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I'll start with a hunting story.

Back in the late 90's a group of us were huntin g down in Theodosia, Missouri on 440 acres that Todd Harris was caretaking on. M ike and I went up into a cedar thicket that was up a huge hill and was heavily r un by deer. I planted myself a little less than half way up the hill and Mike co ntinued up to stake out the upper part of the hill. About an hour after Mike and I split up I heard a tremendous crashing and sticks breaking behind me and I wa s sure the Grandaddy of the Ozark Hills was coming at me. I sat with my heart po unding in anticipation for about 30 minutes but much to my disappointment nothin g came through. Later in the day Mike came back down and I was telling him about the Giant I heard crashing throught the woods behind me. He asked me, "How long ago was that?" I said about two hours. Mike replied "Oh that was me, I fell out of a tree." :) Posted by Kim Herr

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