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html Adam There are a number of locations identified by Muslim exegetes as being the final resting place of Adam. The main three places are Mecca (Mount Abu Qubays), Jeru salem, and Khalil (Hebron). Christian tradition generally places the tomb of Ada m in Jerusalem under the place where Jesus was crucified, called the "Cave of Tr easures" and described in the Syriac "Book of the Cave of Treasures." Jewish tra dition generally places the burial place of Adam in the Cave of Machpelah where Abraham and his sons are also said to be buried. All three traditions mention th at Seth was responsible for the burial of his father Adam since Abel had been ex pelled after his murder of Cain. Ubayy b. Ka'b: Your father Adam was as tall as a very tall palm, that is, 60 cub its. He had much hair, and his private parts were concealed...When Adam was dead , the angels washed him separately with lotus and water, and dressed him in sepa rate layers of shrouds. then they prepared a grave and buried him. They said: Th is will be the custom of the children of Adam after him (Tabari, Tarikh al-Rusul wa al-Muluk, 1:71). Ibn Kathir: Some claim that Adam is buried on the mountain to which he fell in I ndia. Others say that he is buried in Mount Abu Qubays in Mecca, or that Noah to ok the bodies of Adam and Eve on the Ark and reburied them in Jerusalem. Ibn Asakir says that the head of Adam is at the mosque of Abraham in the city of Khalil and his legs at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. In his history, Tabari reports that Noah did take Adam and Eve with him on the Ark but then returned t hem both to the cave on Mount Abu Qubays, also called the "Cave of the Treasure, " in which they had originally been buried. Seth Seth is not mentioned by name in the Quran but Muslim exegetes report that he wa s the son of Adam and Eve, the one to whom prophethood was passed after Adam, an d to whom was revealed a number of scriptures from God. These scriptures are sai d to be the "first scriptures" mentioned in Q 87:18. Muslim exegetes also mentio n that Seth was responsible for the burial of Adam, and for the burial of secret texts in the tomb of Adam, called the "Cave of Treasures" by Tabari and other M uslim scholars. Muslim and Christian sources report that some people believe Seth is buried in o ne of the two great pyramids in Giza near Cairo. Maqrizi reports that the Sabaia ns of Harran made pilgrimage to Giza and offered sacrifices there to Seth and Id ris (Hermes) because they believed that the pyramids were the tombs of these two prophets.


Q 19:56 Mention, in the Book, Idris, that he was truthful, a prophet. 57 We took him up to a high place. Ibn Ishaq: Jared married Barakna bt. al-Darmasil b. Mehujael b. Enoch b. Cain b. Adam when he was 162 years old. She bore him Enoch b. Jared. Enoch is Idris the prophet. He was the first of Adam's children to be given prophecy and the first to write with a pen. Jared lived 800 years after the birth of Enoch, and had mo re sons and daughters. So all of the years lived by Jared were 962, then he died . Tabari: Some of the Jews say that Enoch, that is Idris, was born to Jared. God m ade him a prophet after 622 years of Adam's life had passed. Thirty scriptures w ere revealed to him. He was the first to write after Adam, to exert himself in t he path of God, to cut and sew clothes, and the first to enslave some of Cain's descendants. He inherited from his father Jared that which his forefathers had b equeathed upon him, and had bequeathed to one another. All of this he did during the lifetime of Adam. Ibn Kathir: As for Idris, God praised him and attributed to him prophethood and truthfulness. He is Enoch. He is in the genealogical chain of the Prophet Muhamm ad, except according to one genealogist. He was the first descendant of Adam to whom prophethood was given after Adam and Seth. Ibn Ishaq says he was the first who wrote with the pen. There was a span of 380 years between him and the life o f Adam. Many of the scholars allege that he was the first to speak about this, a nd they call him Thrice-great Hermes [Hermes al-Haramisah]. They say many lies a bout him just as they lied about other prophets, scholars, sages, and people who did things first.

Q 87:18-19 This is in the first scriptures, the scriptures of Abraham and Moses. Ibn Kathir: "First scriptures" means the scriptures which were revealed to Adam' s son "Gift of God" [Seth] and Idris. Ibn Kathir: As for the word of God "we took him up to a high place" Idris was ta ken up to heaven. Mujahid says that Idris was taken up and did not die, just lik e Jesus was taken up. Ibn Abbas and Dahhak say that Idris was taken up into the sixth heaven and died there. Hasan al-Basri says Idris was taken into Paradise.

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