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3/9/2023 7:32:04 86 / 100 Fila Yulianti Tulungagung, 29 Apri

3/9/2023 7:44:01 84 / 100 Iqfina Yulia Apriliyani Tulungagung, 24 Apri
3/9/2023 7:44:07 84 / 100 LADINDA SHEILA PUTulungagung, 11 janu
3/9/2023 7:49:33 22 / 100 Ines Sukma Irdayaning Tulungagung,01 April
3/9/2023 7:52:50 86 / 100 Pinky Novalina AdistyTulungagung, 12 Nov
3/9/2023 7:55:08 84 / 100 RAHIMA AMEILIA RATulungagung, 10 Mei
3/9/2023 7:55:15 86 / 100 Fera Martha Listia Tulungagung, 16 Mar
3/9/2023 7:55:25 86 / 100 Yeyen Eka sheilani put Tulungagung, 22 Des
3/9/2023 7:56:27 86 / 100 Zulfa Nabilatul LathifaTulungagung, 10 febu
3/9/2023 7:56:42 86 / 100 VIORENSIA AGNESTTulungagung, 9 Oktob
3/9/2023 7:57:53 86 / 100 VERONIKA AYUDYATULUNGAGUNG, 21 A
3/9/2023 7:58:17 80 / 100 Karina Putri Atstsaniya Tulungagung, 17 Janu
3/9/2023 7:58:42 86 / 100 Della ika febriani Tulungagung,10 febru
3/9/2023 7:58:44 86 / 100 Jeanny Octavia RamaMalang, 24 Oktober 2
3/9/2023 7:58:54 86 / 100 MAR'ATU NURILFIRKtulungagung, 25 Nov
3/9/2023 7:58:55 82 / 100 Indri Oktaviani Tulungagung, 22 Okt
3/9/2023 8:00:00 80 / 100 Azrin Retno WulandariTulungagung 29 Sept
3/9/2023 8:00:10 86 / 100 Amanda Febrianika Tulungagung, 23 febr
3/9/2023 8:00:26 80 / 100 Vrilla Youanita Tulungagung, 13 Apri
3/9/2023 8:00:32 78 / 100 Edwina yulia nastiya Tulungagung, 18 juli
3/9/2023 8:01:10 64 / 100 Andreas Tsabitul AsmiTulungagung,14 mei
3/9/2023 8:01:25 84 / 100 AMANDA DWI SEPTITulungagung, 05 Sep
3/9/2023 8:01:43 86 / 100 Muhammad Baihaqi Tulungagung, 22 Agu
3/9/2023 8:02:29 86 / 100 ENJELINA FEBRIANIPulau Burung,23 febr
3/9/2023 8:04:26 76 / 100 Dwi Tri Cahyaningsih Blitar, 09 Juni 2005
3/9/2023 8:04:30 54 / 100 Dhita Puri Puspita sarTulungagung,21 Juni
3/9/2023 8:04:44 86 / 100 NABILA AL ATSARIYTulungagung, 28 Mar
3/9/2023 8:05:22 86 / 100 Salsabila najwa Tulungagung 19 Nov
3/9/2023 8:06:15 84 / 100 PRASISTA OKSTA VITulungagung, 27 Des
3/9/2023 8:06:45 82 / 100 SHOVIATUL UMMAHTulungagung, 23 Apri
3/9/2023 8:07:18 80 / 100 Tegar Dwi Utomo Tulungagung, 17 Agu
3/9/2023 8:07:22 86 / 100 INEZ ILAINA TULUNGAGUNG 01 A
3/9/2023 8:07:36 54 / 100 Elvina putri nareswariMalang,18 juni 2003
3/9/2023 8:08:09 86 / 100 Yolandha OkaPatriciaTulungagung, 19 Febr
3/9/2023 8:08:16 86 / 100 FELICIA HESTI LAK Tulungagung,11 Febru
3/9/2023 8:09:04 86 / 100 Muhammad Adam Aim Tulungagung, 2 Maret
3/9/2023 8:09:08 72 / 100 Reva Dwi Mardewita Tulungagung, 08 Sep
