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ANUL XLVll 1998




A two year study on bird community on an fish farm on seminatural condition, 120 ha, located near Neajlov River, Romania h a been made and, 136 bird species were counted. Relative frequency and abundance of birds were monitored. The importance of Comana Fish Farm for nesting (36 nesting species) and as stop over site (1 1; passage species) has been stressed. Rare species for Romania like: Peleranus sp, Phalacrocoroxpigrnaeur.Egreta ganefla. Todoma tadorna. Egreta alha, Recurvirostra avocetta, Himantopus hirnantopus. Calidris alho, Haliaetus alhicilla. Stereoranus parasiticus, Luscinia svecica cyanecula were observed. sometimes in a high number. Some suppositions referred to the connection between habitat varizbles and avian poflulations and the potential for managing such areas to maximize use by birds were taken into account. The struchue of avian community, habitat data in conjunction with avian populations and same elements related with community dynamic of identified species were considered.

Introduction The Arges and Neajlov flood plain region is settled in the middle of an important migration route. The most of wetlands around Comana Fish Farm were disappeared or suffered major transformations with directly implication on communicaties and avifaunas. Comana Lake is almost fill with sediments and 80% reed coverage; Greaca Lake with more than 10000 ha surface was dried up and transformed in agricultural landscape; Arges River has a very low water level because of hydrotechnical upstream transformation so a vast area who offered thousand km2, perfect places for nesting and as stopover site was lost. This facts stressed the importance of small, artificial bodies ofwater that attract an increased number of waterbirds, geese, ducks, swans, limicolous species etc. Although The Forest and Comana Lake were studied (Papadopol & Petrescu, 1995) The Comana Fish Farm was insufficient studied and there are ni publications about it.
*Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest, Spl. Independentei 91 76201. Romania

- 95, Bucharest,

Materials and methods Study site The Comana Fish Farm is located in Giurgiu county near Bucurqti - Giurgiu railway before the Neajlov Bridge; at 2.5 km. of Comana railway station. The total area of fish farm is about 120 ha including four ponds (105 ha), alevine basins, dams, leak channels and farm building. The water is taken fiom Arges River by electrical pumps. The fish farm is settled in the middle of a heterogeneous landscape with a poplar banded high way and an almost alway wet meadow on the west side; Neajlov River and Comana Forest on south; Argeq River and a grassland on north and crop lands on east (Fig. I). Comana Lake (the most important lake ofNeajlov floodplain (Gastescu, 1971) is located also in west. Inside of fish farm territory there is a little arbustive vegetation; Prunus spinosa bushes and a few weeping willow: Salk sp. The rush (Typha sp.) and reed (Phragmites communis.) are spread on wide areas. Most of the ponds: H,(14 ha), ZI,(11 ha), H,(10 ha), H,(9 ha), H,,(20 ha) are bounded with rush and reed on 50 - 90% fiom their perimeter. On H,(2,8 ha), H,(1,6 ha), H,(1,5 ha) and, H,(4 ha) there are only a little rush and reed patches. In summer the ponds are covered with natant plants like Nymphoides peltata and Potamogeton sp. Data collection The census of birds has been canied out fiom April 1997 to December 1998, by aids of binoculars (10 x 50 and 8 x 50). Additional data taken fiom file notes also were included in analyses. Most censuses were conducted during morning by one or two individuals, but occasionally theree people were present. In most cases a directly count was obtained for all birds. During this period 22 counts were made (1997) and 24 in the Zyear of the study, (1998). We used permanent transect mainly from dams, around ponds. Results A total of 137 bird species were counted (36 nesting species, 111 passage species, 3 1 summer visitor, 35 winter visitor, 6 permanent species and, 8 species that occurred accidentally) @able 1). Some species have both and passage population. Relative fiequency and abundance of birds were monitored. Data from April 1997 to December 1998 were combined to obtain a relative fiequency for each bird species. Frequencies were classified as fullows found wery often (recorded on > 75% of censuses), fairly common (about 40% of censuses) and uncommon (< 15% of censuses) (Fig. 2). Fam. Podicipedidae it is represented by four species all nesting at Comana Fish Farm. Also are nesting at The Comana Lake (Papadopol & Petrescu, 1995).

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Table 1 First record last record, maximum number of individual observed, number of counts and nesting status between Apr. 1997 and Dec. 1998.





