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function decodeText(text) { var escapeXml = options.escapeXmlEntities; var r; text = text.replace(/<br\s*\/?

>/gi, "\n"); if (escapeXml == 'always' escapeXml == 'partial' escapeXml == 'htm l') { text = text.replace(/&lt;/g, '<'); text = text.replace(/&gt;/g, '>'); } if (escapeXml == 'html') { text = text.replace(/&nbsp;/g, "\xA0"); text = text.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function(str, p1) { return String.f romCharCode(parseInt(p1)); }); text = text.replace(/&#x([0-9a-f]+);/gi, function(str, p1) { return String.f romCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16)); }); text = text.replace(/ +/g, " "); // truncate multiple spaces to single space text = text.replace(/\xA0/g, " "); } if (escapeXml == 'always' escapeXml == 'html') { text = text.replace(/&apos;/g, "'"); text = text.replace(/&quot;/g, '"'); text = text.replace(/&amp;/g, '&'); } if ('true' == options.escapeDollar) { text = text.replace(/([^\\])\$\{/g, '$1$$$${'); // replace ${... } to $${...} text = text.replace(/^\$\{/g, '$$$${'); // replace ${...} to $${ ...} text = text.replace(/\\\$\{/g, '$${'); // replace \${...} to ${. ..} } text = text.replace(/^\s+/, ""); text = text.replace(/\s+$/, ""); return text; } function encodeText(text) { var escapeXml = options.escapeXmlEntities; if (escapeXml == 'always') { // & -> &amp; // &amp; -> &amp;amp; // &quot; -> &amp;quot; // &nbsp; -> &nbsp; text = text.replace(/&(\w+);/g, '%%tmp_entity%%$1%%'); text = text.replace(/%%tmp_entity%%(amp apos quot lt gt)%%/g, '& $1;'); text = text.replace(/&/g, '&amp;'); text = text.replace(/%%tmp_entity%%(\w+)%%/g, '&$1;'); text = text.replace(/\'/g, '&apos;'); text = text.replace(/\"/g, '&quot;'); } else if (escapeXml == 'html') { // & -> & // ' -> ' // \xA0 -> &nbsp; // &amp; -> &amp;amp;

// &quot; -> &amp;quot; // &nbsp; -> &amp;nbsp; text = text.replace(/&(nbsp amp quot apos lt gt \d+ x\d+)(; \W)/ g, '&amp;$1$2'); text = text.replace(/\xA0/g, '&nbsp;'); text = text.replace(/ {2,}/g, function(str) { var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { result += '&nbsp;'; } return result; }); // convert multiple spaces to nbsp } if (escapeXml == 'always' escapeXml == 'partial' escapeXml == 'htm l') { text = text.replace(/</g, '&lt;'); text = text.replace(/>/g, '&gt;'); } if ('true' == options.escapeDollar) { text = text.replace(/([^\$])\$\{/g, '$1\\${'); // replace ${...} to \${...} text = text.replace(/^\$\{/g, '\\${'); // replace ${...} to \${. ..} text = text.replace(/\$\$\{/g, '${'); // replace $${...} to ${.. .} } text = text.replace(/\n/g, "<br />"); return text; } function convertText(command, converter) { var props = ['command', 'target', 'value']; for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var prop = props[i]; command[prop] = converter(command[prop]); } } /** * Parse source and update TestCase. Throw an exception if any error occurs. * * @param testCase TestCase to update * @param source The source to parse */ function parse(testCase, source) { var commandRegexp = new RegExp(options.commandLoadPattern, 'i'); var commentRegexp = new RegExp(options.commentLoadPattern, 'i'); var commandOrCommentRegexp = new RegExp("((" + options.commandLoadPatter n + ") (" + options.commentLoadPattern + "))", 'ig'); var doc = source; var commands = []; var commandFound = false; var lastIndex; while (true) { //log.debug("doc=" + doc + ", commandRegexp=" + commandRegexp); lastIndex = commandOrCommentRegexp.lastIndex; var docResult = commandOrCommentRegexp.exec(doc); if (docResult) { if (docResult[2]) { // command var command = new Command();

command.skip = docResult.index - lastIndex; command.index = docResult.index; var result = commandRegexp.exec(doc.substring(la stIndex)); eval(options.commandLoadScript); convertText(command, decodeText); commands.push(command); if (!commandFound) { // remove comments before the first comm and or comment for (var i = commands.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { if (commands[i].skip > 0) { commands.splice(0, i); break; } } testCase.header = doc.substr(0, commands [0].index); commandFound = true; } } else { // comment var comment = new Comment(); comment.skip = docResult.index - lastIndex; comment.index = docResult.index; var result = commentRegexp.exec(doc.substring(la stIndex)); eval(options.commentLoadScript); commands.push(comment); } } else { break; } } if (commands.length > 0) { testCase.footer = doc.substring(lastIndex); log.debug("header=" + testCase.header); log.debug("footer=" + testCase.footer); //log.debug("commands.length=" + commands.length); testCase.commands = commands; } else { throw "no command found"; } } function getSourceForCommand(commandObj) { var command = null; var comment = null; var template = ''; if (commandObj.type == 'command') { command = commandObj; command = command.createCopy(); convertText(command, this.encodeText); template = options.commandTemplate; } else if (commandObj.type == 'comment') { comment = commandObj; template = options.commentTemplate; } var result; var text = template.replace(/\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)\}/g,