3/9/2023 8:09:52 86 / 100 NIZA AYU FEBRINA Tulungagung, 28 Febr
3/9/2023 8:10:07 24 / 100 Ferlix Novalino Abian Tulungagung 13 mei
3/9/2023 8:10:39 72 / 100 PUPUT SEPTYANA ATulungagung, 23 Sep
3/9/2023 8:10:51 84 / 100 NAVYDA AJENG SAPTulungagung, 29 Nov
3/9/2023 8:10:54 72 / 100 Naura Sevia Niza Tulungagung, 5 Nove
3/9/2023 8:11:42 34 / 100 Amanda salsa yuliskeTulungagung 7 Juli 2
3/9/2023 8:11:50 26 / 100 PRESDIANA Cilacap, 20 septembe
3/9/2023 8:12:24 84 / 100 PINGKAN YOLANDATULUNGAGUNG,30 A
3/9/2023 8:15:07 72 / 100 Mutiara yunika aribahTulungagung, 20 Juni
3/9/2023 8:15:45 82 / 100 WAHYU SETYA NABITulungagung,10 juni
3/9/2023 8:18:14 70 / 100 Cyndi Eka RahmawatiTulungagung 26 mei
3/9/2023 8:22:29 66 / 100 AMELIA LESTARI Tulungagung,05 Mei
3/9/2023 8:25:02 68 / 100 KURNIA ALFIANI FA Tulungagung 5 Januar
3/9/2023 10:41:00 86 / 100 Dini Ashfi Hayati Trenggalek, 19 Agust
3/9/2023 10:47:13 84 / 100 DINA ASHFA KARIMA Trenggalek, 19 Agust
3/9/2023 10:50:36 86 / 100 ELIZA AMALINDA RUTulungagung, 17 Juni
3/9/2023 10:50:36 66 / 100 Febri Yesa Prasetya Tulungagung, 16 Febr
3/9/2023 10:51:41 84 / 100 WULAN SITI NUR H Tulungagung 14 Mare
3/9/2023 10:52:35 86 / 100 ZAKKA JAWARA AN Tulungagung, 22 Juni
3/9/2023 10:53:19 86 / 100 LADY AUGUSTA NA Tulungagung, 17 Agu
3/9/2023 10:53:41 86 / 100 EKA RIZKI ARINTAB Tulungagung, 23 Agu
3/9/2023 10:54:45 86 / 100 Dyah Anjar Sukesi Tulungagung 30 Sept
3/9/2023 10:54:55 86 / 100 AGNES YULIA ALFRTulungagung, 3 Juli 2
3/9/2023 10:56:15 86 / 100 AMANDA JEANNITA Tulungagung, 29 Agu
3/9/2023 10:56:18 86 / 100 Sindy Nurazizah Tulungagung, 04 mei
3/9/2023 10:57:16 84 / 100 Fajar Apriliya Dapid Tulungagung, 20 Apri
3/9/2023 10:57:56 84 / 100 Icha Elvira Trisnawati Tulungagung, 07 Des
3/9/2023 10:57:58 84 / 100 Anindya Rahening PutTulungagung, 29 Sep
3/9/2023 10:58:04 86 / 100 Finda Aulia TussolikaTulungagung, 30 Juli
3/9/2023 10:58:13 86 / 100 Era Fazira Nganjuk 07 Januari 2
3/9/2023 10:58:30 80 / 100 Galih Sa'diatus SomiaTulungagung, 23 Juni
3/9/2023 10:58:33 74 / 100 Fransisca vela aulia Tulungagung, 14 juli
3/9/2023 10:59:41 84 / 100 FITRIA AINI FAIZA Tulungagung,14 juni
3/9/2023 10:59:59 86 / 100 Diaz Eka Pangesti Tulungagung, 24 Apri
3/9/2023 11:00:00 86 / 100 LIDYA PRANSISKA ATulungagung, 16 Juni
3/9/2023 11:00:57 86 / 100 Syavira Viandra Ekapu Tulungagung, 21 Mar
3/9/2023 11:01:11 86 / 100 TESSA FARENTINA Tulungagung, 4 Nope
3/9/2023 11:01:15 82 / 100 Anisa Tri RahmayantiTulungagung, 06 Des
