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This editi

on cont

ains the

com plete

text of

the origi

nal hard

cove r

editi on.














Bant am

Boo k/

publ ishe

d by arra

nge men

t with

Cow ard.

Mc Can

n& Geo

gheg an;

Inc. PRI



Y Cow

ard, Mc

Can n

editi on

publ ishe

d Janu

ary 196

4 B anta

m editi

on / Janu

ary 197

5 1 7

print ings

thro ugh

Mar ch

198 9

Cov er

type desi

gn by

R. D.

Scu della

ri. All

right s

reser ved.

Co pyri

ght 196

3 by Vict

or Goll

ancz Limi

ted. N

o part

of this

boo k

may be

repr oduc

ed or

trans mitt


n any

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by any

mea ns,

elect roni

c or mec

hani cal,

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g phot

ocop ying

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rdin g,

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any infor

mati on

stora ge

and retri

eval syst

em, with

out per

miss ion

in writi

ng from

the publ

isher . F

or infor

mati on

addr ess:

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Mc Can

n, 200

Mad ison

Ave nue,

New York

, N.Y.

100 16.

ISB N 0-


42-7 **

1* Che

ckpo int

The Ame

rica n

hand ed

Lea mas

anot her

cup of

coff ee

and said,

"Wh y

don' t

you go

back and

slee p?

We can

ring you

if he sho

ws up."

Lea mas

said noth

ing, just

stare d

thro ugh

the win

dow of

the chec

kpoi nt,

alon g

the emp

ty stree

t. "Yo

u can't

wait fore

ver, sir.

May be

he'll com

e som

e othe

r time

. We can

have the

_Pol izei_

the Age

ncy: you

can be

back here

in twen

ty min

utes. " "

No," said

Lea mas,

"it's near

ly dark

now. " "

But you

can't wait

fore ver;

he's nine

hour s

over sche

dule. " "I

f you

want to

go, go.

You' ve

been very

goo d,"

Lea mas

adde d.

"I'll tell

Kra mer

you' ve


goo d."

"But how

long will

you wait

?" "Unt

il he com

es." Lea

mas walk

ed to the

obse rvati

on win

dow and

stoo d

betw een

the two

less poli

cem en.

Thei r

bino cula

rs were

train ed

on the

East ern

chec kpoi

nt. "He'

s wait

ing for

the dark

," Lea

mas mutt

ered, "I

kno w he

is." "T

his mor

ning you

said he'd

com e

acro ss

with the

wor kme

n." Lea

mas turn

ed on


"Ag ents

aren' t

airpl anes

. The

y don'

t have

sche dule

s. He's

blo wn,

he's on

the run,

he's frigh

tene d.

Mun dt's

after him,

now, at

this mo

men t.

He's got

only one

chan ce.

Let him

choo se

his time

." The

you nger

man hesit

ated, want

ing to

go and

not findi

ng the

mo men

t. A

bell rang

insi de

the hut.

The y

wait ed,

sudd enly

alert .A

poli cem

an said

in Ger

man ,

"Bla ck

Opel Rek

ord, Fede

ral regis

trati on."

"He can't

see that

far in

the dusk

, he's

gues sing,

" the Ame

rica n

whis pere

d and

then he

adde d:

"Ho w

did Mun

dt kno

w?" "Sh

ut up,"

said Lea

mas from

the win


ne of

the poli

cem en

left the

hut and

walk ed

to the

sand bag

emp lace

men t

two feet

shor t of

the whit

e dem

arka tion

whic h

lay acro

ss the

road like

the base

line of a

tenn is

cour t.

The othe

r w aited

until his

com pani

on was

crou ched

behi nd

the teles

cope in

the emp

lace men

t, then

put dow

n h is

bino cula

rs, took

his blac

k hel

met from

the peg

by the

door and

care fully

adju sted

it on his

head .

Som ewh

ere high

abov e the

chec kpoi

nt the

arcli ghts

spra ng

to life,

casti ng

theat rical

bea ms

onto the

road in

front of

the m.

The poli

cem an

bega n his

com men

tary. Lea

mas kne

w it by

hear t.

"Car halts

at the

first cont

rol. Onl

y one

occu pant

,a wo

man .

Esco rted

to the

Vop o

hut for

docu men

t chec

k." The

y wait

ed in

silen ce.

"Wh at's

he sayi

ng?" said

the Ame

rica n.

Lea mas

didn 't

repl y.

Pick ing

up a spar

e pair

of ars,

he gaze

d fixe

dly towa

rd the

East Ger

man cont

rols. "D

ocu men

t chec

k com

plete d.

Ad mitt

ed to the

seco nd

cont rol."

" Mr.

Lea mas,

is this

your man

?" the

Ame rica

n persi

sted. "I

oug ht to

ring the

Age ncy.

