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A. Deskripsi Singkat
Pada TOEFL test terdapat tiga bagian tes pada Listening Comprehensions, yaitu: Short
Dialogues, Long Conversations, dan Long Talks. Tiap bagian pada tes Listening
Comprehensions tentunya mempunya strategi yang berbeda-beda. Kegiatan Belajar 1
berfokus pada Listening Strategies for Short Dialogues. Tiga strategi yang dapat membantu
mengerjakan soal Short Dialogues akan dibahas beserta contohnya. Adapun tiga strategi
yang dibahas pada kegiatan belajar kali ini adalah: Focus on the second line, Choose answer
with synonym, dan Avoid similar sound.
B. Capaian Pembelajaran MK
Setelah selesai Kegiatan Belajar 1 diharapkan:
1. Anda dapat menerapkan strategi Focus on the second line
2. Anda dapat menerapkan strategi Choose answer with synonym
3. Anda dapat menerapkan strategi Avoid similar sound
C. Uraian Materi:
Agar lebih memahami materi ini silahkan tonton video penjelasan berikut:
Listening Comprehensions pada bagian pertama adalah Short Dialogues. Soal-soal Short
Dialogues, nomor 1 sampai dengan 30, adalah berupa percakapan singkat mengenai aktifitas
sehari-hari yang mungkin terjadi di Amerika. Ada tiga strategi yang bisa diterapkan agar bisa
menjawab Short Dialgoues dengan benar. Jadi dalam Kegiatan Belajar ini ada tiga strategi yang
akan dibahas.
 Pertama Focus on the Second line yang berupa aktifitas menyimak percakapan
pada short dialogue yang berfokus pada pembicara kedua.
 Kedua, Choose answer with synonym merupakan aktifitas mencari jawaban benar
dengan memilih opsi berupa pernyataan yang berisi ide pokok yang sama dengan
yang diucapkan pada short dialogues.
 Ketiga, Avoid Similar Sound yang terdiri dari aktifitas menyimak percakapan yang
ada pada Short Dialogues kemudian melihat adanya similar sounds pada opsi yang
terdapat pada soal Short Dialogues untuk kemudian dihindari atau tidak dipilih
sebagai jawaban benar.

a. Strategi Pertama “Focus On The Last/ Second Line”

Dalam short dialogue akan ada 2 speakers bercakap-cakap mengenai suatu topic
tertentu tentang keseharian mereka, setelah itu Anda akan mendengar narrator
membacakan pertanyaan dari dialogue tersebut. Dengan menggunakan strategi ini
Anda harus berfokus pada the last speaker atau speaker kedua, karena pada part A
yang biasa ditanyakan oleh narrator adalah apa yang dikatakan oleh speaker kedua.
Berikut adalah contoh Short Dialogue:
On the recording, you hear:
(man) Billy really made a big mistake this time.
(woman) Yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Billy?

In your test book, you read:

(A) It was the first time he made a mistake.

(B) He forgot to write his paper.
(C) He turned in the paper in the wrong place.
(D) He didn’t remember to submit his assignment.

The last/ second line pada contoh di atas adalah “Yes, he forgot to turn in his
research paper.” Yang berarti dia lupa mengumpulkan tugasnya jadi jawaban yang
benar adalah D He didn’t remember to submit his assignment.

b. Strategi Kedua “Choose Answer With Synonym”

Pada Listening Comprehension part A seringnya jawaban yang benar merupakan
synonym atau restatement dari pernyatan speaker kedua, jadi dalam mencari
jawaban yang benar Anda harus memilih jawaban yang merupakan sinonim dari
speaker kedua tersebut. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

On the recording, you hear:

(woman) Steve, is something the matter? You don't look very good.
(man) Oh, I'm feeling a little sick today.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
In your test book, you read:
(A) He's not very good looking.
(B) He's a bit ill.
(C) He looks worse than he feels.
(D) His feet are a little thick.

Statement dari speaker kedua adalah Oh, I'm feeling a little sick today. Maka
jawaban yang merupakan sinonim dari pernyataan tersebut adalah (B) He's a bit ill.
‘’Sick‘’ merupakan sinonim dari ‘’ill‘’.
c. Strategi Ketiga “Choose Answer With Synonym”
Dalam opsi jawaban part A seringnya kita dihadapkan pada kata-kata yang
terdengar sama dengan yang diucapkan oleh speaker dalam dialog. Dengan
menggunakan strategi ini kita harus menghindari jawaban yang terdengar sama
seperti yang diucapkan oleh para speaker tersebut. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
Kata kunci pada last line dari dialog tersebut adalah searching dan apartment. Pada
opsi C dan D research and church terdengan seperti search. Sedangkan pada
jawaban A dan D department dan appointment terdengar seperti apartment. Dengan
menggunakan strategi ini kita harus menghindari jawaban yang terdengar sama
seperti pada opsi A, C, dan D. Jawaban benar pada soal di atas adalah B.

D. Latihan

Read the conversations and choose the best answer. Remember you must use the three strategies
to help you finding the correct choice.
1. (woman) I heard that Sally just moved into a new, big house near the beach.
(man) But Sally doesn't have a cent!
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) Sally has no sense of responsibility.
(B) Sally sent her friend to the house.
(C) Sally has no money.
(D) Sally is on the set with her.

