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30 July 2011 Hi all you guys who pray for us, and love us.

I got to thinking that after the last two requests for emergency prayer I should fill you in a bit more on whats been happening, especially since Im also going to ask for some more. So first of all, were alive. Thats almost always good news. In early May I asked you to pray for safety for me as I found myself in Indonesia for some meetings right at the time OBL met his end. Fortunately we were not affected in any way beyond being asked to not leave the hotel area for a few days. Thanks for your prayers and expressions of concern. Then last month I asked for prayer again as I was heading out the door for India to teach a 2-week translation principles course to translation consultants. From the email I got I realize the value of making urgent, semi-vague emergency prayer requests; I think that, in addition to the course, I had people praying for everything under the sun: my marriage, my children, health issues ranging from parasites to leprosy, probably even that my house plants wouldnt die in my absence. My main concern was not a matter being able to deliver the course content, or safety in travel Lord knows we could have bled THAT one dry years ago - or other highly predictable concerns that frequently get voiced in missionary letters. No, it was simple angst over leaving my family and friends. I know it sounds very non-missionary-ish, but, what can I say? Its the truth. Over the past 3 years, God has increasingly surrounded me with people who have become very close, who are helping me live well, and who are being used to plug some holes Ive been discovering in my soul. The mere thought of extracting myself from restoration and stability and deep healing was just undoing me. Mystery unveiled! So thank you for all your shot-in-the-dark all-over-the-map prayers. God answered, I was sustained and I did indeed survive the 16 days. And truly good things happened. The course was taught; people learned lots of important stuff; everyone was happy; and it was a beautiful place (whatever this sign says, thats where we were). I didnt get sick (I DID eat more rice and curry than I want to see for awhile thats another matter). No planes I rode in crashed; I was not robbed; my luggage arrived everywhere I did; and I made some friends. And I grewin my understanding of myself, of grace, and the importance of the body of Christ in my life; truly fellowship with close, safe brothers is a precious, unspeakable gift.

So now Ive been home 3 weeks, but tomorrow I leave yet againthis time for Guatemala for 10 days, to teach translation principles to a group of about 30 speakers of Mayan languages. Undone? Yeah, sort of. Still tender to the touch, but asking God to help me focus my energies to the task ahead of me, to do the best I can, and to trust him for what I cannot control. Join me in this prayer (but if you want to pray for good teaching, safety and all that other stuff, feel free). Melanie is doing well, still plugging away part-time at her childrens ministry job at our church. While Im in Guatemala, shell be taking a break and spending a raucously good time with her sister Heather and parents in the Chicago area. Its nice to have Lucas living at home this summer, and into the fall as he does his final semester at Biola University. [insert Hallelujah Chorus here.] He keeps himself busy with his job as a lifeguard and teaching oboe lessons on the side. Ryan and Kenlynn are a happy, totally-well-suited-for-each-other couple. Ryan has adjusted to wearing a suit every day for work where he has gotten a couple of promotions. And Kenlynn traded in the world of fashion to romp with dogs as she works towards being a professional trainer. And Erik is still on the other side of the world from us in S. Korea, teaching English to pre-school kids and is loving it. We went to see him in the spring (on my way to Indonesia) and got to know a bit about his world. Hes a great tour guide and host. So there you have it. And along with the news, our love and our deep, deep gratitude for joining alongside us in good times as well as hard ones, helping us to reach the world with Gods Word. With much thanksgiving for you, we remain firmly clenched in the relentless grip of his grace.

Snail Mail: Email: Phones: Skype: Rick's occasional blog: Pictures and other stuff: Info & Financial Gifts:

Rick and Melanie Floyd, 16135 Sunny Ct. Whittier, CA 90603 Home: 562-321-5442; Rick: 562-665-3364; Melanie: 562-665-3969 wancaman; melaniefloyd find us on Facebook Wycliffe Bible Translators, Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862-8200; ph: 800-992-5433

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