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Server and Storage node recommended to have same release ** Difference between different builds and releases in edu.

emc Services- started when needed and starts other process or threads Dirs/opt/nsr /var/nsr /nsr applogs ** index-find subdirectory details: stores backup info for each backup file for each backup client. info used to support browsable recoveries. debug- to enable debug parameters dedup, since 7.4.2- avamar logs lockbox- stores crediantials for apps in encrypted mm- flatfile called as wiss database. created when you start networker. Critical , if deleted- contents are lost mmvolume6: dir- contains actu nsrim.prv: can delete; last date of index expiry check .nsr/.nsr.dir : directive- instructions on how to backup cmrssd- can be deleted mmvolume6: critical directory Vol.0 ss.o clients.0 jplog_t - can delete volhdr res: servers: list of nW servers- can be checked when services don't start ** nsrladb- peer info; find how to delete -- refer power link- need to trac e the particular clinet and delete. Used with RAP nsrdb: text files with config. networker RESOURCE IDENTIFIER is used as the primary key for working with components. updated by nsrd(RAP) ** jobsdb: jobquery how to? retention in jobdb controlled by size and days-recoommended 4-7 days. (i f < < size is not available as option) logs: deamon.raw: all activity log for server, client; starting from 7.6.2 clien t id is recorded in deamon.raw. when services are started max size is checked fo r 2 MB. if large, is archiveds rap.log : changes made to resources along with current vaule before . Ne eds to be enabled explicitly in server configuration, available in Diag mode. ** how to find render the logs at runtime : page 104 networker.raw: recover and manual backup logs; summary: messages regarding waiting events savepnpc: pre and post nsrtask.raw: VMhost discovery Controlling the log size for UNix: vi /etc/init.d/networker export variables for controlling logs tmp: rename to remove cache- works for most issues. sg : directory, has multiple sso files(1 per save set). Shows logs for r unning backups core /nsr/run: contans various file names by the serveice; eg . nsrd.1234 wo uld have list of services that are dependent and need to be shut with this f

How to find the version of networker server strings ; what; rpm Package names for Linux/unix begin with LGTO Solaris : pkginfo -l AIX: lslpp Lincensing: Evaluation period: 30 days Enabled mode- after 30 days, applied using base installer can apply using GRACE for another 15 days * workaround- delete tmp* Authorised mode- applied licenses; limited to license functions Source cap license: since 7.6.1 ; as per the largest full backup backup in the f irst 60 days for backup. N/W control data Represents the control data reps netwoker config info and backup tracking info. res dir- containg resourse info mm - volume and backup info cfi- /nsr/index- list of files in backup n/w resources to configure n/w env, used to manage configurable items clients device, backup start time, tapes, policies Save sets and vol aging checked based on browse and retention policies. Status changes are made to the c fi when the age changes from browsable to recoverable to appendable to recycleab le Admin interfacesserver administration- N/w management console backup - networker m/c recover- nwrecover devicesTape: AIT, DLT, LTO Optical File: save sets stored to files Cloud device: referred to as atmos cos standlone devices: preconfigured or manually handeled autochangers: deticated: arm controlled by single storage node and all drives as signed to single storage node shared : arm controlled by one, drives assigned to multiple. autochangers cannot be shared across datazones Dynamic drive sharing-SAN tapes: one or more devices can be shared across two or mode storage node. can be standalone or auto File type dev: faster generally Advanced file: suport multiple backups and recovery simultaneously and c an be on windows share; when space is not available- it suspends backup Funtill additional space is provided regular file type: when there is no more space- continues backup on anot her backup volume Console server: Java based: should have only version- recommeneded as per builds.needs clinet in