3/9/2023 11:01:17 82 / 100 Deshinta tirta prasisk Blitar,30 desember 2
3/9/2023 11:02:03 80 / 100 Mar'atin Soleha Tulungagung, 25 Des
3/9/2023 11:02:37 86 / 100 Mutya nur hidayah Tulungagung, 23 Des
3/9/2023 11:03:31 86 / 100 IMRO ATUL MAGFIRTulungagung 21 Pebru
3/9/2023 11:03:37 84 / 100 ARSHEILLA PUTRI TULUNGAGUNG, 31
3/9/2023 11:03:46 86 / 100 Mawar Defita Pinandi Tulungagung, 26 Agu
3/9/2023 11:03:48 84 / 100 Titin Aprilia Tulungagung, 23 April
3/9/2023 11:04:02 86 / 100 Novelia Putri RahmadTulungagung, 05 Nop
3/9/2023 11:04:04 84 / 100 Sabrina Rizka AngeliaTulungagung, 16 Janu
3/9/2023 11:04:05 82 / 100 Violin Aprelia Dwi An Tulungagung, 23 Apri
3/9/2023 11:04:14 86 / 100 Pinkan Agustin YuniarTulungagung 22 Agus
3/9/2023 11:04:31 80 / 100 MANDALA ELVAN DATulungagung, 10 des
3/9/2023 11:04:32 86 / 100 Belia Aryu Divanti Trenggalek, 15 juni 2
3/9/2023 11:04:32 86 / 100 VAUSTYA AYU ANDAJakarta, 5 Nopember
3/9/2023 11:04:45 86 / 100 Naya Nuril hidayah Tulungagung , 11 Agu
3/9/2023 11:04:54 86 / 100 SITI ROUDLOTUL H Tulungagung, 18 Janu
3/9/2023 11:04:54 82 / 100 Yusna Khusnul khoti Tulungagung,30 Janua
3/9/2023 11:05:07 86 / 100 Nadya ayu lusiati Tulungagung, 7 janua
3/9/2023 11:05:14 84 / 100 Ade Velinda Dwiyanti Blora,19 Januari 2005
3/9/2023 11:05:17 80 / 100 Desi Oktaviani Tulungagung, 13 Okt
3/9/2023 11:05:18 86 / 100 APRINZA EKTA RISMTulungagung,25 April
3/9/2023 11:05:22 86 / 100 Meylany Tulungagung, 12 Mei
3/9/2023 11:05:34 86 / 100 Bebby putri maulana Tulungagung, 18 Juli
3/9/2023 11:06:08 38 / 100 Maheswari nirwasita pTulungagung, 12 mei
3/9/2023 11:06:19 86 / 100 Shinvani Lili Ekawati Tulungagung, 12 Agu
3/9/2023 11:06:41 86 / 100 Shima Azaria Sucitapu Banjarnegara, 28 Jun
3/9/2023 11:07:03 86 / 100 Selvi Rinawati Trenggalek, 21 April
3/9/2023 11:08:56 84 / 100 Putri Aji Rahma NingtTrenggalek,22 Maret
3/9/2023 11:09:45 84 / 100 Nicbolas aldi pranata Tulungagung,25 pebru
3/9/2023 11:11:08 72 / 100 Winda Nopita Sari Tulungagung, 3 Juni
3/9/2023 11:11:10 82 / 100 RAMA DELLA Tulungagung, 12 Juli
3/9/2023 11:12:45 82 / 100 Arina Miftahur RosidaTulungagung, 29 des
3/9/2023 11:20:12 84 / 100 RIKI DWI KURNIAWATulungagung, 26 mei
3/28/2023 11:36:06 80 / 100 Afandi nur eka h. Tulungagung,09 juli 2
4/5/2023 10:14:34 72 / 100 Inge Oktavia putri r Trenggalek 10 Oktobe
4/11/2023 9:45:15 28 / 100 MOCH. SAIFUDIN A Tulungagung, 01 Mar
Beside the temples, Kediri is also famous for its pr
KOMPETENSI KEAHKELAS NISN What does the text tell us about?
