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Pastor Jan Marcussen P. O. Box 68 - Thompsonville, IL. 62890. Phone - 618-627-2357. Fax 618-627-2712.

My web-sites are & - My newest website is WBNS.US

April Y2K+5.

ye the
trumpet in
Zion, and
sound an
alarm in My holy
mountain: let
all the
Inhabitants of
the land tremble:
Exhibit #1
for the day of
the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at
Exhibit #2

Dear SDA friends around the world,

You can tell that we are in awesome times. But remember that our kind Father
and our Lord Jesus are close to you as the horrors of the end of the world descend
upon us. You can perfectly rest in His love for you. Through Jesus, we are
“accepted in the Beloved.” Can you see His smile? The 6000 year old history of
this world is just a tiny blip in His view of eternity. Only a puny fraction of the
tiny blip is left. Your problems don’t worry Him at all because God has no
problems. In His calm and holy presence, they vanish. He sees forever into the
future, and knows that in a number of months, this world - as we know it, will end.
Then, heaven. Do you comprehend Exhibit #3
that? Once “eternity” starts, it will
never end. The devil knows it too, and is hopping mad.
Faith: How long will it be until the devil’s Sunday law will be passed,
and the time of trouble will start - leading to the coming of Jesus in the sky?
Pastor Jan: I can’t set any dates. Jesus calls that law Satan’s “device,”
and reveals that when it is passed, “The device of Satan will be perfected.”
(RH April 15, 1890). That evil “device” is very tricky, and in order to get
it, he must - 1) trick the U.S. Congress and masses of the people into pitting
one very good thing against another very good thing - and fool them into
keeping one, and repudiating the other. 2) He must get large numbers of the
people “to regard human life with astonishing indifference.” Like before
the flood, he must drag
Exhibit #4 them down until he can
trick them into being like
the people before the flood who - “delighted in destroying the life
of animals; and the use of flesh for food rendered them still more
cruel and bloodthirsty, until they came to regard human life with
astonishing indifference.” PP 92. 3) He must work until he gets
Roman Catholic judges into local, state, and federal positions -
{who secretly hold the laws of Rome above the U.S. Constitution}
- so that while outwardly upholding the U.S. Constitution, they are
working to overthrow it; while pitting the U.S. Constitution against
God’s law of love, and against human life itself.
Hope: How long will it take until we see those things?
Pastor Jan: Right now. Satan is inching the nation closer to the
enforcement of his law by using the case of Terri Schiavo to put
judges into positions as gods - 1) to sentence a human being to Exhibit #5
death with no crime, and 2) to do it above the desire of the
governor {who has power to save a person from the death sentence}, and the President of the U.S. himself. Soon,
these gods - when faced in the courts with God’s humble people {for refusing to obey the mark of the beast}, will say
before the T.V. cameras, “We have a law, and by our law he ought to die.”

