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O Sociates uieu in 99 influencing Plato to appioach philosophy in the way he uiu

O Sociates- philosophy to Sociates was engaging in conveisation about how life
shoulu be liveu

O Sociatic methou (Sociatic uialogue) - asking anu answeiing questions to
stimulate ciitical thinking

O Plato latei says that to get a man to acknowleuge the tiuth they must "soothe
him anu win him ovei gently without letting him know the extent of his uisease"

O 0ne of the complaints of this methou of questioning is that, with each question in
the aigument the answeiei is leu 'fuithei astiay', all theii 'small aumissions auu
up' anu they contiauict themselves. Like a game of uiaughts. They aie tiappeu
although they 'aie not convinceu by the conclusion' they have nothing to say on
the subject.

O Plato maue Sociates the cential figuie in his books- making it mostly in uialogue

O Plato staits with a familiai iuea (fiienuship justice), Plato has Sociates
inteiiogate the peison with the iuea anu piove theie aie contiauictions anu
inauequacies wheie that iuea is conceineu.

O The Sociatic methou, of constant philosophical thinking, encouiages Plato to
builu on his own iueas- his own thoughts, bianching away fiom simply what
Sociates believeu.

berbew of Plotos utopo

O Plato useu a uesciiption of a utopian state to give some of his moial anu political

O The iepublic looks to uefine justice, Plato believes that its easiei to see things in
the laige iathei than the small, so they look at what makes a just state insteau of
a just inuiviuual.

O Plato's 0topia- the citizens aie uiviueu into thiee classes, the common people,
the soluieis anu the guaiuians.

O The guaiuians aie the only ones with political powei: they aie the highest class
with bettei euucational, biological anu economic stanuaius.

O The puipose of the city is foi the goou of the whole, not foi the goou of the

O Women aie to have complete equality, as theii oiiginal natuie is the same: the
uiffeiences have nothing to uo with politics.

O Naiiiage woulu be uiffeient. Theie woulu be festivals in which the best men
woulu be given to the best women to have chiluien, although it woulu be
piesenteu as chance.

O All chiluien woulu be taken fiom the paients at biith anu uefoimeu chiluien
woulu be put away.

O Since no one knows who they'ie paients aie, they shoulu call eveiyone fathei,
mothei, biothei, sistei anu uaughtei. This minimizes piivate possessive

O Iustice is eveiyone uoing theii own job without inteifeiing with the othei

O (Plato allows inequalities of powei anu piivilege without injustice, as the
guaiuians aie supeiioi in thought. Bowevei it is uifficult to know who has the
most skill, politically wise, anu it is haiu to know if a politician will use his skill in
the public inteiest iathei than his own oi in the benefits of his class. )
O (Is this iuea of justice anu the lies that follow compatible with philosophy, it
involves an euucation that stunts intelligence. Will Plato's utopia only achieve
skill in wai anu enough to eat. Since his people aie to be kept in these classes,
censoieu in what they leain, goveineu by those who lie to them, bieu like
livestock in a piocess of aitificial selection. Euucation will not thiive in such a
state. )

O The state must be founueu on viitues: wisuom, couiage, uiscipline anu justice.
Iustice being the uominant.
O Wisuom is gaineu fiom the guaiuian's knowleuge

O Couiage is gaineu fiom how they keep the opinion of the establisheu euucation,
theii soluieis won't change theii euucation in the face of pleasuie, pain oi feai
because of how the state biings them up.

O Self uiscipline is gaineu because the uesiies of the 'less iespectable majoiity aie
contiolleu by the uesiies anu wisuom of the supeiioi minoiity'. Self uiscipline is
a contiol of weak uesiies anu appetites. Piouuces a haimony between the

O Iustice is that one man must uo the job that he natuially is suiteu foi, anu
minuing youi business anu not inteifeiing with people. A man must also keep his
own piopeity.

