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PEMERINTAH PROVINS] KALIMANTAN TENGAH DINAS PENDIDIKAN SMA NEGERI 1 SEPANG \NTANG KELURAHANSEPANG Mata Pelajaran + Bahasa Inggris Kelas! semester aa Alokasi waktu 0 Menit Catatan Self Introduction All about me! My name is Tam... Year old ‘My birthday is on, There are... ..people in my family ‘They are I ive in Tama student at My best friend’s name is. My favorite food is. My Favorite drink is. My favorite color is, (Object+am/is/aretV3+hy+Object/Pronoun) Sena eats brown rice and green Beans. (eaten) Answer : ‘They play the game. (played) Answer : | read a daily newspaper. (read) Answer : We ride a bieyele. (ridden) Answer : ‘She buys a slive of cake. (bought) Answer : 3. Text about “Iceberg” ‘An iceberg is @ great piece of ice floating in the sea he earth, around the “Berg” is the German word for “mountain.” In the coldest pats Of ME TT han 300 North and South Poles, land and sea are both covered by layers of 1° metres deep at the centre. ter melts the Tongues of ice, called glaciers, stretch out into the open sea, The Se WANT oice bottom parts of these glaciers, then the top part moves into the water with 4 £F Me ns gt22t Piece of ice sinks fora short time under the surface, then it ses ABN SE thomsen tS, Mew iceberg. Some icebergs are many miles Jong. amd THE miles and several years before they finally melt. The part of 2” which can be seen abc rest is ove the water is only ab .e-nint ize, The hidden under the waves. ly about one-ninth of the total s! One of the world’s worst disasters at ic” - sea was in 1912 when the liner “Titanic” hit ‘eeberg and sank on her first joumey, killing hundreds of passengers a, What is an iceberg? Answer : b. What is Berg? Answer: c. Where is most part of an iceberg? Answer : d. What is glaciers? Answer: e. What happened to the Titanic? Answer: “{T DOES NOT MATTER HOW SLOWLY YOU GO AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT STOP” “GOOD LUCK”

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