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Integrated Science A - Unit 1 - Geometric Properties of Matter Assignment/ Assessment and Date

ISA1.1 C GPOM I can explain what a measuring unit is and why it is useful to have standards of measure. Be familiar with some standard units for measuring length: millimeter, meter. Be able to convert between units. ISA1.2 C GPOM I can estimate measurements based on the precision of the device I am using. Understand that all measurements are uncertain by some amount. Be able to describe how the precision of the measuring device affects this amount. ISA1.3 C GPOM I can interpret the meaning of a graphed group of measurements. Be able to organize measurements into a neatly labeled data table and make a properly scaled and labeled graph of the measurements. Be able to draw a best fit line and calculate the slope for measurements that appear to show a straight line pattern on a graph. What info does the slope (steepness) of the graph tell us? What does the y-intercept of the graph tell us? ISA1.4 A GPOM I can determine the area of slice of matter using standard units for area. Be able to count unit squares to find area of any slice shape. Be able to use equations to find area for special slice shapes. Be able to convert between different units for area - cm2, m2 ISA1.5 A GPOM I can determine the volume of a chunk of matter using standard units for volume. Be able to count unit cubes to find volume of any chunk shape. Be able to use equations to find volume for special chunk shapes. Be able to convert between different units for volume - mL, cm3, m3

Integrated Science A - Unit 2 - Physical Properties of Matter Assignment/ Assessment and Date

2.1 C PPOM I can explain/demonstrate the difference between mass and volume. Be able to use particle diagrams and words to demonstrate the difference. Be able to explain the different standard units used to measure each. mass - g, kg ....volume - mL, cm3 2.2 C PPOM I can use the conservation of mass to explain observations of changes in matter. Use particle diagrams to account for changes. 2.3 A PPOM I can explain the density of a chunk of matter in multiple ways. Includes the use of particle diagrams, slope of a mass vs. volume graph, ratios, and with words 2.4 A PPOM I can compare the densities of different substances. Be able to describe how the typical densities of solids, liquids, and gases compare. Be able to show how matter with different densities would orient itself when mixed.

Integrated Science A - Unit 3 - Atomic Model of Matter Assignment/ Assessment and Date

3.1 C AMOM I can explain differences in solids, liquids, and gases by referring to the density, motion, and sticking of particles. Be able to use particle diagrams and written words to do this. Note: Sticking is due to an electric force between particles which we will study later this trimester. 3.2 C AMOM I can explain the difference between heat (energy) and temperature. Be able to explain how a typical thermometer works to measure temperature. Be able to compare the temperature and/or amount of heat in different substances. 3.3 A AMOM I can explain phase changes between solid, liquid, and gas in terms of the energy added or removed from the substance. Be able to explain how energy is being transferred to/ from a substance and what is happening to the particles while this is happening. Be able to explain why substances expand when heat is added and contract when heat is removed. Use energy bar charts to show energy transfers.

Integrated Science A - Unit 4 - Interactions of Matter Assignment/ Assessment and Date

4.1 C IOM I can describe the difference between an atom, a compound, and a molecule. Use particle diagrams to represent the difference.
4.2 C IOM I can describe the difference between a physical change and a chemical change for a substance. Use particle diagrams to demonstrate a physical change removing, adding, or changing the phase of the substance. Use particle diagrams to demonstrate a chemical change rearranging particles to form a new substance. Know some common examples of physical and chemical changes. 4.3 A IOM I can use the conservation of mass to explain and balance chemical reactions. Use particle diagrams to to show the rearranging of particles in a chemical reaction. Make sure all particles are accounted for when balancing chemical reactions. Be able to represent molecules with particles AND their written chemical formula.

Integrated Science A - Unit 5 - Models of Atomic Structure Assignment/ Assessment and Date

5.1 C MOAS I can explain evidence for the existence of subatomic particles. Be able to explain why we think there are special particles (electrons) that make up an atom based on our investigations in class. (sticky tape lab) 5.2 C MOAS I know all of the pieces of an atom and can figure out how many pieces an atom has by reading the periodic table. Distinguish between an element, atom, proton, electron, neutron. Know what the different symbols and numbers on the periodic table represent. Be able to determine the overall charge on an atom. Explain why atoms stick together based on forces between subatomic particles. 5.3 A MOAS I can explain why atoms bond (stick) to other atoms by referring to how they exchange electrons. Be able to represent bonds by drawing electron diagrams. Note: Sharing electrons is called covalent. Giving/taking electrons is called ionic. Be able to use the octet rule to justify your diagrams. 5.4 A MOAS I can explain changes in models of atomic structure over time. Be able to draw diagrams of an atom from the view point of various scientists and explain what evidence led each scientist to their model - Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr

5.5 A MOAS I can distinguish between the following additional concepts: ion, pH scale, isotope

Integrated Science A - Unit 6 - Earth/Space Science Assignment/ Assessment and Date

6.1 C ESS I can explain scienti3ic evidence for the Big Bang theory. Use ideas of expansion and cooling to justify your ideas. 6.2 C ESS I can explain a model for the formation of the solar system and the Earth and use scienti3ic evidence to support this. Use gravitational attraction to explain your understanding. 6.3 C ESS I can explain processes that affect the shape and make-up of Earths surface. Be able to describe different processes that occur at plate boundaries (diverging, converging, transforming) and what happens as a result (earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes, etc.). 6.3 A ESS I can describe methods that scientists use to determine the age of rocks and earth material. Be able to describe what each of these means: How depth relates to age, fossil correlation, radiometric dating. 6.5 A ESS I can describe and explain why certain patterns occur in the atmosphere for different geographic locations. Some examples include Lake effect snow, tornado alley, tropical hurricanes.