“In the days of Noah the overwhelming majority was

opposed to the truth, and enamored with a tissue of
falsehoods. The land was filled with violence. War, crime,
murder, was the order of the day. Just so will it be before
Christ’s second coming. The great multitude will be
without Christ and without hope.
“Christ is coming soon. Satan knows that time is short,
and that he has but a little while longer in which to work.
He will not rest at ease, as many professed Christians are
doing, but will continue to work with intensity.” 19 MR
Many {including congressmen} outwardly upheld the
U. S. Constitution - in order to have Terri Schiavo put to
death. One of them who wanted her to die said that the
issue wasn’t about her at all, but about upholding the Exhibit #6
Constitution. Coming from a congressman, that is very
tricky for many people. Many rightly complained that the federal government has no right to interfere - thus imposing
“big government” upon us, and doing away with “state’s rights.” But at the same time, they fiendishly desired her death,
as they will do toward God’s people after the Sunday law is passed.
Congressman Tom DeLay {R}, said on the news that the laws of FL give more protection to an animal than to a
human being. This is illustrated by Exhibit #2. If anyone in their home was starving and dehydrating a dwarfed,
shriveled-up, spastic horse, they would put him in jail. Recently, I read an article where a lady had a horse tied up, and
was not giving it food and water as she should. The neighbors reported her to the “animal rights” people. They righty
had her put into jail, with a picture of the dying horse hanging on the wall as part of her punishment. Will they put state,
federal, Supreme Court judges, and death-loving congressmen in jail with a picture of Terri Schiavo hanging on the
wall? Rush Limbaugh said that we are now in the “culture of death.” Congressman DeLay revealed that this “culture of
death” values a human being less than a politically and socially correct mouse, cat, snake, or rat. The devil is doing
those three things mentioned above, so that he is getting his agents to pit the U.S. Constitution against the value of
human life - while secretly planning {here in the
Vatican New World Order} to discombobulate them
both. The prophet of God cries out -
“The worth of a human soul can be estimated only
by the light reflected from the cross of Calvary. So
terrible was the doom of the lost race, so great the glory
to which the redeemed might be exalted, that the Father
is satisfied with the infinite price which he pays for
their redemption. It was the joy set before Christ in
accomplishing so great salvation, that led him to submit
to shame, agony, and death. How do all the treasures
and the glories of earth sink into insignificance when
compared with the value of a human soul!
“As I see in the world such astonishing indifference
Exhibit #7 to the work of redemption; as I see the unbelief, the
skepticism, the Heaven-daring rebellion against God
and his law, I am more and more convinced that we have reached those days of peril foretold in the Scriptures. I feel
assured that the end is near; that our time of waiting and watching is short.” ST 2/16/82.
In the “culture of death,” they might arrest you for picking a leaf or a feather. They will rally to "save the whales,"
“save the owls,” save many bugs, snails, plants, or slugs. Yet, many of these same people don’t care so much about
a human. Satan is getting many to either 1) “save a human life” and be willing to undermine the U.S. Constitution
or 2) uphold the Constitution - while regarding “human life with astonishing indifference.” {PP 92}. Both of these
things are being accomplished now, and are seen in this one case.
“‘That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.’ In the light of the Saviour’s life, the hearts of all, even from the
Creator to the prince of darkness, are revealed.” DA 57.
The death sentence of Terri Schiavo has also been revealing the thoughts of many hearts. Most people don’t realize
that those who are willing to repudiate the constitution for good things like saving a human life, will easily be “led” to
go along with the devil’s “good” law in the near future. On the other hand, they don’t see that those who now pretend to
uphold the Constitution - but were angry at the thought of saving Terri’s life, reveal that it will be an easy thing for them
to approve of the death sentence for those who soon resist the great “hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the
world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Rev. 3:10.
All three of the things I mentioned above are happening now. The congressmen who were debating against the
federal government’s trying to save her, revealed that they couldn’t care less whether she died of thirst or not.
Another thing the case of Terri Schiavo revealed about the coming trial of God’s people is that Roman Catholic
controlled judges are becoming as gods. They will say, “We have a law.” In the case of Terri, they have already done

In Love With Death

By Peggy Noonan, a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal.
Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:01 a.m. -
Why do those who argue for Mrs. Schiavo's death employ language and imagery that is so violent and aggressive?
The chairman of the Democratic National Committee calls Republicans "brain dead." Michael Schiavo, the husband,
calls House Majority Leader Tom DeLay "a slithering snake."
Everyone who has written in defense of Mrs. Schiavo's right to live has received e-mail blasts full of attacks that
appear to have been dictated by the unstable and typed by the unhinged. On Tuesday James Carville’s face was swept
with a sneer so convulsive you could see his gums as he damned the Republicans trying to help Mrs. Schiavo. It would
have seemed demonic if he weren't a buffoon.
Why are they so committed to this woman's death? They seem to have fallen half in love with death. What does Terri
Schiavo's life symbolize to them? [Their crooked way of life, and false philosophy are at stake - as were those of the