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046971646 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053292683 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053712982 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0047059595 A. The history of Kedir
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0047971464 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046995657 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053196181 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0045309770 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0051653901 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0048929279 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0045084810 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0056348567 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046997687 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0047117405 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0047116136 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046186617 A. The history of Kedir
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053812722 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0065229460 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0041973405 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0045262619 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 3059186186 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0045629173 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0058180206 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0051618959 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0047138545 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0031306224 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053833933 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046917863 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0042146189 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0047019991 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053633175 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0034955057 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053679945 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046056866 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0058784071 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046472982 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0054753319 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 004714623 B. The famous product
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0047138757 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046952599 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0049433954 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046954760 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046996711 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053632993 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053711017 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0046917034 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053070387 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0053185495 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0050891834 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0050891833 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0053712272 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0055355909 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0051207353 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0047039940 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0055568141 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0053797845 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0047050888 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0053755102 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0046997281 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0047117061 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0053634795 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0047091747 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0030249189 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0046592291 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0056609043 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWA XII FARMASI 1 0047017487 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0049008113 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0049486992 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0053292754 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 3054354964 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0054440372 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0047092032 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0047057323 A. The history of Kedir
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0045150538 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0053776285 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0052454624 C. The description of
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FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0044353565 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0059027738 C. The description of
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FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0047011633 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0046752480 C. The description of
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FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0047039687 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0046592308 B. The famous product
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0043502239 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0063891138 C. The description of
FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 2 0047050408 C. The description of
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FARMASI KLINIS D XII FARMASI 1 0053079627 C. The description of
ASISTEN KEPERAWXII KEPERAWATAN 0051640471 C. The description of
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A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
E. Woman labour forcC. The soup ingredie E. Soya sauce E. Equipment
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
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A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pempek Palembang B. Ingredients
B. The factory workerD. How to prepare t A. Sugar A. Pempek Plembang
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A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people C. The soup ingredie D. Corn flour B. Ingredients
C. The farmers C. The soup ingredie A. Sugar C. Soy sauce
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A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
B. The factory workerD. How to prepare t A. Sugar A. Pempek Plembang
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar B. Ingredients
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar C. Soy sauce
A. The local people A. How to make pem A. Sugar A. Pempek Plembang
C. The farmers E. The equipment ne C. Pepper A. Pempek Plembang
The construction of Masjid
The construction
Sultan Suriansyah
of Masjid
was Sultan
The roof was
is layereD.
the is
What does the text tellFrom
us about?
the text we know
… Suriansyah
I wiil was
Dad in the era of ….
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction E. Banjara’s past D. To tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day B. f Banjar people bur D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah B. Telling
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction A. Banjar people A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day E. f The mosque is locaD. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah D. To tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
B. Gathering in schooA. Some construction A. Banjar people A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah D. To tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
B. Gathering in schooC. There is nothing s C. Kalimantan King A. Tell
A. Independence day A. f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day E.
f The mosque is locaB. Dutch colonial archC. Tells
A. Independence day festival D. Sultan Suriansyah D. To tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day D.
f The Dutch colonialD. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day B.
f Banjar people bur D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
B. Gathering in schooA. Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day E.
f The mosque is locaD. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day D.
f The Dutch colonialD. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.
f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction E. Banjara’s past A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day B.f Banjar people bur E. Banjara’s past A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
B. Gathering in schooA. Some construction E. Banjara’s past A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
A. Independence day A.f Some construction D. Sultan Suriansyah A. Tell
C. Parade with the priB. Banjar people bur A. Banjar people D. To tell
Get free souvenirs forGet
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first souvenirs
fifty guests!forFree
the free
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Rahmat ..... all of his Who is the invitation addressed
What can be to?inferred Whom
from the did
the writer meet in Paris?
