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Models for Mining Equipment Selection

Burt, C., 1Caccetta, L., 1Hill, S. and 2Welgama, P.
Curtin University of Technology,2 Rio Tinto Technical Services, Perth Australia, E-Mail:

Keywords: Equipment selection; Linear programming; Artificial intelligence; Shovel-truck productivity.

EXTENDED ABSTRACT oversimplify the model or rely on excessive

assumptions. More complex constraints can be
In many industries, materials handling represents a included in these formulations, which help to
significant component of the operational cost, describe a more realistic idea of the performance
making equipment selection an important of a particular fleet. Artificial Intelligence
challenge to management. To meet this challenge, techniques such as expert systems, knowledge
extensive research has taken place in the mining based methods and genetic algorithms have been
and construction industries which are heavily applied to equipment selection with some success,
dependant on equipment. Yet this research effort although optimality has not been demonstrated in
has not resulted in an acceptable solution strategy the literature.
for these industries. The complexity of the
Common weaknesses amongst all of these models
problem is due to the many factors that contribute
are fleet homogeneity, loader (or truck) type pre-
to the operating expense of equipment.
selection and restricted number of passes (from
Consequently, available methods can only
loader to truck). Fleet homogeneity assumes that
consider a small subset of the possible
the truck fleet should only consist of one type of
combinations of trucks and loaders.
truck. Yet there is no reason to believe that a
This paper addresses equipment selection for mixed-type fleet underperforms a homogeneous-
surface mines. Given a mine plan, the ultimate type fleet. Loader (or truck) type pre-selection
objective is to select the trucks and loaders such requires a highly skilled and experienced engineer
that the overall cost of materials handling is to select a loader type based on geographical and
minimised. Such a fleet must be robust enough to geological information. This can be a time
cope with the dynamic nature of mining operations consuming task and a demonstration of optimality
where the production schedule can sometimes be is unlikely. Although there is a general preference
dependent on refinery requirements and demand. for restricting the maximum passes from loader to
Due to the scale of operations in mining, even a truck, there is also no evidence in literature to
small improvement in operation efficiency support this constraint. The equipment type
translates to substantial savings over the life of the selection should occur alongside fleet size
mine. selection if a bid at optimality is desired. Models
that consider the condition of pre-existing
There is a considerable amount of literature
equipment do not exist in the literature. Some
concerning shovel-truck productivity for
research has modeled the equipment replacement
construction equipment selection and shovel-truck
problem but focuses on replacement time rather
equipment selection for surface mines. Although a
than optimising the type and number of
variety of modelling methods have been applied,
trucks/loaders replacements.
such as Queuing Theory, Bunching Theory, Linear
Programming and Genetic Algorithms, the This paper provides a critical analysis of the
solutions obtained are consistently inadequate. In various models for surface mining operations,
the mining industry current methods use identifying important constraints and suitable
spreadsheets and are heavily dependent on the objectives for an equipment selection model. A
expertise of a specialist consultant. new Mixed Integer Linear Programming model is
presented that makes use of a linear approximation
Classical Methods include concepts such as match
of the cost function. This model allows for mixed-
factor, bunching theory and productivity curves.
type fleets and selects the truck and loader types
These methods often rely on brute force to achieve
within the solution. The results demonstrate that
a feasible solution, where a handful of truck types
heterogeneous fleets can result in savings for the
may be enumerated by hand for the minimum cost
mining operation. Problems arising from IP
fleet size. Operations Research techniques such as
formulations are discussed.
Integer Programming (IP) and Nonlinear
Programming have been applied in a bid to achieve
an optimal solution. Current IP solutions tend to

