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About Goá'sí&^{lC€'

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A LEXANDER Schmemann, the well-known

Orthodox pastor and teacher, remarked on
more than one occasion that it would serve Christian
would say that there is no human life without partici-
pation in God's self-manifesting activity, and that we
human beings are who and what we are because we
theology, preaching and spiritual direction immensely are made in the image and likeness of God, male and
if several words were dropped for a while from the female, for unending divine life.
Christian vocabulary. One of these words was grace. We would say that it is not a matter of God choosing
The word grace, Fr. Alexander believed, has us without or against our will, nor of our choosing or
become so compromised and confused over centuries rejecting God. The mystery of God-with-me and
of controversy between Eastern and Western Christ- I-with-God depends wholly on God to the extent that
ians, as well as between Roman Catholics and Protest- there is no "I" without God. When I am with God,
ants, and among Reformed Christians of differing con- then I am who and what I am. When I am against
victions, that the word can hardly be used anymore in God, I am struggling to destroy who and what God
ways which are meaningful and clear. creates and saves me to be. This struggle is futile; I
A way forward, Fr. Alexander suggested, might be cannot rid myself of God's presence in my being and
for people to describe their spiritual experience and life. To persist in it is madness and hell.
articulate their theological convictions in non-technical It must be clearly affirmed, nevertheless, that I am
everyday language. If this were done it would not only not God and God is not me. Without God, I am nothing
demonstrate that people, especially preachers and and can do nothing. With God, I am who I am and
teachers, actually know what they are talking about, can do all things through God who vivifies, illumines
but it would also compel their hearers to come to terms and strengthens me.
not merely with terms, but with God and God's reality In Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the Church,
and activity in human being and life. through the preaching of the Word and the celebration
If we were to heed Fr. Alexander's request, and not of the sacraments, the presence and power of God is
use the word grace in our preaching and teaching, given as a gift: pressed down, running over, lavished
what would we Christians say? upon us. All is given by God whether we like it or
Those in the spiritual and ecclesial tradition of Fr. not, whether we want it or not. When we like it and
Alexander would say that God through his divine Son, want it, it is paradise. When we resist it, it is the hell
Word and Image incarnate as Jesus Christ, and the whose very pain is the presence and power of God
Holy -Spirit, speaks and acts in creation from its very who is love and truth, peace and joy, beauty and bliss.
beginning. God's creatures do not merely have words God is with us. This, simply put, is the meaning
and images and ideas about God; we have God himself of grace. God's gift of divinity to human persons is
with us through the divine activities of God's "two undeserved and unmerited, unconditional and unstop-
hands": the divine Word and Spirit. pable. It cannot be resisted, yet it may be madly unsuc-
We would say that God's truth, love, goodness, cessfully resisted from our side forever.
mercy, power, beauty, wisdom, glory...and indeed all To speak in this way, without using the term grace
of God's qualities .. .actually enter into our creaturely which was intended to say it all in a word, may allow
existence and activity. We truly experience and partici- us to say things reasonable to the human mind, verifi-
pate in God's supradivine being and life. able to the human heart, adequate to Christian worship,
We would say that God's speaking and acting in and proper to the experience of God accessible to
our world, and God's entrance into our creaturely being creatures who are made for this wonderful reality in
and life is a free gift of God's mercy and love for us, which alone we find life.
that there is nothing that we can do to earn or deserve Father Thomas Hopko is Dean of St. Vladimir's
it, and nothing that we can do to stop or prevent it. We Orthodox Seminary, Crestwood, New York.


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