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Int. J. Mech. Sci. Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 97 104, 1997 Copyright (t~ 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd Pfinted in Great Britain. All fights reserved 0020 7403/97 $15.00 + 0.00

P I I : S 0 0 2 0 - 7403 (96) 0 0 0 0 8 - 2


Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B9

(Received 19 January 1995; and in final form 6 November 1995)

A ~ t r a e t - - I n a recent paper, the Ritz method with simple algebraic polynomials as trial functions was used to obtain an eigenvalue equation for the free vibration of a class of homogeneous solids with cavities. The method presented is here extended to the study of a class of non-homogeneous solids, in which each solid is composed of a number of isotropic layers with different material properties. The Cartesian coordinate system is used to describe the geometry of the solid which is modelled by means of a segment bounded by the yz, zx and xy orthogonal coordinate planes and by two curved surfaces which are defined by fairly general polynomial expressions in the coordinates x, y and z. The surface representing the interface between two material layers in the solid is also described by a polynomial expression in the coordinates x, y and z. In order to demonstrate the accuracy of the approach, natural frequencies are given for both a two- and three-layered spherical shell and for a homogeneous hollow cylinder, as computed using the present approach, and are compared with those obtained using an exact solution. Results are then given for a number of two- and three-layered cylinders and, to demonstrate the versatility of the approach, natural frequencies are given for a five-layered cantilevered beam with a central circular hole as well as for a number of composite solids of more general shape. Copyright '.~. 1996 Elsevier Ltd.


vibrations, solids, lagered solids, natural frequencies.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N

A survey of the literature reveals that there has been relatively little research done on the free vibration of non-homogeneous solids of general shape. An exact three-dimensional (3D) closed form solution in terms of Bessel functions of the first and second kind is possible for multi-layered spherical shells as outlined in the book by Lapwood and Usami [1], whose work was primarily concerned with the free oscillations of the Earth. Complicating effects, such as self-gravitation and rotation, were also studied in order to better model the Earth. The free vibration of hollow laminated spheres, in which each layer is transversely isotropic, was treated by Grigorenko and Kilina [2] who compared the results from 2D and 3D analyses for the problem. For hollow and solid cylinders, including multi-layers, an exact closed form solution to the free vibration problem using 3D elasticity equations is possible only for the infinitely long case and for the derivative case of a finite length cylinder simply supported at both ends, for which extensive numerical results are given for the homogeneous isotropic case by Armenakas et al. [3]. Two-layered solid and hollow composite cylinders have been studied by Armenakas [4-6], by Armenakas and Keck [-7] and by Lai [8] using an exact frequency equation. Other boundary conditions and complicating effects have been studied by a number of researchers using a variety of approaches (including series solutions, finite element and Ritz approaches) and a useful and thorough review of this work, authored by Soldatos [9], has recently been published. In a previous paper [-10], the Ritz method, with simple algebraic polynomials as trial functions, was used to study a class of homogeneous, isotropic solids with cavities. In the present paper, the approach given in [10] is extended to include the effect of discrete changes in material properties throughout the solid. The approach used is straightforward, with a single displacement field extending throughout the solid. The shape of the interface between two different materials is described by means of a fairly general polynomial of similar form to that used to describe the curved boundaries in [10] and it is assumed that the two materials are perfectly bonded.

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 97


P.G. Young and S. M. Dickinson

Numerical results are given for a selection of problems, illustrating the accuracy and applicability of the approach. 2. ANALYTICAL APPROACH Consider the multi-layered solid or segment of a solid shown in Fig. 1, each layer being of a different isotropic material. Its geometry and displacements are described in terms of Cartesian coordinates x, y and z. As in [10], it is bounded by the three planes x = 0, y = 0 and z = 0, by an outer surface described by the equation fo(x, y, z ) = 0, by an inner surface (if a cavity is to be modelled) described by f~(x, y, z) = 0. The surfaces describing the interfaces between each pair of layers are described byf~(x, y, z) = 0 where s is the subscript assigned to the sth interface. The form of the equations f~(x, y, z) = 0 is taken as,




s = i , 1,2 . . . . ,0


where Ps, qs and rs are arbitrary real positive numbers and the values as, bs and cs are the x, y and z axis intercepts of the outer, the inner and the interface curved surfaces, as shown in Fig. 1. Simple harmonic motion at radian frequency ~o can be assumed for the free vibration problem, and the displacements U, V and W can be approximated by using simple algebraic polynomial series in x, y and z with linear coefficients Ai~k, as follows
nx ny nz