1 Introduction Those methods deemed classical include “match
factor” and “bunching theory”. Shovel-truck
The problem of equipment selection in a surface
productivity methods incorporate both match
mine is complex. Many features, restrictions and
factor and bunching ideas into the solution.
criteria need to be considered (Naoum and Haidar
However, much of the literature on STP exists for
2000). The model must reflect the important
construction case studies and little published
constraints of the mining operations to a level that
researched applies to surface mining. Nonetheless
is acceptable and used by mining engineers.
these methods must be addressed here as they
Martin consultants (Martin et al. 1982) list the
represent the core ideas behind current industry
selection considerations for a truck as follows:
practice (Smith 2000).
• Material characteristics of the mine
• Loading equipment
Equipment Selection
• Haul route requirements
• Maneuvering space
• Dumping conditions Mining Industry Construction Industry
• Capacity
• Engine power and altitude limitations
• Final drive gear ratios for mechanical drives
• Two axle or three axle configuration Mining Method Equipment Selection Shovel-truck Productivity
• Mechanical or electrical drive system • Anecdotal • Genetic Algorithms • Bunching Theory
• Fuzzy set theory • Simulation • Productivity Curves
• Tires size, tread and ply rating • Integer Programming • Integer Programming • Match Factor
• Expert System • Expert System • Queuing Theory
However the problem is much more complex than • Decision Support System • Simulation
• Petri Nets • Game theory
these points convey. Literature has clearly • Life Cycle Costing
demonstrated that the speed that a haul truck can
travel is heavily influenced by rolling resistance Figure 1. Distribution of literature for ES.
(Gove, 1994). Research also indicates that truck
bunching can severely affect productivity (Smith The Mining Method selection problem focuses on
2000). Other parameters include: choosing the correct excavation method for the
• Mine and dump plan restrictions given mining conditions. Generally, this research
• Truck and loader availability restrictions is based on anecdotal methods, where a feasible
• Truck queuing effect solution is sought, rather than an optimal solution.
• Truck and Loader life constraints Much of the literature on mining method selection
does not discuss equipment selection modelling in
A clear and simple method of determining the enough detail to be discussed here, but is
optimal truck and loader has not yet presented nonetheless an important area to research when
itself in the literature. Current industry practice considering pre-selection procedures.
relies heavily on an equipment selection expert to
enter data and interpret solutions. These solutions The Shovel-truck Productivity problem has been
do not select from the entire set of available truck well established in construction and earthmoving
and loader types, but rather select from a small literature (Kesimal 98). Even though limited
hand-picked subset. Additionally, these methods literature exists that specifically applies these
only allow for homogeneous fleets in the solution methods to select equipment for surface mines,
space. Optimal heterogeneous fleets are possible these methods are commonly applied to the
where production requirements must be met equipment selection problem in the mining
almost exactly. In an industry where even a small industry. This work uses many assumptions,
increase in efficiency can translate to huge savings, considerable expert knowledge/experience and
optimality or near optimal solutions are important relies on heuristic solution methods to achieve a
(Naoum and Haidar 2000). solution. The inability to demonstrate optimality
and also the desire to consider larger truck and
Feasible solutions to the equipment selection loader sets has spawned the search for a program-
problem exist under a number of related industry aided solution. These more advanced formulations
canopies: Mining Method Selection (MMS), fall into the category of Equipment Selection.
Equipment Selection (ES) and Shovel-Truck
Productivity (STP) [Figure 1]. This paper brings The inclusion of sensible ownership, operating
together these seemingly disparate streams of (and maintenance) costs may play a crucial role in
work. the solution. Yet in integer programs the costs are
often accepted as a constant input to which no
The literature survey that follows demonstrates further calculations are performed. This highlights
that a wide variety of technical and classical an important area of research for equipment
modelling approaches have been applied to the selection in surface mines.
problem of equipment selection in surface mines.