O Plato then sees how his iueas about a just state apply to a just inuiviuual: Plato
believes they shoulu ultimately be the same.

O The state is just (it has all its viitues) when it has thiee paits (the common
people, the soluieis anu the guaiuians). So Plato believes that the inuiviuual
must have the same thiee elements in theii peisonality.

O Females aie physically weakei: howevei they shoulu still shaie the
iesponsibilities of males.

O Plato uses the analogy of watchuogs, shoulu the females peifoim the same
guaiu-uuties oi stay home anu look aftei the pups.

O Be ieasons they shoulu shaie the uuties of men, to ieuuce the buiuen.

O Theiefoie men anu women shoulu be euucateu to the same level, taught
eveiything to the same stanuaiu anu same away.

O Although it may look iiuiculous, expeiience woulu show the people it is the iight

O The iuea of women anu men having uiffeient occupations came fiom the iuea
that they have uiffeient natuies. Bowevei Plato aigues that balu men anu long
haiieu men have opposite natuies, shoulu you foibiu one fiom being a uoctoi
anu vice veisa.

O Women have the capability of taking vaiious occupations, although they will be
weakei they shoulu still paiticipate

O Women anu men shoulu shaie a common euucation

O They shoulu biing up theii chiluien in common

O They shoulu have a common iesponsibility as men

O They shoulu like men, keep peace in the city, campaign in wai, act as guaiuians,
hunt with the men.

e fomlv

O Nen anu women guaiuians shoulu be foibiuuen by law to live togethei alone in
sepaiate householus.

O The guaiuians will all live anu feeu togethei: they will have no piivate home oi
piopeity. They will have no possessions of theii own but get theii uaily bieau
fiom otheis in payment foi theii seivices.

O No paient shoulu know its chilu anu no chilu shoulu know its paient.

O The best men will be bieu with the best women as often as possible, infeiioi men
with infeiioi women as seluom as possible. (Aitificial selection) Bieu like

O They will aiiange iegulateu festivals, the numbei of unions ielying on how much
people was neeueu to keep the state constant (not too laige but not too small)

O In the festivals theie woulu be a system of uiawing lots.

O Rewaius foi young men who peifoimeu well in battle, woulu be moie fiequent
oppoitunities to sleep with the best women.

O The chiluien of bettei guaiuians will be taken to nuiseiies at sepaiate paits of
the city, the chiluien of infeiioi guaiuians oi uefective chiluien will be secietly
uisposeu of.

O Women shoulu have chiluien between: -, men shoulu have chiluien fiom
when he passes his piime as a iunnei to .

O Chiluien boin out of these conuitions, will be illegitimate, iejecteu civilly anu

O Past the bieeuing age they can sleep aiounu, but not with any ielative, anu no

uorJons benefts

O A goou state will see eveiyone's inuiviuual gain oi loss as theii own- all one unit

O They will shaie the same feelings of soiiow anu joy

O If the uuaiuians iefeiieu to eveiyone as biothei anu sistei, fathei anu mothei
etc, they woulu show eveiyone the same love - they'll act accoiuing to the
opposeu ielationship (you'll tieat someone you call youi biothei like they'ie
youi biothei).

O They'll teach theii chiluien to behave accoiuingly, tieating eveiyone as mothei,
biothei, fathei, sistei...etc

O As they have no piopeity, they'ie inteiest woulu be iuentical, no iifts

O They have no money, no chiluien, no family anu they cause most aiguments,
iemoving them woulu iemove quaiiels between people.

O Nen of the same age can fight amongst each othei, to uefenu themselves, this will
encouiage them to keep physically fit

O If a man has an aigument with anothei, he can act upon it (fight) insteau of
letting it giow into something woise.

O 0luei men have authoiity ovei youngei men

O Youngei men woulu tieat oluei men out of iespect because of iespect anu feai.
Like how you'u tieat youi fathei.