" " Wait

." "Wh

ere's the

car now

? Wha

t's it doin

g?" "Cur

renc y

chec k,

Cust oms,

" Lea

mas snap


eam as

watc hed

the car.

Ther e

were two

Vop os at

the driv

er's door

, one doin

g the talki

ng, th

e othe

r stan

ding off,

wait ing.

A third

was saun

terin g

arou nd

the car.

He stop

ped at

the trun

k, then

wa lked

back to

the driv

er. He

want ed

the key.

He open

ed the

trun k,

look ed

insid e,

clos ed

it, r etur

ned the

key and

walk ed

thirt y

yard s up

the road

to whe

re, mid

way betw

een the

two opp

osin g c

heck poin

ts, a solit

ary East

Ger man

sentr y

was stan

ding ,a

squa t

silho uette

in boot

s and

bagg y tr

ouse rs.

The two

stoo d

toge ther

talki ng,

selfc onsc

ious in

the glar

e of the

arcli ght.

ith a

perf unct

ory gest

ure they

wav ed

the car

on. It

reac hed

the two

sentr ies

in the

mid dle

of the

road and

stop ped

agai n.

The y

walk ed

arou nd

the car,

stoo d off

and talke

d agai

n; final

ly, alm

ost unw

illin gly,

they let it

cont inue

acro ss

the line

to the

Wes tern

sect or.

"It is a

man you'

re wait

ing for,

Mr. Lea

mas ?"

aske d the

Ame rica

n. "Yes

, it's a

man. "


ng up

the colla

r of his

jack et,

Lea mas

step ped

outsi de

into the

icy Octo

ber win

d. He

rem emb

ered the

cro wd

then. It

was som

ethi ng

you forg

ot insid

e the hut,

this grou

p of puzz

led fa

ces. The

peop le

chan ged

but the

expr essi

ons were

the sam

e. It was

like the

help less

cro wd

that ga

thers arou

nd a traffi

c acci

dent, no

one kno

win g

how it

happ ened

, whet

her you

shou ld

mov e

the bo

dy. Smo

ke or

dust rose

thro ugh

the bea

ms of

the arc

lam ps, a

cons tant

shift ing

pall betw

een the

m argi

ns of light

. Lea

mas walk

ed over

to the

car and

said to

the wo

man ,

"Wh ere

is he?"

"T hey

cam e for

him and

he ran.

He took

the bicy

cle. The

y can't

have kno

wn abou

t me."

" Whe

re did

he go?"

" We

had a

roo m

near Bran

denb urg,

over a

pub. He

kept a

few thin

gs ther

e, mon

ey, pape

rs. he'll

have gone

there .

The n

he'll com

e over.

" " Toni

ght? " "

He said

he woul

d com

e toni

ght. The

othe rs

have all

been caug


Vier eck,

L n dser,

on. He hasn

't got long

." Lea

mas stare

d at her

for a mo

men t in

silen ce.

"L ndse

r too?

" " Last

nigh t."

A poli

cem an

was stan

ding at

Lea mas'

side. "Yo

u'll have

to mov

e awa

y from

here ," he

said. "It's

forbi dden

to obst

ruct the

cros sing

Lea znas

half turn

ed. "Go

to hell,

" he snap

ped. Th

e Ger

man stiff

ened , but

the wo

man said,

"Get in.

We'l l

driv e

dow n to

the corn

er." He

got in

besi de

her and

they drov

e slow

ly until

they reac

hed a

side road

. "I didn

't kno

w you

had a

car," he

said. "It

's my

husb and'

s," she

repli ed

indif fere

ntly. "Kar

l neve

r told

you I

was marr

ied, did

he?" Lea

mas was

silen t.

"My husb

and and

I wor

k for an

opti cal

firm .

The y let

us over

to do

busi ness


told you

my mai

den nam

e. He

didn 't

want me

to be

mix ed

up with

... you.

" L eam

as took

a key

from his

pock et.

"Yo u'll

want som

ewh ere

to stay,

" he said.

His voic

e soun

ded flat.

"Th ere's

an apar

tme nt in

the Albr

echt Dur


sse, next

to the

Mus eum

. Nu

mbe r

28A .

You' ll

find ever

ythi ng

you want

. I'll ne

you whe

n he com

es." "I'l

l stay

here with

you. " "I

'm not

stayi ng

here. Go

to the

flat. I'll

ring you.

Ther e's

no poin

t in wait

ing here

now. " "

But he's

com ing

to this

cros sing

poin t."

Lea mas

look ed at

her in

surp rise.

"H e

told you

that? " "

Yes. He

kno ws

one of

the Vop

os ther

e, the

son of

his land

lord. It

may help.

