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Statisticians have devised many tools for application and these are available to be utilized for general business improvement and and indu strial indu strial problem solving. However, there is a wide gap between the available tools and what are practiced in business att ention to bridging organizations. Thus it is important for statisticians to direct serious this gap if statistics is to be relevant in business and indu stry and to the society at large. In this paper we look at some ideas for implementation of statistical methods in business research. These statements imply that Statistical Thinking and Methods should become part of the knowledge base of an organization and part of doing business. This is the kind of implementation we are discussing. In other words a business or industrial organization institutes Statistical Thinking in all its functions and the use of statistical tools and data based decisions becomes a part of the every day business. In this context we are not thinking just about a statistician consulting with a scientist or an engineer for a project. Although such activities are very important, our goal is much broader. Our vision is that statistical thinking and tools should be entrenched in the organization so that they play a prominent role in its daily activities. In such organizations the roles of statisticians are quite dierent from the traditional one of helping a client with some data analysis.

Business research and statistics

Business and research statistics can be very valuable for a business. These analysis methods are a way of analyzing it. They can give the big picture of where we are now, control processes within our business and forecast where we are going. Statistics is an applied science used to discover facts and relations concerning the subject under study.

Statistics take into account the uncertainty factor. Most all of mankind's endeavors have a random factor. A good example is weather forecasting. The weatherman is communicating that uncertainty when he states that there is a 30% chance of rain tomorrow. Statistics is a way of putting numbers to that randomness. Business and research statistics is relevant to most areas of the business world. Statistics is important to business analysis in the fields of manufacturing, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, retail and in many others.

Available Techniques
Some of the techniques presented here are advanced. Others are very basic. They are designated as follows: (B) - Basic (I) - Intermediate (A) - Advanced Simple Regression Calculation - This technique will appeal to the fortune teller in you. It is a method of using the data that you have to predict data that you don't have. It is assumed that the data describes a linear realtionship. (I) Two Concepts Of Regression Analysis - Here you will find information that is helpful to understanding and applying regression analysis.(B) Mean Average - The mean average , average or mean is used to generalize a set of data points. (B) Calculate Median - The median is another method for generalizing a set of data points. (B) Correlation Defined helps you understand what correlation means. You will find its formula as well as a link to an example that shows correlation in action. (I) What Is Standard Deviation will help you determine how "deviate" your data is from the mean or average. This is a key concept for the normal distribution, but it has other applications as well. (B) Standard Deviation Calculator - Use this simple calculator to calculate any standard deviation up to 25 data points. (I) Normal Probability Graphs - This tutorial introduces the concept of normal probability and the bell shaped curve.(B)

Normal Probability Distributions - You will learn more about normal probability and some of its characteristics. A introduction to using normal distribution probabilites is also presented.(B)

Role of Statistics in Business Research: Statistics play a vital role in nearly all businesses and form the backbone for all future development strategies. Businesses closely analyse data and statistics to work out what they are doing right and what is working for the company; while also determining what needs immediate attention or changing if things are not going so well. Therefore without detailed statistics to draw on, businesses would be running their companies blind-folded; which can result in complete disaster. Every business plan starts with extensive research and this is all compiled into statistics that can influence a final decision. Many businesses need to apply for bank loans when they are starting out or when growth is initiated. The bank will only grant a loan if they can see extensive statistics to indicate the business will make the money they claim and thus will be able to repay the loan. If a business went to a bank without any statistical evidence, it is extremely unlikely the bank would approve the loan request. Statistics aid development and learning, so their role in business should never be underestimated. The traditional business model would simply not work without access to detailed statistical reporting as any direction would be lost and keeping track of finances would be almost impossible. Depending on the type of business that is being operated, statistics are mainly used in business to gather information about their customers (current or potential), and would mainly be used to help improve or increase sales or marketing by making their business more tailored to their customers. Alternatively, if they were looking to open new markets, then they would use this to research the needs and demands of customers. Statistics are

also used in business to work out the breakdown of financial dealings of the company, so they can address where the spending and returns have been for the company, so they can budget for future spending and expenses. Statistics plays an important role in establishing the marketing strategies and in positioning the company in marketing .through statistical research a one can know the customer's demand .

Statistical Thinking and Methods need to become part of the knowledge base of an organization. We outlined several issues related to the implementation of statistical methods in business research. Well planned systems and training are necessary for implementation. It is important that the professional statistician is equipped with good tech- nical and non-technical skills.For business perspective it it is important for a businessman to know the company position, need and implementation of strategy. Thus statistics help manager to take proper decision.


2. Business Statistics S.P Gupta, M.P Gupta 3.Zekmard er book

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