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The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiaks& The Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross Nick Anthony Fiorenza

I n t rodu ction Th is article explores Earth' s ~ 25,000-year preces s ional cycle; the ev er ch anging relations hip betw een the tropical and s idereal zodiacs ; th e as tr ological ages , the interces s ion of the H oly C ross ; meas urement o f th e p reces s ional rate, and the Galacti c Ayanams a- -reckoning of the s id er eal zodiak bas ed on the s pherical geometry of Earth' s p r eces s ional C ros s . E a rth 's p reces s ion Ear th' s polar axis preces s es very s low ly over a period of about 2 3 , 0 0 0 to 26,000 years . The term preces s ion s imply refers to a change in th e direction of the axis of a rotating object. A s this occurs , the p o le of the Earth arc. ins cribes Earth' s an arc aligns in the heavens different called pole the s tars p r eces s ional pole w ith

th r o u g h out its preces s ional period. P olaris is Earth' s current northp o le s tar. Earth' s ~ 25,000-year preces s ional cycle is als o referred to as " Ear th' s G reat Y ear." Preces s ion of th e E q u in oxes B ecaus e Earth' s axis is tilted 23 27' w ith res pect the plane cr eated by Earth' s orbit around the S un (the ecliptic plane), Earth' s eq u ato r ia l plane (green) is als o tilted at this s ame angle w ith res pect to th e eclipt ic plane (blue). Thes e tw o inters ecting planes (Earth' s eq u ato r ia l plane and the ecliptic plane) create an inters ecting line in th e ecliptic called the vernal axis . Looking from Earth, w e s ee one p o in t along this axis lying in one direction in the ecliptic, and the o th er lying in the oppos ite direction. One point is the location in the

eclip t ic w here we s ee the s un on the M arch equinox. This location is th e v er nal point (VP ). The other point is the location where the s un r es id es on the S eptember equinox. This is the anti- vernal point. A s Earth' s pole preces s es , s o to does Earth' s equatoria l plane and s u b s eq uently the vernal axis (moving in a counter- clockw is e motion). Th u s , the vernal axis (the vernal equinox points ) move around the eclip t ic at a rate of preces s ion, w hich is currently meas ured to be ab o u t 1 in 72 years , making one complete cycle in about 23,0002 6 , 0 0 0 years . The preces s ional movement of the vernal points is called the "P reces s ion of the Equinoxes ."

T h e C aus e of Preces s ion A lthough this article is not about the "caus e" of Earth' s preces s ion, it is appropriate to mention that Earth' s preces s ion is not fully

u n d er s tood and there is more than one hypothes is as to its caus e. The s imp les t reas on for Earth' s preces s ion, although an ass umption, is the r eas o n that is mos t commonly know n. This model explains that the Ear th ' s pole w obbles over a very long period of time, much like a r ap id ly spinning top' s axis w obbles at a much s low rate than its s pin. A n o th er model is the "B inary S tar M odel" hypothes ized by as trophys ics r es ear cher Walter C ruttenden; et. al. A lthough the reas on for our S un to mo v e in a curved path may not be fully unders tood, and there may be u n k n o w n caus es for it, he and his team hypothes ize that the s olar path' s cu r v atu re is caus ed by a binary s tar model, where our s un and another s u n o r b it each other. As trono mer G len W. D een propos es a Ternary S tar S y s tem (our sun w ith tw o other s uns ). Independent of the caus e, the p r eces s ion of Earth' s pole and that of the vernal axis w ith res pect to the s tar s s till occurs . R eferen ce: Walter C ruttenden' s binary s tar hypothes is :

b in a ry res earch in s titu G len W. D een's ternary s tar sys tem hypothes is : "The Time of P er ih elion P as s age and the Longitude of the P erihelion of N emes is " Fu ll a rticle PD F Th is article is not intended to favor or debate the caus e of Earth' s p r eces s ion; it is about the preces s ional cycle its elf; the relations hip b etw een the tropical and s idereal zodiaks ; and the role of Earth' s p r eces s ion cycle in the evolution of human cons cious nes s .