That 's

why he

his rout

e." "An

d he told

_yo u_

that? " "

He trust

s me.

He told

me ever

ythi ng."

"Chr ist."

He gave

her the

key and

went back

to the

chec kpoi

nt hut,

out of

the cold

. The

poli cem

en were

mutt erin

g to each

othe r as

he ente

red; the

larg er

one oste

ntati ousl

y turn

ed his

back .


sorr y,"

said Lea

mas. "I'm

sorr y I

bawl ed

you out."

He open

ed a tatte

red brief

case and

rum mag

ed in it

until he

foun d

what he

was look

ing for:

a half

bottl e of

whis ky.

Wit h a

nod the

elde r

man acce

pted it,

half fille

d each

coff ee

mug and

topp ed

the m

up with

blac k

coff ee.

"Wh ere's

the Ame

rica n

gone ?"

aske d

Lea mas.

"Wh o?"

"The CIA

boy. The

one who

was with

me." "B

edti me,"

said the

elde r

man and

they all

laug hed.

Le ama

s put dow

n his mug

and said,

"Wh at

are your

rules for

shoo ting

to prot

ect a man

over? A

man on

the run.

" " We

can only

give cove

ring fire

if the

Vop os

shoo t

into our

sect or."

"T hat

mea ns

you can't

shoo t

until a

man' s

over the

bou ndar

y?" Th

e olde

r man

said, "We

can't give

cove ring

fire, Mr .

. ." "

Tho mas,

" Lea

mas repli

ed. "Th

oma s."

The y

shoo k

hand s,

the two

poli cem

en pron

ounc ing

wn nam

es as they

did so.

"We can't

give cove

ring fire.

That 's

the truth

. The

y tell

us ther

e'd be

war if

we did."

"It 's

nons ense

," said

the you

nger poli

cem an,

emb olde

ned by

the whis

ky. "If

the allie

s here

the Wall

wou ld be

gone by

now. " "

So wou

ld Berl

in," mutt

ered the

elde r

man. "I'

ve got a

man com

ing over

toni ght,"

said Lea

mas abru

ptly. "H

ere? At

this cros

sing poin

t?" "It's

wort ha

lot to

get him

out. Mun

dt's men

are look

ing for

him. " "

Ther e are

still plac

es whe

re you

can clim

b," said

the you

nger poli

cem an.

"He' s not

that kind

. He'll

bluff his

way thro

ugh; he's

got pape

rs, if the

pape rs

are still

goo d.

He's got a

bicy cle."


was only

one light

in the

chec kpoi

nt, a read

ing lam

p with

a gree

n shad

e, but

the gl

ow of

the arch

light s,

like artif

icial moo

nlig ht,

fille d

the cabi

n. Dar

knes s

had falle

n, and

with it s

ilenc e.

The y

spok e as

if they

were afrai

d of bein

g over

hear d.

Lea mas

went to

the win

dow and

wa ited,

in front

of him

the road

and to

eithe r

side the

Wall ,a

dirty ,

ugly thin

g of bree

ze bloc

ks and

str ands

of barb

ed wire

, lit with

chea p

yell ow

light ,

like the

back drop

for a conc

entr atio

n cam

p. East

C ll Ph C m a L tB
tP i 47.

S yR Eb

t xt

li t Of S

i Vi Cl

ll l g S l

t t

k R ad sBig E

ti S vi g W


S y Cam a Syst msHi

v t

v ill

. KB

and west



of the

Wall lay

the unre

store d

part of

Berl in, a


d of ruin,

dra wn

in two

dim ensi

ons, crag

s of war.


dam ned

wo man,

thou ght

Lea mas,

and that

fool Karl

, who'

d lied

abou t

her. Lied

by omis

sion, as

they all

do, agen

ts the

worl d

over. You

teac h

the m to

chea t, to

cove r

their trac

ks, and

th ey

chea t

you as

well. He'd

only prod

uced her

once ,

after that

dinn er in

the Sch

Urzs trass

e last

ye ar.

Karl had

just had

his big

scoo p

and Cont

rol had

want ed to

meet him.

Cont rol

alwa ys

cam e

in on

succ ess.

The y'd

had dinn

er toge


Lea mas,

Cont rol

and Karl

. Karl

love d

that kind

of thin

g. He

turn ed

up look

ing like

a Sun

day scho

ol boy,

scru bbed

and shini

ng, doffi

ng his

hat and

all resp

ectf ul.


ol had

shak en

his hand

for five

min utes

and said:

"I want

you to

kno w

how plea

sed we

are, Karl

, dam

n plea

sed. "

Lea mas

had watc

hed and

thou ght,

That 'll

cost us

anot her

coup le of

hun dred

a year.


they' d

finis hed

dinn er

Cont rol

pum ped

their hand

s agai

n, nod

ded sign

ifica ntly

and, im

plyi ng

that he

had to

go off

and risk

his life

som ewh

ere else,

got back

into his

chau ffeur


en car.