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
C. Invited D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
D. Invitation B. PT Brighters Lives E. The first fifty gues D. A man that worke
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
C. Invited D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcD. A man that worke
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcA. A man that take hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcB. A man that gave hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
B. Invites D. The Bright’s membC. All guests will rec C. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
D. Invitation A. Beauticians C. All guests will rec C. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite C. Bright’s CustomersE. The first fifty gues D. A man that worke
B. Invites D. The Bright’s membE. The first fifty gues A. A man that take hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s members C. A man that lent hi
C. Invited D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcB. A man that gave hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membB. The company sellsC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membB. The company sellsE. A man that give him
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
D. Invitation D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcA. A man that take hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
D. Invitation D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcB. A man that gave hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membC. All guests will rec C. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
A. Will invite D. The Bright’s membD. The company launcC. A man that lent hi
D. Invitation B. PT Brighters Lives B. The company sellsC. A man that lent hi
Last Wednesday, my father …(17) us out for lunch
I read a few lines... Then he lent me. WhoWhat is the tenses usMy brother went into the fitting room to try them on
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter D. Simple future tens E. Have Taken
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.B. Annoying waiter A. Simple present tenA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.C. A friendly tourist A. Simple present tenA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.C. A friendly tourist A. Simple present tenA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.C. A friendly tourist D. Simple future tens A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.C. A friendly tourist A. Simple present tenA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.C. A friendly tourist B. Past continuous teA. Took
B. Texts on the book.E. An old man C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.A. French tourist C. Simple past tense A. Took
C. Museum guiding C. A friendly tourist A. Simple present tenC. Is Taking
D. Garden’s rules. B. Annoying waiter B. Past continuous teA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter A. Simple present tenA. Took
A. Words in a postcarD. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.A. French tourist C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter A. Simple present tenA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.E. An old man C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense B. Takes
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter A. Simple present tenA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
A. Words in a postcarD. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.B. Annoying waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter A. Simple present tenA. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense A. Took
B. Texts on the book.D. A nice waiter C. Simple past tense B. Takes
B. Texts on the book. C. Simple past tense A. Took
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eat more,
we mo
My brother went into the
My fitting
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on while
3 mostly
myto mother
on Iwhile
I …(19)
a uniform
outsideforto me
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
A. Go B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went C. Did Stay E. why the woman wan A. ate nothing
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did C. laid more eggs
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went C. Did Stay D. what the hen eats C. laid more eggs
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
C. laid more eggs
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went D. Are Staying A. the hen's eggs B. ate too much
E. Have Gone A. Stays B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went A. Stays B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went A. the hen's eggs B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
B. Gone B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did
B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
A. Go B. Stayed E. why the woman wan A. ate nothing
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed A. the hen's eggs B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed B. what the woman did B. ate too much
C. Went B. Stayed C. what the hen did f B. ate too much
So the woman decided"Ifto
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From the text we mayThe
that the
The author's
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C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
D. furious A. commanded C. to define a particu C. Students must not b
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
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C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy C. dangerous E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
D. furious A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
B. miserly A. commanded E. to describe a particu E. University of Oxfor
C. greedy A. commanded B. to commemorate aD. p The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
A. active D. brought E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy B. influenced C. to define a particu C. Students must not b
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C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded C. to define a particu C. Students must not b
C. greedy A. commanded A. to review a particu B. Students in college
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
B. miserly B. influenced B. to commemorate aA. p The academic year i
E. dangerous A. commanded D. to explain a partic D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
D. furious A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
A. active A. commanded E. to describe a particu
B. Students in college
E. dangerous C. dangerous E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
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C. greedy A. commanded D. The students of Ca
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D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
E. University of Oxfor
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D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
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D. The students of Ca
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D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded A. to review a particu D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
B. miserly B. influenced E. to describe a particu
C. Students must not b
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded B. to commemorate aD. p The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
E. University of Oxfor
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
A. active B. influenced E. to describe a particu
D. The students of Ca
C. greedy A. commanded E. to describe a particu
C. Students must not b
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The academic
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the readersword
...28) ... (No 29)
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
E. the criteria for the B. places offered for A. experience A. Bought
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
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C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
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C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Cambridge University. A. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience A. Bought
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience B. Brought
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience A. Bought
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb B. places offered for A. experience B. Brought
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C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Camb A. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
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D. the examination foA. dormitories used foB. influence D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
A. an integrated educa
D. houses needed forA. experience B. Brought
C. the system in CambD. houses needed forB. influence B. Brought
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in Cambridge University. A. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foB. influence D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
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C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
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C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
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C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambE. rooms rented to staA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
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C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambE. rooms rented to staA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience B. Brought
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foE. Independence D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
A. an integrated educa
A. dormitories used foB. influence A. Bought
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambA. dormitories used foA. experience D. Took
C. the system in CambC. spaces needed for D. expedition A. Bought
Reny Reny I’m just worried that I fail the national examination.
