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skin piel

inMXICO enthe la


Music and lyrics: Josemanuel Fernndez

Slide transition synchronized with music Its recommended to let it advance automatically

en la MXICO
Like a glance born in Sonora

Music and lyrics: Josemanuel Fernndez

Como una mirada hecha en Sonora Slide transition synchronized with music Its recommended to let it advance automatically

Danza del Venado, Sonora

con el color del sol por todo el cuerpo,

with the color of the sun upon the body Like a glance sea in Sonora dressed in the born of Cozumel
Como unacon el mar de Cozumel vestida mirada hecha en Sonora
Danza del Venado, Sonora

con el color del sol por todo el cuerpo,

with the color of the sun upon the body

as se lleva Mxico en la piel.

so is how Mexico gets into the skin

con el color del sol por todo el cuerpo,

with the color of the sun upon the body

Como el buen tequila de esta tierra like se lleva Mxico en la piel.

solikehow Mexico gets into the skin is the fine tequila of this land

Plantos de agave azul, Jalisco

o como un amigo en Yucatn

or having a good friend in Yucatn

y en Aguascalientes deshilados

fine unthreadings in Aguascalientes

o lana tejida en Teotitln

or woven wool in Teotitln

as se siente Mxico,

so is how Mexico feels like, so is how Mexico feels like,

Arbol de la Vida, artesana oaxaquea

as se siente Mxico,

so is how Mexico feels like,

as como unos labios por la piel,
Arbol de la Vida, artesana oaxaquea

so islips caressingfeelsskin, like how Mexico the like,

as te envuelve Mxico,

so is how Mexico envelopes you,

Volcn Citlaltpetl (Pico de Orizaba) Foto: Martn Rosas Suazo

as te sabe Mxico,

so is the taste of Mexico,

as te envuelve Mxico,

so is how Mexico envelopes you,

Volcn Citlaltpetl (Pico de Orizaba) Foto: Martn Rosas Suazo)
Nios Tzotziles, artesana de Chiapas

as te Mxico en la as se llevasabe Mxico, Piel.

so is so is Mexico gets Mexico, skin. how the taste of into the

Como ver la sierra de Chihuahua

like looking at the Sierra de Chihuahua

as se lleva Mxico en la Piel. %3D334592%26page%3D6&usg=__7s3dPk9NqZnePmED5kXfdUEr4ro=&h=600&w=900&sz=171&hl=es&start=45&um=1&tbnid=39PuZIv7w-d4qM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=146&prev=/images%3Fq %3Dsierra%2Bde%2Bchihuahua%26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Des%26rlz%3D1T4ADBF_esMX281MX281%26sa%3DN%26start%3D42%26um%3D1

so is how Mexico gets into the skin.

o la artesana en San Miguel

or handcrafts made in San Miguel

o remontar el Cerro de la Silla,

Cerro de la Silla, Monterrey, Nuevo Len Foto publicada por D.e.L.r.

or climbing the Cerro de la Silla

as se lleva Mxico en Piel. o remontar el Cerro de la Silla,

Cerro de la Silla, Monterrey, Nuevo Len Foto publicada por D.e.L.r.

so is how Mexico gets into la Silla or climbing the Cerro de the skin.

Danza del as Pias, Fiesta de la Guelaguetza, Oaxaca

Como hablar Mxico enzapoteco as se lleva tarasco o la Piel.

so is how Mexico gets into the skin. Like speaking tarasco or zapoteco
Danza de los Viejitos, Morelia, Michoacn

Lago de Pztcuaro, MIchoacn


o decir Basaseachic,

or saying Basaseachic, Matanchn

Cascada de Basaseachic, Chihuahua

Lambityeco Tzintzuntzan zapoteco Like speaking tarasco or

Como hablar tarasco o zapoteco Baha de Matanchn, Nayarit

Lambityeco, sitio arqueolgico zapoteca, Oaxaca Familia Purpecha en Tzintzuntzan, Michoacn


Lambityeco Xcaret,

La Paz,


Escaramuza charra Foto: Hermano Lobo

as se siente Mxico,

soas como unos labios por la piel, is how Mexico feels like, likeis how Mexico feels like so lips caressing the skin,

Escaramuza charra Foto: Hermano Lobo

as te envuelve Mxico,

so is how Mexico envelopes you

as como unos labios por la piel,
Tenancingo, Estado de Mxico Foto: Alex

like lips caressing the skin,

as te envuelve Mxico,

so is how Mexico envelopes you

as te sabe Mxico,

so is the taste of Mexico

Tpico pan dulce mexicano Tenancingo, Estado de Mxico Foto: Alex

as te sabe Mxico,

so is the taste of Mexico

as se lleva Mxico en la Piel.

so is how Mexico gets into the skin.

Fiesta de los Concheros, Quertaro Foto: Carlos Rangel

Like a fine sarape de Saltillo so is how Mexico gets into the skin.

Como un buen sarape de Saltillo as se lleva Mxico en la Piel.

Fiesta de los Concheros, Quertaro Foto: Carlos Rangel

At the piano, the composer Josemanuel Fernndez the day the public listened for the first time Mxico en la Piel
como una bienvenida en Veracruz Como un buen sarape de Saltillo

Or a warm welcome de Veracruz Like a fine sarape in Saltillo

At the piano, the composer Josemanuel Fernndez day the public listened for the first time like a rebozo from Santa Mara, Mxico en la Piel
Como un rebozo de Santa Mara, the as se lleva Mxico en la Piel.

so is how Mexico gets into the skin.

Como descubrir el chocolate

Like discovering chocolate

oComo descubrir el chocolate acompaar el humo con caf

Or having a good smoke and Like discovering chocolate coffee

Los Portales, Puerto de Veracruz

Poner nopal, frijoles y aguacate

Preparing nopal, beans and avocado

Joven chiapaneca Foto: Jorge Ojeda

y que lo sepa hacer una mujer

and a woman who knows how to do it well

as se siente Mxico,

so is how Mexico feels like, so is how Mexico feels like,

as como unos labios por la piel,
Zacatezas de noche

like lips caressing the skin,

Viedos en Baja California

as te envuelve Mxico,

so is how Mexico envelopes you,

as te sabe Mxico,

so is the taste of Mexico,

as se lleva Mxico en la Piel.
Sonriendo a un Instante Foto: Paulina Latap

so is how Mexico gets into the skin!

Marcha Iluminemos Mxico, Agosto 2008

Music: MXICO EN LA PIEL Author: Josemanuel Fernndez Interpreters: Mara de Lourdes / Luis Miguel / Los Cantores de Xcaret / as te Fernndez / Luis Josemanuel envuelve Mxico, Miguel Photos: private and of free internet access (credits remain) so is how Mexico envelopes you,
Concept and design by courtesy of Carlos Rangel, originally made in spanish with the collaboration te audio of Jos Fernndez Aparicio, as in sabe Mxico, with aknowledgement to the photographers, translators, to each one of the interpreters, and very specially to the author of the song. as se lleva Mxico en la Piel. Thanks for respecting this presentation intact. Santiago de Quertaro, Mex. Sep.2009

so is the taste of Mexico,

so is how Mexico gets into the skin!

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