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Irequent|y Asked Cuest|ons 2


1hls Lhe second seL of lACs on AsseL lnLearlLv LhaL provldes clearer auldellne ln assurlna
1echnlcal lnLearlLv. 1he lnformaLlon of asseLs ls shared for Lhe beneflL of pracLlclna
enalneers Lo effecLlvelv manaae Lechnlcal lnLearlLv ln Lhe operaLlonal asseL phase.
AuLhor found LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhls area ls hardlv avallable Lo pracLlclna lnLearlLv
enalneers ln publlc domaln Lo achleve asseL lnLearlLv ln a hollsLlc and pracLlcal manner.

IAC 1:
When we lnclude 'AvallablllLv/8ellablllLv' and 'SurvlvablllLv' crlLerlon ln Lhe CperaLe
phase performance sLandards, whaL ls Lo be ensured ln Lhe asseL operaLe phase?

lt ls loolcol tbot tbe ovollobllltv (teJooJoocv. selectloo of blob tellobllltv svstems/eoolpmeot. etc)
ooJ sotvlvobllltv (ose of flome tetotJoot cobles fot ctltlcol setvlces. locotloo 5cs lo sofe
locotloos. Jeslooloo blost teslstoot coottol tooms. etc.) ospects ote tokeo cote lo tbe Jesloo
stooe. 1bese teooltemeots sboolJ lJeollv be eosoteJ os pott of uesloo loteotltv Cote tevlew
(ulCk) ptocess. lo tbe opetote pbose. tbe fooctloool 5c petfotmooce sboolJ be eosoteJ bv wov
of petloJlc tests ooJ lospectloos.

IAC 2:
lL ls noL loalcal Lo adopL blankeL SCL Laaalna approach. Pow do we aeL rld of Lhls

lf speclflc oolt level bow tles /lOlA ls Jooe. tbeo we coo ovolJ tbls tvplcol ptoblems foooJ lo
cOMAn /5ofetv coses. 5ome off-sbote opetotots loslst oo Jeveloploo bow tles wltb speclflc toos
lJeotlfleJ fot oll bottlets. wblcb ls lJeol bot wlll be tlme-coosomloo. lf oeoetlc bow tles ote
ovolloble lo cOMAn tepott. tbeo tbe opetotloo compooles sboolJ Jevelop o ptoceJote to lJeotlfv
5c toos lo lloe wltb tbelt toooloo pbllosopbv. compoov cMM5 bletotcbv ooJ cOMAn tepott.
1vplcollv less tboo 50X of opetotloo toos wlll be 5c toos. oltbooob tbls petceotooe coo votv
JepeoJloo oo tbe toooloo pbllosopbv oseJ bv tbe compoov.

IAC 3:
WhaL are Lhe lssues assoclaLed wlLh hlah SCL Laaalna percenLaae?

lock of MAn (Mojot AcclJeot nozotJ) focos. ooJetstooJloo of 5c fooctloos. lock of locooslsteot
cMM5 toooloo opptoocb ote some of tbe kev cbolleooes. Ao expetleoceJ 5c eooloeet wbo
possesses o bollstlc tecbolcol loteotltv ooJetstooJloo ooJ skllls coo soppott ooJ complete tbls
complex octlvltv.


IAC 4:
Pow should Ma[or AccldenL Pazards (MAP) be ldenLlfled ln a PAZlu?

MAns ote loolcollv cooseooeoce-Jtlveo ooJ tvplcollv sevete & cotosttopbe cooseooeoces ote
cooslJeteJ os MAns. Appllcoble teoolotloos ooJ cotpotote klsk Assessmeot Mottlx (kAM) sboolJ
be tefetteJ to lJeotlfv MAns.

IAC 5:
WhaL are Lhe lnLearal phases of AsseL lnLearlLv?

1be kev pboses ote uesloo loteotltv (cooceptool to uetolleJ uesloo to lte-commlsslooloo pbose).
1ecbolcol loteotltv (5c petfotmooce ossotooce bv wov of tests ooJ lospectloos) ooJ Opetotloool
loteotltv (loolcollv. 1ecbolcol loteotltv ls o sob-set of Opetotloos loteotltv sloce botb tbese ote
ossoteJ lo tbe Opetotloos pbose. Opetotloool ospects socb os ototloo loteotltv wloJows. olotm
totlooollzotloo. sblft booJ-ovet. etc. ote coveteJ ooJet Opetotloool loteotltv.

IAC 6:
ln Cll & Cas lndusLrv, lL ls Lvplcal LhaL AsseL lnLearlLv aeLs assoclaLed wlLh lnspecLlon &
corroslon. Whv ls Lhls?

Asset loteotltv ls oll oboot mooooloo (pteveotloo. coottollloo. mltlootloo. ot emetoeocv
tespoose) MAns (Mojot AcclJeot nozotJs). ffectlve 5totlc eoolpmeot lospectloo (ptessote
vessels. plploo. plpelloes. tooks. beot excboooets. flteJ beotets. etc.) wlll pteveot loss of
cootolomeot (lOc) wblcb wlll lo toto pteveot lOc ot MAn ftom occottloo. lo sommotv. lf stotlc
lospectloo ls cottleJ oot fool-ptoof. tbeo we Jo oot teoolte tbe otbet bottlets (oo lJeol cose
wblcb wlll oot be occeptoble lo o blob tlsk loJosttv llke oll & oos). 5totlc eoolpmeot lospectloos
ote Jtlveo bv tlootoos ossessmeot tecbolooes socb os k8l tbot Jefloes lospectloo metboJs ooJ
fteooeocles. lt mov be ooteJ tbot looltloo coottol ooJ 5ttoctotol loteotltv ote olso 5cs tbot
pteveot MAns.

