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Rencana Peroses Pembelajaran (RPP)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 LABANGKA

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Program : MIA/IS
Materi Pokok : News Item Text
Alokasi Waktu :8X 45’ (4 X Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama,
santun, responsive, dan pro-aktif, dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi dan
alam serta menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia dan
menyadari dirinya sbagai mahluk ciptaan Yang Maha Kuasa serta menjalankan kewajiban
sesuai dengan agama yang dianut.
KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya,
dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan
peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya
untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu
menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indiktor Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.4. Membedakan fungsi social, struktur 3.4.1. Menjelaskan Fungsi social, struktur
text, dan unsure kebahasaan beberapa text teks, dan unsure kebahasaan dari Teks
news item lisan dan tulis dengan member News Item. (L1)
dan meminta informasi terkait berita
sederhana dar I Koran/radio/TV, sesuai 3.4.2. Menerangkan isi dari text News Item
dengan konteks penggunaanya.
3.4.3. Membedakan 2 text News Item terkait
4.4. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual social function, structure text, dan unsure
terkait fungsi social, struktur text, dan kebahasaan. (L1)
unsure kebahasaan teks news item lisan dan 3.4.4. Menganalisis penggunaan Direct
tlis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana (kalimat Langsung) dan Indirect (kalimat
Koran/radio/TV tidak langsung) speech pada text News Item
4.4.1. Menyusun Paragraf rumpang dari
Text News Item (L2)
4.4.2. Melakukan role play sebagai News
anchor (pembaca berita) di depan kelas.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Dari rangkaian pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat, menjelaskan fungsi social, struktur text dan
unsure kebahasaan dari teks news item, Menjelaskan isi text news item, Menganalisis penggunaan
Direct and indirect speech pada text News Item, membedakan 2 teks News Item terkait fungsi
social, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan teks News Item, sehingga dapat menyusun paragraph
rumpang berbentu News Item dan melakukan role play sebagai News Anchor di depan kelas
dengan sikap rasa ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, disiplin, menghargai pendapat, serta taat
kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa .

D. Materi Pembelajaran
- Text berbentuk News Item berjudul “Tenants advised to obey regulations on apartment” hal.
167 – 168 di buku BSE bahasa Inggris kelas XII.

- fungsi social, struktur text, dan unsure kebahasaan Video berjudul News Item English Task "Dilan
1990" - Tugas Bahasa Inggris Membuat Berita K13 (
Aaccessed on October 2nd 2019 at 09.30 a.m.)

- Direct and indirect speech.

E. Pendekatan dan Model Pembelajaran

- Pendekatan : Saintifik learning
- Model Pembelajaran:
-Cooperative Learning ( tipe Jigsaw)
- Model Drilling
- Metode : Diskusi, role play , Tanya jawab, ceramah

F. Media Pembelajaran
- Alat : Laptop, LCD Proyektor, Speaker , Kamus Bahasa Inggris –Indonesia-Inggris
- Video berjudul News Item English Task "Dilan 1990" - Tugas Bahasa Inggris Membuat Berita K13
( on October 2nd 2019 at 09.30 a.m.)
- Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris BSE Kemendikbud 2017.
- Internet
- Guru

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan 1 (2 Jam Pelajaran/ 90 Menit)

Langkah Deskripsi Alokasi

Pembelajaran Waktu

Kegiatan Siswa dengan bimbingan guru: 10’

 Apersepsi
Memberisalam, berdo’a dan mengecek kehadiran siswa

 Orientasi
Mengondisikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan dengan
melakukan brainstorming berupa menanyakan pertanyaan
terkait peristiwa penting dan hangat dibicarakan akhir – akhir
ini kepada siswa

 Pemberian Acuan
Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa
Kegiatan Inti  Mengamati 70’
1. siswa membuka buku paket bahasa inggris kelas XII
2. siswa membaca keras text berjudul Parents upset,
disappointed with online school registration(Source: The Jakarta Post,
Jakarta | Headlines | Sat, July 05 2014
, 9:25 AM) pada buku Bahasa Inggris
Kemendikbud. Secara bergantian.
3. Guru memperhatikan pengucapan kata/kalimat yang
digunakan siswa pada saat membaca.
4. Guru member contoh pengucapan yang benar untuk kata –
kata yang salah pengucapannya.