U(x, y, z) = ~. ~
nx V(X, y , Z) = ny

~ A~jkX'+'~'~yJ+t~-zk+'Lfo(X, y, Z)'~;f~(x, y, Z) t~;-o,

e ,+v

i=O j = O k = O

~ Z 2 A2ijk X t l . . . . . y J i=O j = O k = O nx ny nz

lY=zk+g:=TJOr~(X,y," Z'~'['X1 , .," Z~'~'=, llf= Ji~, ,


W(x, y, z) = ~.. ~

~ A3kX'+tLyJ+t~-Zk+tLfo(X, y, Z)'~ of(x, y, Z) t~, o,

i=O j = O k = O

where the quantities /V=o, lx=o and /w:0 depend upon the restraints placed on the U, V and v W displacements, respectively, on the face defined by x = 0 and assume the values 0 for no restraint (U, V or W :/: 0) and 1 for full restraint (U, V or W = 0). Similarly, the quantities Ivr=o, lvy=o,/y=oWand 1Uz=o,,z=o,JVlW=o depend upon the restraints imposed at y = 0 and z = 0, respectively. The exponents

' ' /i ~ ~'" bi / / bt/"/b2 /bo ~ y

Fig. 1. Segment of a multi-layered solid with cavity.

Vibration of multi-layeredsolids


/}J=o, l~=o,/~v= o, may be used to impose restraints on the outer and inner surfaces,fo = 0 a n d f = 0, in the x, y and z directions, respectively, simply by giving the appropriate exponent the value 1 for full restraint, or 0 for no restraint. (In the cases considered in the numerical results section of this work, all surfaces not lying on planes defined by x = 0, y = 0 and z = 0 are treated as free, with the exception of the simply supported cylinder case, for which the imposition of the appropriate boundary conditions is described later. Hence, all exponents offo(x, y, z) and f~(x, y, z) are taken as zero.) The segment shown in Fig. 1 can also be used to model a variety of systems which exhibit symmetry of both geometry and boundary conditions about one or more of the planes given by x = 0, y = 0 and/or z = 0. This is achieved by modelling a representative segment of the system and assigning the appropriate values of l v, l v and l w associated with x, y and z in series Eqn (2), to enforce the required boundary conditions on the plane(s) of symmetry to model symmetric modes (zero displacement normal to plane, non-zero displacements in-plane) and antisymmetric modes (non-zero displacement normal to plane, zero displacements in-plane). The normal strains, ~x, ey and ~z, and the shear strains, ~'xy, 7yz and 7zx, can be related to the displacements U, V and W in the usual manner [10] and the maximum strain energy Vt for the tth layer of the solid can be expressed as

Vt = ~ vtE,

[2t(ex + ~, + e~)2 + 2Gt(e~ + ey + ~2) + Gt(Txy + '/yz + 7 2 x ) ] d x d y d z Et

G~ - 2(1 + vt~ are the Lamb parameters,


where 2t = (1 + vt)(1 - 2v~) and

and in which E, is Young's modulus and vt is the Poisson ratio of the material of the layer. The maximum kinetic energy Tf of each layer can be expressed in terms of the displacements as

f f f(v2 + V2+ W2)dxdydz,


where Pt is the density of the layer. The integrals in Eqns (3) and (4) are performed over the volume of each layer of the solid and then summed to obtain the maximum total strain energy (V) and kinetic energy (T) of the solid. The Lagrangian functional L = (T - V) is then minimized with respect to coefficients A~k, according to the Ritz principle, to obtain a homogeneous linear system of equations of standard eigenvalue form:

Here i,j, k, l, m, n = 0, 1. . . . . e = 1, 2, 3, f~2 is the frequency parameter and the coefficients C~}k,~,,, and E~k,~,,. involve integrals of products of the shape functions and their first derivatives. It is recognized that the displacement functions Eqn (2) satisfy continuity of displacement at the interface between adjacent layers but, owing to their continuously differentiable nature, they cannot, term by term, satisfy any discontinuous strain condition which exists at an interface. This implies that any continuity of stress condition across an interface between layers of two different materials will not be satisfied term by term. Such conditions are satisfied approximately, however, by means of the sum of the smooth functions. The rate of convergence for systems with large variations in material properties may thus be diminished [11]. 3. NUMERICAL RESULTS In order to demonstrate the applicability and accuracy of the approach, numerical results computed using the present method are compared with results obtained using an exact formulation for both a two- and a three-layered hollow sphere and for a hollow homogeneous cylinder. Two different two-layered simply supported cylinders, for which exact numerical solutions are possible but are not available in the open literature, are then considered. Lastly, a number of cases are included for which no exact solutions exist: a cantilevered three-layer cylinder, a cantilevered five-layer beam, and several solids of more general geometry. Each problem was modelled by means of a solid located in the first octant with appropriate symmetry or boundary conditions being imposed on the x = 0, y = 0 and/or z = 0 surfaces. In all cases, and for all material layers, Poisson's


P. G. Young and S. M. Dickinson Table l. Frequency parameters f~ = ~o2ro/'2x/(po/Eo) for two- and three-layered hollow spheres Mode number n~ x nr x n~ Two-layered shell Three-layered shell 888 Exact 88x 8 Exact 1 1.714 1.710 1.861 1.858 2 2.322 2.322 2.512 2.512 3 2.695 2.677 2.988 2.974 4 3.463 3.462 3.737 3.736 5 3.657 3.656 3.952 3.951 6 3.745 3.705 4.095 4.092 7 3.784 3.780 4.260 4.227 8 4.825 4.761 5.271 5.268