Preces s ion of th e T rop ical Z od iak & th e A strological A ges Th e vernal point is als o the fiducial (reference point) for the tr o p ical zodiak, defining 0 tropical Aries . B ecaus e the vernal point mo v es in the eclipti c, the entire s et of s igns compris ing the tropical 3

zo d iak als o moves w ith res p ect to the s tars (and the s idereal zodiak), w h ich r emain fixed in their location in the heaven s.

Th e location of the vernal point in the s ider eal zodiak defines the cu r r en t zodiakal age. The s idereal zodiak is a s et of s igns , much like th e tr o pical s igns , except they do not move in the ecliptic. The s id er eal s igns are aligned w ith their corres ponding cons tella tions . The tr o p ical zodiak aligned w ith the fixed s idereal zodiak ar ound 200 A.D . b u t h as s ince drifted 25 ; i.e. this w as when zero degrees tropical A r ies aligned w ith 0 s idereal A ries . The vernal point currently r es id es at about 5 s idereal P is ces as it s low ly moves tow ard the s id er eal s ign of A quarius --thus w e are completing the age of P is ces . We w ill formally enter the age of Aquarius when the vernal point p r eces s es to 0 A quarius --in about 360 years (5 x 72 yrs ) from now . Th e v ernal point is als o called the B irthplace, or the O ffice of the C h r is t (point of the s oul)--governing the timing of the re-birth of the s u n - s o l-s oul cons cious nes s into the w orld. Th e vernal point' s arrival to 5 s idereal P is ces at this time in Ear th ' s preces s ional cycle (circa 2000 A .D .) creates a primary event th at s u pers edes the importan ce of changing zodiakal ages : this event is th e f ormation of a perfect cros s in the cycle of Earth' s P reces s ion of

th e eq u inoxes ." The formation of this preces s ional cros s is explained b elo w .

Th e center (blue) ring is the s idereal zodiak. It reveals the o r ien tat ion of the tw elve s idereal s igns w ith res pect to the fixed and p r imar y galacti c axis in the eclipt ic (the horizontal line). The galacti c 5

eq u ato r ia l node (G EN ) defines 5 s idereal S agittarius , the primary r ef er en ce point for the s idereal zodiak. Th e inner (green ring) is the tropical zodiak (at 2000 A.D .) The tr o p ical zodiak m oves around the ecliptic w ith res pect to the fixed s tar s - - w ith res pect to the s idereal zodiak and to the cons tella tions . A ld eb aran , Eye of the B ull, and An tares , H eart of the S corpion, mar k th e center of their res pective s igns : 15 s idereal Taurus and 15 s id er eal S corpio. A ld eb aran , An tares , R egu lu s (H eart of the Lion), an d Fo malh au t (the fis hes mouth), are the F our R oyal A rchitects , g iv in g s tructure and order to the H eavens . R egulus is C hief or K ing of th e F o u r R oyals . It is the only one of the four lying exactly on the eclip t ic plane. A t 5 s ider eal Leo, R egulus is als o the only one as p ecting Earth' s Ecliptica l C ros s . R egulus , or "the R ex" means the Law G iv er - - a clue to its as trologica l influence as the H eart of the Lion. T h e Galactic Axis of E arth 's Preces s ion al Cros s J u s t as Earth is tilted w ith reps pect to its orbit around the sun, so to o is our s olar s ys tem tilled w ith reps pect to the the plane of our g alax y . The ecliptic plane is tilted about 60 to our galaxy' s equatorial p lan e. This creates another inters ect ing line, one w hich remains s tatio n ary (relative to Earth' s preces s ional period). This axis is called th e g alact ic equatorial axis and it is the fixed axis of Earth' s P r eces s ional C ross . The primary reference point of this axis is the g alact ic equatorial node (G EN ), w hich res ides at 5 s idereal S agittarius . Th is n o de is called the "G ate of G od." Its oppos ite point, the anti- G EN , r es id es at 5 s idereal G emini and it is called the "G ate of M an."