stalled. Backgroud database is sybase Process dbsrv9 for db, if multiple instance are present- stop service and restar t. Dbsrv on port 2638 Cloud backup: need n/w cloud backup license. Limited number of devices allowed. both p rivate and public works. provide u/p for EMC atmos cloud stage 1: find the cloud bakcup stage 2: label and mount the volume pool- collection of backup volumes. volume is assocated with pool when labelled. n/w determines by compairing char of save set to backup config. if no match- s end to default save set. Polls allow to seperate save sets to allow specific ret ention policies and seperate sensitive data cloningcopies save set or 1 volume to another. 1 volume has only 1 copy of a save set. manual or automatic.can have different retention rules staging: moves save set to another volumes Backup types: Client initiated: manual- using GUI(networker user) or command line(save) . not available from unix. need to specify the files/filesystems server determines the the storage node and volume to send to . Client generates save set and sends it to SN. and generates tracking data and sends it to the n/w server. SN writes to vol and sends tracking info the the server.Not browsable. can backup only to default pool command - save -s <server> /etc -s : server, if server backup fails and client backup with -s works, update serv ers file -v : supports upto 5 levels of verbosity -b : specify pool -f : specify device from pool -x : traverse mount points on sub directorys -L : use with -x Windows: networker user ; not recommended for recovery from large save set.Steps : Select files/folders; password/special handling; start Netware: networkr.nlm Server initated: server initiated backup request(using savegrp). config save sets determined by c omps.cause server to backup CFI and bootstrap save set- specical save set that c ontains res and mm. bootstrap backup needs to be on storage node that is local. always full. Since 7.6: if the server is part of active group(with furture scheduled) backup then, bootstrap is backed up ONLY when group backup is done. Index is also backed up when backing up with server initiated. When backup is fu ll, index backup level=full; incr= 9; leveln=leveln GUI: NMC CLI: savegrp Server initiated backup process: 1. Probe: Checks for communication and permissions for execution Common errors: probe job abandoned; probe job has undiscoverable failures. Log f ile is empty Jobd/Savegrp on the server calls savefs on client; client inturn would e

xecute the savefs(that collects a list of local FS) and returns list of FS. In case there are issues: check for resolution try to manually execute the savefs command from savegrp logs on client, debug 2. Jobd is a single threaded process and is responsible for updating the GUI mon tor. 3. Savegroup report is send on completion Client resourcessave set: what to backup Types: ALL locally mounted: Windows: all in disk management. Any file sy stem or directory which would be backup explicitly would be a save set. eg- if c : and c:/tmp is given- 2 save sets Unix: fstab/ vfstab / mntfstab. if new fs are ad ded , need to be mentioned in fstab for ALL option to be effective policies: browe and retain period schedule: time group: time types of backup: full: level 0- all data level backup: level 1-9, backs up all files changed since most recent lower leve l backup. eg 5 backups all files after last level 4 or lower level incr: changed since last backup since any level backup Backup changes since last backcup(Full , incremental, level 1-9) For Windows: Archive bit Unix: Inode time and mtime To disable use of archive bit in windwos set env variable: NSR_ARCHIVE_SET: find .. consolidated: performs a level 1 and merges it with most recent full to create a new consolidated full.very efficient. Needs a level 1 and full recovery: modification times and permissions not changed when recovered manual process to recover from client. tyeps: browsable, save set, directed.Bare metal recovery can be done with EMC home safe browsable rescovery: can be formed by n/w user and admins. need write permission . source and dest are same host. user selects what to recover.uses CFI. save set: no CFI needed. need to be system adm. can recover files/dir/save set. admin and destn client are same host.not point in time recovery. directed: source and dest different hosts but same os. should be admin. uses CFI . useful when cannot log on to source client gstclreport.bat: bat file that is run to make reports BUG: if continuous bad logon password causes issues programfiles/management/gst/cst config.xml > rename; copy the teamplate- save as config.xml csp.clb > rename; copy .bac - save as csp.clb nsrmon monitors and checks if nsrmmd is started on all SNs. The behaviour is con trolled by nsrmmd polling interval: checks for nsrmmd status, if no reply will wait for n m inutes nsrmmd restart interval: if no reply will restart the services nsrmmd control timeout: if restart doesnt happenTips Installation: Windows: Uncheck Journalising - recommendation IF there are internet security prompts from Windows IE- remove 'IE enhanced secu rity from Add remove- Windows componenets.