The Equipment Selection problem work has Jayawardane and Harris (1990) place importance
focused on achieving optimal or near optimal on early project completion time for earthwork
solutions and relies on computer generated operations. While this is important for the
solutions. The most logical way to categorise the construction industry, the mining production
literature is in terms of the method applied. schedule should take into account any project
Within these sections, the problem definitions and completion dates and early completion is not often
assumptions can be discussed in a clear manner. a consideration due to milling constraints. The
production schedule is assumed to be provided for
There are many closely related problems such as
equipment selection models and this is
mine production scheduling, truck dispatching,
incorporated into the constraints.
equipment costing, and equipment replacement.
These works are not within the scope of this study In other formulations, “budgeting constraints”
and will not be discussed here. have been considered where the maximum
permissible budget cash outlay for a given time
2 Literature Survey
period is an upper bound (Cebesoy et al. 1995).
2.1 Mining Method Selection This constraint can be applied to both ownership
costs and operating costs. “Mutual Exclusivity” is
The Mining Method Selection (MMS) problem is
a common constraint that restricts the choice of
an approach to Equipment Selection that stems
equipment type to one. Cebesoy et al. (1995)
from the logic that the environmental conditions
describes heterogeneous fleets as “unacceptable or
will imply a particular mining method, and that the
even unthinkable” although only anecdotal
selection of loader and consequently trucks follows
evidence has supported these claims to date.
intuitively from there.
2.2.2 Simulation
Atkinson (1992) acknowledges the
interdependency of ground preparation, excavation Simulation is a well used and notably powerful
and loading, transport and mineral treatment: that tool for the mining industry. Although simulation
“the optimum cost per ton may not be obtained by is most effectively used in mining equipment
attempting to minimize each of the individual selection to analyse the earth-moving system,
operational costs”. It is the complexity of some equipment selection solutions exist that use
combining these factors into one problem that has simulation models. Kannan et al. (2000) recognise
led many engineers to the primarily anecdotal and that despite the complementary role of academic
knowledge based solution methods applied to the research and industry applied simulation models, a
mining method selection problem. As each step is gap exists between the two: academia follow
completed these methods assume that all other “opportunity driven” models and industry aims for
steps logically follow. In this way, the loader type “need-based” models. The authors provide some
and loader fleet size is selected based on defined requirements and “success factors” for
diggability studies; the truck type is selected based simulation programming. A short but directed
on the loader; and, the truck fleet size is selected literature survey of simulation modelling in the
based on all the above information. construction industry is also included.
2.2 Equipment Selection Hrebar and Dagdelen (1979) developed a
simulation method for dragline stripping
The Equipment Selection (ES) problem aims to
equipment selection. This model provides dragline
select an appropriate set of trucks and loaders
reach and bucket capacity as output to create a
subject to various objectives and constraints. The
subset of considered equipment; further equipment
methods applied to this problem are varied, as are
selection can then be made analytically from this
the assumptions and types of constraints that are
reduced set of equipment.
included in the models.
2.2.3 Artificial Intelligence
2.2.1 Integer Programming
The use of integer programming methods is well The most common methods among the literature
established in both the mining and construction are the expert system and decision support system
operations. However much of the focus is on methods (Bascetin 2004). The expert systems
project completion, dispatching or scheduling. approach is often preferred for complex systems: it
The models tend to assume given equipment type, is a structured attempt to capture human expertise
rather than allowing the models to select these with into an efficient program (Welgama and Gibson
the fleet size. Fleet homogeneity and restricted 1995). Amirkhanian and Baker (1992) developed
passes between loader and truck are also common an expert system for equipment selection in
constraints (Celebi 1998) that have not been construction incorporating 930 rules. These rules
demonstrated to be sensible. interpret “information concerning a particular
project’s soil conditions, operator performance,

and required earth-moving operations”. Although
this method does not claim optimality of its

