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Tuesday, August 2 Ward 3 Special Election
This special election for City Councilor is important for our ward. City policies need to be more friendly to young families. The population decline The City Council may pass judgment on the most dramatic zoning changes in of the past decade is a warning sign. We need to encourage housing that families like a generation. If handled poorly, well lose trees and greenspace while parking and and can afford, and preserve our neighborhood elementary schools. I will fight to traffic problems increase. Developers are eager to pack more units onto their keep Bridge Street School open. land. They get the profit.We get the consequences.Ward 3 needs a Arnie is a work horse, not a show horse. He Our city is blessed with artists, but we invest relatively little in councilor who will stand up for means what he says, stands up for ordinary community arts. I believe increases here will bring significant returns. residents quality of life. citizens, and knows how to get things done. The residents of Walter Salvo House and Cahill ApartIm voting for Arnie on August 2. Good councilors play a critical role in ments deserve a safe, clean, respectful environment. I pledge the checks and balances at City Hall. Maria Tymoczko, former Ward 3 City Councilor to build on the work begun by Councilor Angela Plassmann. They help ensure that the interests of all citizens are represented. I will press for transparent and accountable government that applies rules in a fair and consistent manner, with no special privileges for an inner circle. Another mark of a good councilor is constituent service keeping citizens informed, helping them navigate city offices and resolving disputes. I will devote myself full-time to this, including holding regular office hours. At the top of my agenda is fixing our ill-patched roads, and expanding traffic calming measures to tame the trucks and maintain safe speeds. I will continue to work closely with Bridge Street residents to improve traffic flows around Exit 19 while opposing unnecessary expansions of the ramps there.
Paid for by The Committee to Elect Arnie Levinson 351 Pleasant Street, PMB 122, Northampton, MA 01060 413-570-3243 ~ arnie @ Frank Werbinski, Treasurer

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Flip card for some differences between myself and my opponent

Some Differences Between Myself and My Opponent

I believe zoning changes to our historic neigh borhoods should be gradual and cautious, mindful of the problems cause d by well-intentioned planning fads in the past. My opponent has a differ ent attitude, as reported in the Daily Hampshire Gazette (2/5/10). The Gaze tte quotes from Jerry Budgar, president of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Asso ciation:

On Infill and Development in Ward 3

f Interest to the citizens. On Conflicts o giance should be

[Owens] views make him probably the most prodevelopment person on the board, he said. Budgar, for one, takes a different stand . . . What are we going to be, a mini-Manhattan? Theyll want to stuff units on small lots, wha Budgar asks. tever schlock they care to put up. Im going to be watching pers onally to see that the whole city is treated equally.

nflict lors alle a potential for a co rs I believe a counci ds where there is cilo ar I will not sit on bo Ethics Commission prohibits coun and ate ters of direct of interest. The St sociations on mat ested by g as agents for as from actin (2010 opinion requ interest to the city nt, however, intends to sit on substantial tion n). My oppone Angela Plassman grounds Redevelopment Corpora the Fair the board of re, July 2011). (campaign brochu to be free to , but I also want d that grounds to thrive I want the Fair rs into account, an s of all stakeholde to the Fairgrounds. take the interest nts who live next includes the reside

Vote for Arnie on August 2

Ward 3 votes on Tuesday, August 2, 7am -8pm at the Senior Center, 67 Conz Street. Need an absentee ballot? Need help getting to the polls? Want to volunteer? Email arnie or call 570-3243. Send contributions to: The Committee to Elect Arnie Levinson 351 Pleasant Street, PMB 122 Northampton, MA 01060.

Vote for experience, integrity, and a true advocate for citizens. Vote Arnie Levinson for Ward 3 City Councilor on Tuesday, August 2, at Northamptons Senior Center.

Visit or call 570-3243 to learn more.

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