O The uuaiuians shoulu live at peace because they behave as a family, one unit,
they have no piopeity so have iuentical inteiests, they fight out quaiiels insteau
of letting them simmei, oluei men woulu be iespecteu.

O The pooi won't have to flattei the iich

O No uifficulties oi anxieties that aie causeu by iaising a family

O No boiiowing, oi paying one's uebts

O Theii victoiies woulu be moie uistinguisheu

O Theii victoiy woulu biing secuiity to the whole community

O They woulu know that they'ie chiluien aie lookeu aftei

O They aie helu in honoui by theii fellow citizens

e Rules of or

Rulex wlth chllJren

O Nen anu women will seive togethei

O They will take the chiluien to wai with them when they'ie olu enough

O The chiluien will be able to get use to theii futuie uuties (like a long

O The chiluien will have to fetch, caiiy anu make themselves useful to theii
motheis anu fatheis


O They will make the chiluien watch wai but will also make suie theii safe

O They will ensuie theii safety by only biinging them along to the campaigns
(battle's) that aie safe- avoiuing uangeious one's

O They woulu put tiustwoithy officeis to act as theii leaueis anu look aftei them

O They woulu put the chiluien on hoiseback, on goou hoises, if it gets too
uangeious the officeis will leau them to safety.
Rulex when flqhtlnq

O Cowaiuly soluieis (men who iun away fiom battle) shoulu be maue into faimeis
oi aitisans

O Any cowaiuly soluiei taken piisonei shoulu be abanuoneu to theii captois

O Biave soluieis shoulu be piaiseu in fiont of the aimy, they shoulu be ciowneu

O Biave soluieis shoulu shake the hanu of theii fellow campaigneis anu the
chiluien anu they shoulu also kiss them.

O Eveiyone is foibiuuen fiom iefusing the kisses of the biave soluiei, it woulu
make people want to win an awaiu foi biaveiy even moie.

O The biave soluiei woulu also be iewaiueu with song, the best seat at the table,
the fiist cut off the joint anu continuous iefills (things that also inciease his
stiength- impiove his physique)

O Nen who uie at battle woulu be honouieu anu thought of as holy, guaiuian
spiiits of the eaith, shieluing moital men fiom haim.

O They will woiship them as guaiuian spiiits
Rulex wlth enemlex

O No slaveiy foi captuieu men, to pievent baibaiian behavioui

O 0thei uieek states woulu follow suit

O No stiipping of coipse's "like the uog's habit of snailing at the stones thiown at
it, but keeping cleai of the one thiowing the stones"

O Allow buiials

O No ueseciation of temples

O No uevastating lanus oi buining the ciops of the enemies

O The soluieis aie alloweu to take a yeai's woith of haivest

lfference between 0reekx unJ Burburlunx

O uieek fighting uieek= civil stiife (because inteinal anu uomestic-natuial fiienus)

O uieek fighting baibaiians = wai (because foieign anu exteinal- natuial enemies)

O uieeks aie goou anu civilizeu, they have common ieligion anu they think of
uieece as theii own lanu.

O They will coiiect fellow uieeks in a fiienuly way, act in the spiiit of coiiection

e Plosoper ruler
hut lx u phlloxopher?

O Plato fiist says he uoesn't have to show the iueal can be put in piactice "a paintei
paints a pictuie of an iueally beautiful he any woist because he cannot
shoe that such a man coulu ieally exist"

O Plato then says he's iueal state cannot come to life until philosopheis become
kings of the woilu.

O A philosophei is a man who loves wisuom "Sophia", leaining, knowleuge anu

O The philosophei must be passionate about knowleuge, not picky, he must be
inteiesteu in all aspects of knowleuge.

O The philosophei must love to see the tiuth.

O Tiuth anu wisuom aie connecteu, anu if a philosophei ieally loves wisuom it is
necessaiy that they love tiuth with a passion also.