loader productivity
solutions, it does highlight an important aspect of
modelling equipment selection: the equipment
subset to be considered in the model will be
dependent on the soil and mining conditions. In
this sense, rule-based pre-selection is a logical pre-
process to any equipment selection model
(Bascetin 2004). number of trucks in fleet
Figure 2. Theoretical “match point” occurring at
Naoum and Haidar (2000) have developed a
the intersection.
genetic algorithm model for the equipment
selection problem. Although their model satisfies Match Factor operates under the assumption that
the requirements for an integer programming the most economical fleet will also be the most
solution, the authors pursued a genetic algorithm productive and efficient fleet (corresponding to the
solution. The solution incorporates the lifetime intersection). The results in section 4 demonstrate
discounted cost of the equipment, which is that this is not the case, and that optimal cost fleets
formally attached to the assumption that the can have efficiency as low as 50%. In Figure 2
equipment is used from purchase until official this efficiency could correspond to 4 trucks
retirement age, and not sold or replaced before that operating with 1 loader.
time. The authors argue that intelligent search
The Match Factor has a dual purpose: it is
techniques are necessary because integer
indicative of the suitability of the size of the truck
programming is incapable of solving a problem
fleet; it is used to determine the efficiency of the
with more than one type of independent variable.
fleet which can be fed back into performance
While this is not true, intelligent search techniques
calculations. The Match Factor itself is a simple
are certainly required when constraints become
nonlinear. Nonlinearities in the constraints arise
due to queuing, and have not yet been sufficiently MF =
loading cycle (1)
modelled using integer programming or genetic loaders load/haul/dump cycle
The theoretical perfect match occurs at an MF of 1.
2.3 Shovel-truck Productivity This formula clearly only considers homogeneous
The ability to accurately predict the productivity of fleets. Due to the assumption of maximum
a truck and loader fleet is an important problem to efficiency, the match factor can be misleading
mining and construction and is intrinsically linked when determining the lowest cost fleet.
to equipment selection. In particular we are 2.3.2 Bunching Theory
interested in “predicting the travel times on the
haul and return portions of the truck cycle... and Bunching models capture the tendency of moving
the prediction of the interaction effect between the objects to bunch together when moving in a line.
shovel and truck at the loading point” (Morgan and This is usually due to some of the objects being
Peterson 1968). operated or moving more efficiently than others. It
can also be due to small unpredictable delays.
2.3.1 Match Factor Bunching is known to reduce a fleet’s ability to
Consider Figure 2: the productivity of the truck meet its maximum capacity. Nagatani (2001) has
and loader fleet cannot exceed the lowest capacity studied into the problem of modelling bunching
of the trucks or the loader. That is, before the transitions in general traffic flow and bus routes.
intersection the productivity of the fleet is limited The bunching transition in the truck cycle may be
by the capacity of the truck fleet, and the loader modeled in the same manner. In the bus model,
will have additional waiting periods. After the bunching of the buses is exacerbated by an
intersection the productivity of the fleet is limited increase in the number of passengers the 'slower'
by the capacity of the loader, and the trucks will buses are required to pick up. That is, if for some
have additional waiting periods. The intersection reason a bus is delayed the time gap between it and
itself is the theoretical “perfect match point” the bus in front can only become greater as it must
(Morgan and Peterson, 1968). stop to pick up more passengers than if it were on
time (Nagatani 2001).
This match point is also influenced by the natural
variation in haul cycles which can lead to further Bunching certainly occurs in a system of a loader
queuing. This is known as bunching and is and its correlating fleet of trucks. The relationship
discussed further in the proceeding section. is not as complex as that of buses and passengers;
if a truck has a greater cycle time due to some