What does the letterWhy tell us
is Reny
worried that
“I’m he
fail theinnational
The antonym
of the underlined word is …
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in C. To perform well D. underestimate
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think clearly
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleD. underestimate
C. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nA. There are extra le A. Unable to think cleA. Escape
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
C. Asking for a friend A. There are extra le A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
C. Asking for a friend D. He appreciated IvaB. To speak fluently B. reach
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in solving Mathematic p C. predict
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleD. underestimate
D. Giving a solution toA. There are extra le B. To speak fluently A. Escape
C. Asking for a friend C. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
A. Asking for a friend to teach Mathematic A. Unable to think cleB. reach
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the national examination A. Unable to think cleE. success
C. Asking for a friend C. He is confused in B. To speak fluently E. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think clearly
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nB. He will have the n A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the national examination A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nE. Hi friends are all wA. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think clearly
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleD. underestimate
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in B. To speak fluently E. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleC. predict
B. Preparing for the nC. He is confused in A. Unable to think cleE. success
A. Asking for a friend C. He is confused in D. To read quickly B. reach
I ..... studied for two hours. Why does the writer consider circus
Kian ..... this movie t Inappropriate place to
. According
live for animals?
to the text ?
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
C. Has E. Sees A. All governments E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
E. Has been D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
C. Has E. Sees B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
E. Has been C. Has been seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia A. Tigers are the most
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia A. Tigers are the most
E. Has been D. Has seen C. Federal governmenD. The animals are the
A. Have C. Has been seen B. Australia C. The highlight of the
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have B. Is seeing B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
D. Has seen A. All governments E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia C. The highlight of the
A. Have A. Sees B. Australia D. The animals are the
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia D. The animals are the
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia D. The animals are the
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia D. The animals are the
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have A. Sees C. Federal governmenE. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
E. Has been D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
A. Have D. Has seen B. Australia E. Animals receive ill
C. Has B. Is seeing B. Australia B. Tigers are the smar
Why does the writer consider
The substitution
circus of "West"“… it in
our not
change"All of"California"-
you are good, is the
of anandagreement
kind, so I wa
“They live in a cramped
of themost
of their
... mainly
the text?
tells us
is about meaning to ?
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
C. poor and spaciousC. There was a confli A. take D. a rabbit and the bo
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
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D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
B. dirty and messy C. There was a confli C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
B. dirty and messy E. The name "Green Mi A. take B. the boss of the cro
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter D. a rabbit and the bo
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty crocodiles
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowded A. take C. a rabbit and twenty
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D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
C. poor and spaciousB. The loyal consumerA. take B. the boss of the cro
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter A. twenty crocodiles
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
B. dirty and messy C. There was a confli A. take C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedB. The loyal consumerC. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Miles West" will be effD. a rabbit and the bo
D. small and crowdedD. The quality of prodC. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
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D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
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D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
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D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
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D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
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D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi A. take C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
B. dirty and messy E. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
C. poor and spaciousE. The name "Green Mi C. alter E. the boss of the croc
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedC. There was a confli C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedE. The name "Green Mi C. alter C. a rabbit and twenty
D. small and crowdedB. The loyal consumers created an official A. twenty crocodiles
"All of you are good, nice,
All ofgentle
you are
TheI gentle,
is kind
a very
a line
in elephant
order. animal.
Its know
how kind
We know from the firstThe
the rabbit
with ...
the following
the fact isthat
NOT... part of the elephant
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
B. to swim across theC. cheerful B. elephants can lift l C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river C. cheerful D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river C. cheerful D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
C. to meet the boss ofE. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
C. to meet the boss ofB. diligent C. elephants are servD. It has a trunk.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
t and twenty crocodiles E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
C. to meet the boss ofE. honorable D. elephants are very B. It is heavy.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
B. to swim across theB. diligent A. elephants are stro A. It looks strange.
A. to cross the river E. honorable B. elephants can lift l C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
D. to know where the A. wild D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river D. easygoing A. elephants are stro A. It looks strange.
