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pada tahun 1811, sejak ditandatanganinya Kapitulasi Tuntang yang salah satunya

berisi penyerahan Pulau Jawa dari Belanda kepada Britania, Pada tahun 1814
dilakukanlah Konvensi London yang isinya pemerintah Belanda berkuasa kembali atas
wilayah jajahan Britania di Indonesia. Lalu baru pada tahun 1816,
Nama alternatif untuk Inggris adalah Albion. Kata ini awalnya digunakan untuk
merujuk ke seluruh Pulau Britania Raya. Catatan paling awal dari nama ini muncul
dalam karya Aristoteles, Corpus Aristotelicum pada abad ke-4 SM.[22] Disebutkan
bahwa: "Di luar pilar-pilar Herkules terdapat lautan yang mengalir di sepanjang
bumi dan di dalamnya ada dua pulau sangat besar yang disebut Britannia; yang
terdiri dari Albion dan Ierne".[22] Kata Albion (Ἀλβίων) atau Pulau Albionum
kemungkinan memiliki dua asal-usul; dari kata Latin albus, yang berarti putih,
untuk merujuk ke tebing putih Dover,
Para cendekiawan India telah menulis tentang Dwipantara atau kerajaan Hindu Jawa
Dwipa di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra atau Swarna Dwipa sekitar 200 SM.
berkuasa 1808–1811 dan dikenal pro-Prancis) Kekuasaan Prancis berakhir pada tahun
1811 ketika Britania mengalahkan kekuatan Belanda-Prancis di pulau Jawa.[butuh
DR. Noerhadi Magetsari, yang menggantikan Dra. Soemartini sebagai kepala Arsip
Nasional tahun 1991 hingga tahun 1998.
Para cendekiawan India telah menulis tentang Dwipantara atau kerajaan Hindu Jawa
Dwipa di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra atau Swarna Dwipa sekitar 200 SM.
DR. Noerhadi Magetsari, yang menggantikan Dra. Soemartini sebagai kepala Arsip
Nasional tahun 1991 hingga tahun 1998.
ada masa pergerakan nasionalisme kebangsaan di Indonesia, terutama pada tahun 1926-
1929, Pemerintah Hindia Belanda berusaha menangkis dan menolak tuntutan Indonesia
The queen seemed increasingly aware of the modern role of the monarchy, allowing,
for example, the televising of the royal family’s domestic life in 1970 and
condoning the formal dissolution of her sister’s marriage in 1978. In the 1990s,
however, the royal family faced a number of challenges. In 1992, a year that
Elizabeth referred to as the royal family’s annus horribilis, Prince Charles and
his wife, Diana, princess of Wales, separated, as did Prince Andrew and his wife,
Sarah, duchess of York. Moreover, Anne divorced, and a fire gutted the royal
residence of Windsor Castle. In addition, as the country struggled with a
recession, resentment over the royals’ lifestyle mounted, and in 1992 Elizabeth,
although personally exempt, agreed to pay taxes on her private income. The
separation and later divorce (1996) of Charles and the immensely popular Diana
further eroded support for the royal family, which was viewed by some as antiquated
and unfeeling. The criticism intensified following Diana’s death in 1997,
especially after Elizabeth initially refused to allow the national flag to fly at
half-staff over Buckingham Palace. In line with her earlier attempts at modernizing
the monarchy, the queen subsequently sought to present a less-stuffy and less-
traditional image of the monarchy. These attempts were met with mixed success.
Selain memiliki penduduk yang padat dan wilayah yang luas, Indonesia memiliki alam
yang mendukung tingkat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar ke-2 di dunia.
kept under lock and key until it was published 2018. It’s based on Topografi
Inggris sebagian besar terdiri dari perbukitan dan dataran rendah, terutama di
Inggris bagian tengah dan selatan. Dataran tinggi terdapat di bagian utara
(misalnya, pegunungan Danau District, Pennines, serta Yorkshire Dales) dan di barat
daya (misalnya Dartmoor dan Cotswolds). Ibu kota Inggris dahulunya adalah
Surakarta, Dutch Soerakarta, also called Solo, kota (city), eastern Central Java
(Jawa Tengah) propinsi (or provinsi; province), Indonesia. It lies along the Solo
River about 35 miles (55 km) northeast of Yogyakarta. Once the capital of Surakarta
principality under the Dutch, it was occupied by Japan (1942–45) during World War
II and was later incorporated into the Indonesian republic.
His success at the polls was viewed by many analysts as marking the beginning of a
new, more democratic era of Indonesian politics.