ratio was taken as 0.3. A modulus of elasticity ratio and a density ratio equal to 1/3 was c o m m o n l y used between adjacent material layers and it m a y be noted that these correspond closely to the ratios of aluminium over steel. Also, where the exponent ~ is used to give a rectangular boundary, this was approximated in the c o m p u t a t i o n s by the arbitrarily high value of 1011, a device demonstrated to be effective in Ref. [-10]. The first cases considered were a two- and a three-layered hollow sphere. O n l y one-eighth of the shell was modelled and appropriate b o u n d a r y conditions were applied at all three planes of symmetry (coordinate planes) to model the full spherical shell The segment of the sphere lying in the first octant was b o u n d e d by the three coordinate planes and by an outer spherically curved surface given by fo = x 2 + y 2 + Z2--1 = 0 and by an inner spherically curved surface given by fi = (2x) 2 + (2Y)2 + 12z) 2 - 1 = 0, corresponding to an inner to outer radius ratio ri/ro = 1/2. F o r the two-layer spherical shell considered, the interface surface between the two materials was given by fl = (4x/3)2 + (4y/3)2 + (4z/3) 2 - 1 = 0, corresponding to an interface to outer radius ratio rl/ro = 3/4, and the ratio of the inner to outer layer material properties were taken as Ei/Eo = Pl/Po = 1/3 (as for an aluminium core and steel casing). F o r the three-layer spherical shell, the two interface surfaces were given by fl = (5x/3) 2 + (5y/3) 2 + (5z/3) 2 - 1 = 0 and f2 = (x/0.9) 2 + (y/0.9) 2 + (z/0.9) 2 - 1 = 0, corresponding to interface surface to outer radius ratios of rt/ro = 0.6 and r2/ro = 0.9, respectively. The inner layer to outer layer and the middle layer to outer layer material property ratios were taken as Ei/Eo = Pl/Po = 1 and E2/Eo = P2/Po = 3, respectively (as for a steel middle layer sandwiched between an aluminium core and casing). The first eight non-zero non-dimensional frequency parameters for both of these cases are given in Table 1 as obtained using the present m e t h o d with nx = ny = nz = 8 and as c o m p u t e d using an exact solution [12]. Results obtained using the present m e t h o d are very close to the exact solution results for all modes given with the largest percentage error being less than 1.3% for the two-layer case (mode 8) and 0.8% for the three-layer case (mode 7). The next cases treated were a single layered and two different two-layered hollow cylinders simply supported at each end (that is, only axial displacements were permitted at each end). One-eighth of each cylinder was modelled and appropriate b o u n d a r y conditions were applied along the three planes of symmetry. The segment of the hollow cylinder in the first octant was described by the surfaces given by )Co = (2x/3) 2 + (2y/3) 2 + z ~' - 1 = 0 and fi = (2x) 2 + (2y) 2 + z c - 1 = 0, corresponding to an inner to outer radius ratio ri/ro-- 1/3 and to a length to outer radius ratio L/ro = 2c/ro = 4/3. Only modes symmetric about z = 0 were considered. In order to model the required geometric, free, b o u n d a r y conditions on the inner and outer curved surfaces and the "simple support" at the flat end z = c = L/2, the exponents o f f o and f in Eqn (2) were taken as zero and the polynomial expansions for U and V were multiplied by (1 - z/c). This has the effect of restraining the lateral (U, V) displacement on the z -- L/2 plane while permitting axial m o t i o n (W). F o r the first two-layer cylinder treated (case 1), the cylindrical interface surface was given by fl = (4x/5) z + (4y/5) 2 + z ~ - 1 = 0 and the inner layer to outer layer ratio of material properties were taken as Ei/Eo = Pi/Po = 3. F o r the second two-layer cylinder treated (case 2), the interface surface was given by fl = (4x/3) 2 + (4y/3) 2 + z ~' - 1 = 0, with Ei/E o = Pi/Po -- 1/3. The first eight non-dimensional natural frequencies for the single layered (homogeneous) hollow cylinder, as c o m p u t e d using the present m e t h o d with nx = n r -- nz = 8 in the series, are given in Table 2, along with exact results reported in Ref. [3], and excellent agreement m a y be seen to exist (maximum discrepancy 0.4% for m o d e 3). In Table 3, a brief convergence study with n u m b e r of terms nx, ny and

Vibration of multi-layered solids Table 2. Frequency parameters t~ = ~oZ(ri + ro)/2,v/(p/E ) for a homogeneous (one-layered) simply supported cylinder Mode number n~ nr n~ 8x8x8 Exact 1 0.7650 0.7650 2 0.9298 0.9286 3 0.9742* 0.9742* 4 1.079 1.079 5 1.310 1.310 6 1.450 1.443 7 1.660 1.660 8 1.705 1.705


* Torsional mode. Exact result n/(2,v/(2(1 + v)))~ 0.9742.

Table 3. Frequency parameters l'~ = ~oZ(ri +


for two-layered hollow simply supported cylinders Mode number


n~ x nr x n~ 4x44 66x 6 88x 8 4 4 4 666 8x8x8

1 0.7545 0.7507 0.7502 0.7464 0.7446 0.7443

2 0.9657 0.9483 0.9400 0.8739 0.8693 0.8668

3 0.9742* 0.9742* 0.9742* 0.9742* 0.9742* 0.9742*

4 1.134 1.130 1.130 1.010 1.007 1.007

5 1.366 1.361 1,361 1.272 1.270 1.270

6 1.598 1.566 1,544 1.351 1.336 1.332

7 1.728 1.724 1.723 1.617 1.614 1.613

8 1.760 1.751 1.749 1.690 1.688 1.687

* Torsional mode. Exact result n/(2~//(2(1 + v)})~0.9742.