E a rth 's Preces s ion al C ros s Th e changing relations hip betw een thes e tw o axes ( the m oving v er n al axis and the fixed galactic axis ) creates the "C ycle of Earth' s P r eces s ional C ross ." A s the vernal point (V P ) moves around the eclip t ic, it changes its geometric relations hip to the fixed galactic eq u ato r ia l node (G EN ). The vernal point currently res ides at the 3/4 p o in t ( 270 ) in its cycle, making the vernal axis exactly perpendicular to th e galacti c axis , thus creating a perfect cros s in the eclipt ic- -the Er ect H oly C ros s . This exact preces s ional cros s occurred in J uly of 1 9 9 8 . I generally round this date to 2000 A .D . to s implify dis cuss ion.

I n t erces s ion of E arth 's Preces s ion al C ros s I sugges t the C ycle of Earth' s P reces s ional C ross is the timep iece th at d r ives the "Evolutionary C ycle of the Soul" collect ive on Earth- -

r ev ealing the unfoldment of human cons cious nes s . We are jus t emerging f r o m th e las t 12,000 years of temporal darknes s , w hich began at the las t ( 9 0 ) erect cros s (about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago), the time of s ep ar ation from unified aw arenes s --the time of the "B iblical F lood." Th e er ect preces s ional cros s occurring now (~ 2,000 A .D .) marks the time in our G reat World C ycle where a re-unificat ion in cons cious ness b eg in s . Th e erect cros s occurring now creates a primary trans ition in the C y cle o f Earth' s P reces s ional C ross , in the "Evolutionary C ycle of the S o u l. " This event is far more s ignificant than the changing of an as tr o lo gica l age; i.e., the four primary divis ions of a circle referenced to th e g alacti c equatorial axis supercede the 12-fold divis ion of tropical zo d iak reference to the 12-fold divis ions of the s idereal zodiak. S ee the "E arth 's Preces s ion al Holy Cros s" s ection of this w eb s ite to learn more about this cycle and its ramificat ions for human co n s cio us nes s . T h e S id ereal an d T rop ical R elation sh ip J u s t as the tropical s ig ns are referenced to the moving axis of Ear th ' s P reces s ional C ros s , the fixed s idereal s igns are referenced to the f ix ed , galact ic axis of Earth' s P reces s ional C ross . B ecaus e of the p r eces s ion of the equinoxes , the tropical s igns continue to drift from th e s id ereal s igns and further from the true s tar pos itions that ch ar acter ize the s igns to s tart w ith. A lthough the tw elve divis ions of b o th zo diakal s ys tems are created by natural harmonics occurring in the eclip t ic, r es p ect they to the are harmonics s idereal referenced zodiak to different the realms of of the co n s cio us nes s . The R ELA TIO NS H IP of the moving tropical zodiak w ith fixed reveals nature r elatio n s hip of incarnate pers onality cons cious ness w ith res pect to the tr u e s o ul level aw arenes s - -that is , w here w e are in the evolutionary u n f o ld ment of human cons cious ness , in the Evolutionary C ycle of the S o u l. 8

W h y T w o Z od iaks F ir s t, w e mus t realize that the w is dom of the true as trology of the an cien ts , as w ith other es oteric (G nos tic) w is dom, w as trans ferred ( tak en ) from B abylon, C aldia, and Egypt, and then it w as eventually b as tar d ized into a confus ed menagerie. This s eems to have s tarted w ith th e d o minating influence of A lexander the G reat, king of Macedonia ( 3 3 6 to 323 B .C .), who catalyz ed an amalga mat ion of Egyptian, B ab y lo nian, and Greco- R oman thought into a new cultural expres s ion in th e 4 th century B .C .; and later by P tolemy. S u bduing Egypt during his conquerings and explorations ,

