. "auswahl_download

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form auswahl_upload *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM auswahl_upload TABLES SELECTION STRUCTURE SHVALUE. * Funktion wird dynamisch aufgerufen move space to flag_POPUP_abg. endform. "auswahl_download

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form check_selection *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM check_selection . if download eq 'X'. * Workbench request anlegen if tnr eq 'X'.

if ctxt eq 'X'. message E000(38) with 'Please unmark Store source in txt files'. endif. if tnr_text is initial. message E000(38) with 'Please enter description of Workbench request'. endif. endif. * Objekte einem Workbench request hinzufgen if tnra eq 'X'. if ctxt eq 'X'. message E000(38) with 'Please unmark Store source in txt files'. endif. if TRKORRA is initial. message E000(38) with 'Please enter Workbench request'. endif. endif. if clsname[] is initial and funcarea[] is initial and program[] is initial and package[] is initial and intname[] is initial and domain[] is initial and delement[] is initial and table[] is initial and view[] is initial and tabletyp[] is initial and searchlp[] is initial and typgroup[] is initial. message E000(38) with 'Please restrict selection'. endif. * Entwicklungsklassen ueberpruefen loop at package. if not package-low is initial. if package-low(1) ne c_z and package-low(1) ne c_n and package-low(1) ne c_y and package-low ne '$TMP'. message E000(38) with 'Package must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not package-high is initial. if package-high(1) ne c_z and package-high(1) ne c_n and package-high(1) ne c_y and package-high ne '$TMP'. message E000(38) with 'Package must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop.

* Table ueberpruefen loop at table. if not table-low is initial. if table-low(1) ne c_z and table-low(1) ne c_n and table-low(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Table must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not table-high is initial. if table-high(1) ne c_z and table-high(1) ne c_n and table-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Table must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. * Domain ueberpruefen loop at domain. if not domain-low is initial. if domain-low(1) ne c_z and domain-low(1) ne c_n and domain-low(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Domain must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not domain-high is initial. if domain-high(1) ne c_z and domain-high(1) ne c_n and domain-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Domain must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. * Dataelement ueberpruefen loop at delement. if not delement-low is initial. if delement-low(1) ne c_z and delement-low(1) ne c_n and delement-low(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Delement must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not delement-high is initial. if delement-high(1) ne c_z and delement-high(1) ne c_n and delement-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Delement must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. * Tabletyp ueberpruefen loop at tabletyp. if not tabletyp-low is initial. if tabletyp-low(1) ne c_z and tabletyp-low(1) ne c_n and tabletyp-low(1) ne c_y.

message E000(38) with 'Tabletype must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not tabletyp-high is initial. if tabletyp-high(1) ne c_z and tabletyp-high(1) ne c_n and tabletyp-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Tabletype must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. * Dataelement ueberpruefen loop at searchlp. if not searchlp-low is initial. if searchlp-low(1) ne c_z and searchlp-low(1) ne c_n and searchlp-low(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Searchhelp must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not searchlp-high is initial. if searchlp-high(1) ne c_z and searchlp-high(1) ne c_n and searchlp-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Searchelp must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. * Klassenname ueberpruefen loop at clsname. if not clsname-low is initial. if clsname-low(1) ne c_z and clsname-low(1) ne c_n and clsname-low(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Classname must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not clsname-high is initial. if clsname-high(1) ne c_z and clsname-high(1) ne c_n and clsname-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Classname must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. * Funktionsgruppenname ueberpruefen loop at funcarea. if not funcarea-low is initial. if funcarea-low(1) ne c_z and funcarea-low(1) ne c_n and funcarea-low(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Funcarea must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not funcarea-high is initial. if funcarea-high(1) ne c_z and funcarea-high(1) ne c_n

and funcarea-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Funcarea must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. * Programs loop at program. if not program-low is initial. if program-low(1) ne c_z and program-low(1) ne c_n and program-low(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Program must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. if not program-high is initial. if program-high(1) ne c_z and program-high(1) ne c_n and program-high(1) ne c_y. message E000(38) with 'Program must begin with Z or Y'. endif. endif. endloop. *********************** * Falls es in eine Datei geschrieben werden soll if save eq 'X'. if disp_onl is initial. if pcfile is initial. message E000(38) with 'Please enter path and filename'. else. * check, if .XML perform check_if_xml_file using pcfile. endif. endif. endif. *********************** * Falls es in mehrere Dateien aufgeteilt wird if sfiles eq 'X' or ctxt eq 'X'. * Pfad kontrollieren, ob initial if path is initial and sfiles eq 'X'. message E000(38) with 'Please enter path'. endif. * Ist der Pfad fuer die .txt Dateien initial if path1 is initial and ctxt eq 'X'. message E000(38) with 'Please enter path'. endif. * Pfad ueberpruefen data: length type i, path_xy like path, index_xy type sy-index. do 2 times. clear path_xy.