D. to know where the A. wild E. elephants must be B. It is heavy.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
B. to swim across theE. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very A. It looks strange.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
B. elephants can lift logs
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river A. wild D. elephants are very E. It has a small tail.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
A. to cross the river E. honorable D. elephants are very C. It is wild.
C. to meet the boss ofB. diligent A. elephants are stro C. It is wild.
B. to swim across theD. easygoing D. elephants are very D. It has a trunk.
Write five modals used What
in offering
does “offer”
help expression!
Don’t be late or you will be left. Thank you.
Answer : May, could,Answer
can, will,
: Towould
give something
What kind
of textorisabstract
they go?
who can be taken as a gift or a
- - - -
may, could, can, will, To give something phy announcement they go study four tri
dilembaran di lembaran dilembaran dilembaran
sudah di jawab di lemsudah di jawab di lemsudh di jawab di lembsudah di jawab di lem

May, could,can,will,w To give something phy Announcement Go to borobudur tamp

sudah di kertas sudah di kertas sudah di kertas sudah di kertas
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
sudah dijawab sudah dijawab sudah dijawab sudah dijawab
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
sudah dikerjakan di kesudah dikerjakan di kesudah dikerjakan di kesudah dikerjakan di ke
Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran
Sudah di isi di lembarSudah di isi di lembarSudah di isi di lembarSudah di isi di lembar
A announcement trip to borobudur
May, could, can, will, To give something phy This is an announcemThey will go to Borob
- - - -
Di kerjakan di lembar Di kerjakan di lembar Di kerjakan di lembar Di kerjakan di lembar
jawab dilembaran
- will : will jawabme
you accompany dilembaran
to the market?jawab dilembaran jawab dilembaran
- would : would you likeTome tosomething
give clean yourphybedroom?
announcement, held astudy tour to borobud
- - - -
may, could, can, will, To give something phy announcement to borobudur temple
Dikerjakan di lembaraDikerjakan di lembaraDikerjakan di lembaraDikerjakan di lembara
-Dilembaran Di lembaran
will you be able to make me tea Dilembaran Di lembaran
- Would you like me toOffer
do your
meanshometo give
It is an announcemenThey Will go to Boro
Jawaban dikertas Jawaban dikertas Jawaban dikertas Jawaban dikertas
Jawaban dikertas Jawaban dikertas Jawaban dikertas Jawaban dikertas
- - - -
- - - -
sudah dijawab dikertasudah dijawab dikertasudah dijawab dikertasudah dijawab dikerta
. . . .
- - - -
sudah dikerjakan di l sudah dikerjakan di l sudah dikerjakan di l sudah dikerjakan di l
Nomer 4 (dikertas) Nomer 5 (dikertas) Nomer 3 (dikertas) Nomer 1 (dikertas)
- - - -
jawaban ada dikertas jawaban ada dikertas jawaban ada dikertasjawaban ada dikertas
. . .