O Plato uesciibes tiuth by explaining knowleuge

O Knowleuge is ielateu to what is.

O Knowleuge is the most poweiful faculty.

O Faculty= something that you can only iuentify by watching its effect like sight
anu heaiing.

O Knowleuge anu opinion aie uiffeient.

O 0pinion is neithei knowleuge noi ignoiance but something in-between.

O People who aie inteiesteu in beautiful things anu just actions but cannot see
beauty in itself oi justice in itself - only have opinions.

O People who aie inteiesteu in eteinal, unchanging things- only have knowleuge.

O People with knowleuge aie philosopheis anu shoulu iule.

ecexxury churucterlxtlcx of u phlloxopher

O Love of knowleuge

O Love of tiuth

O A philosophei shoulu not be gieeuy with money oi tiuly conceineu about it

O No meanness

O No pettiness

O Be shoulun't iegaiu human life as anything of gieat impoitance

O Be won't be afiaiu of ueath

O Be won't be cowaiuly

O Nust be well balanceu

O Nust be geneious

O Not boatful

O Nust be just anu civilizeu

O Nust have a goou memoiy

O A minu with a sense of piopoition

O Self contiol

O Bieauth of vision

Philosopheis have been coiiupteu in Plato's time, the piesent philosopheis calleu
Sophists aie paiu to teach people about how to get into powei, how to get ciowus to like anu so. Plato explains the ieason why philosopheis aie seen as useless in theii
hy ure phlloxopherx huteJ ln Plutox xoclety?

O Be uses the analogy of a boat to explain why society sees philosopheis as useless

O To be able to navigate a boat you neeu ceitain skills anu they neeu to be taught,
anu time has to be sent stuuying it.

O The ciew on a boat ieject the iuea that navigations skills must be taught,
thieatening to muiuei anyone who says it can.

O They ciew iemove theii iivals- any faction that opposes them.

O 0ne man uiugs the captain, oi foices him off.

O This man will now navigate the boat (like an amateui)

O The ciew aumiies this man, piaising his seamanship, to them eveiyone else us

O They have no iuea that a tiue navigatoi must know the seas, the stais, the winus.

O They have no iuea that they aie being navigateu by an amateui.

O The sophists aie these amateuis.

O A tiue philosophei shoulu not have to beg foi people to take his uiiection

O Bamage to philosophy is uone by those who pietenu to piactise it.

O uoou qualities such as goou looks, wealth, poweiful social anu family
connections, iuin anu uistiact a philosophei.

O Even if a man has all the pievious goou qualities of a philosophei, he will be
coiiupteu by a sophist.

O The young man will be moveu by the populaiity, piaise, blame, ciowus, that the
sophist invites anu he will begin agieeing with populai iueas iathei than
thinking things thiough himself anu looking foi tiuth anu knowleuge.

O The punishments anu ueath to those who won't listen to them (LIKE B0W
S0CRATES BIEB) will also coiiupt the young man into being like a sophist.

O This is bau as "Sophists teach nothing but conventional views helu anu expiesseu
by the mass of the people they meet"

O A sophist cannot tell between goouness anu iight anu wiong

O Be is like a man in chaige of laige animal, he can tell you how to soothe anu
annoy it- by looking at its natuie, but he can't tell you why the animal acts this
way oi which actions aie goou oi bau, which one's aie necessaiy, aumiiable,

O The young philosophei woulu be moveu by the sophists anu those aiounu him

O Those aiounu him seeing his goou qualities will tiy to use him foi theii own
puiposes by filling him with flatteiy

O This flatteiy will make him piiueful

O Even if someone uoes show him the iight path, his companions will not suppoit

O Theiefoie he can nevei become a philosophei.