SavePNPC need to set as client attribute Need to edit from vi or nsradmin -f /nsr/res/<Groupname>.res Log: /nsr/logs/savepnpc.log Lock file: /nsr/tmp/<Group>.tmp Network checking: 1. for servers with multiple NIC's, the ping request and response may come from diferent NIC. to solve such issues list the appropriate entry as the first of th e listed IPs in Hosts file. Client attributs should be set with approprtite serv er ip 2. post 7.5 For creating a clinet resource use FQDN Install RH Linux: prerequisites: libXp-1*.'uname -i'.rpm ; ncurses openmotif*.'uname -i'.rpm compat-libstdc++* : both 64 and 32 bit(64 as per clinet, 32 bit for NMC) Setup Resolution: /etc/hosts: add hostname AND ALIAS(without DNSpart) /etc/resolv.conf (add dns server details) # dnsdomainname <type FQDN without domain name> # udpate the servers fils /nsr/res/servers <provide n/w server> SSID: save set's identifier; one for every ss Clone-id: 1 for every save set, even if clone is not made. when a clone is made - SSID remains the same , however clone id changes. SSID + Clone id: identify the backup Tape: Working of networker with tape 1. Labelling: first 32-bits header with EOF together repeated 1 time. then a sec ond EOF is done after the 2nd header. This info is added to mmdb6> resdb 2 EOF's are repeated as file marks to help CFI Networker has its unique header, and hence the tape used by other utilities cann ot be read with networker. Utility can be used to read and determine if this is the condition: t_reader Works well with unix Client resource attributs: File inactivity threshold: default [0]to check for files that are not changed fo r long time(usefull when multiple full backup). Error related: termination reque st was send to job x as requested;Reason given was 'inactive' " File inactivity alert threshold : default [0] checks how many files should trigg er this type of alert Scheduled backups: whether the client can do scheduled backup Check point restart: 7.6 SP1 or later Before 7.6 : Failed backup would need to restart the particular save set(eg: if C was complete and D was when it crashed= C is recoverable, but D backup save se t needs to be completetly restarted). Using CPR: backup starts to the save set, when backup fails depending on granura lity( Files or Dirs) the required data doesnt need to be backed up again and is recoverable. Backup renamed directoryes: traditional backup systems would not backup renamed dirs. To work around this check this option.

Save set: what needs to backed up(can combine dirs/files and disk/vol in one) . Doesnt traverse mount points unless explicitly specified. 2nd tab: apps: 'client command' for backing up mount points on subdirs : save -x L Creating device: Create new device: NMC New device wizard> setup device name, path, backup device OR New > setup device pat; then label check Media tab. Configuring backup enviornment: Scheduled backup: Level : overriesdes client level interval: how often interval: soft runtime: time after which no more child processes will be started hard: time after which backup opn would not be used Options: No index save, index only, manual restart: needed incase manual restart would be needed; revert to full if SSC fails; remove level 1 on ssc Schedules: CreationName: Constant Period:Week/Month[changable]- pattern For days/dates : Set Level: Full/Incr/Level/Skip Override: to overridde the schedule as an EXCEPTION Clear override: to aviod repetation Can be applied to group or clinet instance, Policies: Retention Policy: determines how long the save set info is retained in Media dat abase. tape is marked for recycling can be applied on client or media pools. Whe n a pool retention policy is specified, NetWorker will use the longer of the poo l retention policy or the client retention policy Browse Policy: CFI grows by 220(196 for certification) for every file. determine s how log CFI are retained. If CFI's are lost, can be regenerated- except for ND MB.Can be applied only to Client Retention policy for a tape volume is the retention time for the backup with lar gest retention policy as tape needs to recicled as a whole Save set components: VSS: 7.4.1: needs licenses for using VSS Besides files; Components of Windows system are visible post 7.5.1 Directives: Special instructions on how to perform a backup. Work using ASMs- like skipping files or compression. Seperated by space Global [preferred] : created and applied using NMC or nsradmin. used with server side backup. Local: created locally on the File sytem. used for server and clinet initiated. saved in nsr.dir-windows .nsr- unix Networker user: Windows only, created usign networker user. saved in C:/Networkr .cfg Known issue: BUG: if directive is having more then 999 lines- backup wont respon d correctly etc.