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Table 2 Frequents of apparition of Luscinia cyanecula between Apr. 1997 and Jul. 1998 Species Date Nr. ex. wacber Luscinia svecica cyan. 11-04-1997 Hodor 7 19-04-1997 5 Hodor + Dra~anoiu 1 11-04-1 998 / 3 1 Hodor + Draganoiu I 1 Hodor + Draganoiu 16-04-1998 1 Hodor + Draganoiu 9-06-1 998 1 1-07-1998 Draganoiu + Gogu

Fam. Pelecanide: Pelican (Pelecanus), an accidental genus on The Comana Lake (Papadopol & Petrescu, 1995) was observed in November 1997 by an farm employee. Pelicans are frequently visitors of fish farms, sometimes they can be observed even in Transilvania (Ionescu, 1997). Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) it is a frequent visitor of the fish farnl. The species is still under control, shouted and sent away by the keeper's farm because of old preconceptions. Pygmy Cormorant ( ~ h a l a c r ~ c o r a x ~ ~ ~ a rare s ) m>u species with an under decline European population is also under control because is still considered a coracious fish eater. Fam. Ardeidae: Eurasian Bittern (Botaum stellaris), Little Bittern (Ixobrinrs minutus), Black - crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorwc). Mostly of 1997 Black - crowned Night Heron were juveniles. Probably is a nestling species somewhere near the fish farm. Great Egret (Egretta alba) a rare species for Romania it is considerate by Papadopol & Petrescu that Great Egret appeared in the region in the last ten years and is still a rare species. We can observed it in almost every month, with an exception: February, at least five - six times on day, Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) a very common species here, Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) a nestling species here in a little colony with five - six pairs etc. (Table l), (Fig. 2). Fam. Ciconiidae: Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) is a passage speceies, in a high number at the fish farm especially in autumn passage For spring migration we have only one recording: a dead individual on the dam. White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a nesting species in the village; two nests were observed. The fish farm land is also a very good feeding place for white storks. Fam. Threskiornithidae: For White Spoonbill (Platales leucoredia) considerate a accidental species in the region (Papadopol & Petrescu, 1995), we have three observation in 1997, and two observation in 1998 (Table I), Another species is Glossy Ibis (Plegadisfalcinellus). Fam. Anatidae: White - fronted Goose (Anser albifr.ons) is not an important species for Comana bird assemblage but, in theory, it should be a stopover site also for that species. Were observed from November to February between 400 and 2000 individuals flying in different directions.



In 1997 only three ducks, species were observed: Green - winged Teal (Anas crecca), Garganey (Anas querquedula) and, Mallard (Anasplayrhynchos). Anther duck species encountered were ShelBuch (Tadorna tadorna) a very rare species, Common Pochard (Ayya ferina) a both nestling and passage species it was observed in a high number in the spring passage, Fermginous Duck (Aythyu nyroca) the most common duck at The Comana Fish Farm. Fermginous Duck is the number one on the hunters Romanian list because of their high number; 66% of world population is in Romania (V. Chiochia, 1984), so any kind of protective measures are welcome. Fam. Accipitridae: White - tailed Sea Eagle (Haliacetus albicilla) extremely rare species both in Romania and Europe; was observed one individual. Fam. Falconidae: Merlin (Falco columbarius) is a rare winter vision at Comana. Fam. Phasianidae: Grey Partridge (Perdixperdix). The farm is used by Grey Partridge especially as a winter homerange. Groups about 20 individuals were observed. In summer is nesting on the agricultural landscape who roundel Comana Fish Farm. Fam. Rallidae: Black Coot (Fulica atra) is a nestling species here, with fifty pairs mean on year. The fish farm is also a stopover site for it. Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) a nestling species in a low number. Lirnicolous species (Ord. Charadrgormes) are high represented in Aug. Sept. and Oct. when all fish is take out and water s pounds is released, so offering feeding places for coots, avocets, plovers etc. Fam. Recuvirostridae: Black - winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) nestling at Comana Lake (Papadopol & Petrescu, 1995) was observed in 1997 in groups with maximum five individuals. Usually have been observed feeding near Glossy Ibis. Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) possible nestling a1 Comana Lakes because sometimes appears in high number at the fish farm. Fam. Charadriidae: represented by Ringed Plower (Charadrius hiaticula) and, Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola). Fam. Scolopacidae: Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea), Sanderling (Calidris alba) a rare species from Romania. Broad - billed Sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus) also a rare species for Romania. Triga genus is represented by seven species Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) the most common, Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus). Wood Sanpiper (Tringa glareola), Tringa hypoleucos, Common Redshank (Tringa totanus), Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) and, Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia) very rare in the area. Fam. Stercorariidae: Arctic Skua (Stercorariusparasiticus)a rare arctic species three individuals in dark color phase and another one in light color phase who attacked gulls over the ponds, has been observed in 1997 autumn passage. The gulls. (Fam. Lariidae), are represented by four species. The most fiequent one is Black - headed Gull (Lams ridibundus), Black - headed Gull is also a