 Menanya
5. Siswa bertanya cara pengucapan beberapa kata dari Text.
 Mengksplorasi :
6. siswa mengikuti pengucapan beberapa kata terkait text
oleh guru secara bersama – sama.
7. Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan guru terkait social
function, generic structure, dan language feature dari text
yang telah dibaca.
8. Siswa mencari kata sulit terkait text

 Mengasosiasi
9. Siswa Menjawab pertanyaan dari text
10. Siswa Kemudian Diberikan 2 teks lain untuk
11. Siswa membedakan social function, generic structure, dan
language features dari kedua teks tersebut

12. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait text yang diberikan.
13. Siswa mengumpulkan pekerjaan mereka.
Kegiatan Penutup  Kegiatan  guru  bersama  peserta  didik  yaitu:           10’
a) melakukan   refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang
b) memberikanumpan balik terhadap proses dan
hasil pembelajaran; dan

 Kegiatan guru yaitu:       
a) melakukan penilaian; 
b) merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk
pemberian pembelajaran remedial dan  sesuai 
dengan  hasil  belajar  peserta  didik.

2. Pertemuan 2 (2 Jam Pelajaran / 90 Menit)

Langkah Deskripsi Alokasi

Pembelajaran Waktu

Kegiatan Siswadenganbimbingan guru: 10’

Pendahuluan  Apersepsi
1. Memberisalam, berdo’a dan mengecek kehadiran siswa
 Orientasi
2. mengondisikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan
dengan melakukan brainstorming berupa menanyakan
keadaan siswa dan apakah masih ingat materi
 Pemberian Acuan
3. menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa
Kegiatan Inti  Observasi 70’
1. Siswa dikelompokkan ke dalam kelompok beranggotakan 6
2. Siswa menonton video terkait materi text News Item
berjudul News Item English Task "Dilan 1990" - Tugas
Bahasa Inggris Membuat Berita K13
on October 2nd 2019 at 09.30 a.m.)

 Menanya
3. Siswa bertanya tata cara belajar dalam model pembelajaran
jigsaw. Guru menentukan kelompok asli dan kelompok ahli.
 Eksplorasi
4. Siswa diminta bergabung dengan kelompok ahli.
5. Siswa dalam kelompok ahli menentukan social function,
generic structure, dan language feature dari video yang
6. Guru mengecek keaktifan siswa dalam kelompok.
7. Siswa bekerja dalam kelompok.
 Asosiasi
8. Siswa kembali pada kelompok asli dengan membawa hasil
diskusi dari kelompok ahli.
9. Guru menanyakan kepada setiap kelompok hasil kerja
mereka secara random.
 Konfirmasi
10. Guru bersama siswa membahas hasil diskusi mereka.
11. Siswa secara individu menjawab soal terkait video

Kegiatan  Kegiatan  guru  bersama  peserta  didik  yaitu:           10’

1. melakukan   refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang
2. memberikanumpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil
pembelajaran; dan

 Kegiatan guru yaitu:       
a. melakukan penilaian; 
b. merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk
pemberian pembelajaran remedial dan  sesuai 
dengan  hasil  belajar  peserta  didik.

Pertemuan 3 ( 2 Jam Pelajaran /90 menit)

Langkah Deskripsi Alokasi

Pembelajaran Waktu

Kegiatan Siswadenganbimbingan guru: 10’

Pendahuluan  Apersepsi
1. Memberisalam, berdo’a dan mengecek kehadiran
 Orientasi
2. Mengondisikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan
dengan melakukan brainstorming berupa menanyakan
keadaan siswa dan apakah masih ingat materi
 Pemberian Acuan
3. menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa
Kegiatan Inti  Observasi 70’
1. Guru menjelaskan kembali penggunaan reported
2. Siswa membuka text yang sama dengan pertemuan
sebelumnya di buku paket bahasa inggris kels XII
 Menanya
3. Siswa bertanya tentang hal yang sulit dimengerti dari

 Mengeksplorasi

4. Siswa mencari mana yang termasuk direct atau

indirect speech di dalam text lalu mengucapkannya
secara lisan.

