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VOL. 3 AUGUST 13-14, 2011 ISSUE 32

Catholic Church at Fort Gordon, GA

Scripture for my salvation is about to come, my justice, about to be revealed. for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. (Isaiah 56:1,7a) For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29) I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 15:24) "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." And the womans daughter was healed (Matthew 15:27) Reflection What is God calling you to do? What is most sacred in your life? Are you sharing your gift with others? Do you share without using words

Has Jesus ever said to you, let it be done as you wish? What happened? If we are not humble, we tend to demand that faith must also bring with it good health, peace of mind, of luck, success in business, popularity, world peace, and every other good thing that we can imagine. And it is true that God can give us all these good things if He wants to. But they are of no importance compared with faith, which is essential. If we insist on other things as the price of believing, we tend by that very fact to undermine our own belief. I do not think that it would be an act of mercy on Gods part to let us get away with this. Merton, Thomas, New Seeds of Contemplation, New York, New Directions, 1972 p. 188.
Retrieved from For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh ParishVision LLC 2011

Q: Does the Catholic Church respect the gifts of different ethnic groups? A: Think back over the travels of Pope John Paul II to get an idea of how many races and cultures call the Catholic Church home. From Nigeria to Cuba, from Lebanon to Canada, the Popes many travels show us how many brothers and sisters in Christ we have. And while the heart of the worship in each of these countries is the same, the clothing whether its music, dance or costumes is often strikingly different. The same goes for the Church in America. Our nation of immigrants brings together Catholics from all over the world, and each of these traditions brings gifts to Catholic life and worship. Each brings the experiences of a people which, shared around the Lord's table, is the Body of Christ. How can our Church find new

ways to share these gifts? How can our diverse people work together to promote the common good? Perhaps the first step is to learn more about each other. These days we Catholics hear more and more of inculturation, the practice of bringing the Church to life in the culture of a local people. Inculturation is one of the key themes of Vatican II and, more recently, regional Synods, including the 1998 Synod for America. The more we can respect each other's differences as gifts to the Church, and become more welcoming parishes, the more fully we will be truly catholic, universal people. Retrieved from

Pastor: Fr. Damian Ilokaba (706) 791-4307 Co-Pastor: Fr. Samuel Aniekwe (706) 791-4307 Contract Priest: Fr. Michael Roverse (706) 791-2945 NCOIC: Sgt. Sheronda Williams (706) 791-4308 Chapel Clerk: Vacant (706) 791-2945 Deacons: - George Foster (706) 860-2379 - Mike Marchek (706) 855-2107 - David Kriegel (706) 869-9781 PLC: VACANT Music Director: VACANT Religious Education: VACANT MCCW: Kim Besel Knights of Columbus: Al Larson Youth Ministry: Nisa Vera EME: Judy Kriegel, (706) 869-9781 Altar Servers: Alex Besel, (706) 855-9275 Lectors: Tom Dean (706) 860-6946 Ushers: Ron Shannon (706) 868-5960 Flowers Ministry: Sherry Wodicka Editor: Lola Rivera (443) 223-1125

Upcoming Catholic Feast

This month on August 15th, we will celebrate The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast falls on Monday this year. Therefore, it is not a day of obligation. This should be celebrated on Monday and the faithful are encouraged to attend. But again, it is not a day of obligation.


Attendance: 488 Offering: $1,110.22 Designated Offering: $1,112.06


Looking for Parish Council Executive Members ~~~~~~~

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St. Michaels Parish is soliciting volunteers to serve as the FY12 Parish Council President, Vice-President, Secretary and Financial Advisor. If you are interested in leading and having an impact on your church, please contact Deacon George Foster at Appointments will be made by the end of August. You may ask the current Council Members about these positions. The following is a brief job description on these positions. Please, check out our bylaws in our website to learn about our Parish Vision and other important information. 1. President
- Be the Pastors Right Hand and strive to meet the PPC Vision. - Conduct all meetings of the council. - Perform such other duties as the Pastor and Deacons may from time to time direct, consistent with that office. - Be responsible for assuring participation of all members in Council deliberations and decision making. - Prepare an agenda in conjunction with the Pastor, and send it to Council members no later than one week prior to the regularly scheduled council meeting. - Poll parishioners and update the PPC. - Maintain and submit records to his/her successor

Nominations and Elected Officer Eligibility Requirements The President must be an Active Duty Service Member. For the remaining positions, if no Active Duty Service members are nominated, Active Duty Service Member or Spouses, Military Retirees, and DoD employees and their families can be nominated. Be a Catholic in good standing and have the endorsement and support of the Pastor and Deacons. Be an active parishioner. Support the

2. Vice President
- Assume all duties of the President in his/her absence. - Be fully informed about all Council activities. - Perform other such duties as the Pastor, Deacons, or President may direct, consistent with that office. - Poll parishioners and update the PPC.