After World War II, Einstein was a leading figure in the World Government Movement,
he was offered the Presidency of the State of Israel, which he declined, and he
collaborated with Dr. Chaim Weizmann in establishing the Hebrew University of
impacted by the American “Dust Bowl” — hundreds of people entrenched in poverty,
whose humanity Evans and Agee desperately implore their audience to see in their
Kepemimpinan Dr. Noerhadi Magetsarisebagai kepala Arsip NasionalRI berlangsung
hingga tahun 1998. Sebagai penggantinya adalah DR.
erdasarkan SK menteri PP dan K nomor69626/a/s nama Arsip Negara berganti menjadi
Arsip Nasional. Perubahan ini berlaku surut semenjak 1 Januari 1959.
Nasional RI di Daerah TK I menjadi Arsip Nasional Wilayah. Seiring dengan
pengembangan struktur organisasi tersebut, beliau juga
Barack Obama, in part because there was a physical resemblance but also because
Jokowi largely fit the Obama mold as a charismatic nontraditional politician.
Jokowi ousted the incumbent, Fauzi Bowo, in the second round of that election, and,
as governor of Jakarta, he launched programs aimed at improving Jakartans’ access
to health care and education.
was reelected mayor with more than 90 percent of the vote. He was later ranked as
the third best mayor in the world by the international City Mayors Foundation.
During his gubernatorial run in Jakarta in 2012, Jokowi began to be widely compared
in the media to U.S. President
peninggalan-peninggalan orang Belanda. Pada tahun 1940-1942 pemerintah Hindia
Belanda menerbitkan Arschief Ordonantie yang bertujuan menjamin keselamatan arsip-
arsip pemerintah Hindia Belanda,
traveled all over Britain and Northern Ireland, and toured overseas in the South
Pacific and Australia, in Canada, and in the Caribbean.
Keterangan dari arsip tersebut diperlukan untuk membebaskan diri dari tawanan
Jepang, jika mereka dapat menunjukkan bukti turunan orang Indonesia meski bukan
dari hasil pernikahan.
Pada masa kepemimpinan beliau terjadi perubahan struktur organisasi yang baru
dengan dikeluarkannya Keputusan Presiden RI
Kata sejarah diserap ke dalam bahasa Melayu pada abad ke-13. Kata ini berasal dari
bahasa Arab, yakni syajarotun, yang artinya pohon.
At the risk of sounding cliché, the best biographies do exactly this: bring their
subjects to life. A great biography isn’t just a laundry list of events that
happened to someone. Rather,
The city is a market for the surrounding densely populated agricultural area, which
produces tobacco, sugar, rice, coconuts, fruits and vegetables, and cassava. The
making of batik cloth is a main industry, as are the manufacture of cigarettes,
furniture, and textiles; there is also metal casting and jewelry making. Local
handicrafts include pottery making, wood and bone carving, and the making of
musical instruments. The city is an important cultural centre for central Javanese
dance, music, and literature and is linked by road, rail, and air to the rest of
Java. Pop. (2010) 499,337.
menggantikan Sriwijaya, sebelum kembali digantikan oleh Pagaruyung pada abad ke-14.
Elizabeth I, bynames the Virgin Queen and Good Queen Bess, (born September 7, 1533,
Greenwich, near London, England—died March 24, 1603, Richmond, Surrey), queen of
England (1558–1603) during a period, often called the Elizabethan Age, when England
asserted itself vigorously as a major European power in politics, commerce, and the
Secara yuridis, keberadaan lembaga kearsipan Indonesia dimulai sejak
diproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia 17 Agustus 1945.
account of incredible devotion and sharp commentary on the pain of separation among
immigrant families.
Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the
determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize
the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere
stepping-stones for the next advance.
Joko Widodo, byname Jokowi, (born June 21, 1961, Surakarta, Central Java,
Indonesia), Indonesian businessman, politician, and government official who served
as governor of Jakarta (2012–14) and as president of Indonesia (2014– ). Joko
Widodo, commonly called Jokowi, who attracted international attention with his
populist style of campaigning and his anticorruption platform, became the first
Indonesian president who did not have a military background or belong to one of the
country’s prominent political families.
peninggalan-peninggalan orang Belanda. Pada tahun 1940-1942 pemerintah Hindia
Belanda menerbitkan Arschief Ordonantie yang bertujuan menjamin keselamatan arsip-
arsip pemerintah Hindia Belanda,
Elizabeth was known to favour simplicity in court life and was also known to take a
serious and informed interest in government business, aside from the traditional
and ceremonial duties. Privately, she became a keen horsewoman; she kept
racehorses, frequently attended races, and periodically visited the Kentucky stud
farms in the United States. Her financial and property holdings made her one of the
world’s richest women.
