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Dokumen (7) Tugas bahasa Inggris Nama: zaskia larasati Npm :2101110172 The most common verbs for describing structure are The company consist of one head company Staff manager it composed of five members This company contains the south Sumatra culture this company building was built within six months Helping the economy of the surrounding community is includes in the company's goals The company’s product marketing is divided into two, namely online and offline Other verbs frequently used to describe company organization include + The company manager to be in charge of the product distributor department + The organization supports or is supported by the company + the company manager to be accountable to the head of the company + the company's product distributors are responsible for distributing products from Producers to consumers + The organization to assist or to be assisted by the company Now write a description of either the organization chart above, or a company you know, in about 100-150 words. The Chief Executive Officer reports to the President and the Board of Directors. The company is divided into five major departments: Production, Marketing, Finance, Research & Development, and Human Resources. The Marketing Department is subdivided into Market Research, Sales, and Advertising & Promotions. The Finance Department contains both Financial Management and Accounting. Sales consists of two sections, the Northern and Southern Regions, whose heads report to the Sales Manager. The Sales is accountable to the Marketing Manager. 2a vocabulary 1. 2. ae & a Industrial belt =C Wealth =F Productivity. =E Corporate ethos. =A Colaboration. =6 Insulated and isolated=B company is divided into five major departments: Production, Marketing, Finance, Research & Development, and Human Resources. The Marketing Department is subdivided into Market Research, Sales, and Advertising & Promotions. The Finance Department contains both Financial Management and Accounting. Sales consists of two sections, the Northern and Southern Regions, whose heads report to the Sales Manager. The Sales is accountable to the Marketing Manager. Fe ee nee en ee NE EE EE ONE NE 2a vocabulary 1. Industrial belt =C 2. Wealth =F 3. Productivity. =E 4. Corporate ethos. =A 5. Colaboration. =G 6. Insulated and isolated=B 7. Pragmenation. =D 2b listening 1. + a2 + B3 * D4 * DS + B6 * C7 + a8 2. (G.bc,hi,e,kfd,j.a) the sentence = Isolated companies or groups are at a disadvantage, because most groups of people get most of their ideas and innovations from the outside. So in order to maximize productivity, creativity, innovation, and wealth, you should break up your business into a number of groups which compete but also communicate with each other quite freely. You should also exchange ideas and information with other companies, and regularly engage staff who have worked for your competitors 3a Discussion | much prefer small. I've worked for both large (>100,000 employees) and small (about 30 employees). The big companies pay better and have better benefits. But you end up feeling like a cog in a big machine with no control of your destiny. Small companies are more exciting. Things move faster (less inertia, red tape). You know everyone so there is a strong feeling of family. You see how you can make a difference. Read the following statements, and decide whether they are about the advantages of 23.36 © 4G Dokumen (7) 3a Discussion I much prefer small. I've worked for both large (>100,000 employees) and small (about 30 employees). The big companies pay better and have better benefits. But you end up feeling like a cog in a big machine with no control of your destiny. Small companies are more exciting. Things move faster (less inertia, red tape). You know everyone so there is a strong feeling of family. You see how you can make a difference. Read the following statements, and decide whether they are about the advantages of working in a big or small company. 1. Big company 2. Small company @ ‘Small company . Small company Big company Big company Small company Big company CPN aaan ‘Small company 10. Big company 11. Small company 12. Big company 13. Small company 14. Big company

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