move sy-index to index_xy. if index_xy eq 1. if sfiles eq 'X'. move path to path_xy. else. continue. endif. else. if ctxt eq 'X'. move path1 to path_xy. else. continue. endif. endif. if not path_xy is initial. length = strlen( path_xy ). if length < 3. message E000(38) with 'Please enter valid path'. endif. perform check_if_not_xml_file using path_xy. length = length - 1. if path_xy+length(1) ne '/' and path_xy+length(1) ne '\'. concatenate path_xy '\' into path_xy. endif. if index_xy eq 1. move path_xy to path. else. move path_xy to path1. endif. endif. enddo. endif. * Macht keinen Sinn in diesem Fall das Pgm. aufzurufen if sfiles is initial and save is initial and display is initial and calledit is initial and ctxt is initial and tnr is initial. message E000(38) with 'Please mark at least one checkbox'. endif. endif. if upload eq 'X'. DATA: file_oasis type localfile. move pcfile1 to file_oasis. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE 'D'. translate file_oasis to upper case. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE sy-langu. * file_index.xml hochladen: Dateiname ueberpruefen if up_index eq 'X'. if not file_oasis cs c_file_index_xml. message E000(38) with 'Please enter file_index.xml'.

endif. if not postfix is initial. clear postfix. message E000(38) with 'Please dont enter Postfix for file_index.xml uploads'. endif. endif. * check, if .XML perform check_if_xml_file using pcfile1. endif. ENDFORM. " check_selection

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form check_if_xml_file *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->FILENAME_XMtext *---------------------------------------------------------------------* form check_if_xml_file using filename_xml type localfile. data: length_xy type i. data: string_xy type string. length_xy = strlen( filename_xml ). if length_xy < 8. message E000(38) with 'Please enter valid path and .xml filename'. endif. length_xy = length_xy - 4. string_xy = filename_xml+length_xy(4). SET LOCALE LANGUAGE 'D'. translate string_xy to upper case. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE sy-langu. if string_xy ne '.XML'. message E000(38) with 'Please enter valid path and .xml filename'. endif. endform. "check_if_xml_file

*&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form check_if_not_xml_file *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->FILENAME_XMtext *---------------------------------------------------------------------* form check_if_not_xml_file using filename_xml type localfile. data: length_xy type i. data: string_xy type string. length_xy = strlen( filename_xml ). if length_xy < 4. exit. endif. length_xy = length_xy - 4. string_xy = filename_xml+length_xy(4). SET LOCALE LANGUAGE 'D'. translate string_xy to upper case.

SET LOCALE LANGUAGE sy-langu. if string_xy eq '.XML'. message E000(38) with 'Please enter valid path'. endif. endform. "check_if_xml_file

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form on_value_request *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM on_value_request_pcfile1. data: filename type RLGRAP-FILENAME. * * * * * * CALL FUNCTION 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4' EXPORTING PROGRAM_NAME = SYST-REPID DYNPRO_NUMBER = SYST-DYNNR FIELD_NAME = ' ' STATIC = ' ' MASK = ' ' CHANGING FILE_NAME = filename EXCEPTIONS MASK_TOO_LONG = 1 OTHERS = 2 . if sy-subrc eq 0. move filename to pcfile1. endif. ENDFORM. " on_value_request

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form on_value_request_path *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM on_value_request_path changing path. data: selected_folder type string. CALL METHOD CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>DIRECTORY_BROWSE EXPORTING WINDOW_TITLE = 'Pfad' * INITIAL_FOLDER = CHANGING SELECTED_FOLDER = selected_folder EXCEPTIONS CNTL_ERROR = 1

ERROR_NO_GUI = 2 NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GUI = 3 others = 4 . if sy-subrc eq 0. move selected_folder to path. data: length type i. if not path is initial. length = strlen( path ). length = length - 1. if path+length(1) ne '\'. concatenate path '\' into path. endif. endif. endif. ENDFORM. " on_value_request_path

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