A lex an der proclaimed hims elf Pharaoh in 332 B .C . w hile placating n ativ e pries ts at M emphis . He founded A lexandria, w hich w as to b eco me a primary intelle ctua l center, and w hich w as primarily Greek an d J ew is h. H ere, mis s -unders tood Egyptian mys teries and G reek p h ilo s o phies merged into the "M ys teries of S erapis ." This w as the cu ltu r al emergence of es oteric teachings prominent throughout A lex an dria' s golden age. (Mys ter ies s imply means es oteric teachings ab o u t life, not unfathomable or secret.) A ls o a center for J ew is h lear n in g, the G reat Temple of S erapis is believed to be w here the O ld Tes tamen t was trans lated from H ebrew into G reek. A lexander' s d o min ating influence in coas tal Egypt and his further conques t of B ay lo n along w ith much of As ia M inor laid the foundations for the v ar io u s religious factions of the G reco-R oman world. (A lexander attemp ted to create men a mas ter P ers ian race through a one genetic fus ion of of this M aced o nian w ith w omen- -jus t example

meg alo m aniac' s brutal conques ts .) B eginning w ith the death of A lexander in 323 B .C . and continuing th r o u g h around 31 B .C ., the H ellenis tic P eriod gave birth to a divers ity o f es o teric philos ophies and occult practic es , all derived from the Eg y p tian and B abylonian mys teries . The cultural peak of this period, f r o m 2 8 0 B .C . to 160 B .C ., produced Euclid, H ipparchus , Eratos thenes ,

D io n y s ius and many other creativ e thinkers , who all expounded upon th e cu ltural influence of Ancient Egypt. H ow ever, although this period car r ied forth some of it the ancient es oteric a teachings highly in a new in tell ectua l language, als o produced intellec tual ized

amalg a mate of confus ed ideas . The H ellenis ts bas tardized Egypt' s alr ead y cryptic and es oteric language into near total confus ion becaus e th e majority of the H ellenis tic culture did not have the perceptual aw ar en es s to comprehend matters of the s oul, nor had they the capacity to in telle ctua lly comprehend Egypt's mythical picture language. Ins tead o f g r as ping the language (as tronomical mythical images as well as Eg y p tian hieroglyphics ) from a s oul pers pective and realiz ing the tr an s cendent w is dom of the evolutionary journey of the s oul, the G recoR o man s attempt ed to trans late this picture language from the p er s p ective of the limited pers onality. This reduced A ncient Egypt' s es o ter ic w is dom into a non- s ens ible confus ion of men wors hipping a p an th eo n of gods and s tars . The dis pers ion of this confus ion from A lex an dria into Eas tern Europe through the centuries ahead led to co n f u s ed occult practices and perverted sys tems of belief that ran r amp an t throughout Eas tern Europe at the time. The R oman Empire, C h r is tianity and B yzantium, and their various s ects --all derivations of th e es o teric w is dom of A ncient Egypt- -w ere the eventual res ult of this co n f u s ed cultural fus ion that originated in and migrated from A lex an dria. P r ior to the early few centuries of the firs t millennia, planetary meas u r ement w as alw ays referenced to the fixed s tars (s idereal) as w as th e as tr ology of the ancients (B abylonia, etc). As tronomy and as trology w er e alw ays one and the s ame until the Greco- R oman church- s tate as tr o n o mers began to record planetary ephemerides referenced to the mo v in g vernal point rather than to the fixed s tars , but ignoring that the v er n al point moved w ith preces s ional, and w hile maintain ing that all o th er h eavenly bodies rotated around the Earth- -a s tatemen t certainly af f ir ming true egoic cons cious nes s . (This was due in particular to C lau d iu s P tolemaeus (c. 90 - c. 168 A D) w ho w as employed by the