Sadducees when Jesus raised Lazarus from

the dead.] What does the idea that she might
continue to live suggest to them? Why does this
prospect so unnerve them? Again, if you think
Terri Schiavo is a precious human gift of God,
your passion is explicable. The passion of the
“pull-the-tube” people is not. Those who are half
in love with death will only become more red-
fanged and ravenous.
When a society comes to believe that human
life is not inherently worth living, it is a slippery
slope to the gas chamber. You wind up on a low
road that twists past Columbine and leads
Exhibit #8
toward Auschwitz. Today that road runs through
Pinellas Park, Fla.”
Concerning Exhibit #2, the February 13, 2005 issue of USA TODAY says, “You buy toys and special bones that
clean his teeth. You brush his teeth. You might have his picture taken by a professional photographer or painted by an
artist. You have a dog walker [who makes over $100,000 per year in Santa
Monica] You have a favorite kennel, maybe even one that’s a ‘resort’ where dogs
lie around on couches and watch T.V. . . . When your dog gets sick, you’ll pay
almost anything to be sure he gets better, including chemotherapy for cancer and
hip replacement surgery. . . . In the past ten years, the pet industry has doubled in
size to $34 billion a year in revenue.” The article goes on to say that people pay
$5,500 for a Swarovski crystal doggie vest. They take their dogs to 160 dog shows
every year - watched by 4 million on T.V. They buy $4000 dog beds with
matching dressers, $5700 green crocodile leather doggie travel bags, $295
sweaters with fur trim, and as much as $30,000 for dog insurance. If Terri
Schiavo was a dog - with her mentality, would they save her life?
Hope: Is this like it was before the flood? Where is it all leading?
Pastor Jan: Watch Exhibit #9
closely - “‘The curse The hole is 14-16 feet across.
causeless shall not come’
(Prov. 26:2). ‘Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with
him. . . . Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the
reward of his hands shall be given him’ (Isa. 3:10, 11). ‘Hear, O
earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of
their thoughts’ (Jer. 6:19). Terrible is this truth, and deeply should
it be impressed. Every deed reacts upon the doer. Never a human
being but may recognize, in the evils that curse his life, fruitage of
his own sowing. Yet even thus we are not without hope. . . .
“Jacob resorted to fraud, and he reaped the harvest in his
brother's hatred. Through twenty years of exile he was himself
wronged and defrauded. . . . But God says: ‘. . . I have seen his
ways, and will heal him. . . . ‘ (Isa. 57:18). Jacob in his distress
was not overwhelmed. He had repented, he had endeavored to
atone for the wrong to his brother. And when threatened with
Exhibit #10 death through the wrath of Esau, he sought help from God. . . .
‘He wept, and made supplication’ (Hosea 12:4). ‘And he blessed
him there’ (Gen. 32:29). . . . The power of evil in his own nature was
broken; his character was transformed. . . “God does not annul His laws.
He does not work contrary to them. The work of sin He does not undo.
But He transforms. Through His grace the curse works out blessing.” CC
10. Praise God!!
Charity: When you first went to a certain conference as a pastor, did
they show you around the conference headquarters?
Pastor Jan: Yes. One part, they said was the “conference” - which
dealt with spiritual things, and the other part they called the “conference
association,” which dealt with money, property, and legal things.
Faith: What did you notice in 1980?
Pastor Jan: They told us that they had changed the name from
“association,” to “corporation.”
Exhibit #11 Hope: What did you notice after that?
Pastor Jan: That same year, they told us ministers that the General
Conference had hired a Roman Catholic lawyer.
Faith: Why did they hire him?
Pastor Jan: Ellen White had been accused of plagiarism, and they hired the
Roman Catholic lawyer to read Great Controversy to see if she was guilty of that
Charity: What did the Roman Catholic lawyer say, and what did he think of
Pastor Jan: The Ex-Jesuit priest told us that the Vatican is no longer afraid of
Great Controversy {as far as it getting thousands or millions of their people to
leave Rome and become Seventh-day Adventists is concerned.}
Faith: Why not?
Pastor Jan: Because they know, [and I have also found it to be true] that
today, the vast majority of the people won’t read it. They would in Sister White’s
day, but not any more.
Hope: Why not? Exhibit #12