Syntax: NO COMMENTS IN ACTUAL CODE. << / >> # beggining, indicates root directory. .nsr Can be saved under differen t directories and would apply doirectory and subdirs. hence can be skipped. skip:*.mp3 # 'skip' causes required files/file types +skip:*.doc # '+skip' causes required Files or File types to be skipped from all subdirecories. Applied in order: Global and then local Encryption: Applied to networker server in properties- clear text passphrase Need to set passphrase for encryption. required for recovering from another Networker server. can be applied through NMC or nwserver. needed only for recovery from different server winworker -s pasephrase to start recovery with passphrase Media Pool: Used to determinethe set of volumes a save set should be written to Groups associate schedule and pool with clinet . Pools may have optional criteri a to restrict certian types of backup only to a particular pool. 1. Specify the clients[first creating 'label template resource'--- volumes would be named accordingly. if none is specied a label template is created automatica lly with same name.001-999 2. Specify particular save sets ex: index: bootstrap would make sure bootstrap and index backup from all clients go to particular poo l 3. level: particular levels that should go to this media. Browse and retention policies on media policy on pool has larger policy then the clinet Clinet associates with Groups depending on different save sets, client can be cr eated as a different instance and assocaite with groups. server compares save set chars to the set of arrs of each pool, first checking G roup, then Clinet, save set, then level If no space is available in pool, it would check for new media or recycle in poo l. if not, depeding on 'recycle to other media pools' and 'recycle from other media pols' it would check for recyclable/expired tapes in other pools if not- need to have AMM(auto media mgmt)- to automatically lable newly availabl e device. then change to 'waiting for media' NOTE: if backup is being done to a particular pool(on different SN) then need to ensure that the media pool has one volume on the local N/w Server Clone Pools/Cloning: 1. Index are not saved 2. goes only to clone changes 3. Retention policies are applied to clinet or media pool for cloning Backup Trouleshooting: Check alerts in monitoring if config changes are necessary- backup the res try to test with new group

SCSI BUS RESET: When working with scsi tapes, there are TUR signals sent- if there is a SCSI res et. This happens for all media on same initiator. THis causes tape write head to move to begging - causing data loss To avod: 1. Dont share initiator 2. Verify header on unload- optional feature in Networker(default: no) Devices: 1. Tape ptl vtl silo Disk File Adv file Data Domain Cloud Device Syntax: For Loca Path Remote path: rd=<sn>:device eg: rd=host:c:\b2d Tape: Standalone device: no robotic arm Library: robo arm Traditional Licensing: Licensing done as per number of slots(not drives), so for 24 slot library, license for 24 slot library is needed. local: on the n/w server, nsrlcpd is on N/W server remote: on remote SN, i.e. nsrlcpd is not running for this library on N/w server NSR variable NSR_Block_Size_Device_Name must be set to the correct value for NetWorker to use DDS: 1 license for each shared drive eg. for 4 SNs with 3 shared drives -3 licenses Example: Sun: /dev/rmt/ocbn(1) Linux: /dev/nst0-n(1) AIX /dev/rmtX.1(1) UX: /dev/cotodo...(1) Windows: \\.\Tape.n Imp: Tape device's letter could change due to Tape discovery during reboot. To check if this situation occured: check with # mt -f status /dev/nstn discovery: networker- all os: dvdetect linux-kudgu/ioscan(UX)/devfsadm/probescsi(solaris)/cfgmanager listintg devices Networker, For all os: inquire Note for HP UX, the HP command ioscan is used and o/p saved in /tmp/lgtodevscsil ist. If the file already exists and the fil Linux : lsscsi UNix: ioscan -Fnc tape solaris: prtconf

