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Pendahuluan Services that the telecommunications networks provide have different characteristics. Required characteristics depend on the applications we use. To meet these different requirements, many different network technologies that are optimized for each type of service are in use. To understand the present structure of the telecommunications network, we have to understand what types of signals are transmitted through the telecommunications network and their requirements. In this chapter we look at the requirements of various applications, characteristics of analog voice channels, fundamental differences between analog and digital signals, analog-to-digital conversion, and a logarithmic measure of signal level (the decibel). gees es Bek meneH 8 3465 Bev Beri B Topics Requirements of various applications Basics of Signal Characteristics of analog voice channels Fundamental differences between analog and digital signals Analog-to-digital conversion Signal power See Jenis-jenis Informasi (1) Boge GUGRERERERE Jaringan digital modern mentransmisikan informasi digital secara transparan, yaitu jaringan tdk perlu tahu apa jenis informasi yg dikandung oleh data. Adapun informasi yg ditransmisikan melalui jaringan ini dpt berupa: — Speech/voice (telephony; fixed or mobile/celular); — Moving images (television or video); — Printed pages or still picture (facsimile or multimedia messaging); — Text (electronic mail or short text messaging); — Music; — All types of computer information such as program files. 34 Rae BOS Jenis-jenis Informasi (2) 3464 g 5 3 eS OO 3465 8 Saeusens BHEoSeg’ ap og ¢ Utk transmisi digital, sinyal analog (seperti suara) harus dikodekan dim bentuk digital dan selanjutnya ditransmisikan melalui jaringan sbg barisan bit (sama seperti transmisi file-file komputer). Teknologi jaringan memiliki dua jalur pengembangan utama: — Jalur utk layanan suara (circuit-swicthed) — Jalur utk layanan data (packet-swicthed) a SS Jenis-jenis Informasi (3) 3464 <3 eS 5 A OO SH 3 348 HS BoQos % 3% + Jaringan telepon dan ISDN dikembangkan utk komunikasi suara (voice) bersifat constant-bit-rate, yg cocok utk transmisi suara (speech transmission). Jaringan data (seperti LAN dan internet) dikembangkan utk transmisi data yg bersifat bursty. + Persyaratan transmisi sgt tergantung pd aplikasinya. Persyaratan transmisi sbb: — Data Rate or Bandwidth Requirement — Data Loss Tolerance — Fixed Delay Tolerance - Variable Delay Tolerance — Peak Information Rate Persyaratan Transmisi Table 3.1 Communication Requirements of Different Applications Transmission File Interactive Characteristics Voice Video Transfer = Media Bandwith Low, fixed Very high, High, High, variable requirement fixed variable Data loss Tolerant Tolerant Nontolerant Tolerant or tolerance nontolerant Fixed delay Low delay Tolerant Tolerant. Low delay tolerance Variable delay No No Tolerant No. tolerance Peak information Fired Fixed ~=—High Very high rate Simplex, Half-Duplex, and Full-Duplex Communication ‘Simplex: Source |} Destination ‘Signal is transmitted in one direction only Examples: broadcast radio and TV and paging systems. Half-Duplex Source Destination /] signals are transmitted in one direction ata time. destination source Examples: Some data and radio systems. Source and |_____p] Source and destination |}¢————— destination Full-Duplex (or Duplex): Signals are transmitted in both directions at the same time Examples: Conventional telephone, cellular ‘or mobile telephone systems and ISDN. Topics Requirements of various applications Basics of Signal Characteristics of analog voice channels Fundamental differences between analog and digital signals Analog-to-digital conversion Signal power a SS Basics of Signal (1) 3464 B eS Bes 2, SH 3 348 HS BoQos % 3% Sinyal (signal) adalah besaran fisis yang berubah menurut waktu, ruang, atau variabel-variabel bebas (independen) lainnya. Contoh sinyal: sinyal suara, dil. Secara matematis, sinyal adalah fungsi dari satu atau lebih variabel independen. Yang paling umum, sinyal adalah fungsi dari waktu. Untuk keperluan komunikasi (elektronik), sinyal/besaran fisis harus diubah menjadi sinyal listrik. Terkadang perlu diubah lagi menjadi sinyal elektromagnetik ataupun sinyal optik. Basics of Signal (2) « Untuk mengubah sinyal suara menjadi sinyal elektrik atau sebaliknya digunakan transducer (alat utk mengubah energi dari SHGrgogogs suatu bentuk ke bentuk lain). 