G r eco - R oman controlling faction. P tolemaeus w as a mathemat ici an, not a tr u e as tronomer. S ome as s ert he never even looked into the heavens as an as tr onomer w ould look (A llen).) To s ay anything other than Earth w as th e center w as heres y, so only thos e w illing to s ell out to the man ip u la tive ploys of the church- s tate, and perpetuate the as s erted g eo cen tric dogma of wes tern C hris tendom, s tayed on the pay-role and k ep t th eir heads (actually, they w ere burned at the s take!). H ere was p lan ted the bas tardizat ion of true s oul level as tronomica l as trology, and h er e b egan the H ellenis ti c, P tolemaic, tropical as trology in an age of s u p p r es s ion, and w hich is s till in vogue today. Th is manipulation and bas tardizat ion of the true as trological ar ts cien ce into tropical as trology als o affirmed that people had a finite lif e at the end of which they w ould either be s aved or punis hed d ep en d ing if they follow ed the dictums of the controlling politic alr elig io u s faction, thus s quelching any des ire for individuals to s p ir itu ally as pire and aw aken to the greater truth that they w ere d u r ativ e, continual ly evolving s ouls ; parts of, not s eparate from a g r eater unified intell igence. The true and greater art- sciences including as tr o n o mica l as trology, Pythagorean s acred geometry, harmonic math, an d o th er s uch art-s ciences , w ere forced underground until the later time o f N icolaus C opernicus in the 1500s w ho finally triumphed in er ad icat ing the perpetuated dogma that Earth w as the center around w h ich all other heavenly bodies rotated- -the egoic head-trip of the G r eco - R oman church-s tate. F rom here, others would follow : Tycho B r ah e (1546-1601), Johann B ayer, and later yet, Johann K epler ( D ecember 27, 1571 - N ovember 15, 1630), w ho, in the early 1600s , b r o u g h t forth the truth of th e occulted as tronomical and mathema tic al w is d o m bas ed in harmonic res onance that had been long los t. K epler' s mo s t f amous book is "H armonia Mundi" (H armony of the Worlds ). K ep ler w as a mathemat ician, as tronomer AN D as trologer (res pons ible f o r r ev ealing the affect of many as trological as pects / harmonics ). K ep ler is someti mes referred to as "the firs t theoretica l as trophys icis t."


I t is interes ting to note that many of the religions of the world, as w ell as the perpetuation of "tropical as trology" s till in vogue today are b as ed o n the confus ed mental ities common to the early firs t millennia. I t is als o interes ting to cons ider that the perpetual us e of tropical as tr o lo gy today is an energetic that perpetuates a chas m in time that co n tin u es to w iden at the rate of Earth' s preces s ion, one keeping the mas s es drifting in time- confus ion rather than living in the pres ent and tr u th that the true s idereal zodiak reveals . P erhaps Plu to's trans it t h ro u g h s id ereal Sag s tarting in 2006 w ill help open the w ay for the tr u th o f the heavens to eventual ly s hine. Ho u s es of th e Su n A s revealed in the recent and comprehens ive w ork, "H is tory of the Zo d iac, " an in-depth exploration of the origins of the B abylonian Zo d iac and its location in the eclipt ic, originally a P h.D . thes is , by D r. R o b er t P ow ell (now publis hed in 2007), the divis ion of the ecliptic into tr o p ical as trological s igns w as originally a derivation of Euctemon' s tr o p ical C alendar of S eas ons (432 B .C .); "...dividing the s olar year into tw elv e equal months commencing w ith the vernal equinox, in w hich each so lar (tropical) month is named after one the tw elve s igns ..." ( P o w ell). The tropical calendric al s ys tem (referenced from the vernal p o in t) w as merely us ed as an as tronomical coordinate s ys tem for meas u r ing time in the s olar year, at or jus t after the time of H ipparchus . A s tr o lo gical qualit ies w ere later attribut ed to the tw elve calendar mo n th s (tropical s igns ) through the influence of P tolemy, and the true ( s id er eal) zodiak, thus faded into obs curity. U nfortunately the term " s ig n s " had replaced "months ." The tropical calendar (tropical zodiac) w as b as ed upon the sun' s declination above and below the earth' s eq u ato r , not the s un' s eclipti cal longitude. F rom an as trological p er s p ective, I sugges t the tropical s igns s hould be called "H ous es of the S u n , " more aptly des cribing their true his torical origin, as eloquently r ev ealed in R obert Pow ell' s w ork "H is tory of the Zodiac" (S ophia