2. (woman) What do you like about your new house?

(man) It’s very close to a park.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) The house is closed up now.
(B) He parks his car close to his house.
(C) His home is near a park.
(D) He doesn't really like his new horse.

3.(man) Mark said some really nice things to me.

(woman) He's very grateful for what you did.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Mark?
(A) He did a great job.
(B) He bought a crate full of fruit.
(C) He made a great fool of himself.
(D) He's thankful.

4.(woman) Sam, you've been working at the computer for hours.

(man) Yes, and I need to take a break.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) The computer's broken.
(B) He must relax for a while.
(C) He should keep working.
(D) He's broke.

5.(woman) Did they get the new car they wanted?

(man) No, they lacked the money.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) They locked the map in a car.
(B) They looked many times in the car.
(C) It cost a lot of money when the car leaked oil.
(D) They didn’t have enough money to buy another car.

E. Rangkuman
Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 pada Modul 1 dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut.
1. Pada saat mendengarkan short dialogues, anda fokus pada ide pokok yang
disebutkan oleh speaker kedua.
2. Jika pada opsi Anda menemukan jawaban yang bersinonim dengan apa yang
speaker kedua sampaikan, maka bisa jadi Anda telah menemukan jawaban benar.
3. Tidak memilih opsi yang terdengar sama dengan yang anda dengarkan pada short
F. Tugas/Lembar Kerja
Instruction for Number 1-5: Find the keywords in the second line, similar sound in the options,
and the synonym of the keywords in the correct options.

(man) Have you finished packing yet?
(woman) You should call the porter to get the suitcases.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?
(A) It’s important to pack the suitcases.
(B) They need help carrying their case he needs it.
(C) The suitcases are quite portable.
(D) The man should pack his suit in bags.
Keywords in the second line: help carrying their case
Similar sounds in the options: A. Pack, suitcase; C. Suitcases, portable, D. Pack, suit

1. (woman) I heard that Sally just moved into a new, big house near the beach.
(man) But Sally doesn't have a cent!
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) Sally has no sense of responsibility.
(B) Sally sent her friend to the house.
(C) Sally has no money.
(D) Sally is on the set with her.

2. (woman) What do you like about your new house?

(man) It’s very close to a park.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) The house is closed up now.
(B) He parks his car close to his house.
(C) His home is near a park.
(D) He doesn't really like his new horse.
3.(man) Mark said some really nice things to me.
(woman) He's very grateful for what you did.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Mark?
(A) He did a great job.
(B) He bought a crate full of fruit.
(C) He made a great fool of himself.
(D) He's thankful.
4.(woman) Sam, you've been working at the computer for hours.
(man) Yes, and I need to take a break.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) The computer's broken.
(B) He must relax for a while.
(C) He should keep working.
(D) He's broke.
5.(woman) Did they get the new car they wanted?
(man) No, they lacked the money.
(narrator) What does the man mean?
(A) They locked the map in a car.
(B) They looked many times in the car.
(C) It cost a lot of money when the car leaked oil.
(D) They didn’t have enough money to buy another car.

G. Tes Formative/Kunci Jawaban Latihan

Listen carefully to the short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best
answer to the question.
1. (A) The dance was fun. 6. (A) His vacation is full of activity.
(B) It was a good time to dance. (B) In autumn he’ll have a vacation.
(C) She thinks the man is h a good dancer. (C) He can’t have a vacation because
(D) Tonight is the last time to dance. he
suffered a fall.
(D) He’s foolish to take a vacation
2. (A) She’s quite thirsty. now.
(B) She’ll be ready in a half hour.
(C) She needs to leave now.
(D) She was ready thirty minutes ago. 7. (A) The book was very enjoyable.
(B) It was unpleasant to get rid of the
3. (A) The woman should teach the class herself. (C) She only reads when it is quiet.
(B) The woman should see a psychiatrist. (D) It is pleasant to ride a
(C) It’s a good idea to speak with the bike.
(D) He would like to discuss psychology
with the woman. 8. (A) He hasn’t travelled much lately.
(B) There were a lot of cars on the road.
(C) He needs to lose weight.
4. (A) She has a starring role. (D) The tray was thick and heavy.
(B) She has not found a job yet.
(C) She found the lost dog.
(D) She just began working. 9. (A) He doesn’t know how to play
5. (A) He shares everything he has. (B) He has to write a story for class.
(B) He has to find his lost shirt. (C) He needs to complete an
(C) He is climbing the stairs to the assignment.
apartment. (D) He has already finished the
(D) He has to get a roommate. report.

10. (A) He always minds his own

(B) He manages to avoid working.
(C) He is the manager of the department.
(D) He is the boss of his own
Cocokkanlah jawaban anda dengan kunci jawaban tes formative yang terdapat
dibagian akhir modul ini.Hitunglah jawaban yang benar, kemudian gunakan rumus
berikut untuk mengetahui tingkat penguasaan anda terhadap materi kegiatan belajar

Tingkat Penguasaan
Arti Tingkat Penguasaan: 90-100 % = Baik sekali
80-89 % = Baik
70 – 79 = Cukup

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