Integrated Science B - Unit 1 - Scientific Modeling Assignment/ Assessment and Date

1.1 C SM I can explain proper data collection techniques. Be able to identify uncertainties in measurement and suggest ways to correct for these uncertainties. (due to measuring device, technique, or event) Explain why it is useful to maximize range of data, take many data points, and taking multiple measurements for each data point.
1.2 C SM I can represent data graphically and mathematically. Be able to label and scale a graph, plot data, draw a linear best fit line, find slope and y-intercept w/correct units. Understand that the appearance of a graph depends on the scale chosen and uncertainty in the data...dont be fooled into thinking there is a certain pattern when there isnt or vice versa. Think about how the appearance of the graph would change if the scale changed, or if the data points graphed were at the ends of their ranges. 1.3 A SM I can use clear equation to a linear relationship - various Be able to write a math sentencesfor explain the meaning of In this parts of a distinguish between a variable, number, and units. equation, graph for a scientific experiment. What information does the y-intercept, slope of a graph tell us about the experiment? Be able to make a written statement about a slopes number and units - EX. The slope is 5 cm/yr, this means that...

1.4 A SM I can make predictions using data depicted in a graph or math equation.

1.5 A SM I can distinguish between an experiment and a model and elaborate on factors that affect whether a model is acceptable. Includes why it is beneficial to represent a model in multiple ways.

Integrated Science B - Unit 2 - Constant Velocity Particle Model Assignment/ Assessment and Date

2.1 C CVPM I can draw and interpret diagrams to represent the motion of an object moving with a constant velocity. Includes position-vs-time graphs, velocity-vs-time graphs, motion maps. Recognize the features of a diagram that represent constant velocity vs. changing velocity. Be able to translate from one graph to another or to describe the motion in words based on the graph. Find the average velocity using the slope of an x-t graph. Find the change in position using the area beneath a v-t graph.

2.2 A CVPM I differentiate between position, distance, and displacement.

2.3 A CVPM I can solve problems involving average speed and average velocity.

Integrated Science B - Unit 3 - Balanced Force Particle Model Assignment/ Assessment and Date

3.1 C BFPM I can draw properly labeled diagrams showing all forces acting on an object. Includes system, force, net force, and force vector addition diagrams. I can identify surrounding objects interacting with an object, and the forces they exert on the object. I know when two surfaces must be experiencing a friction interaction.

3.2 C BFPM When given one force, I can describe its N3L force pair.

3.3 A BFPM I can relate balanced/unbalanced forces to an objects constant/changing motion. Be able to determine the direction of the net force based on the objects motion. 3.4 A BFPM I can use N1L to quantitatively determine the forces acting on an object moving at a constant velocity.

Integrated Science B - Unit 4 - Constant Acceleration Particle Model Assignment/ Assessment and Date

4.1 C CAPM I can draw and interpret diagrams to represent the motion of an object moving with a changing velocity. Includes position-vs-time graphs, velocity-vs-time graphs, motion maps. Find the instantaneous or average velocity from the slope of the x-t graph. Find average acceleration from the slope of a v-t graph. Advanced: Find change-in-position from the area beneath a v-t graph.

4.2 C CAPM I differentiate between acceleration and velocity. Also differentiate between velocity and change-invelocity.

4.3 A CAPM I can describe the motion of an object in words using the velocity-vs-time graph.

4.4 A CAPM I can solve problems involving objects that are accelerating.

Integrated Science B - Unit 5 - Conservation of Energy Model Assignment/ Assessment and Date

5.1 C COEM I can use words, diagrams, pie charts, and bar graphs (LOLs) to represent the way the flavor and total amount of energy in a system changes (or doesnt change). Includes kinetic, elastic, gravitational, and internal storage mechanisms

5.2 A COEM I identify when the total energy of a system is changing or not changing, and I can identify the reason for the change. Differentiate between when energy is stored in a system and energy is transferred into or out of a system.
5.3 A COEM I can use the conservation of energy to solve problems, starting from my fundamental principle. I can identify multiple snapshots (states) to analyze for a system in a given situation. I can define different systems for the same situation, and I can represent the energy and how it changes (or doesnt change) for each system definition.

Integrated Science B - Unit 6 - Wave Model Assignment/ Assessment and Date

6.1 C WM I can distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves. Be able to describe the motion of particles in the medium each wave is traveling through. 6.2 C WM I can draw and interpret wave diagrams to represent constructive and destructive interference.

6.3 A WM I can determine the period and frequency for a repeating phenomena. Know the mathematical relationship between period and frequency and be able to calculate one when given the other. (Period = 1/freq.)

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