Table 4. Frequency parameters ~

= ~o2(r~ + ro)/2~//Ipo/Eo)

for a three-layered hollow cantilevered

Mode number nx nr nz 4 4 4 666 888 1 0.01819 0.01802 0.01796 2 0.08118" 0.08118" 0.08118" 3 0.09940 0.09248 0.09226 4 0.1325 0.1318 0.1317 5 0.2634 0.2147 0.2136 6 0.2442 t 0.24351 0.2435 t 7 0.4878 0.3568 0.3475 8 0.3963 0.3926 0.3920

* Torsional mode. Exact result rc/(24~/(2(1 + v)))-~0.08118. t Torsional mode. Exact result 7t/(8~/(2(1 + v)))~ 0.2435.

nz used in the series, Eqn (2), is given for the first eight modes symmetric a b o u t z = 0 for both two-layered cylindrical cases considered. Convergence is rapid and relatively good results are obtained by using as few as four terms in each coordinate direction in the series, Eqn (2). A three-layered hollow cylinder, cantilevered at z = 0, was considered next. O n e quarter of the cylinder was modelled and the inner and outer surfaces of the segment in the first octant were given by the equations fo = (2x/3) 2 + (2y/3) 2 + (z/12) ~ - 1 = 0 and .~ = (2x) 2 + (2y) 2 + (z/12) ~ - 1 = 0 and the two interface surfaces were described by fl = (4x/3)2+ (4):/3)2+ (z/12) ~ - 1 = 0 and f 2 = ( 4 x / 5 ) z + ( 4 y / 5 ) 2 + ( z / 1 2 ) ~ ' - I = 0 , giving radius ratios r i / r o = l / 3 , r l / r o = l / 2 , and rz/ro = 5/6 and a length to radius ratio C/ro = 8. As for the three-layer sphere, the inner to outer layer and middle to outer layer material property ratios were taken as Ei/Eo = Pi/Po = 1 and Ez/Eo = Pz/Po = 3, respectively. F r o m the study given in Table 4 for the first eight modes, the rate of convergence can be seen to be quite rapid. A family of solids with no cavities, symmetric a b o u t all three coordinate planes and m a d e of two different materials was then treated. The outer curved surface of the segment in the first octant was described by a polynomial given by f o = x " + y ' + z ~ - I = 0 (that is P o = q o = r o = e and ao=bo =co=l) and the interface surface was described by a polynomial given by fa = (x/d) p + (y/d) p + (z/d) p - 1 = 0 (that is Pl = ql = ra = / 3 and at = bl = ca = d). The first eight non-dimensional frequency p a r a m e t e r s are given in Table 5 for the following values of e,/3 and


P . G . Young and S. M. Dickinson

Table 5. Frequency parameters ~ = ~o2a~v/'(po/Eo) for composite solids of outer surface described by f0 = x" + y" + z" - 1 = 0 and interface surface described by ./1 = (x/'d) ~ + (Y/d) ~ + (z/'d) ~ - 1 = 0 Mode number ]~ d nx nr x n= 4x4 4 666 8x88 4x44 66x6 88x8 3x 33 55x5 77x7 l 1.912 1.883 1.880 1.383 1.380 1.378 0.8602 0.8574 0.8572 2 2.092 2.069 2.065 1.392 1.384 1.381 1.047 1.028 1.026 3 2.147 2.083 2.077 1.506 1.504 1.504 1.161 1.140 1.137 4 2.377 2.316 2.308 1.519 1.518 1,518 1.190 1.160 1.160 5 3.331 2.887 2.842 2.105 2.095 2,092 1.364 1.350 1.349 6 3.478 3.193 3.147 2.148 2.132 2.125 1.449 1.433 1.433 4.066 3.265 3.176 2.192 2.179 2.174 1.532 1.460 1.458 8 3.289 3.281 3.278 2.316 2.310 2.308 1.561 1.524 1.520














X 9



Fig. 2. Cantilevered multi-layered rectangular cross-section beam with a cylindrical hole through its centre.

