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[+] - Added

[*] - Fixed/Changed [-] - Removed

2.62 ---------------------------[*] Clipboard integration fix to work with international charactets without registry patching and in Vista (where patching registry doesn't help) [*] Thread safety for playlist search and background playlist sync functions (could hang under some conditions in the previous versions) [*] Thread safety for the Remote/API subsystem related to the playlist synchronization and passing playlist to other applications [*] Client/Server startup/shutdown could hang because of incorrect use of thread functions, should be fixed now 2.61 ---------------------------[*] Fixed 'formatsong' to accept underscores (should be replaced with <UND>) [+] Added 'rawformat' and 'rawformatsong' that get unquoted strings with spaces (which is not allowed for 'format' and 'formatsong' designed for mIRC). Useful for API calls. [+] %channels variable (number of channls in the file, 1 for mono, 2 for stereo) [+] %phwnd variable (Player HWND) [*] 'control minimize' and 'control restore' commands will possibly work not only with Winamp [+] 'setplpos index' command (sets playlist position, index is 1-based) [*] %variable is now also supported for the API eval command (before only var_variable form was supported) 2.60 ---------------------------[*] /dde mplug cfgdump not working when auto announcement is disabled [*] FLAC 1.1.2 [+] $strip(pattern,subject) - removes all matches to pattern from subject [+] $regrep(pattern,replacement,subject) - searches subject for matches to pattern and replaces them with replacement [+] $strrep(search,replace,subject) - this function returns a string with all occurences of search in subject replaced with the given replace value [*] iTunes: statically linked with mfc71 lib, no more mfc71.dll dependancy [*] If you need comma inside function, you can escape it with backslash [+] %player variable, can be Winamp/QCD/foobar2000/iTunes [+] Timer Callback - commands placed there will be invoked every second by default [+] Simple Shared memory API (FileMapping), AMIP can now publish a shared memory structure with song

[+] [+]

[+] [+] [*] [*] [*] [+] [+]

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info. Details coming soon. The following command was added: /shmem(file,type,action) where file is the name of memory mapped file (e.g. amip_api); type can be 'delphi' (without quotes) for pascal/delphi style TStrings and anything else for C style strings; action is either 'update' or 'clear', update updates the memory mapped file, clear clears it. Example that can be placed into the new Timer Callback: /shmem(fb2k_cm2,delphi,update), in the Exit Callback: /shmem(fb2k_cm2,delphi,clear) MSN Messenger 7 beta support (you need 7.0.604 or 7.0.0632), see screenshot: AMIP updates MSN Messenger info automatically, but if you want to do it on different events, use /msn(update) and /msn(clear) commands in the presets %fpath - directory containing file (NOT including trailing backslash) Title bar integration has been rewritten, now it's possible to change font and color (via AMIP Configurator) Ctrl+J dialog possible deadlock fixed (if parse delay is 0 and you end dialog while song is being parsed) Pipe replacement should work properly now (see bug #4015) Fixed exit on invalid tags when memory allocation fails !!! Remote Server API to control and query AMIP from another apps (via sockets). SDK coming soon !!! Socket Transport is introduced in addition to DDE and FileMapping. mIRC native socket transport DLL for AMIP is coming soon, command line Remote AMIP controller is also on the way Remote Call Framework (RCF) is built-in for Remote API and Socket transport /msn(manual)title::artist::album command, use in event handlers to change text in MSN Messenger depending on the player state, relace title, artist and album with AMIP variables. Sample is here: /socket(host,port,timeout)message - sends message to AMIP Remote client with the specified host, port and timeout. You can place this in the preset and on the client invoke the announce preset N command. This allows to use multiple clients with different hosts/ports autoplay parameter behavior has changed. If it's off then after searching from mIRC no local playlist will be created now Options to disable socket connections for N seconds if X subsequent connections failed clearqueue command to reset local playlist $regmatch(subject, pattern, group) -- matches subject against regexp pattern and returns the contents of parenthesis group, use group = 0 for entire match. Sample:


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$regmatch(text::other,\(.*?\)::.*,1) will return 'text'. Don't forget that parenthesis inside functions must be escaped with backslashes Fixed %fupdir bug (not matching directories with dots), new regexps for %fdir and %fupdir should work better. Thanks to FollowTheZeETeR for noticing =) /msn(alt)format command. Sends string formatted according to 'format' to the MSN Messenger !!! WMA metadata support for .wma and .asf files. %asf flag and %wma (yes/no) variable. %1-%7, %br, %sr, %typ, %sl, %min, %sec, %wma_rt (rating), %VBR (yes/no), %ENC. No need for WMA libs, AMIP is using its own metadata reading code MSN Messenger integration now behaves like Windows Media Player (clears info on stop) $ue now uses %20 for space instead of + Callbacks/Listeners API via sockets Track number field added to the end of shmem structure 'control exit' API call to close player. Supports Winamp, ITunes, QCD/QMP, Fooobar (/dde mplug control exit or /dll ac mexec control exit) QMP Support, installer can now install AMIP for Quintessential Media Player SocketServer API fixes to allow multiple ac.dll and AMIP instances (no more hangups) iTunes: proper shutdown handling Option to set AMIP's DDE server name (CFG_DDESERVER) 'control minimize' and 'control restore' API functions to Minimize/Restore Player window. Winamp 2/5 only! 'disabletransports' config option. Disables all transports, only listeners will work !!! Application specific clipboard presets. You can also control which keys to send after paste by putting in key_down(code) and key_up(code) commands, one per line. For example, to press enter put the following commands: key_down(0x0d) key_up(0x0d) - simulates Enter. Key codes can be in hex or in dec iTunes: support for stream song titles, %s contains song name now, also there is separate variable for this: %itstream Search dialog crashed recent Winamp versions when no songs were selected libogg/libvorbis 1.1 (SVN revision 9541) Separate callback for Play status change, since old Play callback was invoked also on song change. Now it's called Play & Change in AMIP Configurator 'reindexq' API command to reindex playlist in async mode without progress dialog 'reindexa' API command to reindex playlist in async mode, but with progress dialog %indexed variable, mainly for API so that you can check how many songs are really indexed and reindex if this number doesn't match the lenght of the playlist Fixed getting Monkey Audio 3.99 song length

