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By Howard Breslin
- Gebhardt a tall man with a mustache who is a little a tall man with a
mustache who is a little paralyzed but still smiles a lot
- Kind hearted policeman and likes to greet Gebhardt
- Friendly jeweller and adept at repairing a stopped Gebhardt watch
- Gebhardt the detective who died because of his carelessness
The short story written by Howard Breslin is entitled Clockwork, Clockwork
is set in London, the main character visits a jewelry shop across from a small
room he occupies in London and in the alley behind King Charles Square.
 xposition
In the exposition of Clockwork, the author describe it’s war time in London.
A jeweler has his display set up for the day. A man with a limp, Gebhardt,
get off a bus and looks in the shop window. He goes in and tells the jeweler
that his watch has stopped. He wants it fixed and asks for a new strap.
 Rising action
The rising action is the introduction of the main problem or conflict. Quote
in Clockword story : Gebhardt opened the small slip of paper that was on his
watch strap which contained the time for him to detonate the bomb.
 Climax
The climax of the story is when Gebhardt puts down the bomb he had
placed but he is caught by the soldiers.
 Falling action
The falling action of the story is that when gebhardt had set the time to
detonate the bomb, he thought it worked but knew what he was planning so
what he wanted to do did not go according to the story.
 Conclusion
 The story ends with Gebhardt being captured by the soldiers. The
conclusion is that if he is an agent he must be careful and not careless
The climax of the story is when Gebhardt puts down the bomb he had placed
but he is caught by the soldiers.
 Falling action
The falling action of the story is that when gebhardt had set the time to
detonate the bomb, he thought it worked but knew what he was planning so
what he wanted to do did not go according to the story.
 Conclusion
The story ends with Gebhardt being captured by the soldiers. The conclusion
is that if he is an agent he must be careful and not careless.

The main conflict in the story is gebhardt who wants to blow up the truck
from King Charles Square.

The main theme in the story is careless. The author tells of Gebhardt who
carries out his plan but does not take into account everything that happens in
the future so that he can be called careless.

The short story “Clockwork” by Howard Breslin is narrated in the third-person by
an anonymous narrator who only functions as an observer.

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