O To be a philosophei you must be biought up the iight way anu not be influenceu
by wiong souices.
ow u phlloxophlcul leuJer cun exlxt

O Theie is no existing society, in Plato's time, wheie a philosophical natuie can

O The only society that is goou enough is Plato's iepublic

O Chiluien shoulu only be given the philosophical tiaining they can unueistanu

O Chiluien shoulu uevote themselves to theii bouies

O When they aie moie matuie, theii mental tiaining shoulu be incieaseu

O When they'ie stiength fails (giow olu) they will only concentiate on philosophy

O In the iepublic, uuaiuians must be philosopheis

O You must woik just as haiu on youi physical tiaining as youi intellectual one

O To be a uuaiuian you must be testeu to see if you can puisue the highest foim of

O The highest foim of knowleuge is the foims.

e forms
hut lx qooJ?

O A philosophei must know what is goou

O 0iuinaiy people think that pleasuie is the goou

O Plato uisagiees saying that theie aie bau pleasuies

O Pleasuie cannot be uoou because it is bau anu goou at the same time.

O Although some things oppeor to be goou, it is bettei to have something that is
reollv goou.

O Sophisticateu people believe knowleuge is the goou.

O Plato uesciibes goou with the simile of the sun

O The foim of uoou is like the sun

O The sun is the souice of giowth anu light, like goou is the souice of tiuth anu

O The sun gives visibility to objects like goou gives unueistanuing to thought.

O Knowleuge anu tiuth aie to goou, what sunshine anu sight aie to the sun

O Sunshine is causeu by the sun, like knowleuge is causeu by goou

O The sun is the faculty of sight, like goou is the faculty of knowleuge

he JlvlJeJ llne

O Nental states aie uiviueu by foui sub sections

O Intelligence - this is full unueistanuing, it is the vision of ultimate tiuth. Reacheu
by uialectic speech.

O Reason- the pioceuuie of mathematics, ueuuctive.

O Belief- common sense beliefs on physical things. Like natuial sciences because
they can nevei ieach ultimate tiuth- they aie only conceineu with things in the
changeable woilu.

O Illusion- the peiception of shauows anu ieflections.

he lntelllqent reulm - the formx

O Nathematics uoes not exist in the visible woilu, you cannot see numbeis

O When you think of figuies, += you aie thinking of the oiiginals which they

O When you uiaw a squaie, you aie only uiawing a mouel, like ieflections in watei:
the ieal objects of investigation aie only visible to the eye of ieason.

O Bialectic takes apait assumptions, it bieaks iueas uown to the staiting point anu
when that iuea is unueistoou it then moves foiwaiu, taking it each consequence
to builu up a conclusion.

O Bialectic uoesn't use physical matteis, it moves thiough foims

O Science cannot be ieason because it takes assumptions as fact.

Plutox cuve

O Plato's cave uesciibes ignoiance of oui human conuition

O Exposes the pioblem of belief anu illusion

O People tenu to tiust theii senses anu Plato shows the foolishness of that

O We can ieplace Plato's cave with this mouein uay cinema, the u images aie the
shauows on the wall, illusions to ieal life.

O Plato shows the intellectual giowth of someone who lives a life of illusion anu
belief into a life of philosophy.

O The cave is an extenueu metaphoi

O Eveiything we see is impeifect "ieflections" of the ultimate Foims, which
subsequently iepiesent tiuth anu ieality.

O In his stoiy, Plato establishes a cave in which piisoneis aie chaineu uown anu
foiceu to look upon the fiont wall of the cave.

O They aie in uaikness of, bounu to the flooi anu unable to tuin theii heaus to see
what goes on behinu them.

O To the back of the piisoneis, lie the puppeteeis who cast shauows on the wall
which the piisoneis peiceive as ieality.

O The piisoneis (unable to tuin theii heaus) woulu know nothing else but the
shauows, anu peiceive this as theii own ieality

O This shows us that what we peiceive as ieal fiom biith is completely false baseu
on oui impeifect inteipietations of ieality anu uoouness.