delay this time is absorbed by either the queue or • Cost of unit repairs and maintenance will
the fleet cycle time. That is, the slowest truck will increase as the machine ages,
cause the trucks that follow to wait. In this • Unit productivity will decrease as the unit ages,
manner, the cycle times of all of the trucks • Cost of operation is dependent on the unit’s
approaches the cycle time of the slowest truck. surrounding fleet and its corresponding efficiency.
This is a conservative measure and is not adopted
Two clarifications must be made if we are to find a
in practice: industry generally adopts the average
linear approximation for the cost function: the
cycle time. The use of slowest cycle time provides
bunching effect must be absorbed by the slowest
an interesting study for the effect of truck ordering
cycle time; and a flat cost per tonne per unit must
in the fleet.
be accepted as a fair cost comparison for the
2.3.3 Queuing Theory lifetime of the machines (although demonstrating
this is beyond the scope of this study). For a
Queuing theory is the study of the waiting times,
multi-period IP model the cost assumption can be
lengths, and other properties of queues. Waiting
softened. In order to take advantage of some of
time for trucks and loaders has been the focus of
the new ideas discussed in this paper, the decision
some shovel-truck productivity research.
variables, duly defined as the number of units of
Although this has not resulted in good ES
machine type per fleet, must also define which
solutions, it may provide a suitable upper bound
loader the truck is working with and vice versa.
for an IP model. Queuing Theory was first notably
For example, a CAT789 truck may operate more
applied to shovel-truck productivity by O’Shea in
efficiently and cost effectively with an EX3600
1964. Further to this study, Karshenas (1989) has
loader. The variables should reflect this
outlined several improvements that were
complexity of decision making, as should their
incorporated into an equipment selection program.
related costs and cycle times.
These models use the inter-arrival time of one
xi,j : the number of trucks of type i working with
truck instead of the inter-arrival time of the entire
loader type j,
fleet. However the model requires the times
between any arrivals. No justification for this yi,j : the number of loaders of type j working
change in the theory is given in any literature. with truck type i.
Huang and Kumar (1994) developed a case study
With these decision variables the model includes
using the queuing theory method. Their definition
the opportunity to select heterogeneous fleets. The
of arrival time is not provided in the paper.
data should also echo this additional dimension:
Further application of queuing theory exists in the
loaders will have a different cycle times with
development of an upper bound on the truck fleet
different trucks, and vice versa.
A useful objective function is the overall cost per
3 Linear Program with approximate cost
tonne of the operating fleet. For this to be linear
function [single period]
we must accept the assumption that the operating
The choice of objective function is paramount to fleet will only extract the required production of
the type of solution produced. For this model we the production schedule, and will not do any more
wish to minimise the cost of operating the fleet and (or less) work in spite of its maximum capacity. In
are not concerned with how profit varies from fleet this manner the actual fleet capacity is the
to fleet. It is important to recognise the distinction production requirement and thus is the same for all
between these two ideas: although a tonnage feasible solutions. For simplicity of the example,
requirement has been placed in the constraints, the objective function will minimise the overall
some fleets will produce more tonnes in the same cost per hour of the operating fleet, which is
time as other fleets. If the model were to equivalent to cost per tonne under the above
maximise profit, greater detail of the production assumption.
schedule would need to be included in the model.
In order to create effective constraints that act as
This objective function will not be discussed
lower bounds on truck and loader fleets, a suitable
further here, and instead we pursue minimising the
estimate of unit productivity must be obtained.
cost of operating the fleet.
Traditionally this is a combination of unit
Creating a linear program of the equipment availability (percentage of time that the unit is
selection problem presents an issue with the available to work), capacity, cycle time and fleet
linearity of the cost function. The actual cost efficiency. Fleet efficiency may incorporate the
function is unlikely to be linear for at least the effects of match factor, bunching and queuing.
following reasons: This component has a tendency to create
• Cost of unit operation will increase as the nonlinearities in the model if integrated in its truest
machine ages, form. However, as previously discussed, the

efficiency of the fleet can be absorbed made on a cost per hour basis, which increases as a
conservatively but effectively into the cycle time. piecewise linear function as the fleet size
The lower bound on the loader fleet is constructed increases.
in the same way.
The brute force LMF method requires a full
Due to difference in size, some machines simply enumeration of fleet combinations to determine the
cannot work together. Truck and loader best solution. This enumeration includes fleets
compatibility is an important inclusion in the with 1 loader, 2 loaders and so forth, and a
model. This can be reflected in the cost matrix spreadsheet function is required to determine the
where incompatible machines i and j can be lowest cost fleet from all of these combinations,
allocated an arbitrarily large cost. which can take a lot of time to set up properly.
Also, tedious changes to these calculations may
Additional constraints include non-negativity
occur if a simple change in mine parameters is
constraints on both the truck and loader variables,
and also pair-wise selection. That is, if truck i is
selected because it works cheapest with loader j, At this stage it is not known how much more
then loader j should also be selected realistic the solutions from a nonlinear model that
(corresponding to ρ i , j = 1). formalizes efficiency losses will be. The MILP
solution is generated within seconds using
Minimise ∑C x
i, j x i , j + ∑ C iy, j y i , j (2) CPLEX, and optimality is guaranteed subject to
i, j i, j said assumptions. Other advantages include
subject to ∑P y
i, j yi, j ≥ T (3) opportunity for heterogeneous solutions and
i, j
changes to mining parameters are easily
∑P i, j
i, j xi , j ≥ T (4) incorporated into the program.