3. Financial Advisor
- Check and update monthly the fiscal status of Parish. - Prepares and submits a monthly financial report to the Parish Council. - Yearly report to PPC on NAF/AF expenditures and bottom line. - Works closely with the office of the Army Chief of Chaplains. - Perform other duties assigned by the Pastor, Deacons, or President may direct, consistent with that office. - Maintain and submit records to his/her successor.

goals and objectives of the Parish. Have the ability to perform the duties of the office.

4. Secretary
- Keep an accurate record of all Council correspondence, minutes, and other communications. - Provide a copy of previous meeting minutes to all members at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting. - Provide a copy of the minutes to the Parish at large. - Keep an accurate record of all those in attendance. - Provide advance notification to all Council members and the ioners of the time and place of regular and regular meetings. - Perform such other duties as the Pastor, Deacons, or President may direct, consistent with that office.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MCCW FT GORDON FOR LIFE

O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, to you do we entrust the cause of life: Look down, O Mother, upon the vast numbers of babies not allowed to be born, of the poor whose lives are made difficult, of men and women who are victims of brutal violence, of the elderly and the sick killed by indifference our out of misguided mercy. Grant that all who believe in your Son may proclaim the Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time. Pope John Paul II, Prayer for Life, Evangelium Vitae.

Pro-Life Mass & Rosary

For your information, there is a Mass the first Saturday of each month at Saint Mary on the Hill, 9:15 am followed by a Pro-Life Rosary at Preferred Health Center right after (approximately 10:15am). This activity is not organized by our parish, but you are invited to participate to support the Right to Life.

Hand-made Pro-Life Rosaries Workshop

We will start praying the Pro-Life Rosary the first Wednesday of each month starting on October 5th, before Adoration at 6:10pm. In order to get ready for the first rosary, we will have a hand-made Pro-life Rosary Workshop on September 17th, 10am-Noon. We will make the rosaries that we will use for this intention. We are asking you to sign up for this workshop, so we can have an idea of how many supplies we need to purchase. Sign up sheets will be place on the MCCW table located in the hall. Please take a minute to sign up to make your own Pro-Life Rosary. This is a free workshop!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OUR COMMUNITY
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like Easter Sunday because it's a weekend full of fresh love, rebirth, and new beginnings. All married couples deserve a richer, fuller life together! Make a special time of growth for you and your spouse. For more information or to register for October 7 - 9 in Savannah, call 904 821-0773 or register on line at

Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts of America is alive and well in our community. The BSA has been around for over 100 years, instilling in our youth: leadership, life and survival skills, respect, faith, and courage. The local Boy Scout Troop out of St Mary on the Hill Catholic Church is actively seeking new membership. Please contact their Scoutmaster, Dave Besel at You can also visit their website at: http://

Glenn and JoAnn Strellner

53rd Anniversary, August 16th
May God continue to bless you
Send us an email if you are celebrating your wedding anniversary next month,

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Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW)

MCCW is getting ready to start the 2011/2012 year! Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 8 (note that this is a change from the previously advertised date of September 1). We will have Mass at 6:00 pm and then meet in the RSO for food and a "Jeopardy" game on our Catholic faith and traditions. This fun evening will be presided over by Father Paul Shuda, a retired priest from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Brush up on your Catholic trivia now because there will be prizes! MCCW Monthly Programs MCCW meets the first Thursday evening of the month for Mass at 6:00 pm followed by food and a program. The dates for the 2011/2012 year are as follows: September 8 (change from September 1) October 6, November 3, December 1, January 5, February 2, March 1, April 5 (Holy Thursday adoration), May 3. MCCW Faith Study MCCW also meets on Monday mornings (except the first week of the month and on holidays) for our faith study. We begin with the rosary at 9:00 am and then do the study until 11:00 am. This year we will be reading and discussing "Catholic Customs & Traditions: A Popular Guide" by Greg Dues. The dates of the faith study are: September 12, 19, 26. October 17, 24. November 7, 14. December 5, 12. January 9, 23.February 6, 13. March 5, 12, 19, 26. April 9, 16, 23. May 7, 14. Join us! St. Michaels Day will be celebrated on S e p t e mb e r 24th after 5pm Mass. We need your help to have a successful celebration. If you sing, dance, are a comedian, or have any other talent, this is your chance to share your talent with your Parish. Please contact Herman Gonzalez (706) 951-7883 if you would like to sign up for the entertainment part of the day. Rehearsals for this event will be on September 23rd at 6pm. Please, plan to attend if you are participating. We will share more information on this event in upcoming bulletins.