nestling species of the fish farm in 1997 twenty pairs couinted and in 1998 thirty pairs in the former colony and, one hundred nest in an mixt colony with Podiceps nigricollis. Farn. Sternidae: Common Tern (Sterna hirundo), Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hyhrida), Gull - billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) and Caspian Tern (Hvdroprogne caspia) are rare sternes at The Comana Fish Farm. Farn. Columbidae: Collared turtur (Streptopeliu decaocto) is a usually visitor and also a nesting species of the Farm. Farn. Apodidae: Swift (Apus apus) is often encountered in migration times. Fam. Alcedinidae: Kingfisher (Alcedo atis) has been observed hunting near the Neajlov Bridge Sometimes is has been encountered in The Farm perching on concrete pillar (that behavior was also observed in another fish farms (Hodor, 1995). Passerines are represented in The Comana Fish Farm by 15 families and 40 species. We presented here only a single species, new from the region, Blue Throat, Luscinia svecica (Line, 1758) ssp. Cyanecula (Meisn 1804) from Fam. Turdidae.

In the study period H,, ponds have had a different dynamic. In 1998 there were two ponds, HI,, and H,,, filled out with water but without fishes though without human intrusion. The H,, and HI, (75% reed coverage) were good nestling places for numerous species. Also the channels were bounded with rush and reed and, to the end of summer was full of aquatic macrophytes so important feeding and nestling places. Because of that, the structure of bird assemblage registered big differenccs between 1997 and 1998 (Fig. 3). The number and densities of mainly nesting ducks, grebes. pochards, gulls and terns species were highly increased comparative with 1997.










Fig. 3. Number of species each month at the Comana Fish Farm in 1997 and 1998




The fact sugared us a highly connection between habitat variables ans avian populations and it should product, after several censuses periods, a model that predict individual species occurrence h e d on habitat variables (Smith, 1997).Among rare species like Pelecanus sp, Phalacrocoraxpigrnaars,Egreta garzetta, Tadorna tadorna, Egreta alba, Recurvirostra avocetta, Himantopus himantopus, Calidris alba, Haliaetus albicilla, Sterocorarius parasiticus a special case at The Comana Fish Farm is offered by the Luscinia svecica (Line, 1758) ssp. Cyanecula (Meisn 1804). The species is spread in almost all Europe, Asia and partially North America and it has eleven geographical races. In Romania were identified three subspecies Luscinia svecica volgae (Munteanu, 1955), Luscinia svecica svecica (Kiss, 1973), Luscinia svecica cyanecula observed in a few regions: Ilfov (Dombrowsky, 1912), Banat (Dombrowsky, 1946), (Nadra, 1962), (Pascovski, 1962) Cefa fish farm near Oradea (Polish, 1962) and Danube Delta (Radu, 1970). Luscinia svecica cyanecula has been observed at Comana in Apr. 1997 and June 1998 (Table 2). Pointed out the rarity of that species and the fact that its is in an extension process, any information about that species has the maximum importance for the future area map population. As a results of our proposal The Comana Fish Farm is now on The Important Bird Areas in Europe list like an extention of (030) - Comana Lake. Knowing the importance of The Comana Fish Farm as a nesting and stopover site, we propose it for a future protected bird area with total interdiction hunting and a natural regime for H,, and H,, ponds.

fn aceasta lucrare este prezentat un studiu de doi ani asupra avifaunei Fermei piscicole Comana, Jud. Giurgiu. Fema are o suprafa@de 120 ha, cuprinde 13 h e l e e e unele d h d u - s e in regim seminatural. Autorii prezinta date despre shuctura, dinarnica si fenologia avifaunei punindu-se accent pe p M l e dependente de habitatul acvatic. Au fost observate uu num& de 136 de specii inregimduse frecventa relativ5 de aparitie precurn si abuudenta acestora. Studiul aratg importmta F m e i piscicole Comana ca loc de cuibirire ?i loc de odihna si hrhire in timpul rnigratiilor. De asemenea se arata prezenta in f m a a uuor specii rare ca: Pelecanus sp, Phalacrocorax pigmaeus, Egreta ganetta, Egreta alba, Recurvirostra avocetta, Himantopus himan fopus. Calidris alba, Haliaetus alhicilla. Stercorarius parasiticus, Luscinia svecica cyanecula. fn contextul reducerii si chiar a disparitiei unor importante zone urnede naturale suprafete mici din categoria Fermei piscicole Comana reprezinta ultirne refugii pentru avifauna acvaticg din zona si trebuie smct ocrotite.




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