Pastor Jan: Because of their T.V. minds, junk food, rock music, junk reading, and a
thousand other things that they didn’t have to warp their brains in Sister White’s day. I praise
God that many people in other countries who don’t have our Hollywood culture will still read
it. In modern, English-speaking, Hollywood bewitched countries like ours, some start
reading it - but they read the 19th century style, and many of them get bogged down in the
dark ages. Then they put the book down and don’t get God’s last saving message that is in
the last 10 chapters. I thought about this “real hard” and cried to the Lord to help us know
how to get His three angels’ messages to the billions. Have you ever cried to the Lord that
He will help you to get His mighty three angels’ messages to the millions? If you ever dare
to pray that prayer, our kind Father - in His own time - will dare to answer it.
Faith: Is that why you wrote National Sunday Law - to 1) grab their modern T.V. minds,
and then 2) lead them to Jesus, and then 3) give them the truths of the last chapters of Great Exhibit #13
Controversy, and then 4) make them hunger for more, and then 5) give them an order form on
page 71 where they can order Great Controversy?
Pastor Jan: You hit the nail right on the head. Then, hungry for more, tons of these dear people order Great
Controversy from us - who would have never read it otherwise. Praise God! Then we send them a letter from me, offering
Bible studies, and we have had hundreds of Bible studies going. All this leads thousands of these dear people to accept
God’s last message for these last days. Though Rome knows what I’ve just told you about Great Controversy, her and her
boyfriend the devil hate that great book. And so to answer your question, after the Roman Catholic lawyer read Great
Controversy, he said that Sister White was not guilty of the crime they charged her with. They published the letter of his
report in Adventist Review. In his report, he said, “She moves me.”
Charity: What did she move him to do? Did she move him to trick the poor General Conference men into illegally
trademarking the name of God’s church so that after a waiting period of five years, the Roman Catholic lawyer could help
in Rome’s great attack on God’s SDA church - as you’ve shown in your 15 part video series?
Pastor Jan: The conference told us pastors that it was the Roman Catholic lawyer who encouraged the General
Conference to trademark the name “Seventh-day Adventist” {for its protection}. And we were informed that in the law,
there was a 5 year waiting period. I noticed that the first lawsuit against an SDA church was exactly 5 years later. The
Roman Catholic attack is so great that the evidence of it piles up to the moon. The
only ones who don’t see it are the ones who “don’t see.”
I made my 15 part video series to encourage and strengthen God’s dear SDA
people against Rome’s horrible and tricky attack - because in this world-wide attack,
they themselves {sooner or later} will be attacked. I’ll say for the 92nd time that as
an ordained SDA minister, I’m standing in loyal defense of God’s SDA church
against the Roman Catholic attack going on against it. The devil is trying to
discourage God’s people. It’s our work to encourage and strengthen them. On that
series, I show that King Jesus is soon going to win, and His cleansed and purified
SDA people are going to win with Him.
Faith: After the waiting period of 5 years, did the Roman Catholic lawyer
spring into action?
Pastor Jan: I went to visit Elder Frank Holbrook at the GC office where he
worked. He had been one of my favorite Bible teachers at SMC. I introduced
myself to his secretary, who told me that Elder Holbrook was at the dentist that
day. So she told me to come in and go over and sit in his desk and give him a call.
I did that. When he answered, I said, “Hi, Elder Holbrook, this is your old friend
JM. Can you guess where I am?” He was happy to hear from me, but he couldn’t
guess where I was. I said, “I’m sitting here at your desk.” We had a nice talk. He
told me that they were putting all of Ellen White’s published writings on a CD
ROM. He told me about the lawsuits that were going on against the little SDA
church in a certain state, and against the SDA homosexuals. He said that he was
afraid that they were going to loose against the homosexuals.
Charity: Did they loose against the homosexuals?
Pastor Jan: Yes. Why? The judge ruled that because many of the homo-
sexuals had their names on the books of SDA churches in good and regular
Exhibit #14 standing, the homosexual SDAs have a legal right to use the name “Seventh-day
Adventist.” In 1995, the Roman Catholic lawyer attacked another SDA church in
Miami, but this time, they made sure that the entire church had been illegally disfellowshiped beforehand. Then, they
would have better success because people couldn’t say that they were suing their “brethren” as the Bible forbids in I Cor.
6:1-9. Then, they could call the SDAs who were illegally disfellowshiped - “heathen.”
Charity: The Vatican in Rome is filled with symbols of sex, 666, serpents, and sin. Does the Vatican like the thought of
having legally accepted homosexual SDAs?
Pastor Jan: She likes it just fine. Neither Roman Catholic priests, lawyers, bishops, archbishops, or cardinals will
bother the homosexuals, because a number of them are homosexuals themselves. Remember that dear Jesus loves these
dear people as much as He loves you and me. On my 15 part video series, I showed you that at La Sierra Univ., the faculty
put up a sign on the billboard [behind glass] in a main building giving the name of the homosexual group, and a phone
number to call if anyone wanted to learn how to be a homosexual. You saw and heard the very students who complained
to the conference official - to get the sign taken down. They kept trying until they learned that the children of the
conference official were homosexuals themselves. When you learn the “devil’s devises,” {as Sister White revealed that the
devil is afraid that we will do} and understand Rome’s attack, these things don’t shock you too much. The prophet says,
“Nothing disturbs Satan so much as our not being ignorant of his devices.” 3BC 1138. That’s why I made the 15 part video
series exposing Rome’s attack against God’s SDA church. When you know his devices, he can’t discourage you because
you know what he’s doing, and you know why King Jesus is allowing it, and you know what God’s SDA church is, and
you know that King Jesus is going to win, and turn the devil into ashes.
Faith: Has a whole SDA conference ever been illegally disfellowshiped?
Pastor Jan: You saw the godly president of that conference being interviewed and telling about it in my RCA video #3
{the 15th one of the 15 part series}. He revealed that that conference was “on fire” to save souls. Agents of Rome didn’t
like it too much. After a few strange men at some headquarters warned everyone to leave that conference, every pastor,
every evangelist, every Bible worker, every church elder, every deacon and deaconess, every Sabbath School leader and
teacher, every missionary, every conference official, every colporteur, every grandma and grandpa, every mama and daddy,
every boy and every girl - were all illegally disfellowshiped in that conference in one day.

