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Books to read:

1. Catcher in the Rye J D Salinger 2. One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez 3. Midnight Children Salman Rushdie 4. Animal Farm George Orwell 5. War and Peace Leo Tolstoy 6. Ulysses James Joyce 7. The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald 8. As I Lay Dying William Faulkner 9. The Dark Arena Mario Puzo 10.On the origin of Species Charles Darwin (maybe) 11.Das Kapital Karl Marx 12.The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler 13.Tropic of Capricon Henry Miller 14.Freedom at Midnight Larry Collins n Dominique Lapierre 15.Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky 16.The Trial Franz Kafka 17.Les Misrebles Victor Hugo 18.Lord of the Flies William Golding 19.How to Lie With Satistics E M Forster 20.Dialogues of Socrates 21.Laws Plato 22.The Republic Plato 23.Heiro Xenophone 24.Beyond Right and Wrong Friedrich Nietzsche 25.Gemology of Moral Friedrich Nietzsche

26.Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men Rousseau 27.Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck 28.The Sound and Fury William Faulkner 29.Darkness at Moon Arthur Koestler 30.To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf 31.The Day of the Locust Nathanael West 32.All the Kings Men Robert Penn Warren 33.A House for Mr. Biswas V S Naipaul 34.The Magnificent Ambersome Booth Tarkington 35.Under the Net Iris 36.Ironweed William Kennedy 37.The Adventures of Angie March Saul Bellow 38.A clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess 39.The Postman Always Rings Twice James McCain

IMS Suggested Titles

Section 1(Fiction): Robin Cook, Ayn Rand, Robert Ludism, Jeffery Archer, Erich Segal, Frederick Forsyth, Alistair Mclean, Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, Jules Verne, Leo Tolstoy, Plays by Shakespeare, Virginia Wolf, Salman Rushdie, Arthur Hailey Section 2: Management Titles 1. I am Ok, you are Ok Thomas Harris 2. The one Minute Manager Kenneth Blanchard 3. Borderless World Kenichi Ohmae 4. Pepsi to Apple John Scully 5. Made in Japan Akio Morita 6. Six Action Shoes Edward de Bono 7. Six Thinking Hats Edward de Bono 8. The IBM Way Buck Rogers 9. Future Shock Alvin Toffler 10.The Third Wave Alvin Toffler 11.Powershift Alvin Toffler 12.War and Antiwar Alvin Toffler 13.In Search of Excellence Tom Peters 14.7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey 15.My Day in General Motors Alfred Sloan 16.Business at the Speed of Thought Bill Gates 17.An Autobiography Lee Lacocca 18.Snapshots from Hell Peter Robinson 19.Dare to Dream M S Oberoi 20.Beyond the Last Blue Mountain R M Lala 21.Crossing the Chasm Jeffery Moore

22.Inside Intel Jim Jackson 23.Marketing Warfare AL Ries & Jack Trout Section 3: Assorted Titles 1. Small is Beautiful E F Schaumacher 2. Cosmos Carl Sagan 3. You Can Win Shiv Khera 4. Timeless Body, Ageless Mind Deepak Chopra 5. The Discovery of India Jawarahar Lal Nehru 6. God of Small Things Arundhati Roy 7. My Experiments with Truth M K Gandhi 8. The Naked Ape Desmond Morris 9. Man-Watching Desmond Morris 10.A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking 11.The Story of Philosophy Will Durant 12.Hints on Self Culture Lala Hardayal Sharma 13.Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler 14.Essays by Bertrand Russel 15.Essays by Francis Bacon

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