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Nurpaidah/2022. Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai

Negeri Sipil (Studi pada Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah/Bappeda Kabupaten
Kolaka). Pascasarjana, Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi Universits Halu Oleo, dibimbing oleh
Fajar Saranani dan Ambo Wonua Nusantara.
Pertanyaan: 1) Apakah faktor motivasi internal perpengaruh signifikan terhadap
kinerja pegawai negeri sipil; 2) Apakah faktor motivasi eksternal berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil?. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis : 1)
Pengaruh faktor motivasi internal terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil; 2) Pengaruh faktor
motivasi eksternal terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil. Penelitian menggunakan
pendekatan kuantitatif, total sampling sebanyak 33 pegawai negeri sipil Bappeda Kabupaten
Kolaka. Data dianalisis menggunakan model regresi ganda.
Hasil penelitian ditemukan: 1) Faktor motivasi internal individu berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri. Dimensi motivasi internal yang berpengaruh
terhadap kinerja adalah motif adanya keinginan hidup secara layak, keinginan memperoleh
penghargaan, dan rasa tanggungjawab sebagai pegawai negeri sipil; 2) Faktor motivasi
eksternal berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri. Dimensi
motivasi eksternal yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil adalah
pengakuan dari organisasi atas prestasi pegawai, kondisi lingkungan kerja yang harmonis,
adanya kompensasi berupa gaji, insentif, jaminan kesehatan dan jaminan hari tua berupa
adanya pesiun bagi pegawai negeri sipil, serta kesesuaian kompetensi pegawai dengan
pekerjaan yang menjadi tugas dan tanggungjawabnya. Kinerja pegawai negeri sipil Bappeda
Kolaka yang diamati melalui dimensi kuantitas dan kualitas hasil kerja, kerjasama,
kemandirian bekerja, dan perilaku kerja memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dalam
kategori baik.

Kata kunci: motivasi kerja, kinerja pegawai

Nurpaidah/2022. The Influence of Work Motivation Factors on the Performance of Civil
Servants (Study at the Regional Development Planning Agency/Bappeda of Kolaka
Regency). Postgraduate, Economics Study Program at Halu Oleo University, was supervised
by Fajar Saranani and Ambo Wonua Nusantara.

Questions: 1) Does the internal motivation factor have a significant influence on the
performance of civil servants; 2) Do external motivation factors have a significant effect on
the performance of civil servants?. The purpose of this study is to analyze: 1) The influence
of internal motivational factors on the performance of civil servants; 2) The influence of
external motivational factors on the performance of civil servants. The study used a
quantitative approach, with a total sampling of 33 civil servants from the Regional
Development Planning Agency of Kolaka Regency. Data were analyzed using multiple
regression models. The results of the study found: 1) Individual internal motivation factors
have a significant effect on the performance of civil servants. Dimensions of internal
motivation that affect performance are the motive for the desire to live properly, the desire to
get awards, and a sense of responsibility as a civil servant; 2) External motivation factors
have a significant and positive effect on the performance of civil servants. Dimensions of
external motivation that have a significant effect on the performance of civil servants are
recognition from the organization for employee performance, harmonious working
environment conditions, compensation in the form of salaries, incentives, health insurance
and old age insurance in the form of pensions for civil servants, as well as the suitability of
employee competencies. with the work that is their duties and responsibilities. The
performance of civil servants of Bappeda Kolaka observed through the dimensions of
quantity and quality of work, cooperation, work independence, and work behavior in
providing services to the community is in good category.

Keywords: work motivation, employee performance

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