AIX: lsdev -Cc tape # inquire -lc -l: all LUNS -c: clear cache Drivers: Solaris 9 or lower: uses lgto driver - lus, from solaris 10 it uses native drive r sgen. AIX: to cotrol robotic arm- SMC, for Tape devices- atape Working with jukebox sjisn: to find serial and elemets sjirdtag: lots of info for the library nsrjb Configuring using jbconfig # jbconfig -s leg1-win 1. Alphastor Library- EMC alphastor library to share 1 lib across multiple data zones 2. Auto-detected SCSI Jukebox 3. Autodetected NDMP SCSI Jukebox: Connected to NAS 4. Configure an SJI Jukebox. 5. Configure an STL Silo. If device is not autoconfigurable, NMC cannot be used hence used- hence need to use jbconfig . In this case use option 2, if not working use 4 SILO: Has a dedicated SILO server(only AIX or SUN). Generally a large tape lib, capabl e of working with multiple apps, data zones To use jbconfig run from the SN where lcpd is running The user needs to be part of the administrators in N/W server. To add , configur ation- User Groups- Administrator ; Users , here add " user=root,host=*@* " Specify the name as should be listed for SN on Server Then provide Name for the jukebox Ideal time out: Diagnostic mode, library properties- timers Configuring dedicated library Right click SN, New window: check the required SN. [Optional] exclude scsi paths : specified in BTL(o/p) of inquire Highlight SCS/NDMP and provide NDMP password TO find out NDMP details from Storage node(without logging on to the actual NAS) # inquire -N <NAS-IP> <root user and passw> Check logs to To determine the which are tape libraries(control port:Robo arm) # changers or in GUI check under the SN for devices with NO device logical path. On SUN, tape librarys are listed in /dev/scsi/changers and can be seen by changers # inquire get the device path, serial, btl Now to find the out the drives with a particular controller, # sjism 1.0.0 here, you would see SN or VENN=1293902, here 1293902 is Serial number

to find the assocaited logical device path, # inquire more \1293903 This would show- logical path for drive with drive serial ON AIX or SOlaris 10, if networker services are running, sjisn would give errordevice is busy, stop n/w services and use sjisn Tape libraryis not unconfigured shows are rench to configure Library GUI: From SN, expand and highlight the Library, right click - configure. Static Assignment: Check the required drives. Configure Now the library is configured and shows selected drives in the devices tab NOTE: Barcode last to letters show if its LTO1/2/3/4/5, it would shows as L3 for LTO3 Now the Tape volumes are not created TO create: Library> right click the tapes at the end and right click, 'Lable'. S elect 'prompt to owerwrite existing label' or 'allow manual recycle' While enabling disabling, check /nsr/logs/deamon.raw Inventory: use ful when casatte was physically moved/ When new tapes are added In case the casatte has been swapped or changed different from the mmdb, you can do an inventory 1. Fast: Quick checking the barcode against drive and updating mmdb Force load/Slow: Loading, rewinding, reading tapes, to check the barcode, lable to verify consistency. Used when mmdb is corrupt. or when the media has been con stantly moved around How to: Slect the drive, Right Click the drive(s), select inventory Provide the list of slots to (eg- range 1-2,5-7) Options : Reinitailise the Library state before inventory( Force load and verify label(Slow inventory) From CLI: Fast INventory: nsrjb -IIvv <Select Jukebox> This may show some messages for ' media data base has no volume with barcode x' : This only indicates that they are not labelled, ignorable Slow Inventory: nsrjb -IEvv <Select Jukebox> TO do Slow inventory for particular slots # nsrjb -IE -S 1-1 <Select Library> Reset: useful when power failure or OS based commands result in loading casatte to drive without networkers mmdb updated. To resolve, reset. This Clears all drives and arm moves to resting . Select: nsrjb -HEvv Load: physically move tape from slot to drive. Doesnt need existing label Mount: load the tape,rewind,read header, then move to writeable area on tape- re ady for writing. This needs a label on tape NOTE: if inventory or reset dont cause data failure, only label and overwrite wo uld result in data loss