 Mengasosiasi
5. Siswa secara berpasangan diminta membuat satu
kalimat direct dan diubah menjadi kalimat indirect
speech dan dibacakan secara lisan dibangku masing –
6. Guru menuliskan beberapa contoh perubahan kalimat
yang disampaikan siswa dipapan
7. Guru menjelaskan perubahan kalimat

 Mengkomunikasi

8. Siswa mengerjakan tugas terkait reported speech pada

9. Siswa mengumpulkan tugas.

Kegiatan Penutup  Kegiatan  guru  bersama  peserta  didik  yaitu:           10’

1. Melakukan   refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang
2. Memberikanumpan balik terhadap proses dan
hasil pembelajaran; dan
 Kegiatan guru yaitu:       
1. Melakukan penilaian; 
2. Memberi tugas pada siswa untuk mencari contoh
text news Item untuk dibacakan pada pertemuan

Pertemuan 4 ( 2 jam pelajaran / 90 Menit)

Langkah Deskripsi Alokasi

Pembelajaran Waktu

Kegiatan Siswadenganbimbingan guru: 10’

Pendahuluan  Apersepsi
1. Memberisalam, berdo’a dan mengecek kehadiran
 Orientasi
2. Mengondisikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan
dengan melakukan brainstorming berupa menanyakan
keadaan siswa dan apakah masih ingat materi
 Pemberian acuan
3. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa
Kegiatan Inti  Observasi 70’
1. Siswa bersiap untuk melakukan role lay sebagai news
2. Siswa menyiapkan bahan berupa script berita
 Menanya
3. Siswa menanyakan hal yang kurang jelas mengenai
cara role play
 Eksplorasi
4. Siswa secara bergiliran membacakan berita dengan
intonasi dan pronunciation yang tepat.(melakukan role
 Asosiasi
5. Siswa lain diberikan dua buah teks news Item lalu
diminta membedakan teks tersebut berdasarkan social
function, structur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan masing
– masing teks.
 Komunikasi
6. Siswa mengumpulkan tugas
7. Guru memberikan nilai pada setiap penampilan.

Kegiatan Penutup  Kegiatan  guru  bersama  peserta  didik  yaitu:           10’

1. melakukan   refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang
2. Memberikanumpan balik terhadap proses dan
hasil pembelajaran; dan
 Kegiatan guru yaitu:       
1. Melakukan penilaian; 
H. Sumber Belajar
- Buku Sekolah Elektronik Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI (2017)
- Internet
I. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Belajar
I. Penilaian Pembelajaran

Penilaian Teknik Rubrik Instrumen Remedial Pengayaan

Penilaian Penilaian Penilaian ( < KKM) ( >KKM)
Sikap : 1) Pembelajaran 1) Belajar
Observasi ulang kelompok
2) Pemberian 2) Belajar mandiri
Keterampila : Unjuk bimbingan 3) Pembelajaran
secara khusus berbasis tema
n kerja Terlampir 3) Pemberian
Pengetahuan : latihan secara
4) Pemanfaatan
tertulis tutor sebaya

Labangka, 07 September 2019

Guru Mata Pelajaran


Observasi melalui Jurnal Guru

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Labangka

Tahun Pelajaran : 2018/2019
Kelas/Semester : X-....../1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Pos Tindak
No. Waktu Nama Kejadian/perilaku Butir sikap
/Neg lanjut

Aspek yang dinilai : rasa ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, disiplin, menghargai pendapat


Mata Pelajaran : BahasaInggris

Kelas/Semester : XII/1
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Kompetensi Dasar : 4.4. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi social, struktur
text, dan unsure kebahasaan teks news item lisan dan tlis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana

Indikator :
4.4.1. Menyusun Paragraf rumpang dari Text News Item (L2)
Direction: Rearrange the following paragraph into the right arrangement of News
Item text by numbering, then determine which part of News Item Text are the
Paragraph Arrangement Part of News
Item Text
Didi’s niece Muthia Kautsar said that Didi,
who starred in a number of comedy and
drama films in the 1980s and 1990s, collapsed
and lost consciousness when attending an
expo in Milan, Italy, recently.
Veteran actor Didi Widiatmoko, popularly
known as Didi Petet, died at the age of 58 at
his residence in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South
Tangerang, on Friday morning.
“He just arrived home on May 10 after
attending the exhibition. In that city, he
collapsed and lost consciousness and returned
home in a wheelchair,” she said.
Didi’s body is laid out in his residence on Jl.
Bambu Apus in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South
Tangerang. It has yet to be decided when and
where he will be buried.
On Tuesday, Didi was taken to Bandung for
treatment. Muthia said no diseases were
detected but he died on Friday.
Pedoman Penskoran:
Skor = 10
Nilai = skor capaian x 10
Nilai Max = 10x10 = 100
4.4.2. Melakukan role play sebagai News anchor (pembaca berita) di depan kelas. (L2)
Langkah Kerja :
a. Mencari text News Item dari berbagai sumber ( internet/Koran)
b. Melakukan Role Play di depan kelas.

Rubrik Penilaian Unjuk Kerja

Aspek Uraian Skor

Kelancaran Sangat lancar 4

Lancar 3
Lancar, tetapi ada hesitasi 2
Terjadi hesitasi 1
Sulit memproduksi kata-kata. 0
Kejelasan makna Semuaucapanjelas dan dapatdipahami 4
Sebagian besar jelas dan dapat dipahami 3
Sebagiankeciljelas dan dapatdipahami 2
Semua ucapan sulit dipahami 1
Semua ucapan tidak dapat dipahami 0
Pelafalan Semua ucapan benar 4
Sebagian besar ucapan benar 3
Sebagian kecil ucapan benar 2
Hampir semua ucapan tidak benar 1
Semua ucapan tidak benar 0

Skor maksimal = 20

Nilai siswa = Skor perolehan × 10 = . . .

Skor maksimal
= Skor perolehan × 10 = . . .

Penilaian Pengetahuan
a. Pertemuan Pertama

Text 1 News Item

Parents upset, disappointed with online school registration
(Source: The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Sat, July 05 2014, 9:25 AM)

Hundreds of parents thronged the Jakarta Education Agency’s office in

Kuningan, South Jakarta, to report problems with the online school registration system
on Friday.
During their visit to the agency’s office, the parents expressed their
dissatisfaction with the online system, which according to them was disorganized and
made it difficult for them to register their children for enrollment in public schools.
Riki Setyanto, one of the parents, said that he had registered his daughter for
enrollment at state vocational high school SMKN 47 Jakarta but she then got rejected
due to the minimum height policy applied by the state-run school.
However, he added, his daughter was also turned down after she registered at a
different school because her name was still listed for SMKN 47 Jakarta.
“First my daughter was rejected because of her height, and now due to technical
issues, she can’t register at any school. I just want to get her into a good school,” he
said, adding that he hoped the agency could solve the problems as soon as possible.
Nuraisyah Paransa, another parent, also said that she was unable to register her
son at any state-run high school due to similar technical problems.
She said that her son was initially accepted at a public East Jakarta school
through the public admission phase. However, he did not re-register with that school as
he wanted to shoot for a better state-run school through the local admission phase.
“But the second school rejected him because it said that he had been accepted
through the public admission phase. Since my son did not re-register at the first school,
now he isn’t registered anywhere,” she said.
The online registration system has been applied in the capital since 2004. No
such problems occurred with the previous registration system.
This year’s student admission system has three phases: public admission, where
students vie for seats with other students throughout the country; local admission,
where students compete with others in the same province; and third admission, where
students who did not get accepted during first and second admission resubmit their
Lasro Marbun, head of the Jakarta Education Agency, said that anyone who did
not re-register in the public admission phase and was unable to register during local
admission or third admission, could register their children at private schools. “They can
then transfer them to a public school in the second semester,” he said on Thursday as
quoted by
However, Rida Afrida, who wanted to register her son at state junior high school
SMP 194, did not agree with that idea. According to her, a lot of people have chosen
public schools over private schools for financial reasons.
“I cannot pay for a private school, if he thinks that is a good alternative for us, he
should just give us the money to pay for those schools,” she said.
Meanwhile, acting Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the
parents should be patient and not panic.
“We had no problems last year. The process might be a little complicated but
there’s no reason to panic,” Ahok told reporters at City Hall. (idb/dwa)
(Adopted from:

Task 2

Comprehension questions: Answer the following questions by referring to the text from
the newspaper above. Compare your answer with your friends’.
1. What is the main problem faced by the parents?
2. Why did the parents feel disappointed with the online system?
3. Who was rejected from school due to his/her height?
4. What happened to Nuraisyah Paransa’s son?
5. Mention some technical problems in the registration using the online system!
6. Why is the online system problematic this year?
7. Why do people prefer public schools to private schools?
8. If you were one of the parents, what would you do to respond to some problems with
the online system?
9. What do you think about Ahok’s response to the parents’ protest?
10. If you were Ahok, what would you do to respond to the parents’ concerns?

Kunci Jawaban:

1. School online registration system.

2. Because it was disorganized and made it difficult for them to register their children
for enrollment in public schools.
3. Riki Styanto’s Daughter.
4. Her son was rejected because of technical system. She said that her son was initially
accepted at a public East Jakarta school through the public admission phase.
However, he did not re-register with that school as he wanted to shoot for a better
state-run school through the local admission phase.
5. public admission, where students vie for seats with other students throughout the
country; local admission, where students compete with others in the same province;
and third admission, where students who did not get accepted during first and
second admission resubmit their applications.
6. Because there is no socialization to parents about the online registration system.
7. Because of financial reason
8. I will go the school and find the clear information about online registration system.
9. I think Ahok as governor at that time must be more concern about the problem.
10. I would make a private discussion with the vice of the parents to know the problem and solve

Rubrik Penilaian

No. Soal Skor Total Nilai

1. 1 Skor capaian X 4 = Nilai
2. 2 siswa
3. 1
4. 3 Nilai Maximal: 25x4 = 100
5. 3 25
6. 3
7. 3
8. 3
9. 3
10. 3
Task 2

In group of 6, please find the social function, text structure, and language features of the texts above!

Aspects Text 1 Text 2

Social function

Generic structure

Language Features

Rubrik Penilaian Sikap kerja kelompok

No. Nama Siswa Kerjasama Keaktifan Tanggung

kelompok dalam Jawab

Aspek Penilaian Skor Keterangan

Kerjasama Kelompok 1 Siswa tidak dapat
bersosialisasi dengan
teman kelompok
2 Siswa bersosialisasi
namun tidak
menmbantu dalam
3 Siswa berkontribusi
kecil dalam kelompok
4 Siswa dapat
bekerjasama dengan
baik dengan teman
Keaktifan dalam kelompok 1 Siswa tidak aktif
2 Siswa memperhatikan,
namun tidak
3 Siswa memberikan
beberapa saran dalam
4 Siswa terlihat aktif
member saran dalam
Tanggung Jawab 1 Siswa meninggalkan
2 Siswa tetap dalam
kelompok namun pasif
3 Siswa terlibat dalam
kelompok dan
membantu mengerjakan
tugas yang diberikan
4 Siswa dalam kelompok
mengerjakan tugas
dengan baik

b. Pertemuan ke – 2

1. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap kerja kelompok

No. Nama Siswa Kerjasama Keaktifan Tanggung
kelompok dalam Jawab

Aspek Penilaian Skor Keterangan

Kerjasama Kelompok 1 Siswa tidak dapat
bersosialisasi dengan
teman kelompok
2 Siswa bersosialisasi
namun tidak
menmbantu dalam
3 Siswa berkontribusi
kecil dalam kelompok
4 Siswa dapat
bekerjasama dengan
baik dengan teman
Keaktifan dalam kelompok 1 Siswa tidak aktif
2 Siswa memperhatikan,
namun tidak
3 Siswa memberikan
beberapa saran dalam
4 Siswa terlihat aktif
member saran dalam
Tanggung Jawab 1 Siswa meninggalkan
2 Siswa tetap dalam
kelompok namun pasif
3 Siswa terlibat dalam
kelompok dan
membantu mengerjakan
tugas yang diberikan
4 Siswa dalam kelompok
mengerjakan tugas
dengan baik

Nilai siswa = Skor capaian X 100


c. Pertemuan Ke – 3
Skor Max: 40
Nilai : Skor Capaian X 100

J. Rencana Tindak Lanjut Hasil Penilaian (Remidial dan/Pengayaan)

1. Pertemuan 1
Remidial: Siswa diberikan remedial berupa menjawab peetanyaan berbentuk multiple choice
mengenai text News Item.