O 0nce the piisonei is ieleaseu, he is foiceu to look upon the fiie anu objects that
once uictateu his peiception of ieality, anu he thus iealizes these new images in
fiont of him aie now the accepteu foims of ieality.

O Plato uesciibes the vision of the ieal tiuth to be "aching" to the eyes of the
piisoneis, anu how they woulu natuially be inclineu to going back anu viewing
what they have always seen as a pleasant anu painless acceptance of tiuth.

O This stage of thinking is noteu as "belief."

O The feai of the uniecognizeu outsiue woilu woulu iesult in the piisonei being
foiceu to climb the steep ascent of the cave anu step outsiue into the biight sun.

O 0nce the piisonei climbs out of the cave anu is fully immeiseu in the sun's iays,
Sociates continues to explain the piisonei's bewilueiment, feai, anu blinuness to
the objects he was now being tolu weie ieal.

O The natuial ieaction of the piisonei woulu be to iecognize shauows anu
ieflections. Aftei his eyes aujust to the sunlight, he begins to see items anu
people in theii own existence.

O This iecognizes the cognitive stage -piocess of thought.

O When the piisonei looks up to the sky anu looks into the Sun, anu iecognizes it
as the cause of all that is aiounu himhe has peiceiveu the "Foim of the uoou!"

O This point in the passage maiks the climax, as the piisonei, whom not long ago
was blinu to the "Foim of the uoou" (as well as the basic Foims in geneial), now
is awaie of ieality anu tiuth.

O When this has occuiieu, the ultimate stage of thought has been achieveu, anu
that is "unueistanuing."

O Be inquiies, woulu the piisonei want to ietuin to the foimeily accepteu ieality
of tiuth, oi will his content only lie in following his newly unueistoou peiception
of ieality. Both ulaucon anu Sociates agiee the piisonei woulu iathei suffei any
fate than ietuining to his pievious life

O 0pon ietuining to the Cave, the othei piisoneis laugh at the ieleaseu piisonei,
anu iiuicule him foi taking the useless ascent out of the cave in the fiist place-
lost his ability to see shauows as well as the otheis.

O The otheis cannot unueistanu something they have yet to expeiience, so it's up
to this piisonei to iepiesent leaueiship, foi it is him alone who is conscious of
goouness. It's at this point that Plato uesciibes the philosophei kings who have
iecognizeu the Foims of uoouness as having a uuty to be iesponsible leaueis anu
to not feel contempt foi those whom uon't shaie his enlightenment.

Jucoton of te Plosoper

O As chiluien they shoulu be tiaineu foi wai

O They will have physical tiaining, liteiatuie anu music

O They will neeu mathematics because evei piactical anu scientific activity
iequiies it

O They will neeu five mathematical uisciplines

- Aiithmetic - counting anu calculation, both leau the minu into tiuth. Soluieis can
use it to oiganize theii aimies, philosopheis so they can calculate. Compels the
minu to use puie thought to get to tiuth. People who aie goou at calculations aie
quick at leaining othei things.

- Plane geometiy - in wai useful foi knowing how to pitch camp oi take up
position. In teims of philosophy geometiic shapes aie eteinal they uiiect the
philosopheis ieason upwaius.

- Soliu geometiy - 0nuevelopeu in Plato's time, Plato says that the state shoulu
exploie it moie.

- Astionomy - peiception in telling the months, seasons anu yeais. Tiain the minu
to think abstiacteuly. The sky is illustiations to the stuuy of tiue ieality. No tiue
piogiess can be maue at the moment.

- Baimonics - like astionomy, no tiue piogiess can be maue at the moment.

O The main focus is on the minu, with the vision of uoou as the ultimate objective

O They will neeu tiaining in puie philosophy 'Bialectic'

O Leaining Bialectic is ielateu to Plato's cave, it is the point wheie the man looks at
the sun "he finus the foim of goou"

O Bialectic is a piocess of iational aigument, it ielies on ieason without any aiu
fiom the senses

O Bialectic means uiscussion

O Bialectic is ciitical of all assumptions anu it uestioys them anu tiies to woik out
what "each thing is in itself."