A cad emic P ress , S an R afael, C alifornia 2007) -- recomended reading f o r all as trologers and as tronomers . h ttps ://s op h iafou n d ation .org T h e Galactic Ayan ams a: R eck on in g of th e S id ereal Z od iak Th e exact location of the s idereal cus ps in the ecliptic is a topic of d eb ate amongs t s cholars s ince s tar and planetary placemen t s tarted to b e meas ured from the moving vernal point. The exact dis tance in arc d eg r ees betw een 0 tropical A ries (the vernal point) and 0 s idereal A r ies mus t therefor be calculated. This dis tance is called the " ay an ams a" (a H indu word). There are several ayanams as in vogue to d ay , all varying s lightly from one another. Mos t ayanams as are r eck o n ed to the s tars , w hich als o move although quite s low ly relative to Ear th time. The mos t common is the F agan-B radley A yanams a. It is r eck o n ed to the s tar S pica in s idereal V irgo. The F agan- B radley A y an ams a is 24 44' 12" @ 2000 A .D . This means that on J an 1, 2000, 0 0 :0 0 :0 0: GM T, the tropical zodiak has drifted backw ard from the fixed s id er eal zodiak by 24 44' 12" bas ed upon the F agan-B radley Ayanams a. Th is p laces the vernal point (0 tropical A ries ) at 5 15' 48" in s idereal P is ces . O ther arguments adjus t the s idereal s igns such that A ldebaran' s eclip t ical longitude is exactly in the center of s idereal Taurus ; or that o f A n tares in the center of s idereal S corpio (thos e being tw o of the four r o y al archite cts (meaning: revealing s tructure in the heavens ). B ecaus e th ey ar e both s outh of the eclipt ic, it is thought by s ome that it makes mo r e s ens e to us e a s tar on the eclipti c plane (0 eclipt ica l latitude), s u ch as S pica or R egulus , heart of the Lion. R egulus , for this reas on, ( n ear 5 s idereal Leo depending on w hich A yanams a you us e) is co n s id ered the K ing or C hief of the four R oyal s tars (R egulus is from R ex , meaning law giver; i.e., defining order in the heavens ). Th e recent w ork of R obert Pow ell (2007) pres ents his torical ev id en ce th at th e B abylonian Zodiac w as referenced to the A ldebaran / A ntares ax is


I p refer to reckon the s idereal zodiak to the galactic axis of Earth' s P r eces s ional C ros s . This approach is bas ed on the harmonic math and s p h er ical geometry of the as trophys ical spheres involved (s pecifica lly o u r s o lar sys tem' s current location and orientation (tilt) in our galaxy / th e g alact ic equatorial axis / G ate of G od), rather than on s tar locations as s een from Earth. The galactic equartorial axis is far more "fixed" th an th e s tars as s een from Earth, which do move over longer periods of time. Therefor, I introduce th e " G alactic A yanams a. " Now , before you loyal F agan-B radley as trologers (or any others ) s co f f , pleas e unders tand I am placing as trological and as tronomical p r eced ence in the geometric relations hip betw een the vernal axis and th e g alactic axis over the relations hip of tropical and s idereal s igns . Th e s ig ns are merely harmonic divis ions nes ting w ithin this far more emb r acing as trophys ical geometry. The tropical s igns are bas ed upon th e mo ving vernal axis of this underlying geometry and the s idereal s ig n s are bas ed upon fixed galacti c axis --thus independent of co n s tella tions , which are imagery that has evolved and changed over time, and independent of s tellar placem ent. C o ns ider that the fixed galactic equatorial axis relates more to our d u r ativ e s oul-level aw arenes s , w hereas the moving vernal axis reveals th e cu rrent incarnationa l punctual moment (our daily tropical ex p er ience), precipit ating from the durative s oul s tream (s idereal / s oul ex p er ience). R ealiz ing the relevance of Earth' s P reces s ional C ross geometry (the mo v ement and geometric orientat ion of our Earth and S un in our g alax y ) places the s igns (and our aw arenes s ) in the far greater context o f o u r evolutionary sojourn as a s tellar race of s entient s ouls . Th us , the G alactic A yanams a is defined by the G alactic Equatoria l N o d e ( G EN ) as being the prime fiducial of the s idereal zodiak; s etting th e G EN (G ate of G od) to exactly 5 00' 00" s idereal S agittarius . The G alactic A yanams a is 25 00' 00" for epoch 2000 A .D . Thus , 0 14