News Item Text 1

The Surabaya Police have arrested a man, identified only as MN, for allegedly buying an infant via
MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in Surabaya, East Java, on Sunday.
He was found to have paid some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a baby boy when he was only three days
Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi Setiawan said recently that the transaction was conducted in
Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in Tangerang in Banten.
“The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration,” Rudi said on Monday (The Jakarta Post,
Tue, October 16, 2018)

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform readers about arrested man for buying an infant
B. To describe the important person for readers
C. To argue that arresting the man is important
D. To explain how police arrested the man
E. To convince reader that buying infant is illegal

2. What is the generic structure of the text above?

A. Orientation – Complication – Reorientation
B. Orientation – Series of event – Reorientation
C. Stating thesis – Arguments – Reiteration
D. Goal – Equipments – Steps
E. Newsworthy event – Background events – Sources

3. “MN was arrested at his house…” The underlined word refers to a house belongs to…….
A. The police officer
B. The arrested man
C. The infant parent
D. A Surabaya administration officer
E. A Semarang administration officer

4. “…for allegedly buying an infant” The infant word has similar meaning with ……
A. Adult
B. Teenager
C. Child
D. Grown
E. Man

b. Pengayaan : siswa yang telah lulus KKm akan diberi pengayaan mengenai social function,
struktur text, dan unsure kebahasaan dari text news Item yang lain.

Text News Item:

Parents upset, disappointed with online school registration

(Source: The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Sat, July 05 2014, 9:25 AM)

Hundreds of parents thronged the Jakarta Education Agency’s office in

Kuningan, South Jakarta, to report problems with the online school registration system
on Friday.
During their visit to the agency’s office, the parents expressed their
dissatisfaction with the online system, which according to them was disorganized and
made it difficult for them to register their children for enrollment in public schools.
Riki Setyanto, one of the parents, said that he had registered his daughter for
enrollment at state vocational high school SMKN 47 Jakarta but she then got rejected
due to the minimum height policy applied by the state-run school.
However, he added, his daughter was also turned down after she registered at a
different school because her name was still listed for SMKN 47 Jakarta.
“First my daughter was rejected because of her height, and now due to technical
issues, she can’t register at any school. I just want to get her into a good school,” he
said, adding that he hoped the agency could solve the problems as soon as possible.
Nuraisyah Paransa, another parent, also said that she was unable to register her
son at any state-run high school due to similar technical problems.
She said that her son was initially accepted at a public East Jakarta school
through the public admission phase. However, he did not re-register with that school as
he wanted to shoot for a better state-run school through the local admission phase.
“But the second school rejected him because it said that he had been accepted
through the public admission phase. Since my son did not re-register at the first school,
now he isn’t registered anywhere,” she said.
The online registration system has been applied in the capital since 2004. No
such problems occurred with the previous registration system.
This year’s student admission system has three phases: public admission, where
students vie for seats with other students throughout the country; local admission,
where students compete with others in the same province; and third admission, where
students who did not get accepted during first and second admission resubmit their
Lasro Marbun, head of the Jakarta Education Agency, said that anyone who did
not re-register in the public admission phase and was unable to register during local
admission or third admission, could register their children at private schools. “They can
then transfer them to a public school in the second semester,” he said on Thursday as
quoted by
However, Rida Afrida, who wanted to register her son at state junior high school
SMP 194, did not agree with that idea. According to her, a lot of people have chosen
public schools over private schools for financial reasons.
“I cannot pay for a private school, if he thinks that is a good alternative for us, he
should just give us the money to pay for those schools,” she said.
Meanwhile, acting Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said that the
parents should be patient and not panic.
“We had no problems last year. The process might be a little complicated but
there’s no reason to panic,” Ahok told reporters at City Hall. (idb/dwa)
(Adopted from:

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