The city is a market for the surrounding densely populated agricultural area, which
produces tobacco, sugar, rice, coconuts, fruits and vegetables, and cassava. The
making of batik cloth is a main industry, as are the manufacture of cigarettes,
furniture, and textiles; there is also metal casting and jewelry making. Local
handicrafts include pottery making, wood and bone carving, and the making of
musical instruments. The city is an important cultural centre for central Javanese
dance, music, and literature and is linked by road, rail, and air to the rest of
Java. Pop. (2010) 499,337.
dan organisasi kearsipan pada masa pemerintah Kolonial Belanda (landarchief) dan
produk-produk kearsipannya. Setelah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, lembaga
kearsipan (landarchief) diambil oleh pemerintah RI
Pada masa pengambilalihan Landsarchief oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia Serikat,
masih In the summer of 1951 the health of King George VI entered into a serious
decline, and Princess Elizabeth represented him at the Trooping the Colour and on
various other state occasions. On October 7 she and her husband set out on a highly
successful tour of Canada and Washington, D.C. After Christmas in England she and
the duke set out in January 1952 for a tour of Australia and New Zealand, but en
route, at Sagana, Kenya, news reached them of the king’s death on February 6, 1952.
Elizabeth, now queen, at once flew back to England. The first three months of her
reign, the period of full mourning for her father, were passed in comparative
seclusion. But in the summer, after she had moved from Clarence House to Buckingham
Palace, she undertook the routine duties of
was reelected mayor with more than 90 percent of the vote. He was later ranked as
the third best mayor in the world by the international City Mayors Foundation.
During his gubernatorial run in Jakarta in 2012, Jokowi began to be widely compared
in the media to U.S. President
Setelah Konferensi Meja Bundar tanggal 27 Desember1949, Pemerintah Belanda
melaksanakan pengembalian kedaulatan kepada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, t
Pada masa pengambilalihan Landsarchief oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia Serikat,
masih In the summer of 1951 the health of King George VI entered into a serious
decline, and Princess Elizabeth represented him at the Trooping the Colour and on
various other state occasions. On October 7 she and her husband set out on a highly
successful tour of Canada and Washington, D.C. After Christmas in England she and
the duke set out in January 1952 for a tour of Australia and New Zealand, but en
route, at Sagana, Kenya, news reached them of the king’s death on February 6, 1952.
Elizabeth, now queen, at once flew back to England. The first three months of her
reign, the period of full mourning for her father, were passed in comparative
seclusion. But in the summer, after she had moved from Clarence House to Buckingham
Palace, she undertook the routine duties of
Lembaga kearsipan di Indonesia, seperti yang kita kenal sekarang ini, secara de
facto sudah ada sejak 28 Januari 1892,ketika Pemerintah Hindia Belanda mendirikan
dan organisasi kearsipan pada masa pemerintah Kolonial Belanda (landarchief) dan
produk-produk kearsipannya. Setelah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, lembaga
kearsipan (landarchief) diambil oleh pemerintah RI
whose cancer cells were taken, without her knowledge, for medical testing — and
without whom we wouldn’t have many of the critical cures we depend upon today.
His success at the polls was viewed by many analysts as marking the beginning of a
new, more democratic era of Indonesian politics.
Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the
determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize
the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere
stepping-stones for the next advance.
Because of the political situation worsened after the outbreak of G-30-S/PKI, MPRS
Special Assembly, March 1967, appointed Soeharto as the President, inaugurated as
the second President of the Republic of Indonesia, March 1968. President Suharto
ruled for more than three decades through the election six times, until he
resigned, May 21, 1998.
Elizabeth I, bynames the Virgin Queen and Good Queen Bess, (born September 7, 1533,
Greenwich, near London, England—died March 24, 1603, Richmond, Surrey), queen of
England (1558–1603) during a period, often called the Elizabethan Age, when England
asserted itself vigorously as a major European power in politics, commerce, and the
In 2005 Jokowi, as a member of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (Partai
Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan; PDI-P), won election as mayor of Surakarta—the
first person to be directly elected to that post. He was extraordinarily effective
in reducing crime and attracting foreign tourists to the city. His habit of making
spontaneous visits to poor neighbourhoods and his refusal to accept a salary for
his public service contributed to his reputation for humility and honesty. In 2010
berkuasa 1808–1811 dan dikenal pro-Prancis) Kekuasaan Prancis berakhir pada tahun
1811 ketika Britania mengalahkan kekuatan Belanda-Prancis di pulau Jawa.[butuh

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