5 $ 5 Transducer & 3 2, Transducer igexenceal 3 & udio 3 Oe Amplifier ee § MIC Electrical signal Amplified Audio Loud Speaker (Audio) Speech signal amplification with the help of transducers and electrical amplifier apnyjduy 5, e Parameter Dasar % + Amplituda (Amplitude), A i * Frekuensi (Frequency), f atau @ * Fase (Phase), ¢ ini menggunakan persamaan umum: x(t) =A sin (2nft + ¢) } t t Contoh-contoh sinyal sinusoidal berikut } } v 4 2 2 a 5 g 4s fds z “4 7 © Ss © & © & © Amplituda (Amplitude) t{detik] t{detik] t {det} il 1 1 09 09 09 0.8 0.8 0.8 sin (2nt) 07 07 07 05 06 06 06 04 02 02 02 03 x(t) = sin (4nt) 03 0.4 03 04 O41 ot 04 Frekuensi (Frequency) 0 “0 0 Fase (Phase) x(t) = sin (2nt) 07 08 09 06 05 sin (2nt — 1/4) 34 2’ BS ous BSE Sinyal dan Spektrum 3464 23 eS Ro eS Boe Res By 3465 estes BoSee Sinyal komunikasi merupakan besaran yang selalu berubah terhadap waktu. Setiap sinyal dpt dinyatakan dim domain waktu (ioe domain) maupun dim domain frekuensi frequency domain). Ekspresi sinyal di dalam domain waktu disebut gelombang atau bentuk gelombang (waveform). tk melihat sinyal dim domain waktu digunakan oscilloscope. Seer sinyal di dalam domain frekuensi disebut spektrum (spectrum). Utk melihat sinyal dim domain frekuensi digunakan spectrum analyzer. Sinyal di dalam domain waktu merupakan penjumlahan dari komponen-komponen spektrum sinusoidal. Sinyal dan Spektrum (2) « Untuk menghubungkan sinyal dalam domain waktu dengan sinyal di dalam domain frekuensi digunakan Analisis Fourier. — Deret Fourier utk sinyal periodik — Transformasi Fourier utk sinyal non-periodik (dan bisa juga utk sinyal periodik) * Spektrum sinyal — Sinyal periodik > spektrum diskrit — Sinyal non-periodik > spektrum kontinu + Bandwidth adalah lebar pita frekuensi yg terkandung dim suatu sinyal, yaitu frekuensi tertinggi dikurang frekuensi terrendah. BW = fhign = flow * Sinyal dan Spektrum (8) Amplitude A Perea Coy CLD} Time ‘Amplitude 0.5A Sere (Coe eat CED} 6 My Frequency Pulsa Segiempat Periodik Konstruksi sinyal pulsa segiempat dari sinyal sinusoidal: eo Go > . = f f [Hz] y - f 3, fH] ema - 7 f, ot, of, fh] Sinyal Pulsa; riodik vs periodi 5, { } K L : rect (t/r) mall ae ‘rer (Geieecue) @ wid Nin # 3 rest a) ; oe, oBeo i 4 Durasi Pulsa vs Bandwidth Durasi pulsa berbanding terbalik thdp bandwidth sinyal. Pada transmisi baseband: BW = 1/T. ry > ! < —_— Time [secon] are Frequency {Hz} wrt pT — Time [secon] a = Frequency [Hz] Rectangular-Pulse vs Sinc-Pulse PROS erry ities pene Sie Time domain Frequency domain a, ~ Note: FT = Fourier Transform, IFT = Inverse Fourier Transform sinarf rect (t/r) t © EeP> tor h [\, £ Time Frequenc 2|2 zr cued memes 5 cr» /\\ h 221 12. Time F\3 Frequency 23 Topics Requirements of various applications Basics of Signal Characteristics of analog voice channels Fundamental differences between analog and digital signals Analog-to-digital conversion Signal power 24 g Sy 2 SB CON BS; recetmecretes QoQ QoQoQoBer Frequency and Bandwidth (1 ) + The frequency refers to the number of cycles through with the wave oscillates in a second. * Suatu sinyal transmisi terdiri dari banyak frekuensi. Jangkauan (range) dari frekuensi ini disebut lebar pita (bandwidth) sinyal. Frequency and Bandwidth (2) Voltage or Constant rotation omens rate, feomplete A cycles in a second angle wt+p=2xft+9 Acos\2.aft+ 9) Example: v(tl= 1 cos (2x5t-90°)V 1 second, 5 cycles per second=5Hz {Second 9 cycles per Seconda ot Wavelength: How long distance signal propagates during one cycle or periodic time. dzclf c= velocity, speed of the wave Cycle or periodic time T=1/'§ Hz = 200 ms gees 3464 $ OO SHE —s PBrQoRoe Ber Qses Frequency and Bandwidth (3) Misalkan suatu sinyal telekomunikasi dimana: fadlh frekuensi dim Hertz, t adlh waktu dim detik atau sekon, ¢ adlh sudut fase dim radian, @ adlh frekuensi sudut (anguler) dim radian/detik, dimana w = 2zf. Periode T adlh T=1/f | dan| f=1/T Panjang gelombang 4 adlh A= cf =cT Dimana utk gelombang cahaya dan gelombang radio, c=3.x 108 m/s. Utk gelombang suara (sound), kecepatannya di udara adlh 346 m/s. 27 Frequency and Bandwidth (4) Attenuationor loss of dB ‘decreases power to haf and corresponds voltage drop Bandwidth B=31kH2 —/ from ito O77 (Halfpower) 3.68 068 Frequency : (og. scale) . Tetms Ss Ta33ms / Te03ms Time me Time ‘Sinewave osciating ‘Sine wave oscilla ‘Sine wave oscillating ‘300 times @ second 1000 times a second does 23400 times. second ‘attenuates wo half power notattenuate at all atenuates tohalf power Bandwidth kanal telepon adlh 3400 — 300 Hz = 3,1 kHz. 28 34 ak OS 2 SB Suara 3464 eS g 5 3 ae eos 348 8 eo BoQog Speech > suara yg diucapkan manusia (100 — 10.000 Hz) Audio > suara yg mampu didengar oleh telinga manusia (20 — 20.000 Hz) Sound > bunyi (semua/sembarang suara) Voice > speech yg telah difilter (300 — 3.400 Hz) Topics Requirements of various applications Basics of Signal Characteristics of analog voice channels Fundamental differences between analog and digital signals Analog-to-digital conversion Signal power 30 Perbedaan sinyal analog n sinyal digi Analog and digital watch Saray Analog signal yo™, = Signal Time value # Digital signal Slope of analog and digital voltages. |] Vors Vos 4 Time 7 m (Digna ana binary signal Signal g Data! n@ Binary 80 4 160 value 3 om > 0 0 ooo Tine 31

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