(thanks Trazi for reporting) [*] FB2K: %psec and %sl return actual values instead of 0 when player is paused [*] use dot instead of comma in the %fl [+] 'formatpreset n' API function, returns song info formatted using n'th AMIP preset [*] fixed getting ogg song length [*] STLport 5.0 [+] VC8 performance optimized build (instead of VC7 size optimized) [*] Exit callback not sending info to clients (thanks to voks for report) [*] Foobar version crashing in some rare cases (again, thanks voks) [+] MediaMonkey compatibility [*] Migrated to RCF 0.1, SDK API is now incompatible with previous builds [*] Fixed %stat, %tstat and %playing not available for the first time after player start (thanks voks) [+] listindexformat config variable, sets printf format for the search dialog when index numbers are enabled, must contain placeholders for %d and %s in exactly this order. Modify with care, refer to the printf format specification documentation. Default format is now "%d. %s" [+] %stream flag, set to 1 when playing live stream (when song length is 0), otherwise is empty [*] /dde mplug search didn't index playlist (reported by voks) [*] PCRE 6.5 [*] Fixed version string format from Winamp [*] Changed callbacks behavior, now they will announce to clients even when automatic mode is disabled [*] Changed help pages and site, removed old chm help from distribution, help and manual commands behavior has changed, will open browser now [+] !!! Skype mood profile support [+] '/skype format' Action Command. Sends formatted string to Skype, you can use \n as line separators [+] /file and /fileonce commands now support newlines (use \n) [+] MSN Messenger 8 (Live Messenger) support, add/change plugin.ini to have CFG_MSN8=1 (default is 0), note that you should disable alternative format, only default format is correctly supported by MSN 8 [*] Foobar 0.9: fixed samplerate conversion to kHz [+] !!! AIM support (/aimstatus, /aimreplace, /aimprofile, /aimrestoreprofile commands) [*] Titlebar: you can now specify executables and/or windows classes that should be excluded from showing now playing in title [+] !!! Yahoo! Messenger now playing status support (/yahoo) [+] !!! Google Talk support (/gtalk) [+] CFG_LEAVENUMLOCK config option. If your NUMLOCK lites on when you use clipboard integration, set this to 1. Note that it may cause keys sticking [*] fb2k-0.9: %br and %sr were retrieved from the wrong playlist item (not currently playing)

[*] fb2k-0.9: %ver now returns only number (0.9 instead of foobar2000 v0.9), to get player name use %player [*] Skype Integration: automatically reconnect to Skype when it's restarted & other tweaks [*] Reworked clipboard integration to use SendInput [*] Title bar: options to configure horizontal and vertical shift [*] Yahoo 8 compatibility [+] Option to keep song in clipboard (allows to disable clipboard restoring), you need latest AMIP Configurator [+] Change callback, called only on song change [+] Rollback Yahoo 8 changes. Since they've restored the old behavior, make sure you have this Yahoo version [*] Update to RCF 0.4 [*] Major bug with Remote/API is fixed (server was always listening on despite of the configuration) [*] Display delay was not working for IM integrations and playback status change callbacks/notifications, only for presets [*] iTunes: fix for "pure virtual function call" runtime error when you delete all tracks from the playlist/library [*] New options for Yahoo Messenger (specify User ID, Status message #) [*] Minor fixes for underscore conversion in AMIP API 2.52 ---------------------------[+] In addition to /flash(LAMP) command introduced in 2.48 there is now the same command but with extended syntax: /flash(NUM,0,200,5) - will start flashing NUMLOCK with the initial delay 0, in each state (ON/OFF) lamp will be 200ms and will flash 5 times [*] !!! iTunes 4.7 or later is required to run [+] iTunes: you can now quit without warning [*] iTunes: options dialog can be invoked in the AMIP Visualizer stub (round Options button on topright) [*] iTunes: all memory leaks should be fixed now [*] Fixed conditional $-functions [+] ! /dde mplug announce - will announce current song to mIRC using current preset (FINALLY!) Works even if IRC Integration is disabled [+] ! /dde mplug announce preset N - same as announce, but use preset N (1..5) [+] ! /dde mplug announcesong N - announces song N by invoking current preset [+] ! /dde mplug announcesong N X - announces song N by invoking preset X (1..5) [*] Fixed the potential null-pointer during the locale initialization (fatal error during initialization) [*] Updated zlib to 1.2.1 [*] Updated FLAC to 1.1.1 [*] fixed 0 bitrate for flac and ape files (#04003) [+] %rawlen - raw file size as returned by ftell

[*] Options redesign (and File Chooser is added now)! [*] Enable IRC option renamed to Announce automatically because it's what it does now [*] !!! Automatic announcement is disabled now by default [*] New default presets [+] !!! Official AMIP IRC channel: #amip 2.51 ---------------------------[*] FB2K: AMIP could crash player if playlist item deleted - fixed See for the complete changelog

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