function(str, p1, offset, s) { result = eval(p1); return result != null ? result : ''; }); return text; } /** * Format an array of commands to the snippet of source. * Used to copy the source into the clipboard. * * @param The array of commands to sort. */ function formatCommands(commands) { var commandsText = ''; for (i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { var text = getSourceForCommand(commands[i]); commandsText = commandsText + text; } return commandsText; } /** * Format TestCase and return the source. * The 3rd and 4th parameters are used only in default HTML format. * * @param testCase TestCase to format * @param name The name of the test case, if any. It may be used to embed title into the source. * @param saveHeaderAndFooter true if the header and footer should be saved into the TestCase. * @param useDefaultHeaderAndFooter Parameter used for only default format. */ function format(testCase, name, saveHeaderAndFooter, useDefaultHeaderAndFooter) { var text; var commandsText = ""; var testText; var i; for (i = 0; i < testCase.commands.length; i++) { var text = getSourceForCommand(testCase.commands[i]); commandsText = commandsText + text; } var testText; if (testCase.header == null testCase.footer == null useDefaultHead erAndFooter) { testText = options.testTemplate; testText = testText.replace(/\$\{name\}/g, name); var encoding = options["global.encoding"]; if (!encoding) encoding = "UTF-8"; testText = testText.replace(/\$\{encoding\}/g, encoding); var commandsIndex = testText.indexOf("${commands}"); if (commandsIndex >= 0) { var header = testText.substr(0, commandsIndex); var footer = testText.substr(commandsIndex + "${commands }".length); testText = header + commandsText + footer; if (saveHeaderAndFooter) {

testCase.header = header; testCase.footer = footer; } } } else { testText = testCase.header + commandsText + testCase.footer; } return testText; } /* * Optional: The customizable option that can be used in format/parse functions. */ this.options = { commandLoadPattern: "<tr\s*[^>]*>" + "\\s*(<!--[\\d\\D]*?-->)?" + "\\s*<td\s*[^>]*>\\s*([\\w]*?)\\s*</td>" + "\\s*<td\s*[^>]*>([\\d\\D]*?)</td>" + "\\s*(<td\s*/> <td\s*[^>]*>([\\d\\D]*?)</td>)" + "\\s*</tr>\\s*", commandLoadScript: "command.command = result[2];\n" + " = result[3];\n" + "command.value = result[5] '';\n", commentLoadPattern: "<!--([\\d\\D]*?)-->\\s*", commentLoadScript: "comment.comment = result[1];\n", testTemplate: "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=${encoding} ">\n' + "<title>${name}</title>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + '<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1">\n'+ '<thead>\n' + '<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">${name}</td></tr>\n' + "</thead><tbody>\n" + "${commands}\n" + "</tbody></table>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>\n", commandTemplate: "<tr>\n" + "\t<td>${command.command}</td>\n" + "\t<td>${}</td>\n" + "\t<td>${command.value}</td>\n" + "</tr>\n", commentTemplate: "<!--${comment.comment}-->\n",

escapeXmlEntities: "html", escapeDollar: "false" }; /* * Optional: XUL XML String for the UI of the options dialog */ this.configForm = //'<tabbox flex="1"><tabs orient="horizontal"><tab label="Load"/><tab la bel="Save"/></tabs>' + //'<tabpanels flex="1">' + //'<tabpanel orient="vertical">' + '<description>Regular expression for each command entry</description>' + '<textbox id="options_commandLoadPattern" flex="1"/>' + '<separator class="thin"/>' + '<description>Script to load command from the pattern</description>' + '<textbox id="options_commandLoadScript" multiline="true" flex="1" rows= "2"/>' + //'<separator class="thin"/>' + //'<description>Regular expression for comments between commands</descri ption>' + //'<textbox id="options_commentLoadPattern" flex="1"/>' + //'<separator class="thin"/>' + //'<description>Script to load comment from the pattern</description>' + //'<textbox id="options_commentLoadScript" multiline="true" flex="1" row s="2"/>' + '<separator class="groove"/>' + //'</vbox><vbox>' + //'</tabpanel>' + //'<tabpanel orient="vertical">' + '<description>Template for new test html file</description>' + '<textbox id="options_testTemplate" multiline="true" flex="1" rows="3"/> ' + '<separator class="thin"/>' + '<description>Template for command entries in the test html file</descri ption>' + '<textbox id="options_commandTemplate" multiline="true" flex="1" rows="3 "/>' + '<separator class="groove"/>' + '<hbox align="center"><description>Escape XML / HTML entities?</descript ion>' + '<menulist id="options_escapeXmlEntities">' + '<menupopup>' + '<menuitem label="HTML" value="html"/>' + '<menuitem label="XML - always: &amp; &quot; &apos; &lt; &gt;" value="al ways"/>' + '<menuitem label="XML - partially: &lt; &gt;" value="partial"/>' + '<menuitem label="never" value="never"/>' + '</menupopup>' + '</menulist></hbox>' + '<checkbox id="options_escapeDollar" label="Escape \'${\' as \'\${\' (us eful for JSP 2.0)"/>'; //'<separator class="thin"/>' + //'<description>Template for comment entries in the test html file</desc ription>' + //'<textbox id="options_commentTemplate" multiline="true" flex="1"/>' +


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