x i , j + y i , j ≤ Mρ i , j (5) The comparison can be made in two ways: pre-

selecting the loader and allowing both methods to
xi, j ≥ ρ i , j (6)
choose the optimal truck fleet; allow both methods
yi, j ≥ ρ i, j (7 ) to select both the truck and loader fleets.
Model Required Loaders Trucks Cost per Max
where Production hour ($) Cap

is the cost per hour of operating truck
MILP 20 1 O&K RH170 1 CAT 785C ; 2054.97 20.05
type i with loader type j, preselected 3 Komatsu
Cyi,j is the cost per hour of operating loader loader 830E

type j with truck type i, LMF

20 1 O&K RH170 4
Komatsu 2115.07 20.5

T is the required tonnage per second for the loader

given period, MILP 47 1 Hitachi

EX3600; 1
7 Dresser 830E 3188.62 47.5

Pxi,j is the productivity of truck type i working P&H 4100A

with loader type j, LMF 47 2

Hitachi 8 Dresser 830E 3327.91 51.0

Pxi,j is the productivity of loader type j

working with truck type i, Table 1. Selected results from MILP and LMF.
ρ i, j is a binary variable where 1 defines the
The results demonstrate that optimal
pair i,j is selected; 0 not selected, heterogeneous solutions are possible. All optimal
M is an arbitrarily large number. homogeneous solutions are identical for the two
methods, although the time to find the optimal
4 Results
solution is not. The time taken to complete a full
A linear version of the match factor method was
enumeration of solutions is subject to the
compared to the presented linear model. The
complexity of the spreadsheet user interface, and
purpose of this comparison is to demonstrate that
has not been approximated here.
the linear program opens opportunities to select
heterogeneous fleets which may be chosen as the 5 Conclusions and Recommendations
optimal fleet for minimised cost. The linear match
The given linear program is able to quickly search
factor (LMF) method was employed through a
the entire set of available trucks and loaders for an
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The mixed integer
optimal solution set subject to the defined
linear program (MILP) was solved using Ilog
CPLEX v.9.0. Both methods incorporated 7604
operating hours per one year period; production Industry standards incorporate match factor and
requirements ranging from 10Mt – 50Mt; cycle bunching concepts into the solution. The inclusion
times of trucks and loaders; capacity of trucks and of an efficiency expression turns the current MILP
loaders; and the percentage availability of the formulation into a nonlinear formulation. The
machines after maintenance. The comparison was

nonlinearity issue can be solved using constraint computers and operations research in the
programming methods. mineral industry, New York, 1979.
Several extensions to this work and further studies Jayawardane, A. and Harris, F. (1990), Further
have arisen and include: development of integer programming in
• The full effect of bunching in haul trucks is not earthwork optimization, Journal of
well recognised. Construction Engineering and Management,
• It would be a useful study to develop a 116(1), 18-34, March.
bunching transition model to determine the effect
Kannan, G., Schmitz, L. and Larsen, C. (2000), An
of bunching and match factor.
industry perspective on the role of equipment-
• The effect of including rolling resistance in the
based earthmoving simulation, In Proceedings
equipment selection model can be studied.
of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference.
• Derive new models using different objective
functions such as maximising profit.
• The incorporation of equipment usage may be Karshenas, S. (1989), Truck Capacity Selection for
important. Earthmoving, Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management, 115(2), 212-
The linear program may also be extended to
227, June.
include multi-periods so that the aim to optimise
the materials handling over the life of the mine Kesimal, A. (1998), Shovel-truck productivity and
may be realised. efficiency studies for overburden removal in an
open-pit coal mine, Transactions of the
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