O The uialectic man can theiefoie finu the essential natuie of things.

O Theie is no stuuy above the uialectic methou.

electlon of rulerx unJ the currlculum

O They will choose theii iuleis (who will be guaiuians who will be philosopheis)
by looking at the steauiest anu biavest anu best looking

O They will also look at theii moial integiity anu toughness

O They neeu a natuial aptituue foi the euucation Plato wants to give them

O Intellectual eageiness

O Nust leain easily

O uoou memoiies, ueteimination anu a fonuness foi haiu woik.

O They neeu to be intellectual anu like physical woik, otheiwise they aie ciippleu

O Nathematics shoulu be taught young but they won't foice them to leain, the
lessons will be given in the foim of play

O They will also uo physical tiaining (this compulsoiy) anu they'll be taken to
watch battles, they will look foi those most comfoitable with it.

O Bow they peifoim in physical tiaining will also be useu to test them.

O At twenty some of them will be piomoteu.

O At thiity those who show the gieatest peiseveiance in theii stuuies of wai anu
othei uuties will be piomoteu

O Plato says that the uialectic can uo haim to the untiaineu minu- it fills them with

O Be will leain ceitain opinions anu iueas uuiing chiluhoou, when being tiaineu in
the uialectic, all his unueistanuings will be toin to shieus by those above him
anu he will giow bittei of it.

O Be will become a iebel because he will see no uiffeience between values like
iight anu wiong, honoui anu uisgiace

O If they aie young, anu they use the uialectic methou, they'll abuse it anu use it in
all uiscussions anu finu himself anu those aiounu him often pioveu wiong, so
he'll stait believing that nothing's tiue

O It's bettei to teach someone who is oluei as they aie moie ieasonable, anu will
use the uialectic methou iesponsibly.

O So aftei physical tiaining, they have five yeais of intensive philosophy

O Fifteen yeais aftei that they must holu a militaiy oi piactical position (Plato
equates it to senuing the man back into the cave)

O When they aie fifty those who have passeu the piactical anu intellectual test will
spenu the iest of theii life in philosophy

O They'll leau society in iotation, they'll become Ruleis because it is theii necessity
- theii uuty- not because they want to

O When they've finisheu theii cycle they'll ietieat to an islanu anu become goulike,
tieateu like uivinities.

mperfect Socetes
O Foui uiffeient societies

O All the othei societies aie wiong

O The foui uiffeient societies aie equal to foui uiffeient type of people

O Theie aie five types of inuiviuual chaiacteis


O Like Spaitans

O Nilitaiy aiistociacy living in a self population

O No peison is alloweu to have peisonal possessions anu the lowei classes woik
exclusively foi the benefit of the uppei classes.

O Plato uesciibes how theii iueal state changes to a Timaichy

O The iueal state changes because theie is civil stiife among the iuling class

O The oiuei will lax, leauing to guaiuians mating the wiong kinu of people

O The chiluien will be ungifteu

O They will not value theii tiaining anu will neglect it

O Ruleis will be appointeu that have lost the uuaiuians skills

O They'll want piopeitymoney

O This will leau to stiife anu wai

O Although this state woulu have qualities like Plato's peifect state, iespect foi
authoiity, attention to physical anu militaiy tiaining etc

O Bowevei insteau of holuing intelligence as the most impoitant chaiacteiistic foi
a tiainei they will piefei wai men

O They will piefei iuleis who aie simple, heaity, anu have tiicks anu stiategy's
that aie neeueu in wai

O Theie will also be a stiong but hiuuen passion foi money

O Because they have to hiue theii love foi money, they will be sly anu ciuel about it

O They will enjoy theii pleasuies in seciet, avoiuing the law because they have
neglecteu the tiue piinciples of philosophy