The church manual does not provide for that. Neither does the
Bible. Some of these dear godly people were told by different ones
that they are now going to burn up in hell because they are not in the
“Church.” How should they feel about that? They need be no more
afraid of it than they are of the beautiful sun coming up over the
tombstones in the cemetery where some pastors and church leaders
are starting to take their dear members for Sunday Easter sunrise
services. The lovely Jesus said, “I am the light of the world: he that
followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of
life.” John 8:12. Knowing 1) the lovely Jesus, knowing 2) how
Rome works {as revealed in Great Controversy}, knowing 3) what
God’s SDA church is, and knowing 4) the devil’s devices, the fiend
can’t make God’s dear people discouraged.
Don’t think that it was God’s SDA church who did that illegal and
shocking thing. It was Rome! Those of you who saw and heard the
conf. president on my video understand these things. This is just a
tiny part of the secret work of the Vatican in harmony with GC
565,566 & 581. Read those pages for yourself! What those pages say is happening now.
My video series shows the fulfillment of it. It shows that we are in the end of the world. I
will give this whole video series free to all who get 1000 NSL preachers this month for a
donation of 39¢ each, with free shipping to help save souls for whom dear Jesus died. OUR SUNDAY VISITOR, January
Hope: You saw the Roman Catholic lawyer, Mr. Ramik, in court - where he 30, 2005.
helped to drag the little SDA church before the Roman Catholic judge in 1995. You
reported on it in your newsletter. Is the Roman Catholic lawyer still doing his work? Is he still threatening to send people
to purgatory to stand before a Roman Catholic judge? If so, can they get some of the pope’s indulgences? Or has he given
it up?

Faith: I know that you left most of this letter out for lack of space, but we see some
things that you’ve already revealed to us in other letters. 1) He always uses a capital “C”
in the word “church,” because that legally identifies it as a state corporation - placing it
under “commercial law” and stripping the people in it [unbeknown to themselves] of their
constitutional rights. 2) He said that the plaintiff has expended considerable effort and
expense in the last 139 years in promoting its “mark.” Did Sister White and the godly
church pioneers expend considerable time and effort on this modern “mark” {which the
Roman Catholic lawyer tricked the dear General Conference men into getting? - and
which couldn’t send anyone to purgatory before 1985?} How will all of this affect God’s true SDA church? If people
understand these things {as we see revealed in the last chapters of Great Controversy?} will they be praising God, and be
greatly encouraged to know that King Jesus is in total control - now - as well as after the Sunday law, when the government
takes the GC Corporation over, and it ceases to exist? After that, will God’s SDA church go forward with the almighty power
of the Holy Spirit of God to work with His mighty angels to lighten the whole world with God’s mighty three angels’
messages, and be “fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners” Song of Solomon 6:10?