Upcoming Meetings
We have scheduled a few meetings to help us coordinate St. Michaels Day. It is very important that Ministry coordinators attend these meetings. Please, mark your calendars for the following upcoming meetings: September 12, 5:30pm (Activity room) September 19, 5:30pm (Activity room) Please contact Lola Rivera if you are unable to at-

CCD Registration!!
CCD begins Sep 11, 2011. We will have sign up for it in the chapel social hall every mass until then, starting this weekend. We are also looking for teachers for the CCD program. If interested please contact Sherry Wodicka at or (706) 5926478. There will be an orientation for teachers and also workshops to attend, starting in August. Randy Dillard will be instructing the "Seven Laws of the Learner." More info to follow on dates and times.

Catechists Needed
The future of our church depends on the adults in our parish volunteering to be catechists. We are in need of several Catechists and substitute teachers. Anyone interested in volunteering to teach Religious Education this year, please contact Sherry Wodicka.

Side-Dishes and Desserts Needed!!

The Parish will provide meats and drinks for St. Michaels Day. However, we ask our parishioners to bring side dishes and/ or desserts. The sign up sheets are located on the kitchens counter in the activity room. Please, take a few minutes to sign up today.

Bible Study is Off!!

St. Michaels Bible Study will resume on September 13. We will start a Bible Study on the Books of Hebrews. Contact Tom Dean (706) 860-6946. Join us! Access Parish updates, current newsletters, and more Join us

Knights of Columbus
Please know that our next meeting will be on Tuesday September 13, 2011 in Bldg. 13 at 1830. Social and the meeting starts at 1900 hours. Contact the Grand Knight Al Larson at if you have any question.

August 28th, 2011 at 10 AM Mass.

Youth are encouraged to do the readings, serve as Ushers, sing in the choir, and present the gifts during Mass. Please contact the Ministry Coordinator that you are interested in participating. We will have choir practice on August 17th, at 5:30 pm. We need singers and musicians!!! Contact Nisa Vera if you have any question.

Families Wanted
Our Parish is looking for families who would like to bring up the gifts at each mass. Please contact Ron Shannon if you are interested at

Altar Servers Training!!!

Altar Server Training will be September 10, from Noon - 1300 at Good Shepherd Chapel. All current and new servers must attend. A schedule will be drawn up and distributed at that time. For more information please contact Alex Besel at or (706) 855-9275.

God and Coffee is Off!!

God and Coffee is off for the Summer. This group will resume on September 11. Contact Tom Dean (706) 860-6946 if you have any question.

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Last weekend, we celebrated St. Michaels Summer Picnic coordinated by MCCW and the Knights of Columbus. The picnic was a great success, and like Fr. Damian said, The Holy Spirit blessed us with beautiful weather. More than hundred parishioners enjoyed the exquisite food provided by the Knights of Columbus and the Parish at large, fun activities and games coordinated by CYM, and the great music provided by Jun David. Thank you very much for cooking such delightful side-dishes, and grant us with your company. God bless you all! Please, enjoy the following pictures. You may check our Parish website to see more photos!

Weekend Masses Saturday 17:00 Sunday 08:30 & 10:00 Daily Mass Mon, Wed, Thurs. 11:30 Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45 Penance/ Reconciliation Saturday 16:00 Sunday 08:15 (Also by Appointment) Rosary Saturday 16:30 Sunday 08:00 Communion (Sick/Homebound): Deacon George Foster Weddings Deacon George Foster Baptisms Deacon Mike Marchek Liturgy Deacon David Kriegel Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Deacon Mike Marchek Adoration Wednesday 18:30 Religious Education (RE) Sunday 11:30 (RSO and RE Complex)

Please remember in your prayers all those who are deployed, their families and friends during their deployments. If your love one is one of them, or you know any deployed military personnel send us his or her name, so we can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer request to COL Mark Ziemba Susan Wersal SFC Nathan Varner SSG Carl W. Thompson SrA James Varner Col. Michael Apicella SPC Brendan G. Fitzpatrick HM1 Genell Cody CW2 Clarence W. Raby, III SPC. David Silva COL William Walker

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the Divine Power of God -thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Bulletin Announcements
Bulletin announcements must be submitted to by Sunday 3 PM.


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