IAC 7:
Loalcallv Lhe ob[ecLlves and formaLs for ueslan phase & CperaLe phase performance
sLandards should be dlfferenL. Pow are Lhese dlfferenL?

uesloo pbose petfotmooce stooJotJs sboolJ cooslst of l5Al (looctlooolltv -5otvlvobllltv -
Avololbllltv/kellobllltv-lotetJepeoJobllltv) ospects wbete os Opetote pbose petfotmooce
stooJotJs sboolJ cooslst of fooctlooolltv teooltemeots (lo lloe wltb uesloo pbose teooltemeots)
ooJ sboolJ follow 5.M.A.k.1 (5peclflc-Meosotoble-Acblevoble-kepottoble-1lme boooJ) ptloclples.

IAC 8:
Whv should Lhe CperaLe phase performance sLandards need Lo be allaned Lo CMMS?

lf tbe Opetote pbose petfotmooce stooJotJs ote embeJJeJ lo moloteoooce job ploos. ooJ tbe
5c petfotmooce ls ossoteJ tbtooob tests ooJ lospectloos. tbeo lJeollv. MAn mooooemeot ls
effectlvelv JemoosttoteJ.

IAC 9:
WhaL are Lhe kev sLeps lnvolved whlle lmplemenLlna SCL assurance proaramme?

Allooloo Opetote pbose petfotmooce stooJotJ ossotooce meosotes loto moloteoooce job ploos
wlll eosote to opetotlooollze cOMAn. 1bls ls o complex ooJ tlme coosomloo exetclse wooJ wlll
teoolte seolot mooooemeot oolJooce ooJ soppott.

IAC 10:
Pow ls Lhe CperaLe phase performance sLandards-CMMS allanmenL done?

1bls ls o vetv complex ooJ tlme-coosomloo ptocess tbot ls beloo followeJ bv oll ooJ oos
opetotloo compooles socb os 5bell. etc. 1be kev steps lovolveJ ote.

-lJeotlfv 5c toos
-cleoo op cMM5 osset teolstet
-Cet ooteemeot oo tbe petfotmooce stooJotJs bv ploot moloteoooce teoms
-lJeotlfv 5c job ploos (ot Jevelop job ploos. lf oot ovolloble)
-Alloo petfotmooce stooJotJ ossotooce tosks loto job ploos
-locloJe 5c looctloo test ptoceJotes loto job ploos to eosote cooslsteot testloo

IAC 11:
AsseL lnLearlLv manaaemenL ls Lhe process Lo manaae Ma[or AccldenL Pazards. Anv
MAP case needs Lo be lnvesLlaaLed from Lhls focused anale and should be dlfferenL from
Lhe Lvplcal PSL perspecLlve. Can vou Lhrow some llahL on Lhls?

MAn occlJeot sboolJ be lovestlooteJ ftom tbe bottlet follote petspectlve totbet tboo o tvplcol
l1l lovestlootloo petspectlve. MAn tepottloo ooJ lovestlootloo ptocess sboolJ be Jlffeteot ooJ

Aov cottectloos ftom MAn lovestlootloo floJloos sboolJ be lmplemeoteJ oo top ptlotltv.
cooslJetloo tbe poteotlol tespooslbllltv ovetlopploo betweeo n5 & loteotltv Jepottmeots. oll
MAn lovestlootloos sboolJ teveol tespooslbllltv blloJ spots.

IAC 12:
lL ls Lvplcal for consulLanLs Lo develop SCL-MAP correlaLlon or lnLer-dependencv maLrlx.
Where ls Lhls uLlllzed?

looctloo of some mltlootlve 5cs coolJ JepeoJ oo tbe petfotmooce of otbet 5cs. xomples
coolJ be oos Jetectots tbot ote tvplcollv feJ ftom ul5 /emetoeocv oeoetotot. 5c
lotetJepeoJeocv ospects ote tvplcollv locloJeJ lo uesloo petfotmooce stooJotJs.


IAC 13:
Assurlna 1echnlcal lnLearlLv ln Lhe LC sLaae seems Lo be qulLe challenalna. Pow do we
manaae Lhls?

uepeoJloo oo ptoject ootes. loteotltv ossotooce sboolJ lJeollv beolo ot cooceptool stooe ooJ
ptootess tbtooob uetolleJ ooloeetloo to coosttoctloo to pte-commlsslooloo. 1be loteotltv
teooltemeots ooJ Jellvetobles fot tbese ctltlcol stooes sboolJ be cleotlv JefloeJ ooJ locloJeJ lo
tbe lc coottoctot scope lo tbe blJJloo stooe. Ao loJepeoJeot uesloo vetlflcotloo fot tbe lc
pbose woolJ btloo oot tbe compllooce level of tbe loteotltv teooltemeots. A tvplcol ln5k
(ltoject n5 kevlew) stoJv mov oot be oo effectlve wov of ossessloo (& eosotloo) loteotltv
teooltemeots lo tbe lc stooe.

IAC 14:
ln Lhe 1echnlcal lnLearlLv conLexL of SCL performance, how do we ensure ALA8?

lJeollv. wbeo oll 5cs ote petfotmloo os JeslooeJ. oo opetotloo ploot coo be cooslJeteJ to be lo
AlAkl stote. OkA eveot ttee ooolvsls ot lOlA coo speclflcollv Jetetmloe lf tbe ovetoll ploot tlsk
level ls AlAkl fot o olveo 5c follote cooJltloo.

Contr|buted by:

lllal Sree[lLh

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