Pastor Jan: That letter and work is represented by

Faith: What do we see in exhibits 4-13?
exhibit #3. Watch closely - “Laws enacted by finite Pastor Jan: In exhibit #9, we see the 14-16 foot hole
authority are exalted above the law of Jehovah. Men made by whatever hit the Pentagon {on 9/11/01} before the
trample underfoot God’s holy law, and say of God’s fire made the walls collapse. In exhibit #8, we see a picture
people, as the Jews said of Christ, ‘We have a law, of a Boeing 757 jumbo jet - such as was supposed to fit
and by our law He ought to die.’ Over and over again into that hole. It’s wingspan is over 120 wide. It’s tail is 44
feet tall. In exhibit #4, we see the man who saw the flying
this will be repeated. Christ has told us that in the thing go over his car and hit the pentagon. He said that it
world we shall have tribulation, but that in Him we went just a few feet over his car and was not a 757. In
shall have peace. . . God’s law is nothing to them. exhibit #5, we see the wall - 65 feet wide - which collapsed
‘Our law’ with them is supreme. Those who respect after the fire had burned for a while. The wingspan of a
757 is twice that wide. In exhibits #6 & 7, we see that the
this human law will be favored, but those who will roof-line and upper floors were not hurt by a 44 foot tall
not bow to the idol sabbath will have no favors tail which was supposed to have gone through them. I
shown them.” ST 5/26/98. have a video of a radio talk show host named David -
Like Peter and Paul, we will honor all men, and showing these amazing things. He got a professional
report that the fuel in a 757 would have produced 88
follow all conferences, organizations, systems, and million BTUs of heat. But in exhibits #10, we see inside
anyone else - as far as they follow the word of God. the rooms after the roof collapsed. Exhibits #11 & 12 zoom
We will humbly uphold God’s SDA church against in. In exhibit #11, we see a file cabinet on the second floor
the attack against it, and greatly rejoice in its eternal with a computer monitor - unscorched by any heat. In
exhibit #12, we see on the first floor, a wooden stool with
triumph. In the book Early Writings, God’s 6000 an opened book. The pages are not burned. In exhibit
year old SDA church is seen going to heaven in a #13, we see the 9 foot wide engine of a 757. It has two of
great chariot. Don’t miss it! them. In exhibits #14, we see the rotor from what was
“All will be a happy, united family, clothed with found at the Pentagon. It’s less than 3 feet tall.
So what do we learn from all of this? We learn the same
the garments of praise and thanksgiving. Over the thing that we learn from the other subjects in this letter.
scene the morning stars will sing together, and the We learn that things are not always as they appear on the
sons of God will shout for joy, while God and Christ surface. This video I have of this strange event gives
will unite in proclaiming, There shall be no more sin, evidence that the event that happened at the Pentagon
neither shall there be any more death.” 7BC 988. was instigated by the same power that attacked the Twin
Towers, the OK City building, and is leading out in the
“In the visions of the prophet, those who have Vatican New World Order - as the coming of Jesus
triumphed over sin and the grave are now seen happy approaches. While the terrors of the last days are around
in the presence of their Maker, talking freely with us, may dear Jesus give us His tender love for souls - to
Him as man talked with God in the beginning. ‘Be ye reach them for Him - is my prayer. We have over 60% of
what we need to reach another million souls in
glad,’ the Lord bids them, ‘and rejoice forever in that Philidelphia in the great 40 Million Man March. If our kind
which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a Father impresses you to help us get this goal, just mark it
rejoicing, and her people a joy. And I will rejoice in below. If you want a copy of any article in this letter, just
Jerusalem, and joy in My people: and the voice of send anything to help cover the cost. Anything above that
will be used to reach as many people with God’s mighty
weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice three angels’ messages, as fast as we can.
of crying.’ ‘The inhabitant shall not say, I am sick:
the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their
iniquity.’ [Praise God!] Dear Jan Marcussen,
“National Sunday Law” is Great! We will be
“The prophet caught the sound of music there, and song, such keeping God’s Sabbath from now on!
music and
song as, save Dear Sir,
Dear a. Jan Marcussen, in the visions I’ve just read “National Sunday Law.” What
I have not been able to find a church to a wonderful, eye-opening book! It thrilled my
attend for the last three to four years. I would of God, no
heart to read and learn. Please send me your
attend different churches each Sunday and mortal ear has follow-up book “Great Controversy.” If you
not feel at peace within my spirit. Then my heard or mind have a mailing list, please put me on it. Thank
marriage ended. I began to draw closer to you! Bob Schippmann
God. I went to the grocery store and had to conceived.”
wait for a few minutes while a father and his PK 729-732.
sons were using the water machine. As I “It cannot be
waited I looked on top of a newspaper stand. described. It is melody, heavenly, divine.” 1T 146.
To my surprise, I found a book there called
“National Sunday Law.” I opened a few pages “‘The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with
and began to read, I did not know why. I put it songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and
down, and walked away. Then I walked back gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.’ ‘Joy and
over and continued to look at the book. I felt
moved by the Spirit of God to take the book. gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of
As I went to my office I could not put the book melody.’ ‘As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be
down! I laughed and cried at finding such there.’ ‘They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty
profound truth. I am truly inspired by the of the Lord.’
message God has provided through it. Thank
you so very much. Sincerely, jerry “‘Israel shall be saved with an everlasting salvation: [Praise
God!] ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.’”
PK 729-732. Praise God friend. Praise God!

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

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