nsrjb: default shows the tape slots, lists volume, pool, barcode, volume id, recyclable ) Here * shows that slot is not registered with mmdb, to solve may need to check w ith different utilities and perform label only if necessary The volume shows type in the end with L3, L2- if this is not shown this is a tap e library configuration, to solve 'extended support' needs to be enabled. Volume id: Unique id for every tape, in case of corruption, could be duplicated for 2 different tapes or 1 tape may have multiple volume ids. Could be due to dr ive ordering. To solve this kind of situation- delete the volume. Label: #nsrjb -vv -L -b Default -S 7-9 <label-name> -Y -b: Media pool -Y: Answer promt : yes <label-name> : optional when name needs to be seperate from Barcode or Barcode r eader is not available. Mount: nsrjb -vvv -l -S 2 -m Load without mount: #nsrjb -vvv -l -n -S 3 Unmount: nsrjub -u -S 1 Media database corruption: When the tapes intermidiately and then show as not registered(*), tape labels lo st, its referred as mmdb corruption. To solve1. Controlled corruption of Media Database or Media database scavanging > Delete all files other then the imporatant Vol.0,ss.o,clients.0,volhdr Testing tape: Test with Sjimm(loading tape), mt, dd/tar # sjimm 2.11.0 slot 2 drive 1 sjimm Syntax: sjimm B.T.L [slot Drice] OR [Drive Slot] eg. to move from Drive 1 to slot 1 and backsjimm 2.0.0 slot 1 drive 1 sjimm 2.0.0 drive 1 slot 1 To Find which is the first drive check the element address, the lowest element a ddress(for the B.T.L) is the Drive 1 To check current status mt -f /dev/rmt/0cbn status Backward compatiblity- LTOs is always 2 Gen's read compatible and 1 Gen Write co mpatible Program Number: eg. 39073 belongs to nsrjb. Numbers to particular programs for n/w Persistant naming, while scanning for devices jbconfig -p Elemet address for device 1 Find the Dev path and SR using inquire 2. Check the element address using sjisn Reconfiguring1. Drive order issues

2. Reassignment to different SN 3. Hardware change, need to edit , due to new serial number 4. Tape library is not autoconfigurable # jbedit Standalone Devices Configuration configured using # nsrmm Name: Device Path When Creating a Advanced File Type Device with 7.6.1: Target Session: 1; Max Ses sion: 16 Target Session: Minimum number of Sessions (Save streams) that can be written to a Device Directory Structure: Advanced File type Type: adv_file 0-99: FOlders - Important, loss would result in unusable content. Actual data volhdr : volume name; in case lost, create a new device on another server with s ame name, then copy the volhdr from that location to this one, or move the 0-99 folders .nsr : Directive AF_readonly: readonly link to same folders Every Advanced File type device has 2 devices (RW and RO), hence there are 2 nsr mmd running Since 7.6.1 - AFTD can be restriced to % of disk space Known issues: AFTD may not be able to reclaim empty space, or Simultaneous reciv ery may not work File type Device: Can specify the Type: File Lab: Create File type and advanced file type limit cap, delete volhdr Querying Dbs Checking backup contents as per CFI # nsrinfo [-t nsavetime] clientname -t: opt; nsavetime(UNIX Time) Shows savesets and contents To check CFI records summary info # nsrls [clinet] -m -m: opt; number of records in each media db file and size To check mm # mminfo -m would return the list of volumes on server Syntax: mminfo -q "volume=abc" -r name,client -avot a: all v: verbose o: order with t: time ssid: save set ssid sumflags=browsable(b),recoverable(r),recyclable(e),expired,aborted op: cb: compleete,browsable ca: complete aborted hb: head,browsable mb: middle: browsable tb: tail, browsable

