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Romania: Continued Authoritarianism The persistence of authoritarianism conflicting with the boom of the so-called ideal regime- democracy

continues to create a noose tightening the neck of democratic transitions and consolidation which then leaves many skeptics and fanatics behind. Authoritarianism left wonder and awe upon its existence face-to-face with the presence of such countries following this step. Hence, Romania is one of these countries reversing the path towards democratic consolidation. Romania as led by the National Salvation Front (NSF), a defender of old Romanian regime after Ceausescus, maintained an authoritarian type of political regime despite the compulsions to create a democratic state. What then accounts for such preservation of the regime? For one, the National Salvation Front (NSF), a party trying to gain votes of the majority supporters of democracy, misrepresented its intentions to the people through pretensions of its agenda-all in the name of power. In fact, they dismantled the institutions of the Communist regime and through their coalition with the miners, who acted as shock troops for the government, they were able to gain and regain the seat of power. It was through these miners, military men, other state machineries and functions that they were able to direct their vicious desires. They manipulated the campaign and election through the help of the miners thus ensuring their victory in the May 20 elections. Once in power, always must be in power. This had been the motto of the NSF government justifying the repression of peoples voice calling for political change and verifying the silence of the threatened and coerced members of the opposition. Thus, the answer above, could be summarized in the term extreme conflict path in which this constitutes an amalgamation of virtues and the vices of regime choice process. Under the regime choice process, the voice of the masses is a vital component. However, continued authoritarian states like Romania tended to refuse these peoples clamors for change in order to maintain their seat of power. The dominant party does this by applying whatever means to acquire the desired outcome. These legal and/or illegal means such as coalition with the states machineries and institution (or the miners in Romania for that matter), the use of coercive force and states resources accounted for a sure win in favor of the regime in power. The roadblock strategy of silencing the opponents and repressing the voices of the people accounts for the realization of defeat among these challengers. This kind of indolence hence gives legitimacy to the authoritarian regime and unconsciously reinforces its power. Lastly, it must be noted that the outcomes of such democratic hegemony such as the military and the election provided avenues for this authoritarian regime to sustain and preserve its power. Hence, authoritarian regime is one vice effectof the process of democracy.

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