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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester : VII / I
Waktu : 90 Menit
Hari/ Tanggal : Jumat, 25 November 2022


I. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan cara menyilang pada pilihan jawaban a,b,c,atau d!!
1. “8” This is number………….
a. One b. Eight c. Twelve d. Fourty
2. “11” This is number…………..
a. Ten b. One c. Twelve d. Eleven
3. “39” This is number……….
a. Twenty Nine c. Thirty Nine
b. Thirteen d. Nineteen
4. Twenty Seven in number is………..
a. 27 b.72 c. 22 d. 77
5. Fourty in number is……….
a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50
6. Selamat Pagi in English is………
a. Good Bye c. Good afternoon
b. Good Morning d. Good night
7. Good bye in Indonesian is…………..
a. Selamat pagi c. Selamat tinggal
b. Selamat datang d. Selamat siang
8. How are you? In Indonesian is…………..
a. Bagaimana kabarmu? C. Apakah kamu sakit?
b. Bagaimana bajumu? D. Apakah maumu?
9. Saya baik baik saja in English is…………..
a. I am sick c. I am fine
b. I am not good d. I am feel bad
10.Memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris adalah………..
a. Number c. Part of body
b. Introduction myself d. Greeting
11.Kalimat yang menyatakan alamat dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah……..
a. I live in c. My name is
b. I am 7 years old d. Hello
12. Desa in English is…………….
a. Sick b. Village c. Name d. Hello
13.Kata salam pertama yang diucapkan saat pertama bertemu adalah………
a. Sick b. Village c. Name d. Hello
14. Kepala in English is……………..
a. Head b. Shoulder c. Hand d. Mouth
15. Pinggang in English is…………
a. Eyes b. Finger c. waist d. toes
16. Eyes in Indonesian is…………….
a. Hidung b. Mata c. Kepala d. pinggang
17. Stomach in Indonesian is…………
a. Perut b. Pinggang c. Kaki d. tangan
18. Ayah in English is………………….
a. Mother b. Sister c. Father d. Brother
19. Saudara perempuan in English is…………
a. Mother b. Sister c. Father d. Brother
20. Ibu in English is………….
a. Mother b. Sister c. Father d. Brother

II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat !

21. 44 in English is………….
22. Please introduce your self in English (Silahkan perkenalkan diri kalian dalam Bahasa Inggris)!……

Lengkapilah lagu di bawah ini !

Head Shoulder Knees and toes, knees and toes

Head Shoulder Knees and toes, knees and toes

And(23) ……………………………. And(24) ………………………

And (25)……………………………….. and Nose.

Head Shoulder Knees and toes, knees and toes



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester : VIII / I
Waktu : 90 Menit
Hari/ Tanggal : Jumat, 25 November 2022


I. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan cara menyilang pada pilihan jawaban a,b,c,atau d!!
1. Senin in English is………………
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Tuesday d. Friday
2. Penulisan tanggal 2 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang tepat adalah……..
a. 2rd b. 2th c. 2nd d. 2st
3. Penulisan bulan Maret dalam Bahasa inggris yang tepat adalah………….
a. March b. Mareth c. Marrchet d. Marchth
4. Penulisan tanggal 30 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang tepat adalah……………..
a. 30st b. 30nd c. 30rd d. 30th
5. Tahun “2020” dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah………….
a. Two thousand and Twenty c. Two twenty thousand
b. Twenty thousand twenty d. Thousand twenty two
6. Tahun “1935” dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah……………
a. One thousand Thirty five thousand
b. One thousand Five hundred thirty nine
c. One thousand Nine hundred Thirty five
d. One thousand hundred Five Thirty
7. What time is it?
a. It’s One to five
b. It’s One to eleven
c. It’s Eleven to one
d. It’s Five to one
8. What time is it?
a. It’s seven ten
b. It’s seven to ten
c. It’s Ten to seven
d. It’s ten seven
9. What time is it?
a. It’s quarter past three
b. It’s past three quarter
c. It’s three past
d. It’s quarter three past
10. What time is it?
a. It’s quarter past three
b. It’s past five
c. It’s quarter past five
d. It’s quarter five past
11. What animal that you see in the picture?
a. Rabbit c. Chicken
b. Butterfly d. Snake
12. What animal that you see in the picture?
a. Dolphin c. Bird
b. Dog d. Ant
13. What animal that you see in the picture?
a. Frog c. Bird
b. Fox d. Chicken

14. What animal that you see in the picture?

a. Chicken c. Eagle
b. Butterfly d. Ant
15. What animal that you see in the picture?
a. Bird c. Monkey
b. Crab d. Fish

16. Ronaldo : Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Adit : Yes, please. It’s very cold inside
The underlined sentence express ……………….
a. Asking help c. Refusing something
b. Offering Help d. accepting an offer
17. Bob : Sony, will you give me that book?
Sony : Sure,…………………
Complete the dialogue above with the right expression…………..
a. I don’t want to c. I Will
b. I am busy today. D. I have to go
18. Elsa : will you help me to build a snow man?
Olaf : Yes, Of course………..
Complete the dialogue above !
a. I won’t b. I will c. will I? d. Shall I?
19. Romy : May I help you?
Deny : Hmmmmmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
The underlined sentence express……………….
a. Asking help c. Refusing an offer
b. Giving help d. Accepting an offer
20. Andi : Do you need any help?
Cony : Yes, please. I can’t find mt glasses.
The underlined sentence express ……………….
a. Preference c. accept help and assistance
b. Accept apology d. offer help and assistance

II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat !

21. Tulislah tanggal hari, tanggal, bulan, tahun(angka)pada saat ini dengan dalam penulisan Bahasa Inggris yang
benar !

22. Gambarlah Jam dengan menunjukan waktu “It’s Two o’clock” !

23. Gambarlah Jam dengan menunjukkan waktu “It’s half past seven” !

24. Tulislah 2 hewan yang ada pada desa Watmasa dalam Bahasa Inggris !

25. Buatlah sebuah kalimat ketika kalian ingin meminta bantuan dari teman (Asking for help) !


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester : IX / I
Waktu : 90 Menit
Hari/ Tanggal : Jumat, 25 November 2022


I. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan cara menyilang pada pilihan jawaban a,b,c,atau d!!
Once upon a time there was a peacock who was very proud of its beautiful looks. Its only disappointment was
that it live next to an ugly owl. Every day, peacock come to the owl house would insult the owl on its looks while
the owl stayed quiet. All the other animals in the forest tried to make the peacock see sense, but it was too
swayed by it own good looks. One night, it rained heavily and flooded the peacock’s nest. Peacock are
homeless and have no food. Peacock come to the owl house ask for food and the owl gave it. Then the owl told
peacock to stay.
1. What is the story about ….
a. Two birds in the forest
b. a beautiful peacock
c. a beautiful peacock, and the owl
d. Animals in the forest
2. From the story, we know the owl was …
a. Brave c. Patient
b. Humble d. Wise
3. The peacock ignored other animals advice to change attitude because …
a. Peacock belived it was the prettiest
b. Peacock cloud change others to do so
c. Peacock thought that is was right
d. Peacock didn’t trust other people
In a kingdom, there lived 3 corn farmers. All three are smart and diligent farmers. In one season, the land of the
three farmers experienced pest problems. Their corn harvest is in danger of failing.
To overcome this, farmers first use pesticides. The second farmer built a cage around his land to prevent pests
from entering. The third farmer tried to make a scarecrow. all to no avail.
Then, the king called the three farmers. The king gave a stick to each and told them to break it. The sticks break
easily. Then the king gave him a hundred sticks and the three of them had trouble breaking them.
The king said, “When you work alone, you are weak, but together you become strong.” Three farmers work
together, combined strategies, and succeeded.
4. From the text we know that the three farmers earned money by …
a. Culvating their fields
b. Selling crops to a market
c. Collecting firewood
d. Working on others fields
5. What is the conflict faced by the farmers in the story?
a. Three farmers with the king
b. Three farmers have a good harvest
c. The village head gave the three farmers challenge
d. The three farmers efforts to help their crops failed
6. The story teaches us ….
a. Pratice makes perfect
b. There is streng is unity
c. Hard work is a key of a success
d. The king always right
7. How three farmers solve their problems?
a. Work alone c. Work together
b. ask the king for help d. use the same strategy
Natural Bridge National Park
Natural Bridge National Park is luscious tropical rainforest.
It is located 110 kilometers from south of Brisbane and is reached by following the Pacific Highway to Nerang and
then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley. This scenic roadway lies in the shadow of Lamington National Park.
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural ‘arch’ and the cave through which a waterfall cascades is a short
one-kilometer walk below a dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in the rock
pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offers toilets,
barbeque, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not permitted.

8. What is the function of paragraph 1?

a. as an identification
b. as an orientation
c. as a thesis
d. as a classification
9. The text above is in form of………….
a. report
b. hortatory exposition
c. description
d. narrative
10. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. to present two points of views about natural bridge national park
b. to explain the bridge national park
c. to describe the bridge national park
d. to retell the bridge national park
11. Where is the natural bridge national park located?
a. 110 kilometers from South of Brisbane
b. 110 kilometers from Pacific Highway
c. 110 kilometers from Numinbah Valley
d. 110 kilometers from Lamington National Park
12. What the visitors will see in the night?
a. common glow worm
b. the unique feature of the glow worms
c. a great dark cave
d. the unique rocks
13. The word ‘luscious’ in the text means………..
a. Succulent
b. Dense
c. Dull
d. Dry
A quick and easy cheese cake recipe
Yield : 6 servings Ingredients:
Prep. Time :5 minutes 16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
Cook Time : 40 minutes ½ cup sugar
Total Time : 45 minutes ½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 prepared Graham cracker crust

Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in chocolate chips
then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips on top if you
Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.
For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.
14. How many persons is the cake for?
A. 2 C. 6
B. 5 D. 35
15. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .
A. how to beat cream cheese
B. how to blend sugar and vanilla
C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake
D. how make cheese cake
16. The text is called a/an . . . . .
A. explanation C. procedure
B. description D. report
Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group,
Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).
Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They are
covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake
slithers along the ground.
Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded; they need the sun’s
warmth to heat their bodies up.
Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in
deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs.
A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small crocodiles
and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their
enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin
stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.
17. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they…
A. like sucking the cool blood
B. avoid sun-bathing to their skins
C. never sun bathe in the warm weather
D. live on the ground in deserted burrows
18. We know from the text that snakes…
A. do not have claws
B. do not like sunlight
C. have two legs and claws
D. use their legs to climb the tree
19 . Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit
burrows,…(paragraph 4).The word “burrows “ has the similar meaning with…
A. foster
B. dig
C. plough
D. nurture
20. How do flying snakes protect themselves.
A. They fly away
B. They use their fangs they scare their enemies.
C. They stretch out their skin,
D. They eat the other animals.

II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat !

21. Please make a descriptive text about your English teacher !

22. Please make a procedure text about your favorite food !

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