hi: head,inprogress cr: complte,recoverable ssbrowse: browse policy ssretean : retention policy eg: mminfo -q volume=abc.001 -r name,client,savetime,nsavetime,sumsize,level -avot # mminfo -q -r ssid,level,volume TO get list of save sets with /mnt # mminfo -N /mnt To get SSID #mminfo -S To get the volumes with bootstrap # mminfo -B Change status of Volume nsrmm -o <mode> <volume> -S ssid TO change the browse and retention time for SSID/CLoneID nsrmm -vv -w 12/07/2011 -e 12/07/2015 -S SSID/Cloneid changes for all instance including clones Purge CFI for SSID/Vol or delete # nsrmm -d[P] -S <SSID> # nsrmm -d[P] <volume> eg: nsrmm -dp -S 4145978094 nsrim: syncs the cfi with mm every 23 hrs run automatically after a save group if last time in nsr.prv is greater than 23h rs: nsrim -X nsrck recommended to run as L7 or L6 eg. in situation where index is lost- recover to different place, paste to index folder and then # nsrck -L7 If volume/saveset is expired/recyclable, first load without mount then, change volume to not recyclable, disable the tape drive(cause nsrd doesnt talk to scanner) nsrmm -o notrecyclable 001 thne scan for entries # scanner -i /dev/rmt/0cbn this would populate mm, -i would populate cfi * check end of output for more tape requirements- This would be in case of save set spanned # scanner -m[-i] -s <SSID> would recover the save set Note: When using scanner, it would first seach tape for header and immediately f or file mark 2- if not found- there was a scsi reset. Recovery is not possible Checking for bootstrap: # scanner -B <Volume> Index Location Change Can be changed in GUI the Cilent attrs, GLobals 2 of 2 Can be changed in NSRadmin as well Cloning: Manually or automatically or scheduled(after 7.6.1) VOlume cloning would clone all save sets that being on the volume. So if there a re multiple save sets , all that would begin on the volume would be cloned,if th

ere are save sets that span over other volumes and begin here, they would be clo ned from the other volumes. Save set cloning would clone the save set. 1 volume can have only 1 instance of clone save set nsrclone Browse and retain policy are same for clone. mminfo -q group=Default mminfo -q ssid=9128391 -r name,copies,sumsize,volume,ssretent,crretent Process: Specify 'Clone storage node' attribute; right click the Group and select The clo ning Pool. #nsrclone -vvvvv -b CloneVTL VTL3016L4 Clones from VTL3016L4 to Volume in pool CloneVTL s Staging: Can go to any media pool, default is default backup pool.No updates to The mmdb Manula: # nsrstage -m: migrating -C: Cleaning -V: Volume If the staging doesnt clean space: # nsrstage -C -v <volume> # nsrim -X Automatic Staging: Events: Low water mark: min amount of space to be used , eg 20% High Water mark: max amount of space to be used in Filesystem. Procedure: Enable staging tO monitor: Select both(RW and Ro) instance of advance Filetype Specify Destn pool, can select only Disk/adv type Specify Water marks: recommended 50-60, or 20-30 save set selctio: Oldest save set Max storage period Operations tab: Manual opns recover space, stage all, Reading logs: Daemon.raw: "Ready for business" : SHould always wait for this message "lcpd messages" : very important for tape opns Users Admin user: can perform all actions User: Can perform backup and recovery for particular local data, and monitor adding as admin: Right click form GUI and add nsraddadmin -u *@* nsraddadmin -u The user should be a part of the listed users in the NMC LDAP Integration: *** Need to study Note: for Multi domain env, need to configure the 'Search query' to search from DC for parent domain so networker could traverse Parallelism: max number of write sessions by clinet can be restriced at clinet, group and server parallelism the index and bootstrap are saveset of servers clinet resource Need to monitor the device and clinet data size to find required paralleism valu