The n

Karl had

laug hed,

and Lea

mas had

laug hed

with him,

and they'

d finis

hed the

ch amp

agne ,

still laug

hing abou

t Cont

rol. Afte

rwar ds

they' d

gone to

the Alte

r Fass

; Karl

had ins

isted on it

and ther

e Elvi

ra was

wait ing

for the

m, a forty


-old blon

de, toug

h as nails

. "Thi

s is my

best kept

secr et,

Alec ,"

Karl had

said, and

Lea mas

was furio

us. Afte

rwar ds

they' d

had a


How muc

h does

she kno

w? Who

is she?

How did

you meet

her? "

Karl sulk

ed and

refu sed

to say.

Afte r

that thin

gs went

badl y.

Lea mas

tried to

alter the

routi ne,

chan ge

the meet

ing plac

es and

the catc

hwo rds,

but Karl

didn 't

like it.

He kne

w what

lay behi

nd it and

he didn

't like

it. "If

you don'

t trust

her it's

too late

any way,

" he'd

said, and

Lear nas

took the

hint and

shut up.

But he

went care

fully after

that, told

Karl muc

h less,

used mor

e of the

hocu s-

pocu s of

espi onag

e te chni

que. And

ther e

she was,

out ther

e in her

car, kno

win g

ever ythi

ng, the

who le

netw ork,

the saf

e hous

e, ever

ythi ng;

and Lea

mas swor

e, not

for the

first time

, neve

r to trust

an agen

t agai

n. He

went to

the telep

hone and

diale d

the num

ber of

his fiat.

Frau Mart

ha ans

were d. "

We' ve

got gues

ts at the

Diir er

Stra sse,"

said Lea

mas, "a

man and

a wo

man ."

"Ma rried

?" aske

d Mart

ha. "Ne

ar enou

gh," said

Lea mas,

and she

laug hed

that frigh

tful laug

h. As

he put

dow n

the r one

of the

poli cem

en turn

ed to

him. "H

err Tho

mas! Quic

k!" Lea

mas step

ped to

the obse

rvati on

win dow.

"A man

, Herr

Tho mas,

" the you

nger poli

cem an

whis pere

d, "wit

ha bicy

cle." Lea

mas pick

ed up

the bino

cula rs.

was Karl

, the figur

e was

unm istak

able even

at that

dista nce,

shro uded

in an

old W

ehr mac

ht mac

kint osh,

push ing

his bicy

cle. He's

mad e it,

thou ght

Lea mas,

he must

have mad

e it,

he's thro

ugh the

docu men

t chec

k, only

curr ency

and cust

oms to

go. Lea

mas watc

hed Karl

lean his

bicy cle

agai nst

the raili

ng, walk

casu ally

to the

cust oms

hut. Don'

t over

do it,

he thou

ght. At

last Karl

ca me

out, wav

ed chee

rfull y to

the man

on the

barri er,

and the

red and

whit e

pole swu

ng slow

ly upw

ards. He

was thro

ugh, he

was com

ing towa

rd the

m, he

had mad

e it. Onl

y the

Vop o in

the mi

ddle of

the road

, the line

and safet


t that

mo men

t Karl

see med

to hear

som e

soun d,

sens e

som e

dang er;

he glan

ced over

his shou

lder, bega

n to peda

l furio

usly, bend

ing low

over the

hand leba

rs. Ther

e was

still the

lone ly s

entr y on

the brid

ge, and

he had

turn ed

and was

watc hing

Karl .

The n,

total ly

unex pect

ed, the

se arch

light s

went on,

whit e

and brill

iant, catc

hing Karl

and hold

ing him

in their

bea m

like a

rabb it

in t he

head light

s of a

car. Ther

e cam

e the sees

aw wail

of a siren

, the soun

d of orde

rs wild

ly shou

ted. In

front of

Lea mas

the two

poli cem

en drop

ped to

their knee

s, peer

ing thro

ugh, the

sand bagg

ed slits,

deftl y

flick ing

the rapi

d load

on their

auto mati

c rifle


he East

Ger man

sentr y

fired ,

quit e

care fully

, awa

y from

the m,

into his

own sect

or. The

first shot

see med

to thru

st Karl

forw ard,

the seco

nd to

pull him

back .

Som eho

w he was

still mov

ing, still

on the

bicy cle,

pass ing

the sentr

y, and

the sentr

y was

still shoo

ting at

him. The

n he sagg

ed, rolle

d to the

grou nd,

and they

hear d

quit e

clear ly

the clatt

er of the

bike as it

fell. Lea

mas hope

d to God

he was

dead .

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