Tr o p ical Aries res ides at 5 00' s idereal P is ces @ 2000 A.D .; i.e., the tr o p ical zodiak has drifted from the fixed s idereal zodiak by 25 00' 00" b as ed u pon the G alactic Ayanams a. Th e placem ent of the s idereal s igns reckoned to the G alacti c Eq u atoria l Node (G alactic A yanams a) is quite clos e to the both the F ag an- B radley reckoning (S pica) and the B abylonian reckoning ( A ld ebaran). D ifferences this s mall can become an academi c ar g u ment only. How ever, various s tars may lie on different s ides of th e s ign cus ps depending on w hich reckoning is us ed. D etailed ex p loration of the appropr iate placement of cus pal s tars is something I h ave explored us ing the G alactic reckoning, perhaps to be p u b lis hed at a later time. A nother area w here the exactnes s of s id ereal s ign cus ps are of s ignificance is when us ing sub-divis ions of th e s igns (dw ads , etc) w here each s ub-divis ion is ruled by a specific s ig n . Us ing this as trological technique, the placemen t of a planet in a ch art may caus e it to cros s a s ub-cus p depending on the reckoning u s ed . This is another interes ting w ay to experienti ally explore the r eck oning of the s idereal zodiak. D u e to the cons tantly moving vernal point (0 tropical A ries ), the ay an ams a (any ayanams a) is a dynamic figure, it therefor mus t be r ef er en ced to a specific time in the preces s ional cycle- -generally this is 1 9 5 0 o r 2000 A.D . When con verting a tropical chart to a s idereal chart, th is p r eces s ional drift mus t be taken into account, es pecial ly if making a ch ar t in the far dis tant pas t or future. S oftw are programs generally tak e in to account Earth' s preces s ional drift and nutationa l variances w h en calcula ting a s idereal chart, but the s idereal as trologer mus t ch o o s e the ayanams a of his or her choice. S tar longitudes mus t be ad ju s ted to the chos en ayanams a if adding individual s tars to an as tr o lo gica l chart. This is important due to the tight orb of s tellar in f lu en ce.


Th e follow ing chart is a comparis on of s everal of the more common ay an ams as .

Spica Virgo Aldebaran GEN GC Taurus Sagittarius Sagittarius
17 23' 16 01' 15 56' 15 16' 15 14' 15 03' 15 00' 14 47' 11 59' 11 47' 07 35' 35" 06 14' 17" 06 08' 49" 05 30' 00" 05 28' 00" 05 15' 48" 05 12' 48" 05 00' 00" Reference 04 24' 03 02' 02 57' 02 18' 02 16' 02 04' 02 01' 01 48'

Raman Krishnamurti Lahiri Takra I Takra II Fagan-Bradley Babylonian Galactic DeLuce Larry Ely

@ 2000 AD * @ 1950 AD *
22 24' 25" 23 45' 43" 23 51' 11" 24 30' 01" 24 32' 32" 24 44' 12" 24 47' 12" 25 00' 00" 27 48' 20" 28 00' 13" 21 42' 41" 23 03' 59" 23 09' 27" 23 48' 17" 23 50' 48" 24 02' 28" 24 05' 28" 24 18' 16" 27 06' 36" 27 18' 29"

Delta **

-02 35' 35" 01 25' 52" Libra -01 14' 17" 00 04' 34" Libra -01 08' 49" -00 29' 59" -00 27' 28" -00 15' 48" -00 12' 48" 00 00' 00" +02 48' 20" +03 00' 13" 29 59' 06" 29 20' 16" 29 17' 45" 29 06' 05" 29 03' 05" 28 50' 17" 26 01' 57" 25 50' 04"