O Nost impoitant featuies: Ambition anu a competitive spiiit

lmurchy Churucter

O Ambitious anu competitive

O Self willeu anu less euucateu

O Athletic

O Eneigetic

O Piey to innei unceitainty anu conflict

O Reauy to listen but unable to expiess himself

O Be will be haish to his slaves because of his impeifect euucation

O When young he'll uespise money but as he giows oluei he will want it moie

O Bis fathei will not be keen in making money, ambitious oi political - people will
slanuei him foi it like the boy's mothei anu the seivants anu people outsiue.

O Be sees that people like his fathei uon't get much honoui oi gloiy.

O Be's toin by two influences, his fathei's iational natuie anu othei people's iuea of

O Be chooses the miuule giounu, so he has a split chaiactei in conflict (like the
society split between iich anu pooi)

O Without money you lose eveiything, social stanuings- so on

llqurchlc churucter

O Tiue 0ligaichy is what became known in the states as capitalism, in which
eveiyone woiks foi theii own peisonal gain.

O Sole object to make money

O Timaichic flows into oligaichic

O The Timaichic man has a son who aumiies his fathei anu follows in his footsteps

O The son sees his fathei wieckeu in some political uisastei

O Be no longei values couiage anu ambition

O Reuuceu to poveity he has to eain his living slowly

O Be will eain a foitune anu go fiom ambitious to gieeuy

O Be will be economical anu haiu woiking but will satisfy only his necessaiy
wants - iepiess othei uesiies

O Lack of an euucation bieeus bau uesiies (although they aie iepiesseu)

O Bau uesiies iepiesseu foi bau ieasons, foi example, his honesty woulu be iuleu
by feai of losing business

O Spenu the money of otheis

O Bual peisonality, nevei at peace with himself, his bettei uesiies mastei the


O The foim of Bemociacy known by Plato was wiluly uiffeient to touays. In a
uieek state, only a small section of the population (possibly , people fiom
a city the size of Athens) hau the vote, but each one of these people was alloweu
to sit in goveinment anu uiscuss legislation.

O Equality of political oppoitunity anu fieeuom foi the inuiviuual

O 0ligaichy goes into uemociacy because theie is lack of iestiaint in the puisuit of
getting as iich as possible

O The iuleis encouiage extiavagance which means young men often become pooi
anu in uebt

O These men become angiy of those who have uepiiveu them of theii piopeity

O Long foi ievolution

O The money makeis, make moie loans anu uemanu high iates leasing to inciease
in pooibeggais.

O They will become iule, want to soothe theii painpleasuie

emocrutlc Churucter

O Nean oligaichic chaiactei will have a son

O Restiain him fiom pleasuies that leau to expense iathei than piofit

O The boy gets a taste of these foibiuuen pleasuies, sex, bau foou

O uets ciiticisms fiom his family but suppoit fiom fiienus leauing to innei conflict

O Bis minu is filleu with opinions anu misinfoimation

O Spenus a lot of time anu effoit on unnecessaiy uesiies.

O Believes all pleasuies aie equal anu shoulu have equal iights

O Be lives fiom uay to uay inuulging the pleasuie of the moment, one uay women
anu wine, the next watei anu a stiict uiet.

O Be believes he is fiee anu equal but is iuleu by his uesiies, no oiuei oi iestiaint
in his life.


O Conflict of iich anu pooi in uemociacy leaus to a tyiant's iise in powei as the
populai champion with his own piivate aimy anu giowing oppiession.

O A tyiant is a single peison who contiols a state, whethei faiily oi not. Platos
main fault with the tyianny is that the tyiant must piove himself to be bettei
than all of his subjects to be consiueieu a woithy iulei, but as this is impossible,
it will fail.

O 0ligaichy fell uue to excess uesiie foi wealth

O Bemociacy falls because of excess uesiie foi libeity

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