Dikertas Dikertas Dikertas Dikertas
jawaban di kertas jawaban di kertas jawaban di kertas jawaban di kertas
- - - -
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
di kertas di kertas di kertas di kertas
- - - -
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
May, could, can, will, To give something phy
- -
Mau could can Will w To give something phy It is a an announcemeThey Will go to Borob
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
Lembaran Lembaran Lembaran Lembaran
Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas
dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran
dikertas dikertas dikertas dikertas
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran
May, could, can, will, To give something phy
Announcement text Borobudur temple
Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas
Di kertas lembaran Di kertas lembaran Di kertas lembaran Di lembaran
Dikertas Di kertas Dikertas Dikertas
jawaban di lembaran jawaban di lembaran jawaban di lembaran jawaban di lembaran
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
Lembar jawaban Lembar jawaban Lembar jawaban Lembar jawaban
dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran
lembaran lembaran lembaran lembaran
Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas
- - - -
Lembaran Lembaran Lembaran Lenbaran
Dikertas Dikertas Dikertas Dikertas
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas
Dilembar jawaban no Dijawab dilembar jaw Dijawab dilembar jaw Dijawab dilembar jaw
jawaban di lembaran jawaban di lembaran jawaban di lembaran jawaban di lembaran
Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran
Dilembar Dilembar Dilembar Dilembar
Dilembaran no 2 Dilembaran no 4 Dilembaran no 3 Dilembaran no 5
Dikerjakan di lembaraDikerjakan di lembaraDikerjakan di lembaraDikerjakan di lembara
Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas Di kertas
Dilembar Dilembar Dilembar Dilembar
Di lembaran no 5 Di lembaran no 3 Di lembaran no 1 Di lembaran no 4
Dilembar jawaban dilembar jawaban dilembar jawaban Dilembar jawaban
dilembaran dilembaran its a announcement they will go to borobu
Jawaban ditulis dilemJawaban ditulis dilemJawaban ditulis dilemJawaban ditulis dilem
answers on the sheetanswers on the sheetanswers on the sheetanswers on the sheet
lembaran no 1 lembaran no 2 lembaran no3 lembaran no 5
Jawaban di lembaran Jawaban di lembaran Jawaban dilembaran Jawaban dilembaran
lembaran jwb lembaran jwb lembaran jwb Lembaran jwb
Di lembar jawaban Di lembar jawaban Di lembar jawaban Di lembar jawaban
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran
Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran Di lembaran
ditulis dilembaran no ditulis dilembaran no ditulis dilembaran no ditulis dilembaran no
dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran
dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran
May,could,can,will,woTo give something phy Announcement text They will go to Borob
di lembaran di lembaran di lembaran di lembaran
Dikertas Dikertas Dikertas Dikertas
Mau couind can will You only need to. To Borobudur It is a announcement
Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran Dilembaran
Jawaban dilembaran Jawaban dilembaran Jawaban dilembaran Jawaban dilembaran
Di lembar jawaban Di lembar jawaban Di lembar jawaban Di lembar jawaban
dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran dilembaran
4 1 5 3
Jawaban di lembaran Jawaban di lembaran Jawaban di lembaran Jawaban di lembaran
Lembaran nomer 2 Lembaran nomer 1 Lembaran nomer 5 Lembaran nomer 4
jawaban dilembar jawjawaban dilembar jawjawaban dilembar jawjawaban dilembar jaw
lembaran lembaran lembaran lembaran
. . . .
May ,could,can,will,w To give something phy Announcement text They will go to Borob
For what class is the announcement intended?
for the student of grade X
sudah di jawab di lembaran

Grade X
sudah di kertas
sudah dijawab
sudah dikerjakan di kertas
Di lembaran
Sudah di isi di lembaran
for the student of grade X
The announcement is intended for the student of grade X.
Di kerjakan di lembaran
jawab dilembaran
assigned to class X
for the student of grade X
Dikerjakan di lembaran

The announcement is intended for the student of grade X.

Jawaban dikertas
Jawaban dikertas
sudah dijawab dikertas
sudah dikerjakan di lembaran
Nomer 2 (dikertas)
jawaban ada dikertas
jawaban di kertas
di kertas
The announcement is intended for student of grade x
Di kertas
di lembaran
Class grade ten
Di kertas
Di kertas lembaran
jawaban di lembaran
Lembar jawaban
Di lembaran
Di kertas
Di kertas
Dijawab dilembar jawaban no 4
jawaban di lembaran
Di lembaran
Di lembaran no 1
Dikerjakan di lembaran
Di kertas
Di lembaran no 2
Dilembar jawaban
the announcement is intended for the student of grade x
Jawaban ditulis dilembaran
answers on the sheet
lembaran no 4
Jawaban di lembaran no 3
lembaran jwb
Di lembar jawaban
Di lembaran
Di lembaran
ditulis dilembaran no 2
For the student of grade X
di lembaran
To goinh shometing
Jawaban dilembaran
Di lembar jawaban
Jawaban di lembaran
Lembaran nomer 3
jawaban dilembar jawaban
For the student of grade X

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