02 11' 40" 29 00' Sco 01 59' 47" 28 48' Sco

T h e Ayan ams a @ 2000 AD can be us ed to convert tropical lo n g itu des to s idereal longitudes . For example if your S un res ides at 0 0 0 ' 0 0 " A ries (exactly on the vernal point) s ubtract 24 44' 12" to get y o u r sun' s s idereal location us ing the F agan- B radley ayanams a. O r s u b tr act 25 00' 00" to get your s un' s s idereal location us ing the G alactic A yanams a. A quick and s imple shortcut to this is to add 5 and drop back a s ig n ; i. e., if your tropical As cendant is 9 00' s idereal P is ces (add 5 , min u s one s ign). Y our s idereal A S C is 14 00' s idereal Aquarius . This is tr u e for charts cas t around 2000 A D. R emember, an ayanams a ch an g es over time at the rate of preces s ion. The chart lis ts ayanams a for tw o ep cohs : 1950 and 2000 A .D . * * T h e D elta figu re can be us ed to convert s idereal longitudes calcu la ted w ith one ayanams a to the G alactic A yanams a. F or example, if y o u h ave a computer program that calculates your s un to be at 15 03' s id er eal Taurus (aligning w ith A ldebaran) us ing the F agan-B radley


ay an ams a, you can subtract ~ 00 16' (- 00 15' 48") to get the S un's lo catio n at 14 47' us ing the Galacti c A yanams a. Preces s ion al T ime is N OT a C on s tan t To further compound the problem of zodiakal reckoning, we mus t r eco g n ize that the rate of Earth' s preces s ion is NO T a cons tant. It is accu r ate to s ay the las t erect preces s ional cros s had occurred exactly 1 8 0 d egrees ago in the preces s ional cycle, but w e can only es tima te th at to have been 9,000 to 13 ,000 years ago. The rate of preces s ion may v ar y o v er long periods of time, or even os cillate around s ome harmonic id eal. There are many continuous ly changing as tronomical factors that af f ect the rate of preces s ion, not to mention the caus e of the p r eces s ional of the equinoxes is not even clear. (J us t as w e can not p in p o in t a date in the dis tant pas t is w hy I s ugges t man-made calendars mad e in antiqui ty fall s hort of being able to predict future evolutionary ch an g es to a s pecific date.) " The G reat World C ycle," or "Earth' s G reat Y ear," as Earth' s p r eces s ional cycle is s ometimes called, is es timated to be betw een 2 2 , 0 0 0 and 26,000 solar years --often rounded to the latter figure. The 2 5 , 9 2 0 figure, often s een, is a natural harmonic ideal found in quantum math . A nother quantum number of s ignificance is 22,680, quite clos e to th e 2 3 , 000 figure. Thes e are all academ ic figures how ever: Earth' s cu r r en t rate of preces s ion is calculat ed to be ~ 25,867 years , and it is s lig h tly increas ing. This is about 1 every ~ 71.85 years , or 0 00' 5 0 . 2 6 " per year. Walter C ruttenden, in his binary s tar model, s ugges ts our binary s u n 's average orbital period is 24,000 years , w ith it s low ing to 22,000 y ear s o r les s at the binary orbit' s apoaps is and increas ing to 26,000 y ear s at its periaps is . This model appropriately recognizes an ever ch an g in g preces s ional rate. S o m e T ech n ical R eferen ces on Preces s ion & E arth Orien tation :


R E POR T OF T HE I N T ER N A TI ON A L AS T R ON OMI C A L UN I ON D IV I SI ON I WOR KI N G GR OU P ON PR E C E S SI ON A ND T HE E C L I PT IC - C eles tial Mech an ics an d D yn amical A s tron omy ( 2 0 0 6) (PD F) I E RS (I n tern ation al E art h R otation & R eferen ce S ys tem S ervice) h t t p ://w ww .iers .org/ E a rt h Orien tation C en tre h t t p ://h p iers .ob s p p -p c/ J PL T ech n ical Rep ort S erver h t t p ://trs -n ew .jp l.n as p ace/h an d le/2014/6130




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