es can setup different client instances and seperate them in different groups to es tablish priority for important data Paralleism for client = 4; for servers clinet resource = 12 Notifications: Server notfications - For events like completion/new storage node add and variou s other events Owner Notifications: for nsrlog Licensing: License is assigned to hostid. Auth code is needed 7.6 =< supports traditional and source cap licensing update enabler needed for update from 7.3 to 7.4 and 7.4 to 7.5 nsradmin -d /nsr/res/nsrdb Authentication Failures: > nsradmin -p nsrexecd > p NSRLA Also check the clinet attributes- Apps and Modules; then Remote user and passwor d is clear Recovery: Corss platform recovery is not supported by networker team(customer can engage p rof services) Interfaces: Networker User - GUI CLI : recover Netware : networkr.nlm Browsable: anny user, from any clinet, needs CFI and mdb. NOTE: if SOl 10 with Z FS- need to recover as root or user with rights to the file only. Other users re covery would fail. This is due to ACL . Indicated by + sign. Recovers just file in required dir Save set: Whole save set, need to be root, can be browsable/recovarable/recyclab le(only for tapes). Can recovery particular files with path. Recovers with dir s tructure Directed: recovery to another client. The pervious client should still be listed in NW server N/W server recover: mmrecov Recovery in UNIX recovery always as root as sudoer would change the privilages Media Volume status: Ready: present in Drive Nearline: In Library but not in drive(unmounted) offline: Not in Library # recover [-D9] -c : clinet, if none specified assumes local -s : server -a : absolute path to required file Now, browse to path that has backup cd /etc To specify time change time 7/21/2011 check files ls -l To Selct Files/Directories, use space seperated formates

add * add zones zip To check added files/dirs list To check status of volumes volumes To check destination destination to specify destination, this creteas a directory if not existant(mod: 744) relocate /testDest Save set recovery recover -vv -S ssid -d /test -a <path> Directed: # recover -D5 -iR -c sourceclient -R Destinclinet -d location Known error: Clinet not properly configured on networker server Solution: need to add the required alias to the clinet attributes(2 of 2) NSR server recovery: need to backup bootstrap; this can be done using Clinet Id: Stored in Media database Steps: Install and configure devices, network, hosts(and other configuration changed af ter the bootstrap backup date eg: pool). Start all services. MMRECOV needs ALL S ERVICES STARTED Ensure a bootstrap id is noted(present in events/daemon.raw/scanner -B)(mminfo B); bootstrap device needs to be local # mmrecov Provide the device name, SSID Now recover would overwrite mm and create res.R, rename it to res Start services, Inventory nsrjb -I Incase the bootstrap is not latest, mark volumes as scan needed. Then once done, scan and populate the entries( delete from index and mm , load w ithout mount, scanner -i) This would popolute all entries for volume post the boostrap CFI: If you choose not to recover a client s index, you must use nsrck to create a n empty CFI prior to the next backup of the client: nsrck client_name To recovery CFIs nsrck -L7 Firewall: Service Ports(Default) : 7937-9936 if v <= 7.5 : 7937 and 7938 mandate if v => 7.6 : 7937 mandate Note that nsrexecd on every type of NetWorker host will always try to listen on ports 7937 and 7938. Rest can be changed. Clinet: nsrexecd: needs 4 min ports for basic functionality. For Sofware administration add one. FOr Remote FS browse add one. Storage node: Client(1) + nsrlcpd=1*No of JB + nsrmmd (2* configured device) Server : 11 port + Storage node Connection ports: 10000-30000 <7.3 >= Random to configure ports nsrports Provides list of configured ports Service port change: nsrports -S <port-range> <port1> Console port change: nsrports -C <port-range> <port1>

To check connections use netstat or rpcinfo -p; filter by nsr or programnum

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