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35 jav x 2 or n jav: Perseritje ne fillim te vitit Mesime te reja Perseritje gjate vitit dhe detyra me shkrim Totali 70 or msimore 2 ore 62 ore 6 ore 70 ore

Hartimi i ketij programi, ne prani te kurrikules kombetare te gjuheve moderne (2000) mbi te cilen eshte bazuar, behet domosdoshmeri ne kushtet e reduktimit te ngarkese javore te gjuheve te huaja nga 3 ne 2 ore (ngarkesa vjetore nga 105 ne 70 or) per klasn e nnt. Programi perben ne vetvete nje pershtatje te kurrikules ne kushte e ketyre ndryshimeve dhe synon te ndikoje ne rregullimin, drejtimin dhe ndjekjen e procesit te mesimdhenies/nxenies sipas parametrave e standarteve bashkekohore. Kesisoj udhzohen msuesit ti rreferohen Kurrilules kombetare te gjuheve moderne per pjest e pergjitheshme qe perfshijne parimet, synimet, objektivat, aftesite gjuhesore, metodat e mesimdhenies, vleresimi dhe programet e studimit. Nderkohe, jane bere ndryshime ne aspekte me konkrete qe lidhen me kopetencat gjuhesore qe duhet te arrihen ne zhvillimin e msimit dhe fitimin nga nxnsit t shprehive gjat leximit, degjimit, shkrimit dhe te folurit Jane prmbledhur akte dhe funksionet e komunikimit, strukturat gramatikore, si dhe eshte ngjeshur numri i nentemave te perfshira ne do tematike, duke shmangur perseritje, temat e peraferta, rimarrjet. Progami tematik baze qendron i pandryshueshm. Ai u pergjigjet orjentimeve te kuadrit te pergjithshem te Keshillit te Evropes per mesimdheniet/nxeniet e gjuheve moderne dhe perben nje nivel minimum te domosdoshem e te nevojshem per tu pershtatur dhe prvetsuar gjuhen e huaj ne keto drejtime baze. Temat e perfshira synojne te sigurojne nivel gjuhesor (leksikor, struktura e akte komunikimi) te nevojshem per fusha e aspekte te ndryshme, duke lene jashte njohurite e marra deri ne kete etape Topics (kurrikula) 1. EVERY DAY LIFE Types of music and preferences in music Students life: expressing their feelings, opinions and ideas. 2. - THE WORD AROUND US Lives of famous people (sport stars, rock stars, etc.) Communication across cultures Neighbours and nieghbourhoods (how to improve them, relationships) housing 3. - THE WORD OF LEARNING AND WORK School rules Way to improve our schools activities (small group problem solving etc.)

Extra-curricular school activities (clubs, debateetc) Employment; characteristics of various jobs (which are dangerous, well-paid boring, interesting, etc) Rate exchange (math focus) 4. -PERSONAL AND SOCIAL LIFE Friendship and relationship Being a teenager relationship with parents, Celebrating Holidays Events in the students live: Expressing their feelings, opinions and ideas. 5. - THE WORD OF COMMUNICATION Computers now and in the future Living in the future Advertising COMMUNICATE ACTS/FUNCTION Asking for and giving specific information Describing places The Grand Canyon is wide and deep, with a river at the bottom Describing peoples characters Mother Tereza was a generous and a loving woman Expressing and eliciting preferences Id rather I prefer, I like. better, Expressing obligation and permission with Should, shouldnt, must, have to and can. Giving advice with should, can, could, and why dont you Expressing opinions with in my opinion I thinkI believeand for me.. Making suggestions We shouldLets Why dont weIts necessary to How aboutetc. Expressing approval and disapproval It seems like a good idea; I approve of that; Ok its fine etc. Expressing interest in something Im interested in.. I have an interest in.. Im fascinated by Using conversation strategies a) Seeking clarification (e.g. Do you mean..? What do you mean? Can you explain that, Im not sure I understand you..) b) Asking for repetition (e.g. Excuse me? Could you repeat that? What was the word?) Pervehtesimi dhe konsilidimi i njohurive gramatikore konceptohet pergjithesishtet ne menyre deduktive, gje qe ndikon te nxenesit te zhvillojne te menduarit kritik dhe proceset analitike. Paraqitja dhe prezantimi i strukturave dhe rregullave gramatikore realizohet nepermjet materilave autentik te teksit dhe ushtrimeve dhe nuk vjen si shpjegim statik rregullash e dukurish. eshtje gramatikore qe do te trajtoje ose riciklohen ne klase e 9-te, jane: Gerund (with like, dislike, love, hate, prefer,) Note that enjoy and dislike take only a gerund, while the rest can take gerunds and infinitives.)

Report speech She said that she wanted to go to Paris. Passive Voice: present (Review) and past (New) She was born in 1985; The Eiffel Tower was built in 18. First conditional (Review) and second conditional (New) If I won lottery, I would build a house. Common phrasal verbs; inseparable: look for, call on, look after, care for, catch up, count on, drop in, drop by, find out, get along, get out, get up get on, get in, hear from, look at, look out, stand up, sit down, speak up, pass away, think over, put on, pick up Adjective clause with Who, Which, and that Verb review and comparison of the tenses: Present, past, future, used to, and Present perfect (Also; time makers such as since, for, ago, next year,) Reflexive pronouns (e.g. I hurt myself) and for emphasis (e.g., I did it myself) Prepositions Problem words and expressions ago-since among-between common-ordinary historic-historical economic-economical speak talk- say- tell do- make learn-study- know make- let- allow let- make- want Idioms Have one say You said it Say a mouth full As dead as etc

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