d: ~ = 2 / 3 , / 3 = 2 / 3 a n d d = 0.7, a n e p i c y l o i d a l s o l i d w i t h a n e p i c y l o i d a l i n c l u s i o n , w i t h i n n e r t o o u t e r m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t i e s E i / E o = P i / P o = 3; ~ = 2, /3 = 1, d = 0.8, a s p h e r e w i t h a d i a m o n d shaped i n c l u s i o n , w i t h i n n e r t o o u t e r m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t i e s E i / E o = P i / P o = 1/3; a n d ~ = ~ , / 3 = 2, d = 0.7, a c u b e w i t h a s p h e r i c a l i n c l u s i o n , a g a i n w i t h i n n e r t o o u t e r m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t i e s E i / E o = P l / P o = 1/3. T h e r e s u l t s g i v e n in T a b l e 5 a p p e a r t o s u g g e s t g o o d c o n v e r g e n c e .

Vibration of multi-layered solids Table 6. Frequency parameters f~ = to2(b/2)~/(po/Eo) for a five-layered cantilevered beam with a central circular hole running through it Mode number
nx x n r nz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


4 4 x4 6 x 6 x6 8x8x8

0.03234 0.03635 0.03204 0.03601 0.03194 0.03590

0.1023 0.1018 0.1017

0.1547 0.1522 0.1517

0.1586 0.1564 0.1561

0.1987 0.1978 0.1975

0.3079 0.3047 0.3042

0.4007 0.3264 0.3250

0.4178 0.3533 0.3518

Lastly, a five-layered rectangular cross-section beam cantilevered at z = 0 with a cylindrical hole running down the main axis, as shown in Fig. 2, was considered. A quarter of the beam was modelled with the outer and inner surfaces described by f0 = x + y~ + (z/8) ~ - 1 = 0 and J] = (2x) 2 + (2y)2 + (z/8) ~ - 1 = 0 and the two interface surfaces were described by ft = (2x)~ + Y+ (z/8) ~ - 1 = 0 and f2 = (4x/3) ~ + Y~ + (z/8) ~ - 1 = 0. The outer layers were assumed to have reference modulus of elasticity E0 and density Po, and the adjacent layers were assumed to have the following non-dimensional material constants E2/Eo = P2/Po = 1/2, and the middle layer (through which the hole is bored) had the following properties E~/Eo = Pl/Po = 1/3. The first nine natural frequency parameters are given in Table 6 and, again, good convergence exists and it may be remarked that the results obtained using only nx = n r = nz = 4 appear to be reasonably converged.

A straightforward method of obtaining the natural frequencies of a class of multi-layered solids has been presented. The approach has been validated against exact solutions and excellent agreement obtained. Natural frequency parameters have been obtained for several problems for which exact solutions are not available and, in most cases, it appears that relatively few terms need be used in the displacement series to obtain reasonably converged values. The use of a single, continuously differentiable displacement field permits the accurate prediction of natural frequencies and would yield reasonably accurate mode shapes. However, as already noted, the functions cannot accurately model the discontinuities in strains that may exist at the interfaces between layers of different materials unless a large number of terms is used in the series. Hence, the stress distribution which occurs throughout a layered solid when vibrating in a given mode at a particular amplitude may not be accurately predicted in the vicinity of the interface(s). This problem may be overcome, at the expense of some simplicity, by using separate displacement functions for each layer. The polynomial trial function series used in the examples treated form mathematically complete sets of functions and the results obtained from the Ritz minimization procedure converge monotonically from above towards the exact frequencies with increase in the number of terms in the series. The present work has been concerned with solids comprising layers of isotropic materials. It can be extended straighforwardly to apply to solids composed of layers of anisotropic materials, provided that the strain energy expression for each layer may be written conveniently in terms of the system Cartesian coordinates. An example would be a solid comprising layers of rectangularly orthotropic materials with the principal directions of orthotropy coincident with the Cartesian coordinates selected for the description of the solid.
Acknowledgements--The authors wish to thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, whose financial support permitted the conduct of this work, and the reviewers for their thoughtful and helpful comments.

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P.G. Young and S. M. Dickinson

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