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To Whom It May Concern, My Name is [Name Redacted] and I am a resident and client of the Yukon Shelter, run by the

Lookout Society, at 2088 Yukon St. in Vancouver, British Columbia. I have been a client of this particular shelter since approximately the first of August of 2011, and for the most part have been extremely comforted and helped by the various services that have been provided for me during my tenure thus far. This is why it pains and saddens me to have to bring forth the details of a particularly disturbing incident that occurred at the shelter this last weekend involving myself and a member of the shelter staff. At approximately 10:30 PM on Saturday, the 27th of August 2011, I was confronted verbally in an unprofessional and provocative manner by a member of the staff at the Yukon Shelter. The identity of this particular staff member is at this time unknown me, however may be easily identified in the future if the management of the Yukon Shelter is at all interested in following up this matter with me. The staff member was a white male, slim, approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall with short hair and minor facial hair, and during this incident - sat at the outside desk closest to the main entrance. During this Saturday night, I was in an extreme amount of physical pain due to recent oral surgery that had been performed that Friday morning. This immediate physical pain was added to the ongoing emotional pain that I already felt as a result of being jobless and homeless in the city of Vancouver. During the incident with the staff member that I will describe, I believe that I was treated in a manner that harmed my mental health, reduced my physical and mental well being and effected my ability to feel safe in the environment in which I was living. The verbal confrontation began as I walked across the open area from the stairs that led from my room on the second floor to the door that leads to the TV room and dining areas. As I walked across the floor, the staff member pointed at me and said You have a review today!. He said this not in a calm, measured and business like manner, but in an accusatory and confrontational manner and at a volume that was unreasonably loud for the time and circumstances of the conversation. Since I understand the process of review at the Yukon Shelter and have been reviewed many times, I was shocked and confused at the statement that was uttered by the staff member. I regularly check the posted notices of which clients are up for review at any given time in order to ensure that I do not unduly stress the staff in their efforts to locate me for that process. I had not seen my name up on the board that day and replied calmly that I did not know that it was in fact the case that I had a review. The staff member replied and you've had a review for the past several days and have been avoiding it!. I replied again calmly that I was unaware that this was the case and looked at the time and said that it seemed rather late to attempt a review at this time and offered to do it the next day. The staff member replied I'm not going to be working tomorrow!, again in a loud and accusatory tone, and then followed up with the statement - You know what you've been doing wrong and you had better come clean about it in your review or you are out of here! Again, this statement was made at a room filling volume and in a confrontational and accusatory tone. In order to obtain some measure of composure and to sort out my personal mental confusion, I said nothing in reply and returned to my room. As a course of action, I decided it best to not respond immediately to this confusing and provocative psychological attack, but to allow a number of hours to pass in order for me to respond in the best and most constructive manner possible. In the time that has passed since the incident I have felt nervous, mentally debilitated and physically exhausted. It was extremely upsetting to me to be accused of supposed wrong doing in such a unprofessional and callous manner. As a compounding factor added to my current physical situation, it has severely negatively effected my ability to improve my life outlook. I trust and respect the senior management of the Lookout Society and at the Yukon Shelter and believe that this letter will be received positively in the manner in which it was created as a chance to improve client staff interactions in the future and possibly create a teachable moment that will help improve the lives and mental health of not just clients but also staff members at the Yukon Shelter. Thank you, [Name Redacted] Shelter Resident

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